Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Nights! ❯ Acceptance ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hi and welcome to the third chapter of Wild Nights! I'm Taikai no za Kokoro, Captain Starseeker's beta. Hope you enjoy the new chapter! Had to correct a million mistakes to get it out. But, it was fun!
Hey, you're being awfully quiet, Starseeker. You okay? Or did you finally go mute?
CS: I know, i know it was alot of work... and i know that i didn't even go over it when i sent it to you. *bows in shame* BUT I really really love you for doing such an amazing job! Your my hero TnzK!! HAHAHA, me mute.. i think not! I hope everyone enjoys this next chapter, remember this is just the i'm-getting-to-the-wondrerfulness-chapter. The 4th chapter i have planned... is shamefully fluffy.

Wild Nights!
Chapter 3: Acceptance
Light. A stream of warm light was the source of Yusuke's slow walk up to the level of consciousness. Rolling over on to his side in an attempt to escape the offending source of light, Yusuke found himself rolling off the side of a very large bed. This of course ended with him sprawled across the floor in a heep of limbs, and blankets.
Blinking once, twice, three times. Yusuke noticed that his landing should have been a lot harder, seeing that there was hard wood flooring through out his apartment, not...carpet?
His blurry vision finally receding, Yusuke looked down and confirmed his thoughts. There was black soft carpet lining the entire floor that he know realized was not his own. In an attempt to jump up, the raven haired teen found himself sprawled further away from the bed, having tripped over the quilt he had dragged with him.
"You've got to be fucking kiddin' me?" Untangling himself from the offending sheets, Yusuke now realized that his well toned muscular chest, which should have been covered with a muscle shirt, was now bare. All he was wearing was the tight black jeans he had worn to the club.
His head shot up, messy dark locks covering his chocolate eyes. The Club! It was coming back now, Mysterious club, Kuwabara, some girl, Kurama, Hiei, and....
"Itsuki." Yusuke hissed out, his chocolate eye's narrowing as he glared at an unfamiliar wall. Then another memory flashed by, a moment of pain and suddenly darkness. Gritting his teeth, Yusuke stood once again this time with more care, and began to plot revenge or at least a good ass kicking for the fuckers that brought him here.
Yusuke had a funny feeling a green eyed hottie, and dark haired chibi had something to do with that. Wait a sec, Hottie...? NO NO no that was a mistake.
With a nod of his head, Yusuke walked over to the door of the room hoping it wasn't locked. To his surprise, and joy, he opened the door with a creak and stepped out into the empty hallway.
Looking up and down he heard some voices coming from room not to far away, and lights flashing. Shrugging his shoulder, Yusuke walked in the direction. ‘If they hadn't wanted me roaming, they would have locked the door,' was the teen’s logic, as he made his advance down the hallway.
Finally reaching the room, Yusuke noticed it was a rather spacious living room. There was two more stairs to take before reaching the proper landing, a Huge T.V on the opposite wall gaining all the attention from the people in the room. People were on the floor, in the chairs, and on the couch, their attention solely placed on the mechanical box.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Came a sharp voice that Yusuke was sure he had heard before. Looking to his left he saw the grey haired and black eyed bastard that he had beat a few days ago.
Now having everyone’s attention on him, Yusuke gave a smirk and a shrug of his shoulders. "I have no idea." Was his cocky response. The grey haired idiot that he now remembered as Aniki stalked over and grabbed Yusuke by the arm. Dragging him down the few steps in an attempt to get him at eye level.
"I said what the fuck are you doing here?" Glaring at the shorter and older man, Yusuke frowned and tore his arm out of the idiots grasp. Straightening to his full height, the teen made his advance.
"And I told you, unless you’re deaf or somethin', that I have no idea. Now-" Pausing for a more dramatic effect, and keeping an eye on the other guys behind him, Yusuke shoved Aniki in the right shoulder. "Where the hell are the bastards that brought me here? Hiei, and Kurama."
