Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 20

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: Sorry for the hiatus on stories of any kind lately. I got re-addicted to World of Warcraft (crack), and it is full of my SC's horde hunter being an officer in a guild that he helped bring together with mostly the GM's help.
So most of my time is being taken up with that hunter though I need to take a break from him right now. X_X;
Also work sucks (lol). I am still looking for something better. I hope to find it soon even if I have to go back to college to do so.
Scarlet waited for Jin to relay the message to her from her deceased mother. Jin had his eyes closed for a moment before reopening them slowly, keeping the gentle smile upon his face. He opened his hand to show nothing within it until the spiritual winds about the room gathered into his palm to show a rather fancy flute. It looked as though it had been carved from a tree branch as the wood parted and curled perfectly about the slender instrument, holding white balls of energy in the center of the circular parts of the flute and the areas that curled away from it.
The flute meant nothing to Scarlet whatsoever. She was confused now as to what the demon had in store for her as he clutched the wooden flute in his hands, bringing it to his lips.
As soon as Jin started to play the flute, a strange, calming mist seeped through from the flute to dance about the room. The mist seemed to come alive for Scarlet as she backed up against the wall, bringing her knees to her chest. The melody itself was as haunting as the fog, which soon started to take shape of images belonging to Scarlet's past. It was then she relaxed herself, watching as the mist formed perfectly into that of her when she was a little girl being tucked in by her mother.
Scarlet's eyes widened at the sight, the haunting melody now making sense to her and re-jogging her memory. It was a song her mother often would sing to her before bed pertaining to the town and its history. It was something that Jin the Wind Master himself wouldn't have known of unless he had gone directly to her mother.
The images were paining Scarlet to the point her eyes began to shine with her coming tears. She subconsciously reached out to try and touch her mother's misty figure only to have it dissipate quickly to swarm about her arm she had outstretched, down to her stomach to pull back towards the flute Jin was playing from as the melody was coming to an end.
Once the song had ended, Jin opened his eyes to stare at the teary-eyed Scarlet through his wild, red hair. He could see she was still in a trance from seeing what she did as well as hearing a song she had so long forgotten it seemed. The wind demon reached out to place the tip of his finger upon her cheek, having Scarlet shift her eyes quickly upon her wind guardian. Seeing that she was aware of her surroundings so he wouldn't startle her, Jin cupped the side of her cheek to rub the pallid skin tenderly with his thumb. Jin then leaned forward to kiss Scarlet's forehead in attempts to settle her down. “You should start reading to relax your mind. The baptism is going to be tomorrow night. I need you fully prepared.”
Scarlet's eyes wandered about the bedroom before fixing them upon the demon who had turned around to head for her door. “You're leaving me alone here?” She asked with her tone filled of vulnerability.
Jin stopped at the doorway, looking over at Scarlet with a light hum. “Well, I was going to sleep. I am quite tired from all that has happened recently. Why, do you need me for something?”
“I just don't feel comfortable being here alone right now,” Scarlet admitted still unable to release what had happened to her before. “With all that has happened, I am too scared to sleep with those hunters now haunting my dreams…”
The wind demon released a heavy sigh, catching the painful fear in her eyes. “Alright,” said Jin as he told Scarlet to get up and follow him with a motion of his fingers. “Alright, come with me.” Jin out stretched his hand to usher Scarlet past her bedroom doorway and into the halls. He closed the door quietly behind him, keeping his hand upon the young worshipper's back as he headed wearily down to his bedroom. He never thought he would be so happy to see his own bed as he opened the decorative door to allow Scarlet inside.
Scarlet kept the books in her possession close to her as she made it into the wind demon's chambers. She had to admit that she herself was tired, but Scarlet was still too frightened to go back to bed. As there was only one bed in the room, she made her way over to the empty rocking chair to sit down upon to relax from the rocking.
Jin watched her movements as he headed to his empty bed. “You're going to sleep there?” He asked with a raise of his thin brow. “You know I don't mind you coming into my bed.”
Scarlet grumbled slightly at his comment, turning her head to the side to have her stringy hair fall into her face. “I know you wouldn't mind, but I don't feel that comfortable about it.”
“Or are you saying you don't feel that comfortable around me?” Jin inquired with a smirk as he removed the strips of fabric from his chest. “I suggest you turn around or something. I am going to need to undress for bed.”
