Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wind Knoll's Curse ❯ Chapter 39

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Notes: The poem in this chapter was made by me, so no stealing it please. D: It is a very personal poem I wrote months ago.
God, no sleep…only slept…3 hours…and then I heard trees crashing in my yard. X-X Stupid lumber people!
Jin had gotten better with his words to me. He didn't feel like holding his feelings inwards anymore when it came to me. The things he would be worried about others seeing, he did openly from then on. It was a nice feeling. It made me feel like I actually had someone who loved me for me.
For six months, as planned, I stayed with Touya and worked on my defensive skills. However, once the time was up and they were unable to come about fully as planned, Jin demanded the training was to conclude on that note. I was disappointed, but I had a feeling he just wanted me to remain without powers of any kind, so I could be a weak, helpless woman he could watch over.
Scarlet finished the last servant girl book she could find in the Wind Temple's library. Closing the book, she put it off to the side on the library table she was reading at. She understood the just of what she had to do, but everything about past servants unnerved her until towards the very end where she saw the demons weren't as malicious. With her eyes getting so tired, Scarlet rubbed them with her palms to try and get them to focus better off of the written word she was reading. Feeling a warm touch scrolling down her arms, she pulled her hands from her face to smile at the redhead, who was behind her.
“Do you realize what time it is?” Jin whispered to her with a throaty chuckle. He rested his cheek against hers, looking down at the books she had scattered about.
Just feeling the warmth of his breath on her skin was reassuring. After being six months without him there every day made Scarlet sick to her stomach; especially after his three words spared to her when she was in the emergency care room back at the Ice Temple. “I know, and I am sorry,” she responded, turning her head to kiss him on the cheek lovingly. “I just wanted to get all of this done for the night. I couldn't put the books down.”
“You're quite the reader, lass,” the wind master pointed out, as he pulled the chair she was in away from the table, so he could help her to her feet. “However, I have another assignment for you.” Holding her body closer to his, he bent down to kiss her lovingly on the lips with his hands roaming up and down her back.
Knowing what he was up to, Scarlet pulled away from the kiss with a raise of her brow. “Not right now and, certainly, not right here,” she insisted with a soft giggle.
“You humans are no fun, I swear,” Jin pouted jokingly. He watched as Scarlet picked up all the books she had on the table to place back where the woman found them. “However, I do have plans for this evening, if you don't mind joining me.”
“Is that so?” Scarlet asked, as she examined each book to remind herself where they were in the huge library. “And where exactly will you be taking me in this thick fog when it is dark out? I thought I wasn't allowed outside of the temple after seven?” It was a rule of the town that curfew for everyone was seven at night. This never changed no matter what.
“You forget that you're with me,” Jin pointed out, as he lifted himself up on his wind powers to float beside the young woman. “Besides, we have been exterminating a few things here and there when it came to the outbreak Silvia caused a year or so ago.” When he saw Scarlet about to decline the offer, he moved in front of her to stop her from continuing about the library. “Come on; don't be that way! I think you might like a moment out.”
Scarlet had been locked within the temples for some time. All she could do day in and day out was study, write, and perform special tasks for Jin. She would, at the beginning of every month, head to the Ice Temple for a week and stay there to study under the ice master and spend time with her mother before returning back to the Wind Temple. It had her going back and forth from temple to temple just to keep up with everything. She also had the part-time job at the bookstore, leaving her with little time to think about relaxing. “I do suppose whatever you have planned would be nice.”
“I have a feeling you'll like this!” Jin insisted, grabbing onto her wrists gently once she put up the last book. Hurrying through the halls, the demon escorted her outside into the chill of winter that December. Before he left the temple, he was quick to pick up a basket he had waiting near the doors before picking Scarlet up into his arms to take flight to the sky. “Hold on!” He encouraged with a bright laugh.
Wrapping her arms tightly about the wind demon's neck, she buried her face briefly into Jin's chest. Scarlet had a hard time adjusting to the times the wind master would just take flight with her in his embrace. Her bi-colored hair tossing about in the wild currents the demon caused, she looked ahead to watch as the houses and streets passed underneath them at a fast pace. “It must be great to be a wind master!” Scarlet exclaimed over the wind currents.
“You can fly too!” Jin insisted back to the excited woman. When Scarlet looked at him confusingly, the redhead released the woman from his arms before flipping backwards to soar quickly after her falling body to grab her under the arms while continuing flying.