As soon as those names were spoken the only sounds in the room were coming from the TV telling the people there character had been K.O'd. Everyone seemed to be looking straight at him, and Yusuke was about to ask someone else when Aniki spoke up.
"You're lying. They wouldn't bring scum like you here; they're above and beyond you. "Yusuke turned around, balled his fists and forced the words out through gritted teeth.
"You’re in the house, are you not? So I'd say scum is welcomed here." Aniki launched himself at Yusuke, who was prepared for the jump attack. He brought up his fists and planted a hard one right into the bastards gut. Aniki stumbled backwards, but it looked as if he could take a punch and launched his own assault at Yusuke face.
Ducking swiftly, Yusuke could hear whoops of glee and shouts of people yelling "Fight, Fight, Fight!" He ignored them, and came up hard and swift. Aniki gasped and clutched his stomach as another punch was given out.
This Urameshi fellow, cold sure deal those out but Aniki would not be humiliated in front of everyone again. So as he dodged another punch, his devious mind at work, Aniki decided to play dirty.
Yusuke, fighting a wave of dizziness and a throbbing that had erupted in the back of his skull, didn't notice the shiny object that Aniki had in his hand until it was a little too late. Jumping back a step, Yusuke continued to dodge the offending object as a streak of read flowed down his chest.
Getting sourly pissed off, Yusuke grabbed a hold of the offending arm, and smashed his hand up against Aniki's wrist causing the bastard to drop the knife and the teen to move in for the final blow.
Aniki smiled, 'This Urameshi kid was playing right into his plan.' Ducking the harsh punch, Aniki came at Yusuke's bare side and intended to stab the teen with another blade when someone cruelly grabbed a hold of his hand and stopped him.
Looking up Aniki met cold, hard, ruby red, almond shaped eyes that belonged to the one and only person that had control over him. Hiei. Sweat dripped from his temple, and it was not because of the resent scuffle with Yusuke.
Hiei's glare was cold and unmoving, it was threatening and violent. But icy cold, and unemotional at the same time. Hiei was a master at concealing his true emotions, but Aniki was smart enough to know that his leader was angry.
It was Yusuke who broke the uncomfortable silence.
"What the fuck?" Was his ever so obvious question. Hiei's gaze flickered over to the raven haired teen, and Aniki noticed that his leader was holding Urameshi's wrist as well. Stopping another punch direct at his own gut.
"I believe everyone else has other things they could be doing." Hiei looked at the crowd who had now disappeared around the group of three. Their interest seemed to be solely placed on something else, other then them.
"Now, I believe this next question is in order." Came a calmer voice from behind Yusuke, who he knew belonged to the red head Kurama. "What is it that you to were fighting over?"
Yusuke feeling like a kid being scolded attempted to wrench his arm out of Hiei's grasp to find the shorter man’s grasp tighten to painful. Scowling Yusuke turned his chocolate gaze to him, and glared. "Let go." Hiei did so, but let go of Aniki's arm instead.
"Get the hell outta my sight." Aniki did so, scrambling down the hall, cringing at the thought that he knew Hiei was going to talk to him later.
Angry, and pretty damn confused, Yusuke was pulled back along to the bedroom that he had come out of just a little while earlier, Kurama walking steadily behind him, and Hiei dragging him down the hall.
Reaching the room Hiei dragged Yusuke to the bed, and pushed him against it causing Yusuke to tumble backwards on to it. Kurama locked the door behind him, and both leaders stood before the raven haired teen on the large king sized bed.
Feeling oddly uncomfortable, Yusuke fidgeted, and spoke up feeling he had to say something.
"Look I didn't start the fight, Aniki just started saying shit and then he jumped me." A small sound came rumbling form Hiei, and the cold gaze was set on the teen. Yusuke looked up at Kurama who was holding a wet cloth of some kind. Wondering what was going on, Yusuke decided to try standing.
