Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 18

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Baaah, forgive me! I was busy finishing a one-shot of mine, but now I can get back to my fan fics out in circulation.
Scarlet hurried behind Razz, as the high wind priestess made her way through the Worship Room. “So your father destroyed what you had involving the wind demon?” Razz inquired as she finally stopped at one of the isles filled with many books involving magic and the history of the wind demon they were governed over.
“Yeah,” Scarlet voiced softly. “He always felt this was devil worship and black magic, so he never cared to have it in the house.”
Pulling the rolling ladder towards the shelf she was eyeing, Razz climbed up it cautiously to grab three books of old, leather binding. “Here, take these.” She kept her focus on the literature lined before her while handing over the three books one at a time to Scarlet.
Scarlet accepted them, reading the titles aloud one at a time. “In the Darkness, Guide to Wind Magic, and Candle Magic—what is the first one about?” Asked Scarlet as she found no descriptions on the books.
“The first one is about Jin the Wind Master's past,” Razz explained as she pulled two more down before slowly descending from the ladder steps. “It tells of his life before, during, and after being in the shinobi sect he used to be in.”
The young, scarred woman couldn't help but raise a brow at the term, “Shinobi sect?”
“Yeah, or you know them as ninjas.” Razz placed the other two books into Scarlet's arms, waving her to follow behind her. “He was an assassin for hire in the depths of hell before finding the strength to break free with Touya the Ice Master.”
Scarlet was a bit surprised as she opened the book to the first page to read a bit of it whilst continuing to follow behind the high priestess. “I guess it's safe to say they didn't enjoy that life, hu?”
Razz merely smiled over her shoulder for a moment. “You'll find out as you read it. Now, let's get you some candles and a mirror.”
A laugh could be heard from Scarlet. “A mirror? What good is a mirror? I have one in my bedroom.”
Razz laughed aloud in return at Scarlet's comment. “Not a mirror for the sake of vanity—but a mirror for the sake of teaching you in the art of scrying.” Turning down out of the isle they were within and slowly into the one diagonal to it, she skimmed the shelves of crystal balls, mirrors, clear stones, and pots used to contain water. “Scrying is used to see into the past, present, and future.”
“Isn't that a witch thing?”
“Well, the religion we are under is wiccan,” she explained to Scarlet. “And you make witch sound like an evil thing. Witches are not evil beginnings—the witch is only evil if the soul is.”
“I figured that out when I ran into Silvia,” Scarlet couldn't help but say with a soft sigh.
“Silvia isn't an evil witch by nature,” Razz explained as she pulled a mirror down from the shelves. “She just thinks it is the purest way to worship. Here—take this one. It'll be easier for you to use.” She passed down a mirror, which had Celtic designs upon its circular shape, showing off the black glass in the center.
Scarlet lifted a brow in confusion. “Why is the glass black and not clear?”
“Black is easier to use in the case of mirrors where clear is probably best for crystal balls.” Once again Razz slowly came down the ladder in that isle she was using to make it next to Scarlet. “Okay, I will go get you a few white candles. In the mean time, you should go wash up before studying and such. I will take these to your room when I am through here.”
“Where do I go to wash up?” Asked Scarlet.
“At the Cleansing Room,” the priestess answered as she took the items from Scarlet. “Just exit through the doors at the other end of this room, follow the hallway till it dead ends, take a right and you should come upon the room at the end of that corridor.”
“Alright, thank you.” With that said, Scarlet headed out of the isle and out of the Worship Room to follow Razz's directions. The mahogany door soon within sight, Scarlet turned the knob and opened it slowly to make her way into the Cleansing Room.
The room had a rather large, square looking pool in the center of the room with pillars of white marble supporting the ceiling about the edge of the cleansing pool. There was a statue in the center of the water with three ladies holding up a circular plate, which had the water creeping down the sides of it. Scarlet made her way towards the edge of the cleansing pool only to stop halfway, hearing the water splash about slightly to indicate somebody else's presences in the waters. Curious as to whom it was, Scarlet quietly made it over to one of the pillars to peer around the side—her eyes widening at the sight before her.
Jin was already in the water himself, running his fingers through his wild hair to help the water cleanse every strand before throwing his head back to shake the water about. The demon stood a good few inches above the average human, making the water only come up to his upper thighs a bit. Even if the outfit the demon wore on occasion was revealing in itself, it was something else to see his entire muscular abdomen and part of his lower, curly mound.