Scarlet had her eyes closed when she thought she was going to crash into the ground below them. Feeling herself going back up into the sky, she slowly opened one eye to find the ground still speeding about underneath her. Knowing that Jin still hold of her, she looked up at the redhead with a bright smile.
“Open your arms,” urged Jin, as he kept a firm hold of her underneath her arms.
Doing as the wind master suggested, Scarlet closed her eyes and spread open her arms. Reopening her eyes again moments later, she laughed excitedly. “I am flying!”
Jin smiled sincerely and lovingly down at Scarlet, as he headed to the west. With an empty spot coming into view, he lowered the young woman down to her feet before finding his own nearby her. It was an area surrounded by nothing but barren trees and fog about the area. Being it was late at night, it was admittedly, a little eerie. Opening up the basket he had in his possession, Jin pulled out a large blanket, which he sprawled out over the grass. “Sit down, won't you?” He insisted, opening his hand to help Scarlet do such a thing.
Scarlet accepted his hand before sitting down on the blanket. “What exactly do you have in mind out here in the dead of winter?” She couldn't help but chuckle at him wanting to be outside in the cold chill that evening.
Jin sat down upon the blue blanket with her to hunt into the basket for more things he had brought with him. He pulled out a few cupcakes, which he had sealed away in a delicate package. “Razz and the other priestesses cooked a few delicious goodies that I couldn't think of eating by myself,” Jin enticed, waving them in front of Scarlet. He was still trying to get the woman to gain a bit more weight even if she was considered at a reasonable weight for one her size and age. “Care to have some?”
Rolling her eyes, Scarlet reached for one of the cupcakes, knowing she couldn't resist tempting goodies in front of her. “You're impossible. You can try and try, but you're not going to get me to be overweight for your liking.”
“I can still try,” Jin insisted with a light chuckle, taking one with chocolate frosting for himself. “But, well, I remember you telling me once that December was your favorite month, even if it gets cold. Seeing as you're a bit used to the cold from the Ice Temple, I didn't think it would be too bad tonight.”
“Yeah, December is my favorite month considering all of the Christmas decorations and all of that,” Scarlet admitted, as she finished the cupcake she was on. “I love Christmas. It is my favorite holiday.”
“I think everyone has a like for it, lassie,” Jin admitted, as he pulled out his flute he often played upon when he was alone.
“Yeah, but I don't like the day of Christmas a lot,” Scarlet said with a brief shrug, as she moved in closer to the redhead. “The day always signals the sad end to what a beautiful holiday we build up to.”
Jin smiled at Scarlet with his blue eyes alone, as he thought back on how difficult it was for him to confess his feelings towards her. “You know, the main reason I had such a hard time telling you that I loved you was because I didn't want to think I was replacing the wonderful servants I had in the past.” He looked away from Scarlet, hating to admit that aloud. “I remember when I would play my flute in the Cleansing Room, and they would rest all around me just to listen.” Holding the flute tightly, he brought it close to his chest sorrowfully. “Stephanie was always into writing poetry, so whenever she heard me play a random melody, she would write down lyrics to it and teach the other servants to sing her song.” He smiled, remembering that moment. “So, whenever I played the melody again, the others would sing the words she created to go with it.” Jin chuckled to himself, thinking back on when music was a big thing to Kurama, Touya, and himself. “Back when Touya got into playing the violin and Kurama learned the piano, we used to teach people to sing and dance to our songs. You do know Touya will dance while he plays the violin, eh?”
Scarlet giggled at the thought, unable to picture that. “I am afraid I didn't know that.” She brought her knees close to her chest to rest her cheek upon them while eyeing Jin and listening to his story still.
“He doesn't like to be caught dancing while he plays, but he will do it. He is a very good dancer, that boyo,” Jin admitted, as he remembered the times he would catch his friend dancing to his own melody. “He kind of bows and sways about with his eyes closed while working on his garden with a simple wave of his hands. He is pretty good. If you ever get the chance to catch him in the act, let me know.” Jin reached into his pocket to pull out an old slip of paper that must have been several years old given the wrinkled appearance of it. “This was a song that Stephanie wrote for me.”
Taking the old piece of paper, Scarlet read the lyrics with a raise of her brow. “This has Irish slang in it. Was she Irish?”