This never happened because Hiei pushed Yusuke back on the bed. Kurama walked up and placed the wet cloth on his chest, and the teen jumped at the cold touch. Kurama's jaded eyes glanced up and back at the wound.
"You really should watch out for him. Aniki doesn't like to be shown up by anyone; he only really listens to Hiei." Wiping up the blood, and carefully trailing his fingers down Yusuke's side, Kurama took a better look at the wound.
"Huh? This makes no sense. Aren't you mad?"
"Hn." Hiei folded his arms across his chest, and Yusuke racked a hand through his disheveled hair, frustration following soon after. 'Wait a sec...' Yusuke stood this time, and practically knocked Kurama off his feet and on to the floor. Yusuke narrowed his eyes, and glared at Hiei.
"You, you were the one who hit me last night!" Breathing in heavily, Yusuke looked around the room for his shirt, so he could just up and leave as soon as he could.
"We still have business Yusuke." Came that calm voice from Kurama. Yusuke glared at him, and snorted.
"Not anymore we don't." Not caring if he had a shirt or not, Yusuke made his way to the door. He was pissed, ad if anyone tried to stop or block him from his desired course of leaving this twisted household, he wouldn't just knock them all unconscious.
"I think not Yusuke. I'm pretty sure that attack last night was not only directed at us, but at you as well. You know us, and the competitors will do anything to get you." Yusuke frowned, he knew his old man really wanted him to take over the Snake Venom’s gang... and if these two found out he had any relation to Sensui Shinobu he was pretty sure he would be in some deep shit.
Standing still and thinking it over, on the other hand, his father would be pretty angry if he decided to join the 'Competition', and Yusuke was sure it would rile a few curse words from his usually calm and business like pops. With that last thought, Yusuke faced the two gang leaders, a bright smile etched into his features.
"All I have to do is race for ya right?" Shocked at Yusuke's sudden change in demeanor, Kurama just gave a curt nod. They would let the boy think that for now, for they had other plans then just to let him race.
"Then I accept." Hiei and Kurama looked at him carefully, analyzing the situation. They were lovers, but every so often they loved to have a bit of a change in scenery and lighten things up. So it was not to long ago that the two decided to have a threesome with another person. The hard part was picking someone worthy.
That was when they saw Yusuke Urameshi. Hot, fit, cocky, and just all around sexy. The boy was a sex god's fantasy come true, and they new he would be able to keep up with there sexual antics.
Of course, they did not expect the feeling that would develop for the raven haired teen, would go further than just a sex toy.
"Okay then, meet you at the tracks tonight then. You still have to earn your way into the Dragons Flame gang." Yusuke's mouth dropped open at Hiei's sharp words and scowled. Hiei wore that mocking smirk of his, and who was Yusuke to turn down a challenge?
"You got it, give me the directions."
Sensui slammed his black phone down on the receiver, showing a case of his very rare but violent temper. He turned away from his desk and the work piled neatly on it, to look out the window that gave him a view of upper town Tokyo where all the business tycoons were.
He had just received a very unsatisfactory call from Toguro, telling him that his 'son' had not arrived at his apartment last night, after he had left for that damn club. A few moments earlier he had finished talking to his second in command, Itsuki, and was not pleased with that report either.
Yes, he had wanted an attack on the club, yes he wanted to smash the faces of his competitors into the ground, but no, no, no, no, no, he did not want his son in the midst of danger. He did not want to have the child of his beloved Atsuko harmed in any manner. He wanted every perfect piece of flesh to stay perfect and unharmed.
It was all he had left of Atsuko. Plus, Yusuke would be his heir, he would come around soon or later, and Sensui was planning on being there to welcome him into his business with, open arms. His son would learn soon enough that he could not escape the bond that he had to his family, and more importantly, to Sensui himself.
Things were excelling out of his control though; it now appeared that his son had landed in the hands of those bastards Kurama, and Hiei. Well, they would soon find out what it's like to go up against Sensui Shinobu, Business tycoon, Gang Leader, and vicious competitor.
