Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Murders ❯ Wald Der Sorge ( Chapter 20 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Winter Murders

"Well, welcome to the Tantei Hypatia," Koenma said. Hypatia blinked.

"That's it? No ceremony? Anything?" Hypatia asked.

"Nothing," Koenma said. He sat back in his chair. Hypatia walked up to the desk.

"Why isn't there anything?" she asked slightly annoyed.

"Normally people are chosen to be the Tantei, not choose to be the Tantei," Koenma replied.

"So? Shouldn't you honor the people who save your ass day in and day out?" Hypatia fumed.

"Yeah," Yusuke chimed in from behind her. Koenma glared at the spirit detective.

"Don't make me hurt you," Koenma threatened. Yusuke cracked up. "Yusuke…"

"You… punish… me?..." Yusuke managed between laughing and gasping for air.

"Grrr," Koenma growled. Hypatia continued to glare at the junior god.

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap* Koenma returned his glare to Yusuke, who was clapping unenthusiastically.

"Contrary to what Yusuke thinks, being a Tantei is an honor nonetheless," Koenma told Hypatia. Hypatia looked at Yusuke, who rolled his eyes.

"Personally, I never get tired of going on pointless missions in which big, powerful, and deadly youkai are involved with little to no information on them," Yusuke said. Hypatia smirked as Koenma glared.

"I would like to beg to differ with you Yusuke," Koenma started. "They are not pointless. You went to the dark Tournament to save your loved ones; you fought the Saint Beasts, Sensui, and our favorite thieves to save the world."

"As I said, pointless," Yusuke said. Koenma made to charge Yusuke. Hypatia grabbed him as he jumped off the desk and held back.

"Get. Out," Koenma growled through clenched teeth. "But be back tomorrow so I can give the three competent members of your little group information on your new mission."

"Three?" Yusuke asked.

"Kurama, Hiei, and Hypatia," Koenma replied.

"*Pbft* Whatever Koenma. I'll be seeing them in a few minutes so I'll tell them for you, but if you think you've gotten away with that insult. I'll be back," Yusuke deadpanned.

"You sound like Gov. Schwarzenegger, just shut up so you don't sound so stupid," Koenma countered.

Yusuke flicked Koenma off and began to walk out of the office, dragging Hypatia with him. Hypatia waved as they went through the doors.

"Stupid Yusuke. He'd better tell the others…" Koenma muttered. He plopped into his chair once more and stared at the huge pile of papers. "George! Get me my stamp!"


"Hiei, koi," Kurama mumbled to his sleeping lover. Hiei just shifted in his sleep. Kurama gulped, Hiei was lying on top of him. "Hiei…"

Hiei licked Kurama's chest. Kurama gasped and nudged Hiei's shoulder, determined not to fall for this trick this time around.

"I know you're awake Hiei," Kurama purred and absently ran a hand down Hiei's back to his bum. Hiei purred and snuggled. "Hiei…"

Kurama pinched Hiei. Hiei's eyes snapped open and he glared at the kitsune. Kurama smiled luminously at him and pointed at the clock next to the bed. Hiei groaned and buried his head in Kurama's chest. Kurama giggled.

"Come on koi, it's time to go, Hypatia and Yusuke should be back now," Kurama said. Hiei grunted. He began to run his hands up Kurama's sides. Kurama grinned. "I guess we need to exercise huh. It is eleven in the morning after all."

Hiei looked into Kurama's eyes and then smirked.


"So…" Kuwa said. Yusuke looked at him. "They're rabbits, right?"

"Yup," Yusuke said in return. Hypatia cocked her head to the side.

"Rabbits?" she asked. Yusuke and Kuwa looked at her. Alexi came in with Hypatia's Mountain Dew.

"Uh, I guess we could say sex fiends," Yusuke said.

"Or sex maniacs," Kuwa added.

"Or nymphomaniacs," Alexi added.

"Nice one," Kuwa and Yusuke complemented simultaneously.

"Thanks," Alexi said.

"How about sex fanatics?" Hypatia asked.

"That works," Yusuke said.

"How about very much in love?" Kurama asked from the doorway. Yusuke, and Kuwa gulped. Hiei glared at them all from Kurama's side.

"How about `mind your own business?'" Hiei added. Yusuke laughed nervously as Kuwa hid behind a couch. Hypatia looked at Hiei questioningly. Alexi sat next to her, giving her the pop.

"Don't think I didn't hear you Alexi," Hiei threatened.

"I'm so very scared," Alexi cowered.

"Humph," Hiei muttered and dragged Kurama to another couch.

"I personally think `consummating their love' works," Genkai said as she entered the room.