A blush settled upon Scarlet's face at the remembering of the demon naked causing her to quickly turn her head. She could only listen to the demon undressing, fighting the urge to want to look. “So, what is that flute you were playing for me?”
“Hmm?” Jin hummed in thought as he thought on his mystical instrument he had played for Scarlet. “You mean the Flute of the Underworld?” His clothes hitting the carpeted floor, Jin made his way over to his drawer to pull out long, baggy black pants for him to put on to sleep in for the night. “It's a flute I have had for millennia. It is said to be crafted from the Tree of the Dead and is a beacon to the spirits in the afterlife who come when I play it. Okay, you may look now.”
Scarlet cocked her brow in confusion as she looked over at the wind master, “The Tree of the Dead? What is that?”
Jin made his way over to his bed to pull the covers back and get himself comfortable for the night. “It is a tree that thrives in Makai, which pulls the spirits of the passing to its branches. It is like a graveyard, you'd say, residing in the underworld.”
“So when I die, I will head to that tree?”
The demon released a rather loud yawn with a stretch of his body. “No, not if I am there to pull your spirit from your body before it wanders from your form.”
Scarlet at the moment couldn't help but be reminded of Teresa, who died of cancer weeks ago it seemed. “Did you do that with Teresa when she passed…?”
Jin was too tired to seem worried over his fallen worshipper as he simply answered, “Yes.” He yawned into the palm of his hand to express his exhaustion. “It is painless, and I get to keep some of my worshippers if I make it to them in time.” The moaning of the walls caught both of their attention causing Jin to look upwards at the ceiling, eyeing the startled Scarlet afterwards. “This temple is filled with most of my worshippers. It is a home for them when they cannot find comfort out there in Makai.”
Opening to the first page of one of the books in her possession, Scarlet looked through her stringy, bi-colored hair at the wind master before pulling a loose strand behind her ear. “It would make this place seem so crowded in the afterlife.”
The wind master turned his head slightly to look at Scarlet out of the corner of his eyes with a muffled chuckle. “You would think so, wouldn't you?” Jin rested his cheek upon the back of his hand. “Most of the worshippers these days wander the premises of the Wind Temple.”
Scarlet knew that the boundaries of the Wind Temple stretched very far about the base of the mountain and about a good bit of it as well. “Do any of them walk the town?”
Jin shook his head, “Not right now they won't with it being filled with demons of all kinds.” The wind demon yawned once more, expressing his fangs as he did so. “I am going to bed. If you need me, just let me know,” Jin yawned upon every word as he rested his head upon his pillow. “And my bed is open to you if you need it.”
She wasn't comfortable with that thought as she buried her nose into the book before her. “Thanks…goodnight.” He was fast asleep by the time she whispered those words to him across the room. Scarlet rolled her eyes with a sigh to herself. “I guess when one plays `god', one tends to get tired.” With it just being her and the candlelight lighting the written pages before her, Scarlet began reading In the Darkness regarding Jin's past.
I was probably up half the night trying to get through the book given to me by the High Wind Priestess Rachel. Even if I was tired at some points, about to nod off, I still found the energy to continue reading as I found the biography of the wind beast rather interesting. Even if his snoring was disruptive, I couldn't help but look over at him in sympathy.
Scarlet marked her spot in the book's many pages, placing it down on the stand near the rocking chair. She rubbed her eyes wearily as she made her way over to the slumbering wind demon. Standing at the foot of his bed, Scarlet gripped gently onto the woodwork of the bed's frame, which curled at the foot of the bed. She sighed, grabbing onto her shoes to remove them next to the bed before bothering to steadily crawl into the bed with Jin. Upon her knees, which nestled into the silky fabric, Scarlet pulled her loose hairs behind her ears to examine the features of the sleeping demon. Hesitantly she attempted to reach for him. Scarlet's fingers stretched out only to coil back upon Jin stirring. When the wind demon refused to move once more, she reached down to his cheek to stroke the hard, demonic skin.
Jin hummed in his sleep feeling the woman touching him.
Scarlet's grayish-green eyes continued to look him over before moving in closer to his elfin ear. “You really have been through a lot,” she whispered to him, kissing his cheek tenderly. “Haven't you?” Finding herself to be tired and ready for bed, Scarlet made her way down to the covers Jin was wrapped within. She didn't bother covering herself up as she looked nervously about the room. Curling up close to Jin's body, she rested her head down upon one of the many pillows lining his bed.