“Aye,” Jin chuckled, blowing a simple tune into his flute to get warmed up. “I raised her, so my `speech' rubbed off on the lass.” He smiled at Scarlet. “You know, I've heard you hum to yourself when you're alone.” Jin caught the blush on Scarlet's face when he mentioned it to her. “You have a very good voice, lass. Why not use it, eh?”
“Because I get stage fright and performance anxiety rather easily,” Scarlet admitted, looking the words over on the paper. “If you're asking me to sing this, I don't even know how it goes.”
Jin straightened up his shoulders, bringing the flute closer to his mouth. “This is how it goes—the melody anyways.” Closing his eyes, he began to focus on the song he hadn't played in years.
Scarlet watched as he moved his head slightly from side to side while moving his fingers appropriately to hit the right notes for the song. She had to admit that it sounded rather lovely. Looking back at the words on the paper, she cleared her throat and tried humming along with the song Jin was playing before closing her eyes to try and muster up the courage to actually sing the words in front of someone.
When the Green Isle
She no longer be green
And the wind is as dry
As the desert sea

And you feel the pain
Tis a scar to your heart
I'll be your bonny shield
And we shall never part

It can be as heavy as a rock
The feel of your pain, an' sorrow
But I will take you away
If just for one day
On the rivers of love come `morrow

If there is no drop
In the pint you have
And the sun nare shine
Where you currently stand

Gaze into me eyes
That are filled for love
Gran' as the Isle tis wide
Vast as the sky above

My love will spread wide an' far
To chase away your pain, an' sorrow
And I will take you away
If just for one day
On the rivers of love come `morrow
Jin listened to Scarlet get a bit bolder the more she continued with the song. The more he focused on the melody, the more the song came alive—literally. The mist within the flute began to form a scene as Jin played it. Opening his eyes, he watched as the mist formed the picture he was thinking about earlier with his worshippers singing around him as he played in the past. Even if it was a painful reminder of events long gone, he continued playing just to keep the moment in the mist going. Holding the last note for a while, he finally found his stopping point to sit and watch the mist play out his past before dissipating into the night.
Scarlet opened her eyes as well when she stopped singing to see Jin was staring at the image the mist had painted, dealing with his inward emotions. Swallowing hard, she looked over at the redhead to shake him gently. “Hey, are you okay?”
Breaking from what was once in front of him, Jin smiled reassuringly down at Scarlet. “I will be fine.” Moving in closer to the young servant woman, he kissed her on the cheek before pulling back to gaze within her gray-green eyes. Seeing a snowflake flutter down from the sky in front of him, Jin pulled his attention from Scarlet to look up at the sky with a bright smile. “Look…!”
“It's snowing!” Scarlet exclaimed between them, watching more of the snow come down from above.
“Touya must be practicing his violin and making it snow,” Jin pointed out, as he got to his feet to open his hands to the falling flurries. “Sometimes, when he is lost in thought and thinking about something that makes him happy, he doesn't realize he's doing that.”
Scarlet was quiet for a moment, thinking on the time of day it was. “It is December tenth, isn't it?” She inquired before hearing the confirmation from Jin. “Today is my mom's birthday.” Thinking about her mother and Touya, she couldn't help but brightly smile. Inside, she felt all the things the ice master did to show his love for her mother was romantic even if the feelings would never be returned to him.
Jin closed his eyes and grinned at having her say that. “He must be playing for her.” Moving closer to Scarlet, he kissed her lovingly on the lips while holding her close to himself in the chilly air.
Back at the Ice Temple, Touya was outside in his ice garden playing his violin as expected by the others miles away from him. His eyes closed, so he could concentrate on each note he hit, he vigorously moved the bow across the strings. Knowing that he was alone at that hour of the night, he began to bend his knees slightly and move his feet and body about in a graceful manner to his song he was playing. Spinning around, he caught himself with his right heel before bowing slightly with his knees bent once more to turn himself around in the other direction continuing to strike the strings accordingly.
When he struck the last cord, he removed the bow from the strings and halted in his dancing. Opening his eyes, Touya looked to the sky to see that it was indeed snowing no thanks to his enjoyment in playing. Feeling there was someone nearby, the ice master turned his head to find Cynthia's spirit nearby listening to him. Lowering his instrument, Touya smiled at the spirit he could see. “Happy birthday, Cynthia,” he whispered to the woman. Walking over towards her, the ice master knelt down on one knee to strike up another soft melody for her.
