Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of a Butterfly ❯ To Love and Be Loved ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do NOT (not, not, not) own any characters in the anime series Yu Yu Hakusho. They belong to their creator, Togashi Yoshihiro-sama. I wish (wish, wish, wish) that I OWNED Kurama. ^^;
Kurama looked up from the meal he was preparing and into the living room. His eyes landed on the girl. She was still sitting on the couch, legs crossed beneath her as she read a novel he'd recently purchased for her. Her sleek dark hair still covered much of her face; only her darting eyes, long eyelashes, and pursed lips were sighted by the fox. It was as though she hadn't moved a muscle. Had he imagined it?
Noticing her absent reply, he made to turn back to the task at hand. Not before he heard her words again.
“You were supposed to visit your mother today, weren't you?”
This time her head was lifted and turned to him. The light of noon emphasized the blue in her tempest eyes.
Kurama turned back to the meal. In these past five days, he's come to understand her nature well.
“Yes,” he replied, simply.
“Why aren't you with her?”
“There is an immediate matter to attend to. I called her—she understands.”
“This `immediate matter' is me, isn't it?” she demanded, softly.
Kurama picked up a tray and carried it into the parallel room. He rested it on the small coffee table and took a seat beside her, picking up a plate and handing it to her.
“Yes, I'll admit, you are that immediate matter.” The words came out in a simple matter-of-factly tone.
Cho chewed on the rice ball while staring at him through the curtain of dark hair over her face. Kurama ate as well, but rather stared out the window than at her. He could feel her eyes on him. Rather than feel unnerved, he felt tempted to smile.
“You're taking me back, aren't you?” she asked.
Kurama looked at her, surprised by the tone his ears detected. Were his ears deceiving him or had he truly heard a slight (and very distinct) melancholy in her voice?
He turned fully to her, tucking a leg under his weight while doing so. He blinked, “Actually, I was going to have you make that decision. I wanted to make this day free so that we may both follow through with your decision. You can leave, of course. I could take you back to Kuwabara's or your family's home.”
Cho shook her head, “I don't have any family left.”
Unintentionally, he froze at the words. The idea itself wasn't what shocked him, but rather...rather the fact that she told him is what surprised him. It's been nearly a week and he doesn't even know her name. Yet she would easily spew those words to him.
“Oh...I see. I'm...sorry.” he said.
She shook her head once more, “No, don't be. It's not like I care...Are you saying I could stay...if I wanted to?”
Were his ears betraying him once more? Had he really heard hope this time?
“If that is your wish.”
Cho gave a nod, “I want to stay.”
Kurama smiled. Deep down, despite this gloomy aura she carried, he was truly happy that she wanted to stay. Yet even the most obvious reason as to why eluded him. “Well then,” he said, “I think it'll be wise for the two of us to go shopping. Obviously, my clothes don't fit you very well.”
A ghost of a smile crept onto her face. To an inobservant observer, it would look something pretty much akin to a grim line of mild patience. But Kurama knew better. He knew that this mere line was a smile, or as much of one as she could manage.
“Does Tokyo sound a good place to start?”
Her eyes widened, “To...kyo?”
His smile brightened. “Yes, Tokyo. There are some things I need to pick up, and I'm sure it would be the place for all your needs. Since you plan to stay, I find it necessary to buy you what you need to become an official resident: a bed and such.”
“B-but Tokyo's too expensive. And I don't need a bed; I could sleep in the living room!”
Even in such a soft tone, he could hear the panic in her voice. It made her seem a bit fussy. He swallowed a chuckle and finished his first rice ball.
“Even though I have full scholarships, and the rent is very low, my mother sends me money every month since she's been saving for my tuition for years. Because of this, I have no need of a job. This leaves me with more money than I need.” He looked at her and smiled, “It will be nice to have something to spend it on.”
Cho, speechless, sat up and commenced eating, to give an excuse for her silence, Kurama believed. The matter was resolved then, she would not argue. Of that he was certain. With the lightest chuckle at his small triumph, he too commenced his meal.