The woman nuzzling in close to the wind demon, Jin opened one of his eyes to gaze down upon Scarlet. He didn't say anything or make any movements to startle her from sleeping upon his bed. Closing his eyes once more, Jin attempted to go back to sleep for the night pressing a smile as he did so.
Scarlet was able to peacefully asleep throughout the night next to the wind demon making her believe that he was a nightlight for her at that moment. Opening her eyes to the dimly candlelit room, Scarlet found herself alone in the wind demon's room under the covers of his bed comfortably. She pulled her messy black and blond hair out of her face, sliding out of bed to make it to the door. Upon opening the door, she could faintly catch the smell of food filling the corridor.
She couldn't deny that she was feeling hungry, so Scarlet headed down the winding corridors to find her way down to the eating hall at the far western part of the temple. Her hands touching upon the wooden doors, Scarlet pressed the arched entranceway open to see many benches several feet long with tables. Razz was one of the worshippers in the dining hall trying to help hand out breakfast with the other high priestesses and priests. Razz could feel somebody's eyes upon her, prompting the high priestess to look over at Scarlet, who was still hiding in the doorway.
“Oh, Scarlet,” she beckoned to her, putting the last plate out of her way before jogging over to the young woman. “I guess the food drew you here, hu?”
“Yeah, I am quite hungry,” Scarlet admitted, rubbing her stomach, which was paining her from hunger.
“I am afraid you cannot eat anything just yet, Scarlet,” Rachel explained with a soft frown, feeling for Scarlet's hunger. “The Lord only wants you to drink water until after your baptism.”
“Oh yeah, that's right,” sighed Scarlet as she looked down at her feet, holding onto her stomach that felt need to protest then with a growl. “I guess I better get back to studying then, hu? All this food is too tempting for me right now.”
Razz sucked in her lower lip, looking about the dinning hall to find it all too tempting for herself as well as she was promising herself to start a new diet to get back into shape. “I'll tell you what, once I finish up here, I will come and help you with your studies and preparation for later tonight. I find this place too much for me right now and the food that the Lord insists we serve.” Razz stuck her tongue out as if to express her distaste in it. “The greasy stuff is not my thing. It has gotten me fat.” Her hand rested upon Scarlet's upper arm, she expressing a smile to her. “I will be there in a moment. Just meet me in your bedroom.”
Scarlet managed to smile if even for a moment. “Alright, let me go get my books then. I left them in Jin's room.” Hearing that, Razz paused for a moment making an odd face, which Scarlet caught. “What is it?”
“The Master allowed you in his room for the night?” She tilted her head downwards, raising her brows to show her curiosity. “And exactly what happened in there overnight?”
Her tone was hinting something Scarlet found a reason to blush over though she was tempted to hide it with her hand. “Oh-oh dear Gods, nothing! I would never do anything like that with him!”
Razz closed her eyes slowly, biting her lower lip as if trying not to allow herself to smile any brighter. “Okay,” she said full of doubt. “If that is what you say.” Razz turned back to the matter at hand. “I will see you in a few.”
Scarlet still couldn't get rid of the bright red blush painted across her face as she hurried out of the dinning hall and back into the twisting corridors. Her hand meeting with her forehead, she shook her head as if wishing to get that thought out of her head. “He didn't touch me…at least I don't think so.”
“I never did,” Jin's voice came from the ceiling.
His voice startled Scarlet, causing her to rest her back quickly against the door behind her at that moment with her arms outstretched across it as well. Looking up at the ceiling she found the wind master hanging upside down with his arms crossed. “Dammit, you scared me!”
Jin merely smiled down at her remaining upon the ceiling as if he were walking on the ground. He shrugged at the doors leading back into the dinning hall. “Razz just thinks something happened like that because usually I do that for spiritual energy feeding.”
“Energy feeding?” Scarlet inquired, pushing off of the door behind her.
Finally Jin pushed his feet against the marble ceiling to land perfectly upon the floor before Scarlet. “Follow me, and I'll explain.” His hands in his pockets, Jin headed slowly down the hallway stretched before them both, hearing Scarlet following behind him. “Whenever a demon's powers get low, they dream walk into their worshippers' dreams to have sexual contact with them to feed off of their energies. Being most of the worshippers we go to are very dedicated, they don't hesitate to offer their bodies up to us.”
