Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Blood Bath ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders

"Selene! Why have you shed blood?!" Hypatia shouted at her former friend and ally.

"Why have I shed blood? Why you ask? I'll tell you why! I was stolen from you and put into a slave trading prostitution ring! I was used, abused, and hurt many a time over for the pleasure and profit of others!!! Why do you think I shed blood?!!! None of you were even bothered to come looking for me!!"

"…" Hypatia turned to the guys. "Is this true?"

"We would have never been able to find her," Yusuke mumbled.

"You lie Selene!" Angua shouted, she was glowing a golden light in contrast to Selene's red. "I know they looked for you!"

"They didn't! You can see it on their guilt-ridden faces!" Selene said. Angua growled. Gold covered steel wings sprouted from her back.

"Liar!!" she shouted.

Hypatia collapsed to the ground.

"My energy…" she mumbled. Steel wings came out of her back.

"I will kill you all for what you have made me go through, and I will not be satisfied until you are all dead! Every one of you!" Selene yelled.

"Not if I can do anything about it!" Angua shouted at her. Golden horns had sprouted from her head. A red halo hovered over Selene's head.

"That's rather disconcerting," Kurama mumbled.

"Does this mean we're the…" Yusuke hesitated. "The bad guys?"

"I think that it might Yusuke," Kurama said. He smiled feebly at his friend. Yusuke looked up at Selene and Angua. His eyes moved to Hypatia.

"Shit! Hypatia!" Yusuke shouted. Hypatia was covered in blood. Her steel wings were cutting her flesh. Her nails were long and spikes were starting to cover her arms and legs. She screamed in pain. Yusuke rushed to her side, worried about her.

Angua and Selene squared off.

"Hiei," Kuwa said. Hiei looked at him, drawing his eyes away from Selene and Angua. "Is it me, or does it seem like Selene is a bloody angel and Angua a golden demon?"

"It seems that way," Hiei replied. "It really seems as though we're the bad guys this time. We're the cause for the bloody angel."

"Nothing good will come of this," Hypatia mumbled. Yusuke tried to blot up the blood that was coursing from her body with his shirt.

Angua flew towards Selene. Selene smiled and flicked behind her. She dug her nails into Angua's back. Angua cried out in pain. Selene smirked evilly and pulled her nails down, through Angua's skin, leaving long and deep gashes on her back. Angua snarled and turned to bitch slap Selene. Her nails cut through the thin skin of Selene's cheek, sending bits of flesh and blood flying. Selene cried out.

"Hang in there Hypatia," Yusuke mumbled. Kurama came over and tried to help out. He took of his shirt and began bandaging what he could. Hypatia cried out suddenly and flapped her wings. Her left wing cut into Yusuke as she began lifting off the ground. Kurama was knocked back a few feet by her right wing, it left a few deep cuts in his skin. Hiei rushed over to his mate's side.

Selene tried to cut Angua to shreds with her wings, but Angua dodged. Angua kicked Selene in the stomach, digging in her nails. A wail emitted from Selene's mouth. Selene batted Angua with her wings, cutting her and ripping off flesh. Angua kicked with her other foot. She bent her knees and pushed off. Selene screamed and fell to the ground, two chunks of flesh missing from her stomach. Angua barely managed to stay in the air. In the claws of her feet were two chunks of flesh, dripping blood.

Selene hit the ground hard. Her body was torn to pieces by her own wings, spikes and nails. Her bones were broken from the fall. Hypatia cried out and faltered in the air. Blood began to trickle from a non-existent wound on her stomach.

"I think that Hypatia may be tied to the other two," Kurama told Yusuke as Yusuke moved to his side. Hiei was helping the kitsune sit by holding his back. "A sort of middle of the two opposites. She seems to suffer from the other's wounds."

"It makes sense," Yusuke said. Something moved to his right, where Selene's body was. Yusuke turned his head to look and nearly screamed. Hypatia's body was re-making itself. Bones that had poked through flesh were being pulled back in to meld back together. Blood was running back into the body. Wings began to pull themselves out of the flesh they had been buried in. Nails were straightened and pulled out of arms. Hypatia's broken neck straightened itself out and her breathing started again.

"Shit," Yusuke murmured.

"I agree," Kurama and Hiei said.