Once back at the temple, Jin escorted Scarlet to his bedroom where he took care in undressing her himself. He removed the strapless top Scarlet was wearing by unzipping it from the back slowly. The white fabric falling to his hands, which he had resting upon the woman's upper arms, Jin held it there, as he kissed Scarlet lovingly upon her trembling mouth. When he let the servant attire fall away, he hesitantly reached for the elbow length gloves he allowed her to wear seeing as he knew how insecure she was when it came to the many scars and burns she had on her forearms. Jin saw how nervous she was about having those removed, as usual. “I have already seen them,” he reminded her.
“I know, but I hate to have you to,” Scarlet admitted, as she held onto Jin's arms tightly in a resistant way to have her gloves removed. “I know it wasn't a smart thing to do back then, but it was the only thing I could do to get my emotions out. I look like a monster.”
Jin grabbed onto the edge of the white fabric and pulled it away from her elbow slowly to watch Scarlet react like he was tearing off a band-aid. When he pulled it back far enough to expose her scarred skin, the wind master brought her left arm up to rest a kiss upon her damaged skin. “I think you're beautiful,” he responded honestly. Removing the rest of the gloves, he guided Scarlet down to his bed while placing a few tender kisses upon her cheek before trailing them down to her neck.
“You kiss me differently,” Scarlet pointed out, as she moved some of the redhead's hair away from his face, so she could see him clearer. “Your kisses actually feel like they mean something unlike before.”
“Because before I was hiding my feelings,” Jin chuckled, as he nuzzled against Scarlet's cheek. “I was trying to energy feed off of you when I got the chance. Now everything I do is because I love you.” He smiled to himself, feeling joy in his heart for the first time in a long while at being able to admit that again. “Just relax,” he whispered, as he trailed his hand down her body.
Scarlet did so until she felt Jin's finger massaging against her lower entrance. Biting her lip, she curled her toes at feeling him trying to rouse her best he could. The feel of his thumb against her sensitive clit made her release a brief cry of pleasure. She turned to the nearby demon to bury her face upon his bare chest.
Jin made sure that the expressions she made were not of pain before turning his focus back on what he was doing. Taking his middle finger, he pushed it slowly inside of her body to have the warm lips of her womanhood envelop it. Hearing her cry out louder from the sensation, Jin kissed her several times upon the forehead to let her know he was there. Letting her get used to the one finger, he pulled it slightly from her body before adding in his index finger to push both inside of her. He felt the woman jolt and release a brief cry of displeasure from having to get used to that. “Shhh,” he whispered. “I am just helping you get used to something bigger than that.” When he felt her relax again, Jin continued his administrations upon her by slowly thrusting his fingers in and out of her.
She held tightly onto the demon, trying her best to match his movements inside of her. “I don't take you inside of me often. This is going to take some getting used to,” Scarlet insisted through her labored breaths.
“You will get used to me. I promise.” Pulling his fingers from her body, he felt how wet she had gotten from him just teasing her. He showed his wet fingers to her before removing himself from beside her. Jin was halfway up off of the bed when Scarlet grabbed his nearest arm. “What is it?” He asked, wondering what caused the frantic grab.
“I want to try and get you inside of me,” Scarlet insisted. “If I don't try now, I don't think I'll ever be able to.”
Jin was confused for a moment as to what she meant. “You want me to lie down, so you can impale yourself on me?” He widened his eyes a bit before exhaling heavily. “I am not sure that is a good idea.”
“I am not going to impale myself on you,” Scarlet insisted, blowing her wild hair out of her face. “I am just going to slowly come down on top of you.”
The wind master shrugged with another sigh. “If that's what you want to call it, love.” Motioning for Scarlet to move over, Jin got himself in the center of the bed before helping the servant girl over on top of him. Grabbing onto the base of his stiff organ, he stroked the sensitive skin a bit more before helping Scarlet back towards it. “Just be careful. I don't want you to come down on me too fast.”
“I thought you would find that pleasurable,” Scarlet teased, as she leaned in to kiss the demon.
“For me, aye; for you, that is a different story,” he insisted with a worried laugh. Carefully, he helped the human over his erection while holding onto her hands tightly. “Whenever you're ready. I'll try not to move for as long as I can.” He knew that once the sensation hit, the sensation would hit, and he might accidentally buck into her.