Scarlet cocked her brow at Jin before wrinkling her forehead in thought. “And exactly how do you get energies out of people through spiritual, sexual contact?”
Jin turned down the left hallway further on up the hall they were within to make his way back to his bedroom. “During the sexual act, energy is created, which is usually very warm to the touch. It becomes a rather thick cloud of power we can feed off of.” He looked briefly over his shoulder at Scarlet. “That is what I meant by I am still a virgin. I have only had sexual acts in the spirit world with my worshippers or the un-baptized.”
Scarlet looked down at her feet, trying to digest all that was being given to her. “So, you would do that to me one day?”
“Maybe,” Jin responded as he made it down to his door. “Right now your energy is quite low. If I were to steal any of it, you'd be wiped out, but don't be surprised if Touya starts getting desperate. He is running low on energy from having to keep his shards of hell out to bar the escaping demons' way out of the town.” Opening his door, he motioned at Scarlet. “Wait here. I will get your books for you.”
Hearing of her other demonic father, she sighed in a bit of worry. “He is not going to die doing that, is he?”
Jin grabbed the books Scarlet brought with her to start reading last night. “Touya is a rather high ranked demon. I doubt he would die doing so. If he was on the verge of losing all of his energy, he would tell his high priestesses or priests to get the worshippers to help him with his powers.” He turned over the books belonging to Scarlet with a smile. “I wouldn't worry about him. He'll be just fine. He has more than enough worshippers to go to for energy feeding.”
Scarlet accepted the books back, holding the leather binding close to her chest whilst looking up at the wind master. “Are you getting ready for tonight?”
The wind demon scratched an annoying itch on the side of his head with a nod. “Yes, I am. I need to be alone to do so. Sorry to disappoint.”
Finding that remark to be rather sarcastic, Scarlet stuck her tongue out at him. “I am sure I will survive.” Turning on her heels, Scarlet made her way to her bedroom where Razz promised to meet with her. A lot had occupied her mind now as she made it to her temple room. She almost missed her room while consumed in thought. Her hand upon the doorknob, she was disrupted from Razz yelling down the hall.
“Scarlet, there you are!” She said breathlessly with a wave of her hand. “I was wondering where you went to as I just dropped by your room.”
“Oh, sorry. You finished up quick.” Scarlet pointed over her shoulder. “I had to get my books from Jin's room.”
The same suggestive smile came upon Razz's features as she opened the door to Scarlet's bedroom. “I see.”
Scarlet sighed with a roll of her eyes. “It wasn't like that!” She exclaimed, clutching her fists tightly at her sides. “Jin doesn't want to energy feed off of me anyways. He says I am too weak to do so.” Walking past Razz, Scarlet placed her books down upon the bed. “He says Touya might come to me though as his energy is draining quite a bit with the barrier he has up around the town.”
“Well, it is nothing to get embarrassed about; I can tell you that much,” Razz chuckled, grabbing onto a chair to pull up next to Scarlet's bed. “It is a very intimate moment and close union with your spiritual `fathers'.”
Sitting upon her bedside, Scarlet thought about the ceremony Jin and Touya wanted her to go through that dealt with her losing her virginity. “Razz, this is a totally personal question, so I can understand if you don't want to answer it, but did Jin ever steal your virginity to keep you safe from Virgin Hunters?”
“Virgin Hunters?” Razz inquired with a raise of her brow. “Oh my God, you've been attacked by those things, haven't you?” She cupped her mouth for a moment before answering. “No, I never did. I choose somebody else to do it for him. It was the High Wind Priest I work closely with. The Wind Lord suggested I do so to end my encounter with such demons.” Her hands brought together as if she were praying, Razz sighed. “I see you have a predicament then on who you want to take your virginity.”
Scarlet managed a shrug as an answer to Razz's comment. “I don't feel comfortable with some stranger doing that with me, but I feel equally uncomfortable having Jin or Touya doing it.” She raked her fingers through her hair for a moment with a hum. “And yet like I said, Jin says that Touya might do so spiritually sometime soon as he is getting his energy drained by keeping the ice barrier up about the town.”
Razz brought her hands down, looking about the room as if making sure that nobody was listening in. “Personally, I would go with my demonic fathers if I couldn't find somebody,” she whispered. “You know what they say: a demons' release is awfully addictive.” Razz was sounding rather smug and trying to urge Scarlet into considering it.