Scarlet found herself unable to turn her attention away from the bathing demon. Her face blushing bright red, she inhaled sharply when Jin turned his attention slowly over towards where she was standing slightly behind one of the pillars. Turning around quickly so her back was facing the cold marble, she had her eyes widened and her face now red with embarrassment at being caught. Oh God, Oh God…!
The water sloshed about at the sound of Jin moving about within it. Once the water was silent, Scarlet took in a deep breath before turning around only to look up at the naked wind demon standing over her with his forearm resting against the pillar she was standing before. “Do you need something?” Jin asked, chuckling softly.
Letting out a brief, soft shriek, Scarlet stepped slightly away from the pillar she was against. “I—I am sorry! I didn't expect to find you here!” Her eyes looking down at the entire form of the naked wind master, Scarlet's eyes widened once more before turning away. “Dear Gods—I didn't expect you to just walk out like that!” She expressed nervously, bringing her hand up to cover her eyes.
Jin couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. “You act like it's going to bite you.” Walking towards her, he placed his hand upon the nervous Scarlet's shoulder. “You best get used to it. This is a room for both men and women.”
Scarlet looked up at Jin quickly. “You're kidding—right?”
Twisting his mouth slightly to the side, Jin hummed in thought. “Oh, that's right. You're still a virgin. I forget even though I can smell that on you. Often, virgins and only children are nervous about seeing anybody naked let alone men.” Placing his finger to his mouth, he turned his head to the side with his eyes shifting back and forth in thought. “I can't really think of a way to cure that,” Jin admitted as he turned to face Scarlet once more. “I guess only you can get over your fear of it. You need to use this place for cleansing rituals.”The wind demon couldn't help but snap his fingers in realization of something. “You were never properly baptized under me.”
“What? I thought I did that myself when I branded myself with your symbol,” Scarlet said nervously, trying to keep her eyes from wandering down the demon's body once she gazed into his pure, blue eyes.
“In a way you did, but the way to invite you into my temple and open your body to me is to have you baptized here within this pool,” Jin said with a brief chuckle. “As a baby, you were no doubt baptized under Touya, but seeing as you have a new mark upon your body indicating your devotion to me, you have to be baptized here under me.”

“Since when do demons do baptisms!” Scarlet exclaimed.
“Centuries ago, the demons were asked to baptize the children coming into their temple,” Jin explained while motioning with his hands in order to keep her calm. “We accepted the tradition as baptizing the humans would give us rights to their body. It was more or less a selfish thing of us back in the day, as we used the bodies under us to serve us without complaint and to release our sexual needs upon. But now it is to keep you all safe and to keep tabs on where you are on this world.”
Scarlet crossed her arms and frowned up at the redhead looming over her. “Since when did you demons become so righteous?”
Jin couldn't help but hum with a smile, closing his eyes as he lowered his head slightly as if to think on the one responsible. “Touya and I often or not thank the light, but all of us thank Yuske Urameshi and Kurama.”
A new name presented to her, Scarlet uncrossed her arms and tilted her head. “Who is Yuske? Is he a new demon friend of yours?”
“More or less,” Jin answered vaguely. “He was once a human in Japan, but died in battle only to awaken as a demonic being with a pure heart. Needless to say, his attitude was quite alluring. Hardly any in Hell are not affected by it.” Jin headed over towards the back where benches were lined with a few clean towels. He picked one up to work on drying himself off. Scarlet followed behind him a respectable distance still curious about the baptism that was to lie ahead.
“So what is going to happen at this baptism?” Scarlet inquired, folding her hands before her.
Jin wrapped the towel about his waist to spare Scarlet from having to see him naked any longer. “Well, I am going to have to dress up in my baptism garb, and you will be…” Jin paused for a moment before continuing, “…naked in front of those attending.” When the young worshipper said nothing, he went on. “Anyways, we will be in the center of the pool, and I will say something in demon, and I will use a jagged dagger to mark your chest.”
Scarlet blinked several times before leaning in slightly as if wanting to hear that again. “E-Excuse me? You are going to use a dagger to pierce my skin?”
Jin nodded as if it were nothing to him. “You have a slight scar on your chest, don't you?” When Scarlet didn't answer, he pulled up her shirt to look himself even if it startled the young woman. “You see there?” He asked, pointing at an odd, small shaped scar on her chest. “That was when you were a baby and Touya baptized you.”