"When that Xania guy makes a creature, he does it right," Yusuke said.

"Too bad the only one who knows how to handle this is dead," Hiei mumbled.

"That's it!" Kurama exclaimed. Hiei and Yusuke looked at him like he was nuts. "Alexi. She'll know what to do; she has all of Death's knowledge!"

"She does," Yusuke said. "But how do we find her?"

"Leave that to me," Genkai said, suddenly appearing behind Yusuke.

"Gah!" Yusuke exclaimed, startled beyond belief.

"But how will you find her?" Kurama asked. Genkai smiled at him.

"Don't worry about me, worry about what's going on with ASH," Genkai said. She began to run off into the woods.

"… he he he he he… is that the best you can do?" Hypatia's voice rang out in the stillness. All eyes turned to the corpse that had once been Selene. It was moving, getting up from the ground. The body was fully healed. "Would you prefer that I used my own body's voice?"

"Is this better?" Selene's body said. It wasn't Selene's voice that spoke the words though. It was deeper, manly. "Does this unsettle you less?"

"What the fuck?" Yusuke whispered.

Selene's body turned to look at Kuwa, who wasn't with the other Spirit Detectives. Its smile was feral. Kuwa gulped.

"Kuwa get over here!" Kurama shouted. Kuwa started to run. Selene's body grinned and blurred. Selene's body appeared in front of Kuwa.

"Too slow," it mocked. Kuwa tried to dodge the hand that swiped at him, but didn't dodge in time. Selene's body's nails raked across Kuwa's stomach. Kuwa cried out in pain, clutching at his stomach. "Game over little boy."

Yusuke knocked Selene's body away from Kuwa, grateful the spikes had retracted at some point in time.

"Sorry Urameshi," Kuwa chocked out. "I always seem to be the weak link."

"It happens man," Yusuke replied. "It happens to Kurama too."

"Hey! I'm not a weak link!" Kurama shouted.

"No, but you are the target of a lot of things," Hiei stated.


"You know its true Kurama," Yusuke said, sniggering at Kurama's pissed off face.

"Oh how cute," the voice from Selene's body mocked, its hand buried itself in Yusuke's right shoulder. Yusuke screamed.

"Yusuke!!" Kurama cried out.

"And now, tweedle dee and tweedle dum," it said.

"Nooo!" Angua shouted from her position in the sky. She folded her wings and dove towards the body that had once belonged to Selene. The body smiled and looked at Angua, who was hurtling towards it. Angua dove right into the blood red wings that were waiting for her. The body of Selene had turned at the last moment and had pointed its wings behind it. Angua had crashed right into them. She cried out as the cold, red steel went through her skin. The wings broke bones and tore her skin to pieces; they popped out of Angua's back.

"You are a pathetic excuse of a member of ASH," Selene's body droned. It moved its shoulders and then spread its wings, tearing apart Angua's body. Blood exploded as the wings spread. Tearing was seen and heard. Skin ripped apart and bits and pieces flew here and there. Bones broke and shattered, sending some pieces flying. Angua's head went with the right side of her body, still attached to the right shoulder and to the neck. Angua's left side went with one leg and an arm. Blood coursed down Selene's body's wings and covered its back, forming a pool by its feet.

"How pathetic," it said. It turned its attention to Kurama and Hiei. Kurama had moved to Yusuke and Kuwa to check and see how they were doing. Hiei was hovering by him, ready to protect him at any cost.

"What are you?" Hiei asked.

"I am Selene," it replied.

"You're not Selene, you just look like her because you've taken her body," Hiei retorted. It glared at Hiei.

"Fine then, I'll tell you what I am," it grinned like a minx. "I am Chaos."

"… chaos huh?" Hiei asked. Chaos stared at him.

"I am a Chaos demon. This is my form," it said.

"Chaos demons are extinct," Hiei countered.

"That is why I had Xania make Selene," the Chaos demon replied. "Let Chaos return."

Kurama looked at the Chaos demon in disbelief. He had seen Chaos demons before, and they really did look like this.

"Shit," Kurama muttered. Hiei looked at him.

"My name is Nakago," the Chaos demon said. "You might want to know it, considering I'm going to kill you."

"Not if I can help it," said a gong-like voice from behind Nakago. Hiei and Kurama stared in wonder at Angua, or what had formerly been Angua.