Scarlet lowered herself down on top of the demon's erection slowly. Feeling just the head penetrate her, she threw her head back and hissed at how her vaginal walls had to stretch to meet him. She leaned forwards to rest her palms on either side of the pillows Jin was lying upon. “I forget how big you are…!” Scarlet hissed, as she pushed herself down further on the demon to feel more of his length expand her even more.
Feeling the wet warmth surround his sensitive manhood, Jin arched his back with a loud moan. “It might be hard for you, lass, in terms of pain but, damn, the only difficult thing about me is trying not to explode as soon as you do that…!” His voice quivered when he tried to regain control. Seeing her still in a good bit of displeasure in trying to adjust, Jin reached for her to guide Scarlet down to his chest to embrace her. “You'll be okay…!”
Holding onto Jin tightly, Scarlet whimpered heavily each time she tried to move up and down on the engorged organ inside of her small frame. She could feel his hands moving to her lower back to help her body move at a decent pace to help him get the sensation going through him. “Oh, Jin…!” Scarlet moaned heavily, feeling the demon starting to get more aggressive the more he continued.
Breathing heavily through his nostrils, Jin continued thrusting inside of. Hearing Scarlet's pain eventually fading, he began to get more forceful to the point that their bodies met. His body heating up, beads of sweat began to pour over the redhead's body from his actions. Feeling himself reaching his peak, he kept Scarlet still against his warm, wet body. “Hold real still,” he insisted through his teeth.
Scarlet did as he suggested to feel the demon release his thick seed inside of her five times. Rolling her teeth over her lower lip, she dug her nails into the covers with a low cry of pleasure. “God…Jin…!” She inhaled sharply, looking down at the exhausted demon. “I didn't realize you could do that so many times.” With how tired she was, Scarlet didn't feel like moving off of him so soon.
“It's a gift,” he chuckled wearily in return, stroking her head as she rested upon his chest. “I've released more than that, but I would need to hold back longer to build up enough. Your body is too tight for me to hang on for too long.” Jin kissed Scarlet's warm cheek before helping her off of him. Helping her lie beside him, he brought the young woman closer to his chest, so Jin could rest his chin upon her head. “I love you, Scarlet.”
“I love you too, Jin,” Scarlet responded quietly, as she felt herself wanting to just lie there and go to sleep for the night. Closing her eyes, she planted one last kiss on his chest. “I am so tired.”
Jin smiled, as he moved the covers of his bed up and over them. “Goodnight, Scarlet. Sleep well.” Closing his eyes as well, the wind demon fell asleep shortly after her.
The months passed by a lot quicker, it seemed. The winter came and gone in the blink of an eye. Before I knew it, Jin wanted to talk to me about my twenty-seventh birthday the next year.
I guess time passes rather fast when you find yourself caught up in love's flow.
“I don't know why you cannot just give him a clue,” said Justin, as he straightened up the Worshipping Hall. “Jin has been going crazy for months just trying to plan something nice for you. You know it isn't wise to mess with his tiny brain.”
“Why does everyone think I want something big and extravagant? May second has always been just a normal day for me,” Scarlet admitted, as she hopped off of a pillow Justin wanted to fluff and situate properly. “I have everything that I've wanted ever since my mother passed when I was sixteen. I am happy with nothing on my birthday.”
“Jin's not going to accept that,” Justin said with a lighthearted laugh. He waved for Scarlet to follow, as he was heading for the Cleansing Room where the wind master was currently. “Whenever his servants had birthdays, he'd go to the moon and back for them. Did he ever tell you what he actually got one of his servants?”
“No,” Scarlet said, a bit curious as to what that was.
Justin stopped in his tracks to turn around and meet eye to eye with the woman. “Servant Trevor was one of those feminine guys Jin adored. Well, Trevor had a fixation with the stars. Even when the fog was thick at night, he would insist on going out every night to look at them for hours until he fell asleep in Jin's arms.” Justin continued onwards to his destination. “Well, anyways, fast forward to Trevor's birthday. Jin asked what Trevor wanted. He told the man he could have anything he wanted. Do you know what he asked for?”
Scarlet leaned in a bit, eager to know what it was. “No, what?”
“A star,” Justin answered, his voice filled with `awe' at even having to remember that story being told to him. “He wanted a star from the sky.” The high priest began walking backwards, as he continued his story. “So you know what Jin did? When Trevor was asleep, he went into the sky and pulled a star from the heavens.”