“Okay, okay, I get it!” Scarlet grumbled as she pushed her shirt back down from where Jin had it crumpled about her neck. “So, you speak `demon'? I didn't know that was a language.”
The wind demon picked up a bottle of water that was upon the bench he was still in front of to take a sip from it, nodding at Scarlet's remark. “It's a language spoken by both demons and angels or any celestial being. It's mostly telepathically received by humans.” Checking the time at the moment, Jin hummed in thought. “Alright, I am sure Razz sent you here to get cleaned up for studies. I will leave now so you can do so. Tomorrow at midnight, I will perform the baptism ceremony. Be ready for that.”
“Thank you,” Scarlet slightly grumbled as she watched every step the demon took towards the door.
“Take care, kiddo,” Jin said with a simple wave of his hand as if to bid her farewell for now before departing from the Cleansing Room.
All alone finally within the room, Scarlet sighed out her frustrations and nervousness with the bare demon finally gone. Pulling her shirt up over her head, she tossed it upon the bench closest to her before unfastening her bra next. Who knew a demon such as him was so thin yet so muscular all the same, Scarlet thought to herself as she soon stood there free of her clothing. It made my body heat up…but not from embarrassment. Stepping slowly into the pool, Scarlet made it into the clear water, which was cool to the touch of her skin. The image of the naked wind master kept floating back into her mind, making her body tremble almost in excitement, though she didn't want to admit it.
“Damn image, get out of my head!” She swore to herself as she knocked her forehead gently with her palm. “I better stop fooling around or Razz is going to kill me for being late.”
The redheaded fox demon stood upon the mountains overlooking the town below them. His heart was heavy with sorrow, but he dared not say anything about it as he kept his hands within the pockets of his pants. The smell of death caught his attention, prompting him to turn around to see Shishi standing there with his hand upon his samurai sword. He was the first to beckon to the fox demon's call.
“You wanted to see me?” Shishi said seriously.
“How many souls have you undertaken to Hell?” Kurama came right out to ask, turning his body to face the demon of death.
Shishi sighed, closing his eyes momentarily before reopening them. “Thirty alone within the last half hour—all together, nearly a hundred. What about yourself?”
“I've had to help 145 of my worshippers and the toll keeps rising,” Kurama sighed.
The wind rustling about them rather wildly, the wind demon soon landed behind the conversing duo with Touya beside him. Eventually Hiei appeared himself upon one of the rock formations not too far from the group with Suzuka, Chuu, and Rinku following behind. “What is going on?” Suzuka asked curiously.
“We have a problem,” Hiei mumbled from where he was sitting. “The humans are killing each other within the town.”
“It's mostly my fault,” Touya said in attempts to accept the blame. “Because of my ice shards having to keep the incoming demons at bay within the freezing atmosphere, they think I am angry and punishing them and are selfishly killing anybody under my name. If this keeps up, all my people are going to die!”
“Why not just let down the border and let the demons out?” Hiei suggested rather irritably. “The humans can afford to pay for their sins.”
“Hiei,” Kurama sighed as he shook his head at the fire demon.
“Do not sit there and pretend you do not care for those who come under your name,” Touya felt need to defend.
Jin narrowed his eyes slightly at the fire demon as if to study him before smiling with a throaty chortle. “He has one worshipper he bears in mind and worries for—isn't her name, Chris?”
“Hn!” Hiei grunted as he turned to look away from the ice demon.
“Enough already!” Kurama demanded sternly between the bickering demons. “Look, we have to do something soon, or this entire town is going to head under!”
“What do you lads plan on doing then?” Chuu inquired, crossing his arms over his broad chest.
“Yeah, didn't you guys ask for some of your humans to speak on your behalf?” Rinku wondered from where he was sitting upon Chuu's shoulder.
“They did, but they all got executed under the crazy humans that believe the beings they worship are Gods,” Suzuka clarified, recalling the event all too vividly. “So what do you plan on doing about this senseless massacre?”
Kurama sighed softly to himself as he turned towards the village, hidden within the darkness and the thick fog. “We have no choice but to punish those who seek to redeem themselves by killing others. Anytime somebody spills pure blood of another human, kill them…” Kurama heard them gasp, but he wasn't sure what else to say or do about the situation. “This is the only way to save the innocents of others and the numbers of those who worship us. I am sorry—but what else can we do?”