"Hey Genkai," Yusuke said.

"Dimwit," Genkai acknowledged Yusuke. Yusuke stuck his tongue out at her.

"So, why are we all here?" Kurama asked Yusuke. Yusuke looked at the kitsune.

"Hypatia here is the newest member of the team," Yusuke said. Hypatia smiled brightly. Alexi raised an eyebrow.

"Why'd you do a stupid thing like that?" she asked the former member of ASH. Hypatia shrugged.

"So I'd have something to do," she replied. Alexi shrugged. She leaned back.

"So why are the rest of us here?" Hiei asked annoyed by being there.

"We're quote unquote celebrating," Yusuke said. Kuwa rolled his eyes and sat by Hypatia's feet. Hypatia looked at him strangely.

"What?" Kuwa asked.

"Nothing," Hypatia replied.

"Hey Hypatia…" Kuwa began, Hypatia knew what was coming.

"Yukina's out tending the garden," she barely finished before Kuwa was gone. Hiei twitched involuntarily. Kurama patted his shoulder and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well, its noon now, why don't we all go out somewhere and eat?" Yusuke suggested. Kurama, Hiei, Hypatia, Alexi and Genkai nodded in agreement. "Somebody go tell Kuwa and Yukina."

"I'll do it!" Hypatia volunteered. Everyone except Genkai turned startled eyes to the girl. She smiled.

"Ok… knock yourself out," Yusuke said. Hypatia laughed and then dashed from the room.

"I wonder what's with her?" Yusuke mumbled aloud.


"Hello Kazuma," Yukina said in response to Kuwa's greeting.

"How are you my love?" Kuwa asked.

"I'm alright Kazuma," Yukina said. She looked at the small garden she had been weeding. "Would you like to help?"

"Do what?" Kuwa asked. Yukina giggled and knelt down.

"Weed the flower garden," Yukina replied. Kuwa shrugged and knelt beside her.

"I guess I can handle this," Kuwa muttered as Yukina showed him what plants to pull.

Hypatia snuck up on the pair, cautiously hiding behind a tree. Yukina had told Hypatia that she was hoping "Kazuma" would ask her to go out with him, but it seemed Kuwa was as dumb as he looked. Hypatia couldn't see what Yukina saw in him. She shrugged and cawed like a crow, Yukina's signal. Yukina's head snapped up from what she was doing and looked over to the source of the noise. Hypatia gave her a thumbs up. Yukina smiled.

"Kazuma?" Yukina asked.

"Yes my love?" Kuwa said.

"Would you go on a date with me?" Yukina asked very innocently. Kuwa dropped the plants he had pulled at looked at Yukina, astonished at her forwardness.

"Uh…" he tried to say.

"Please Kazuma?" Yukina pleaded.

"Of course I'll go on a date with you! I… was just unsure about asking you, I guess," Kuwa replied. Yukina hugged him. Hypatia smiled happily and turned away from the cute pair. Crimson eyes stared at her.

"Eek!" Hypatia managed. Hiei glared grim death at her. "Hi Hiei… eh he he he… got to go… Bye!"

Hypatia dashed off towards the pair. Hiei glared after her. A hand placed itself on his shoulder.

"It seems she likes him Hiei," Kurama purred. "You can't do anything if she likes him."

"Hn," Hiei snorted, leaning against Kurama. "I just wish she had chosen someone else."

"You can't help who you love," Kurama comforted. "They were meant to be, anyone can see that, even you."

"Don't remind me," Hiei said. Kurama ran his hand along Hiei's shoulder and down his arm, grasping Hiei's hand in his own.

"Ai Shiteru," Kurama whispered. Hiei looked at his kitsune.

"Ai Shiteru," he replied.


"This mission is not to save the world, or save my ass," Koenma began. The gang was sitting in chairs facing Koenma's desk, no doubt put there by George.

"So what is it for then?" Yusuke asked.

"If you would be patient, I'll get there," Koenma snapped. Yusuke rolled his eyes.

"There is a place in the Makai that every demon goes to at least once in their life. It is called the Wald Der Sorge, or Forest of Sorrow. Youkai go there to learn the value of a life. Most forget it, or live with no regrets after it. The Wald Der Sorge is a very important part of the demon way of life. I know that most of the demons you have met are angry, blood-thirsty, and cruel, but not all demons are that way. Some have feelings, but most do not. The Wald Der Sorge was put into place some three to five hundred years ago, and is protected by the council of four. Its purpose is to teach demons and humans alike the value of a life and the value of feelings," Koenma explained.

"So?" Yusuke asked.

