Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wings of a Butterfly ❯ Let Go ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Well, well. Here's the 2nd installment. Hmm...you know, I had a dream about Freddy Kruger and Kurama. It was really strange, and Kurama was hurt really bad in a very scary way ;-;. And yet it was so FASCINATING. I mean, like...WOW, type of fascinating. Like those gruesome things so terrible you can't turn away from them...I'm going to use it for a future event in this series. You'll know when you see it, OR, I'll just tell you. I dunno. It might be a LONG TIME before I use it. If I'm having very vivid dreams, then that means my creativity skills are back! YAY! Well, anyways, sorry to bother you all. Here's Part/Chapter 6
Disclaimer: I do NOT (not, not, not) own any characters in the anime series Yu Yu Hakusho. They belong to their creator, Togashi Yoshihiro-sama. I wish (wish, wish, wish) that I OWNED Kurama. ^^;
“Oh wow, how long has it been? Three years? Four years?” Yusuke asked, grinning.
Kurama couldn't help but beam at his friend, “Three years, I'm afraid.”
Yusuke chuckled, “Man, three years...how is college treating you? Is it fun living in your own apartment?”
“I enjoy being in the constant company of intellects. It is very stimulating. And I must admit that though the apartment is rather small, I find it fun to live in the company of students from so many other schools. I have many friends there, and so I'm never really left alone.”
Cho's eyes widened, if only slight. He's lying. she realized. He's lying through his teeth. He's alone, he's miserable, but he won't even admit such a thing to his friend. Is it pride? She looked at the cheerfully chattering Kurama, No...it can't be. He's...ashamed. Ashamed of what his life's become without his friends to be there for him.
“So,” Yusuke continued, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, “Gotta girlfriend?”
Before Kurama could have the misfortune of answering, a young woman stepped forth and hooked her arm with that of Yusuke's.
“Hey Yusuke, who are you talking to. Oh, hi Shuichi!”
Kurama gave a respectful nod, “Hello Keiko.”
To Cho, this woman looked nothing like the girl in the picture. Then again, none of them did. They were all older than that photo and had changed as much as the seasons did. The Keiko in that picture had long, braided brown hair and few curves. This Keiko, this young woman before her, had her hair pinned up with a few curls framing her face. She had a full body, petite and graceful its own way, and skin that glowed with the gift of life in her slightly swollen stomach.
Kurama seemed to notice it too, because he also gave a respectful nod to that. “I now see why the marriage was moved forward.”
The young couple blushed.
“Well, you see...umm...heheh.” Yusuke chuckled sheepishly.
“There's no need to explain. I'm quite aware of your nature and Keiko's leniency.” Kurama assured them with a smile. Then he frowned, “But I worry about your parents, Keiko.”
“Well, they weren't too pleased when they found out,” she admitted. “But when Yusuke said he'd marry me in a heartbeat, my parents didn't worry. I'm actually grateful for this. Now we've a good excuse to get married. You see, someone was hoping that we could live our lives first.”
“Funny how things turn out in the end, eh?” the father-to-be noted.
With a roll of her eyes, Keiko ignored her fiancé and asked, “Are you bringing anyone with you to the wedding?”
“I was going to bring my mother—” Kurama began.
“Your mother, stepfather, and brother already have an invitation. I mean someone special to you.”
Kurama blushed with what Cho knew was shame, “Well, you see, I—”
Cho flinched, unintentionally pulling out of the shadows she's hidden in for so long. She looked to see Yusuke looking at her with a mixture of shock, anger, and relief in his facial features. Before she could run, he had her by her wrist and pulled her out into the open. She tried to pull back and break loose, but only made it easier for him to drag her further out.
“What the hell are you doing here?” he demanded, grabbing her other wrist to stop her from struggling.
She let out a frustrated hiss and tried to kick him. “Yusuke!” Keiko shouted.
“Have you any idea how worried Kuwabara and Shizuru are? They've been looking for you all week and this is where you are? Why the hell did you run away? Why, damn it. Answer me!” He shook her.
Kurama rushed forward and pushed Yusuke away, his hands replacing Yusuke's own. “She's with me, Yusuke.” He released her hands and Cho, surprisingly frightened, found shelter behind the red-head, her eyes wide and shaken as she stared from behind him. Her fingers desperately clutched at his clothes and her entire being sought comfort and protection from his.
Yusuke stared at the two, speechless. Surely he did not see it, the gold of Yoko flashing in the green of his friend's eyes. When did Yoko even have the power to become so evident? And why did he show himself for the sake of this girl...?
“Kurama, do you even know who this girl is?” Yusuke asked.
“She's told me that she is an acquaintance of Kuwabara and Shizuru. Apparently, she knows you as well?” he replied.
The dark-haired narrowed his eyes, “Yeah. What I don't get is how she's here with you.”
“I found her near my home, and now I intend to care for her until she is willing to move on.”
Yusuke smirked, “You've always had a thing for strays. Fine then, I'll leave it alone. As long as I know she's safe. I'll be sure to tell Kuwabara and Shizuru. They'll be relieved to hear that she's alright.” He looked at Cho, who flinched. “And you, I trust that you'll take care of him. He's a terrible liar, you see.”
Cho felt Kurama stiffen beneath her grasp, but said nothing. Yusuke, obviously content, turned and walked away. Keiko, undoubtedly confused, gave a wave in Kurama's direction, and then disappeared after her future husband.
Sunset grew dark in the skies and soon the lights of Tokyo lighted even the darkest shadows of the park. Kurama and Cho stood just as they were even after Yusuke and his pregnant bride left. Cho did not know how to simply let go of him at that moment, and Kurama could not figure out if he wanted her to. Yet at the end of it all, when it was but the first shadow into night, the two made their way to a corner on a sidewalk and beckoned a cab to them.
In silence they took the ride home. Kurama was lost in his thoughts, fighting with himself about what had occurred not so long ago. Yoko, he realized, was willing to attack any one or thing that dared to distress Cho slightly—even a close friend. Was such a risk necessary, should he cast her out, after everything? Cho, too, was battling herself, noting how still clutched at Kurama's shirt in one hand, as if he was her only connection to life. She found it pathetic, demeaning. She filled her mind with a bulk of reasons to release him, reasons that usually made her feel withdrawn. And yet, she would not release him. In the silence there hung a common question; four simple words that spoke volumes: how to let go?