The demons were at a loss for words as they nodded in agreement. Feeling that the meeting was over, Jin turned on his heels and headed back down the rocky path, which would lead towards the town below. His ice demon partner couldn't help but follow quickly behind the wind demon. “So,” Touya began as he watched his step, “how are things going at your temple?”
Jin hummed in thought before shrugged slightly. “Everything has so far been okay. I've been trying to keep my worshippers from attacking one another so there haven't been many deaths. Have you heard from Scarlet lately?”
“Not a word for awhile now,” Touya admitted as he gazed straight ahead at nothing unparticular. “Is she doing alright? She doesn't continue to cut, does she?”
“No, she has been alright,” Jin answered as they turned down the winding road. “I am thinking of baptizing her under my name tomorrow at midnight. Do you want to join the ceremony or help or something?”
Touya shrugged as he hopped over a rock foundation to make it ahead of the wind master. “We'll see. Normally I am never bothered during that hour unless something urgent comes up with one of my worshippers. With all that has been going on, I have to be careful.”
“I guess I'll leave you open to attending then,” Jin said as he gathered up the wind about him. “I've got to get back to the temple. The last thing I want is a mindless slaughter fest happening within my own walls.”
The ice demon merely nodded as he brought his hand up to block the wind currents that Jin unleashed as he headed quickly back towards the Wind Temple. Pulling some of his lose hair behind his ear, Touya sighed as he looked off to the side, picking up on a few disturbances from his followers. His eyes widened at one of the mental messages from his worshippers. “Good Gods—!” Using his demonic speed, he hurried towards his temple as quickly as possible.
Scarlet dropped the books one by one on the other side of her bed once she read the titles, sighing whilst running her fingers through her hair. “This is a lot of literature to read with each being nearly six hundred pages long…”
“I say start with In the Darkness,” Razz instructed simply as she stood by the door. “It will give you a better understanding of the demon Lord.” Hearing a sudden commotion going on outside of Scarlet's doors, Razz pulled her attention from the young woman to the hallway upon opening the door to peek outside. She recognized the screams and yelling, causing her to inhale sharply in worry. “Just—stay here and read. I will be right back.” With that said, Razz ran down the hallway as quickly as she could.
Scarlet was curious as to what was going on as she got to her feet slowly to make it to her opened door. Looking down both ways of the corridor her room rested within, she followed quickly yet quietly behind Razz to see what was going on. She followed Razz all the way to the main room though Scarlet remained hidden within the large, marble archway.
A group of holy worshippers had surrounded one of the priestesses in the center as they had her by the hair and by the wrists, kicking and beating her. “We heard you! We heard you!” They yelled angrily at her. “You are nothing but a demon worshipper! You discriminate our God!”
The priestess was too scared to say anything as she flinched at their angry words—one of them pulling a dagger upon her, making her eyes widen in fear. “Please, don't do this!” She finally begged, closing her eyes tightly, tears creeping forth.
STOP!” Razz demanded as she pushed the priestess holding the dagger away from the one they had rallied against. “This madness must cease!”
“She is a demon worshipper!” The crazed priestess growled as she got back to her feet with the dagger in her hand. “She is defacing our God under such a title!”
“Regardless, you are angering him by killing those who view him as a demon!” Razz explained angrily with her hands clutched into fists.
“We are not angering him!” One of the priests grumbled. “We are saving his name!”
“If you are for this demon title, you too will be killed Razz in his honor!” One of the priestess in the group threatened.
The demented worshippers turning on Razz next, the doors blew open and the candles blew out quickly. The wind was angered at the feel as everybody brought their arms up to block the leaves coming in from the outside at such a hurried pace. Razz and everybody else looked at the doors, only the demon worshippers able to see it was Jin the Wind Master.
Scarlet watched from the sidelines as the wind demon walked an eerily slow saunter down the path before him. Without the candlelight, the area was dark, making it difficult for anything to be seen except for the glowing anger, evident within the demon's eyes.
“Christine,” Jin said simply, outstretching his hand to her a few feet away from where she was kneeling on the floor with cuts and bruises on her body.
The priestess was quick to get to her feet and hurry over towards the demon master of wind with tears cascading down her face. Opening her arms quickly, she embraced Jin tightly while crying in his chest—relieved that he came in time to save her.