"The Wald Der Sorge is a very important aspect of demon life Yusuke," Koenma said.

"But what does that have to do with the Reikai? What does it matter to you?" Yusuke asked. Koenma glared at him, but then sighed.

"The Wald Der Sorge keeps demons feeling, it serves as a warning, most of the times it works. The Reikai approves of the Wald Der Sorge because it keeps demons off the bloody path of life," Koenma said.

"I get it, they make your life easier by converting demons into harmless, feeling creatures," Yusuke sneered.

"They're not necessarily harmless Yusuke. They will fight with all their power for the things they care for," Koenma said.

"Go figure," Yusuke muttered.

"Your mission is to preserve the Wald Der Sorge," Koenma said. Yusuke, Kuwa, Hiei, Hypatia and Kurama blinked at him.

"Protect it from what?" Kurama asked.

"Their neighbors the sirens," Koenma said. "Apparently they have a grudge against the founder of the forest and are going to destroy her greatest creation."

"That seems kind of stupid if you ask me," Kuwa told the group.

"It's not stupid," Hypatia chimed in. "If you had a child and someone wanted to torture you the most, would they kill you or the baby?"

"The baby…" Kuwa replied.

"I'm assuming, of course, that this leader cares deeply for this forest," Hypatia said.

"She does, which is exactly why they are going to destroy it," Koenma said.

"Why do they have a grudge against her?" Kurama asked.

"I don't think anyone knows, except her herself," Koenma replied.

"Is that all you've got for us?" Yusuke asked.

"Basically. When you get to the forest I suggest you try to find her and talk to her," Koenma said.

"No duhr Koenma," Yusuke said. "Whelp, let's get back to the temple guys. We'll discus this more there."

"K," the group answered.


"Alright, here's the plan: Hypatia you stay here with Alexi and Genkai and man the fort. Who knows, maybe some demons'll attack the Ningenkai. Us four will head out to the Wald Der Sorge," Yusuke told the group. The guys nodded.

"That's not fair!" Hypatia shouted. Yusuke raised an eyebrow. "I'm a team member like all of you! Why can't I go with?"

"Trust me, we need you here," Yusuke said. "I may not wan to admit it, but you and Alexi there could take out all four of us real quick if ya wanted to. You'll have action back here, don't worry. It'll probably be harder for you than for us."

"Uh huh, whatever," Hypatia pouted. She walked into the temple, followed by Genkai.

"Don't worry," Alexi said "She'll realize you're right eventually."

"Eventually is the key word there," Yusuke replied.

"Well, how would you feel?" Alexi asked him.

"The same way. I understand, don't worry. We'll see you guys soon," Yusuke said and turned to leave. Hiei and Kurama followed.

"Bye Kazuma!" Yukina shouted. Kuwa waved.

"I'll be back soon Yukina my love!" he shouted.

Kurama restrained Hiei by holding onto his arms and kissing him. Hiei growled but then moaned as Kurama gained access to his mouth.

"Jeez guys, can't you stop for a minute?" Kuwa asked as he passed them up. The two of them had fallen to the ground groping each other. Hiei growled and pushed Kurama off of him. He stood and chased after Kuwa.

"Come here and say that to my face you baka saru!" Hiei shouted.

"I'm not a stupid monkey you three eyed sex maniac!" Kuwa shouted from way ahead of Hiei.

"What did you say?!" Hiei screamed. Kurama walked up to Yusuke and the two of them fell instep.

"I said you were a three eyed sex maniac! Are you deaf too?!" Kuwa shouted. Hiei growled and sped up.

"You did not just say that you ugly baka saru pedophile prostitute!" Hiei shouted.

"That was a pretty good one, ne?" Kurama asked Yusuke. Yusuke shook his head in agreement.

"Kuwa screamed in outrage, but kept running from Hiei. Hiei caught up to him and tripped him up. Kuwa fell face first into the ground. Hiei kicked him a few times before standing on him and jumping up and down a few times.

"Stupid moron," Hiei said and sat down on the knocked out Kuwa to wait for Kurama and Yusuke to get there.

"Hiei… Koi, don't you think you over did it?" Kurama asked.

"Nope," Hiei said a huge smirk across his face. Kurama sighed as Yusuke lifted the still unconscious Kuwa and put him on his back. Hiei took Kurama's hand and the four of them headed to the Makai.


Well, I'm sorry I didn't write anything sooner, but I couldn't think of what to do. Luckily a friend of mine helped me out by making me remember a character I came up with a while ago. I hope you liked this chapter, and now that I know where I'm going, there will be a chapter next week. Well, my hands hurt from gardening and my eyes are becoming fuzzy, so ciao.