The thought coming back to Scarlet made her blush ten times worse. “R-Rachel! What is the matter with you!” She exclaimed, pulling away from the priestess. “It-I don't want to do it with Jin just because of that!”
Razz couldn't help but throw her head back and laugh. “You get so defensive over the thought. Is there something you're not telling me?” She brought her hand up over her mouth in attempts to control her laughter.
Scarlet looked off to the side thinking back on the time she ran into the wind demon naked for the first time. “Well, I did catch him bathing in the Cleansing Room when you sent me there. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life!” She closed her eyes tightly as if trying to make herself forget it though a part of her refused to do so. Scarlet could still recall walking into the room to find Jin there visible from the upper thighs upwards and how godly his form seemed for a demon.
A smirk crept onto Razz's face as she watched Scarlet's face turn a brighter red by the second. “Ooh, so you saw everything about him, eh?”
“It's not like I had a choice in the matter!” Scarlet barked angrily at Razz's continuous badgering about the topic. “He walked out of the water ass naked!”
Razz laughed out loud once more, covering her mouth yet again in attempts to keep her voice down though it was difficult. “Well, you have to understand that as a wind demon, he rarely has boundaries for himself.”
“Yeah,” Scarlet grumbled, “I noticed.”
“Anyways,” Razz cleared her throat as she situated herself upon the wooden chair she was now sitting upon. “Let's get you prepared for that baptism tonight, shall we? I warn you now, it will drain you quickly; especially with somebody of your energy level.” With her hand open and scanning Scarlet's aura, the High Priestess could tell that Scarlet was quite weak compared to normal humans.
Blowing a strand of hair out of her face, Scarlet grumbled at having to be repeatedly told that lately. “Alright, whatever, let's just get on with this.”
While Scarlet got ready for the baptism that was awaiting her later that night, Touya remained at his temple upon the throne sitting within the main room his worshippers usually used to worship him. He could feel his energy levels fluctuating from having to keep the barrier strong. His fingers resting upon his forehead, he closed his eyes tightly with a weary growl realizing he had to feed again.
One of the high priestesses of the Ice Temple noticed the state he was in. Her hands folded before her, the wavy haired, brunette made her way over to the ice demon she could clearly see to kneel before him. “My Lord,” she whispered, her sapphire eyes gazing up at him with worry. “Are you alright?”
Touya opened his eyes, placing them upon the priestess with steady breathing. “I am alright, Jessie,” he whispered in return. “Those demons keep trying to tear down my barrier, and it is draining my energy considerably trying to keep it up about the town.”
Jessie rested her hands upon the cold fingers of the ice demon in attempts to comfort her demon `god'. “Do you need my help again?” She asked, resting her cheek upon his thigh, looking up at him.
“I cannot take anymore of your spirit energy, Jessie,” Touya grunted as he fought the want to do so. His fingers flexed, curling into fists as he resisted his urges. “If I take anymore, you will be left drained throughout the next twenty-four hours.”
She could tell that the ice demon was conflicted. “I don't mind, my Lord,” Jessie insisted, gripping onto his pants attire gently. “You are tired and are being weakened by trying to protect us. Please, at least allow me to help.” She closed her hands about one of Touya's, bringing it close to her chest. “At least let me to do that much for all you are doing for us.”
Continuing to eye his high priestess, Touya sighed at his weakness, closing his eyes for a moment to try and regain what energy he could. Bringing his hand down from his forehead, the ice master placed his fingers upon Jessie's to send a blast of energy into her body, forcing it into a sudden deep sleep. Upon the spell hitting her, the high priestess closed her eyes and about collapsed backwards only to have Touya catch her with his arm.
“I will see you in your dreams,” Touya said softly to the slumbering priestess as he helped her down upon the marble floor seeing as he had not the power to move her elsewhere.
Jessie was out cold even within the spiritual world. Her naked form was resting there within what appeared to be Touya's bedroom. Moaning softly, she found her soul stirring there upon the ice master's bedcovers, opening her eyes to the room about her. “Master Touya…?” She asked softly, looking about the spiritual representation of the area.