She seemed nervous as they walked the crowded streets. She: his mysterious young resident. Her eyes would dart about and she would keep close to him, but not close enough for them to touch. The train ride made her very, very frantic. She reminded him of a criminal looking for the policeman he wanted to avoid. Clearly, she wasn't claustrophobic, so a cab isn't out of the question. Yes, a cab would certainly be better.
Kurama glanced at the young teen, noticing the dark, cautious look in her eyes as she watched everything before her, sometimes sneaking a peak or two behind her. Who she is watching for, he wondered. No matter, she was here. Unless it was her will, he would not permit anyone the distance to harm her. Shocked by his fierce reasoning, he looked away from the small girl and faced forward.
“So, where would you like to go next?” he asked her, his voice strained.
Cho looked up at him, scrutinizing. “I don't know,” she replied, cautious.
“Well, would you like to get some supplies? Books? A radio? Anything in particular?”
“I thought we already got the things we need.”
“I was just suggesting that we make you feel at home with some earthly possessions to call your own.”
Cho frowned, “Not a good idea, who knows when I'll need to leave again. Makes no sense, becoming attached.”
Kurama said nothing as the two continued through the streets of Tokyo. They stopped at a clothes store, where Cho chose an assortment of outfits and shoes and tried all on in the privacy of the dressing room. Afterwards, the two visited several stores, mostly book and antique shops, where Kurama would accept a small trinket or two from each one. Sometimes he received a small parcel to carry. At the end of it all, Kurama found himself voluntarily carrying the bulk of everything purchased today. Noticing this, Cho wordlessly took as much as she could carry. Feeling much relieved, yet embarrassed at the same time, Kurama thanked her.
“You're doing this for me, right? Then don't apologize.” she told him, curtly.
He brushed off the sharp tone and then noticed an ice-cream stand in the park they were in. He stopped at a bench and motioned for her to sit down.
“Stay right here, I'll be back.”
Cho watched him as he bounded off towards the stand. She sat there, and looked around at the people all about her. Parents and children, lovers, friends, all were apart of an unattainable joy that was like a disease to her. She stared at all of them, wondering. If her parents had been kind, and thought her one of the family, would she have been such an easy target? Would she have been able to accept the Heart of Terra into her being if she had known what it meant to love and be loved? Would she have been able to become this impure creature, the one who cried blood tears, if she had known what happiness and joy were?
Kurama arrived with two cones of shredded ice, only to find the girl with that vacant, pensive look in her eyes. A strong wave of emotion rushed over him, an emotion so strong that it could only belong to Yoko. Keeping his other side in check, he knelt beside the lost child and looked at her.
“Here,” he handed her the cone and made sure their hands touched, so that she may awaken to the strength she awakened within him.
She snapped from her spell and looked at him, “What is it?”
He stood and sat beside her, “Shredded ice, with strawberry syrup.”
“Oh,” she mumbled.
The two ate in silence, observing the activity which surrounded them, and enjoying each other's company. Sunset crept upon them and marked the end of a successful day. Soon they were walking back to the crowded sidewalks, in hopes that they may avoid taking the train and enjoy a quiet trip in a cab. Between then and there, they hadn't expected an encounter with the past.
“No way...hey Kurama!”
Cho froze at the sound of the voice: loud, obnoxious—surely it couldn't be...
There he stood with a wide grin on his face: Yusuke Urameshi.
Kyaa! Many apologizes everyone for disappearing into thin air and never coming back! *bows* It was the worst case of Writer's Block I have ever had. I have never felt so MISERABLE in my life! ;-; Compared to the other four parts, this one wasn't so hot, really--there lies the evidence of my disease. But, meh, it's something. As any apology (and sort of a celebration for my recovery), there is another part after this. Reviews mean everything, everyone! ^^ Okay then, ja ne. Happy Chocolate and Egg Day (more like Good Food Day to me...<.<;) Or just plain Happy Easter. ^^; Ciao.