Jin embraced the scared woman in return, eyeing the others responsible for her fear with anger. He knew they couldn't see him, but he knew a way to make them see. “Razz, bring them over here.”
“My Lord, they will not listen to me!” Razz explained openly from behind the worshipers.
Jin growled slightly at her answer though he knew it was true. “Then take Christine to the medical room, and I will deal with these three.” Looking down at the frightened Christine, he rubbed her back gently before pushing back so Razz could take her once the high priestess made it past the small mob of light blinded worshippers. The two of them hurried through the opposite archway Scarlet was hiding within, leaving Jin alone with the troubled priestesses and priest.
When the three were about to leave, Jin was quick to raise his hand to blow them back down where they were originally. Their backs hitting the marble statue behind them of the wind demon, he hurried over towards them to place his palm upon the foreheads of two of the three. “It BURNS! IT HURTS!” They screamed loudly, trying to fight the unseen force.
Scarlet watched as the two priestesses screamed in pain as their mind was forced open to the unseen.
With all three soon opened to the damned world around them, Jin stood there before them with his eyes almost appearing to glow white with energies fueled by anger. “Look before your `God',” Jin began angrily as he watched the three of them cower. “Get up!” He demanded, grabbing the priest by the collar of his robe to force him to stand.
“He's a demon…!” The priest exclaimed through his clutched teeth, shivering from fright.
“All of us are!” Jin explained, letting the priest go. “And we've had it with your damn human sacrifices! This is stopping here!” He grabbed onto the priestess with the dagger next about the neck. His fingers digging into her neck caused her skin to break and bleed before he sunk his teeth into her shoulder.
The priestess could only scream before unable to find the breath to do so once her neck broke under the force of the wind demon.
Jin dropped her body to the floor, causing to hit the ground in a sickening fashion—like a ragdoll dropped from the hands of a five year old.
The other two gasped in fright, the priestess placing her hands upon her face before screaming loudly at the sight before her. With the demon coming towards the other female with blood marring his mouth and fingers, the young priestess got on her knees with her hands together in a pleading fashion. “Please! Please, don't kill me!” She begged. “I am sorry!”
“Spread the word to your light blinded fellow worshippers that I won't accept murder from my own humans!” Jin preached as he pointed to the woman. “If any so much as raise a fist to another, I will kill them. Now GO!”
With that said, the priest and priestess spared hurried back to their living quarters not wanting to look back. The two of them hurried past Scarlet, not caring to say or do anything to her leaving the bi-color haired girl to gaze on from where she continued to hide from the wind demon.
Bending down, Jin picked up the corpse like it was nothing at all. He looked at her weak body that was now void of a soul. Knowing that nobody was around at the time, or so he thought, Jin bent her neck further to the right to sink his teeth back into her flesh to tear it like it was a piece of meat.
Scarlet gasped behind her hands, which she brought up to her mouth shortly before. Oh my God! She screamed mentally.
The mental scream catching Jin's attention, he wiggled his ears slightly before catching Scarlet there in the archway. He could see the horror in the young woman's eyes, his heart dropping at the sight. “Scarlet—let me explain!”
Backing up slowly, Scarlet's stomach began to churn causing her to turn around to throw up from the sight she had just witnessed. Her hand against her stomach, she coughed harshly at the acidic liquid hurting her throat. The wind master's hands coming from behind her, he grabbed onto her gently to try and stop her from running off. “Get off of me!” Scarlet demanded, fighting against him.
“Scarlet, I am sorry you had to see that!” Jin whispered in her ear as he kept her within the tight embrace from behind. “But I eat the beings that die at my hands! I sometimes eat humans,” he went on to explain.
Scarlet started crying. “Why are you watching over people you can consider pray?” She asked through her tears.
“Because I can control myself,” Jin expressed softly, trying to keep her under control. “Unlike humans, I can control my urges.” The wind demon continued, stroking her head gently to try and get her settled. “Shhh, I am sorry. It's okay. It's okay.”
The fragile woman, held onto Jin's muscular, left arm, which was about her front to keep her from moving. Sniffling back her tears, she rested her cheek against his chest. “Why am I here…?” She asked somberly. “Why did I open myself back up to this world?”
Jin sighed softly through his nostrils. “Some things are just going to take some getting used to, Scarlet. That is all.”