Touya soon showed there at the foot of the bed in his spirit form. He crawled over to the woman lying upon his bed to keep her where she was, his chilly hands sliding into hers as if to pin her down on the bed. “I am sorry for having to do this again,” he apologized hoarsely, his mouth inching closer to hers to kiss her tenderly.
The young woman wasn't given the moment to let the ice demon know it was alright as she accepted his deep kiss, cupping the back of his head to help him cultivate the energy he needed from her body.
Thanks to not having anything to eat, Scarlet was starting to stand on her last leg throughout the training Razz was putting her through throughout the afternoon well into the evening. The energy work dealing with her chakras and blessing of her items she would need to use throughout her years under the wind master had her completely spent as she collapsed upon her bed. “No more,” Scarlet begged as she wanted to just lie there and go to sleep. “I have had enough…!”
Razz scratched the back of her head with a sigh through her nostrils. “I knew this would be too much for you, but Lord Jin needs your chakras open and body blessed before baptizing you.” Pulling the sleeve of her robe back, the priestess checked the time. “Alright, I guess I better get you ready for the ceremony. Come with me.” Razz pushed herself up off of the chair she was within to head to Scarlet's bedroom door.
Scarlet groaned as she got off of the bed to follow the high priestess out of her bedroom and down the right of the corridor her room resided in. “Where are we going?” She asked, yawning into her palm to express her desire to want to sleep.
“We're going to the Cleansing Room to get you ready in one of the more private rooms only used whenever somebody is getting baptized,” Razz explained. Making their way through the Wind Temple to the Cleansing Room, Razz guided the nervous Scarlet through the area to the space she was speaking of that was located at the far left of the washing pool. Razz pulled the curtains back, lighting up the candles within the area with a simple movement of her hand.
The candles lighting without a match touching them caused Scarlet to stop dead in her tracks. “How-how did you do that?”
“Hmm?” Razz wondered looking over her shoulder at the bewildered Scarlet. “Oh, you mean what I just did?” She was so used to doing it without anybody saying anything, Razz was curious at first as to what Scarlet was speaking of. “When you get further into your high priestess' training and actually open up to the powers given to you at birth, you can do many things. That is how I was able to learn that trick.” There was a small stool in the middle of the room, which was decorated in many candles and handmade drawers as well as a finely crafted mirror that stretched across the left side of the room. Razz pushed it closer to the center of the small box room before patting it with her palm. “Sit. We have much to do.”
“What all do we have to do? Jin told me I was going to be naked in front of everyone anyways.” With the thought of that coming to her made Scarlet sick to her stomach in nervousness as she made her way over to the stool to sit.
“Well, I have to fix your hair and put the right markings on your body,” Razz explained as she pulled a small bowl out from the upper right drawer from the vanity below the mirror as well as a few paintbrushes. She grabbed a pouch filled with white powder to pour within the bowl before holding it over an oil burner to get the powder to turn into liquid.
“This feels so…weird,” Scarlet admitted, twisting about nervously upon the stool. “Why do I need tattoos on my body?”
“It is an ancient tradition used in the olden days,” said Razz as she stirred the powder turning liquid. “The body paint used is said to be bestowed with magical spirit energies. When the wind Lord baptizes you, the body paint will glow and mix with your blood from the cut he will give you and signify where you will be placed in his temple as far as being a priestess, high priestess, a cook, servant, messenger, and so on.”
Scarlet furrowed her brow, thinking back on her baptism under Touya. “I wonder what I was to be under Touya the Ice Master.”
Razz pulled the bowl from the burner, picking up a paintbrush in between her fingers. “That depends on what your mother was training you for when growing up.” She dipped the bristles of the brush into the white liquid. “Get undressed.”
Being told to undress before the high priestess made Scarlet nervous as she refused to do so at first until Razz pleaded with her to do so once more. “She wasn't really training me for anything, now that I try to remember,” said Scarlet as she pulled her shirt over her head. “She did used to call me her little handmaiden.”
Razz tried to keep her attention away from the undressing Scarlet so as not to make her further uncomfortable. “Handmaiden, hu? Then that means you were going to be a priestess.”
“Will that not mean I will be one here as well?”
The high priestess shrugged, keeping her back turned to Scarlet. “I have known people to have different jobs when baptized under two different demons.”
Pulling her undergarments off, Scarlet couldn't help but quickly cover her B sized breasts with a heavy sigh. “Alright, let's get this over with. I am ready.”