Oh yes, they would learn, and they would learn soon. But for now... Sensui leaned over and picked up his black business phone, dialed a few numbers, and began speaking as soon as someone picked up.
"Hello Hagiri Kaname, I have a job for you. Listen, some important information has come in and I need your expertise...." Listening, Sensui let out a small chuckle and nodded to no one in particular. "Yes, it’s about my son. I need you to find as much information on him immediately... "
Yusuke had wanted to arrive home, change, do some errands, and then come back to the racing tracks. But when Yusuke said those thoughts to Hiei and Kurama, Hiei had laughed and Kurama had chuckled, the two quickly explaining as to why not.
"I think not Yusuke. You see, first off you have no idea where you are. Second, you don't have a car. We had left it at the club when the bomb was going to go off." At that comment Kurama had to pause as Yusuke flipped out worrying about his silver baby.
"And thirdly, we cannot allow that, we need you here." Yusuke had eyed the two, laughed out right and shook his head.
"Whatever." Was his oh so intelligent response.
It was now dark and Yusuke had pottered around the huge mansion for most of the day, only bumping into Aniki twice. This both ended with the two glaring at each other, muttering a few choice words about the other and stalking off in different directions.
Yusuke hadn't really talked to anyone yet; most of the gang members were keeping clear of him so far... most not wanting to get on Aniki's bad side.
The sun had finally been chased to the other side of the earth, and night had fallen upon the city like a plague. Word had gotten out around the mansion that a new member was going to be initiated, so the excitement level had raised a few notches.
It was finally dark, and walking down a hallway in search for the kitchen and some grub, a girl with dark auburn hair came up to him. She had brown eyes, and a kind smile placed on her lips.
"Yusuke right?" He gave her a curt nod, and let his chocolate eye's roam up and down her body, checking her out. For some reason Kurama, and Hiei's faces flashed through his mind, and he mentally shook his head to ride him of any more thoughts... or maybe where those thoughts would lead him.
"Yeah, what of it?" She giggled took hold of his hand and began pulling him along with her... on the complete opposite direction of the kitchen for that matter.
"I'm Keiko, and I was asked to take you out to the park and let you get ready for the big race." She looked over her shoulder, gave him a charming smile, and continued on her way. Yusuke in tow.
Once they arrived out back, the raven haired teen’s mouth dropped open in awe. It was practically a race track. People were on bikes, darting up and down the dirt roads. Onlooker’s screeched as people whipped out, or won a race. It was a thrill, and the blood in his veins had begun to boil.
"Here we are. Come on now, They're waiting." Keiko pulled him along once again, and soon enough Yusuke found himself standing in front of Kurama and Hiei.
"So Urameshi. Are you ready?" Yusuke smirked, stood up straighter, his air of cockiness flowing over him.
"Ready for what?" Hiei smirked, his ruby eyes glowing with an emotion, but it was Kurama who had answered in his calm voice.
"Ready to see if you really do have skill?" Yusuke smirked, took the dark red helmet that was given to him, and began walking over to where he saw two empty bikes ready to be raced.
"I think the person who should be ready is you." Jumping on the bike, he looked over his shoulder, his chocolate gaze sending shivers down the leaders of the Dragons flame gang spines. "Are you ready to witness my skill?"
A/N: Hi everyone... this chapter was okay... but in the next chapter I’m going to have it shamefully YAOI! I wanted to jump right into it... but I couldn't. The plot wouldn't let me, but it's going to progress a lot in the next chapter.
Taikai no za Kokoro (TnzK) (Beta): Yeah, if you ever get to it. Please just review so she’ll type faster!
CS: Yes, please listen to the ulmighty Beta and review. I depend on this wonderful person who i will cherish for my life as a writer. Hope you all liked the chapter, and give a special thanks to TnzKfor her amazing job!!! THANKS!!!