"Shit," Nakago swore and blurred fifteen feet to the left. "Damn you."

Angua's body looked at Hiei and Kurama, and then Yusuke and Kuwa.

"Two of these are innocents, and you hurt them," Angua's body intoned.

"Fuck you, you son of a bitch!" Nakago shouted. Angua appeared at Nakago's side and dug its nails into his side. "Shit!"

Nakago broke away from Angua's hold. He looked at his side, blood and golden goo seeped from his wound.

"Son of a…!!" he tried to swear. He fell to the ground and started to convulse. Angua's body smiled down at him. It looked over to Hiei and Kurama.

"I am Jino, a vengeance demon," it said. "I will be the one killing you."

Kurama looked at Hiei, who in turn sat heavily on the ground beside him.

"How did we become so hated?" Hiei asked. "I hate vengeance demons."

"I don't know. I assume it has something to do with our pasts," Kurama replied.

"Not so fast Jino," Nakago said. He slit Jino's throat. Jino gurgled something and fell to his knees. "You have to kill me first you bastard."

Jino reached out and tripped Nakago up, causing him to fall flat on his back. Nakago gasped since his wind was knocked out of his lungs. Jino climbed to his feet, blood oozing from his wound. The wound itself was smoking and bubbling, tearing the skin and burning it. Nakago's side was similar. Anywhere the golden goo touched the skin bubbled and burned.

"Hiei," Kurama whispered to his mate. Hiei looked at him. "Do you see what's going on with their wounds?"

"Yeah," Hiei said.

"Weird huh?" Kurama said. Hiei face faulted.

"You don't know why it's happening?" Hiei asked.

"No," Kurama replied. "All I know is that we have to fix Kuwa and Yusuke as much as we can."

"Uh, Kurama?" Hiei said. Kurama looked up as a shadow fell over them.

"Hello," Hypatia said, but not with her voice.

"Who are you?" Kurama asked. Hypatia smiled.

"I am the lady justice," Hypatia said. Kurama and Hiei stared at her dumbly. "I am the mediator of this fight, and I will finish it."

"… Ok…" Hiei managed to say.

"I do this for every epic battle. Unfortunately this is an epic battle that won't end. Don't tell them I'm here," Lady Justice whispered. Kurama and Hiei looked at each other.

"This is too complicated for me," Hiei murmured.

"I'm sorry to inform you, but your friends that inhabited those bodies are quite dead," Lady Justice said. Tears streamed down Kurama's face. "Angua killed Selene and Nakago killed Angua. Nakago and Jino were waiting for them to vacate those bodies."

"Poor Angua," Kurama said.

"Your friend Hypatia is in here with me. We will kill off Nakago and Jino. If they kill this body I will leave instead of her. She will be able to take care of them if that happens," the lady of justice explained.

"Good luck," Hiei told her. The lady of justice nodded.

Nakago had gotten Jino in a head lock and was trying to plunge his toe nails into Jino's flesh. Jino had his nails buried in Nakago's arms. The lady of justice moved towards them slowly, so that they wouldn't notice.

"Good bye boys," the lady of justice said. Nakago and Jino turned their heads to her. She grew out her nails and cut off their heads, silvery goo covered the neck on the bodies and the neck on the heads.
"That was easy, and now I don't have to worry about them."

The lady of justice moved over to Kurama and Hiei.

"It was nice to meet you," she said, holding out her hand for Kurama to shake. "I hope we don't meet again, for the reason that I don't want to kill you all." She shook Hiei's hand.

"Catch," Hypatia fell to the ground. Kurama caught her before she could hit the earth. Hypatia's wings cut into his skin, but he didn't care.

"Now what?" he asked Hiei.

"I guess we wait for Genkai to get back."

~*~* Five hours later *~*~

"I found her!" Genkai shouted to the now empty yard.

"Well," Alexi said. She looked at Genkai. "Where do you suppose they are?"

"I don't know…" Genkai trailed off.

"There you are Genkai!" Kurama shouted from the porch. Genkai and Alexi stared at him. "The problem fixed itself, don't worry about it!"

Both women face faulted.

Notes: Ta da! Sorry I'm a day or two late, had to do some stuff. Hope you like the blood bash!