“That's impossible!” Scarlet insisted with a playful grin at Justin. “You're pulling my leg. He couldn't possibly fly far enough into outer space to grab a star!”
“That's what people still talk about to this day,” the priest said, willing to believe it was true. “Some say he made a deal with someone from the Spirit World, and they gave him the star. Trevor kept that star with him till the day he was killed. The moment his soul passed, the star blinked out of existence.”
Scarlet thought that the action was admirable and charming. She couldn't help but be curious about what the others got. “What did he get his other servants?”
“For Servant Stephanie, he got her an audience with Lord Kurama. She had a thing for that demon, and so badly did she want to sing for him. So Jin played his flute while she sang for the fox demon. For Servant Lola, he danced with her. She used to talk about how she never got the chance to have a father, daughter dance with her father, as he was killed by unknown means when she was seven. So Jin went out and bought an expensive dress for her to wear while he danced for hours with her to Lola's favorite song. For Servant Pat, Jin showed him the world, as he wanted to know there was more to this world than just Wind Knoll. For Servant Penelope, he risked going to Japan in the physical world to bring back the kimono that she talked about owning ever since she was twelve. He had it handmade right down to the last detail.” Justin couldn't help but smirk at Scarlet's shocked expression. “And this was just for their sixteenth birthdays. He did all kinds of things until the day they were murdered.”
“He really did love them a lot, didn't he?” Scarlet couldn't help but feel a bit horrible for the wind master not having the old servants he still thought about on occasion.
“All of the demons do,” Justin chuckled lightly. “One of my friends is Hiei's servant at the Fire Temple. For her sixteenth birthday, Hiei crafted with his fire a life-sized, and I do mean life-sized, dragon in her bedroom. She has a thing for dragons, and knowing that none exist, he did his best to make one come to life. At night, the dragon can be said to almost be breathing and smoke can surface from its mouth and nose, she told me.”
“Wow, that is insane!” She exclaimed, as they finally came upon the Cleansing Room door. When the doors were opened and revealed Jin talking and playing with the other young worshippers, which could see him, Scarlet couldn't help but smile at the scene with a shake of her head. “All of those are such sweet gifts, but I don't think there is anything I want that he can grant.”
“Well, he cannot give you back your parents, no,” Justin admitted, believing that was what Scarlet was thinking about. “But, I would say think about it. You know he'll bend over backwards just to get whatever it is you desire.”
Scarlet was conflicted in what to tell the wind master she wanted. There were many selfish gifts she desired, but some of them didn't look plausible to her. Taking in a deep breath, she stepped inside of the room to head towards the wind master who was talking to a bunch of kids and teens. “Hey, Jin,” she called, standing nearby to allow him to continue his conversation with those around him.
“Hello, Scarlet,” Jin responded with a wave before turning back to the kids in front of him. “Do you mind if I spend some time with Scarlet for awhile?” With most of the kids agreeing, he saw one young female looking rather pouty at the notion. Reaching out, he grabbed her with a playful growl to get her to giggle. “Don't be like that, Trysta! You know you're still my girl, aye?” The young girl turning around to kiss him on the nose, Jin wiggled his brow and ears with a toothy grin before letting the girl leave his embrace. Turning to Scarlet, he opened his hands to guide her to the empty space beside him on the bench. “So, have you thought about what you wanted for your birthday tomorrow?”
“Jin, I heard from Justin everything that you did for your past servants,” Scarlet sighed with a smile, holding onto his hand tightly. “And I have to admit, that it is beyond sweet, but I am afraid that what I want you won't be able to offer to me.”
Jin's blue eyes darted about, as he was confused. “Why do you say that? I can get you anything you want.”
“But what I'd want is to be bound to you forever, and that is selfish of me to ask that,” said Scarlet honestly.
“You are bound to me forever,” Jin insisted with a raise of his brow, wondering where this was going.
“I know, but I would really like to experience a wedding more than anything, and I know that is against your beliefs.” She was aware that Jin didn't like to hold anybody above the others, even if the things he did for his servants insinuated he cared for them the most. “But beyond that, Jin, I believe I have everything I ever wanted right here. Don't worry about any special gift.”
I could tell Jin didn't want to accept that after I confessed my feelings, but I could also see that he was struggling with the beliefs he brought his temple up on. I just felt that I needed to tell him what I felt. If I didn't, I was worried Justin was right and his mind would explode.