Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Is the apocalypse coming? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Oh-my-goodness! Would you look at the number of reviews I got? *jaw drop* I had to reply to 11 of you! o.o Not all from one website, but still! You amaze me! No, really! I really didn't think this story was going to be so—well, liked! So thank you thank you! Enjoy! =D
Warning: The rape scene continues, and so does my warning except I won't put it at the beginning, I'll put it at the end this time 'k?
Disclaimer: I'm running out of—weird ideas... Um, plot's all mine (almost) and Ray isn't mine! But Kimori is...
Chapter 4: Is the apocalypse coming?
The two friends—more like robots—tightly held Ray's arms at her head's level. They knew humans had less power there, it was a well known fact. Especially in self defense classes... And the third guy came in the picture again, holding her feet that she had been planning to use.
Desperately trying to move, Ray kept struggling as Yukio sat on her thighs, restricting her movements even more. “Don't squirm so much, it'll just make it harder on you.” he said knowingly.
Her mouth opened in horror of her reality, and Ray started trashing madly, screaming for help in a high pitched voice she didn't know she had.
“Shut up.” hissed Yukio, mercilessly plunging two fingers into her mouth, making her gag and almost throw up. Pulling them out with a cold face, Yukio glared at her. “That was just a warning.” And he started pulling her shirt up, his eyes shining with pure lust and absolutely no love whatsoever.
Coughing, Ray whimpered softly, her eyes moistening as Yukio pulled her shirt all the way up to her shoulders, revealing her dark blue bra. Suddenly, they all heard the sound of a door opening. “What's going on here?” asked a familiar voice.
Thank kami, she was safe! “Nothing.” sneered Yukio, quickly standing up with his pawns, “We were just fooling around.” and he walked out, glaring at his arch nemesis.
~*~End of warning~*~
Even though she was shaking, Ray managed to push herself on her knees and quickly pulled down her shirt, her arms wrapping themselves around her stomach, her head bowed down.
“... Looks like I came at the right time...” said a soft spoken voice Ray used to despise, until now.
Shuichi kneeled next to the trembling girl and gave a small smile, gently pulling her chin up, wiping the bit of drool she had on the side of her lips from gagging, but he didn't know that. “Let's go.” he said softly and stood up swiftly.
A hand refrained him from going anywhere though. Blinking—completely clueless—Shuichi looked down at Ray's hand that had grabbed the bottom of his shirt. “Wha--”
“I thought—” she whispered, still not looking at him. “I thought—he really was going to rape me.” she said even more breathlessly. Ray shivered and let go of his shirt, hugging herself dearly. “I wasn't able to do anything.” she continued, her voice betraying her eyes: she was crying.
Shuichi's eyes softened and he kneeled next to her again, putting a hand on her back to comfort her. “I was scared...” she said, her voice resembling that of a ghost, “... So scared.” she sobbed, both hands going to her face to wipe the unshed tears.
“It's alright... it's over now.” he said soothingly and tried to pull her up on her feet... Failed. Guess she was heavier than she looked... Or—maybe she just couldn't walk. “Can you stand up?” Ray shook her head, her body was still trembling, frozen in fear.
“Come on, I'll take you home...” said Shuichi in a gentle voice, offering his hand to help her up. Ray made no answer, the only sounds heard being hiccups and sniffling.
How strange is fate? Ray was now relying on the person she used to hate, doubt and badmouth the most, yet—there he was: gentle and affectionate, caring like no one else. Could it be, that maybe he sensed that her hatred was mostly self directed?
~*Three weeks and a couple of days later*~
“Don't forget to bring your bags at 7:30 in front of the gates, the bus will wait for us there.” reminded the history teacher as he put his files in his bag. Tomorrow was the big field trip everyone was so excited about: they were going to visit the famous Mount Fuji.
Many enthusiastic whispers started buzzing as the bell announced the end of the day. Apparently, there was a lot to do over there, like getting lost in Aokigahara forest at the base of the mountain... Maybe they'd even run into ghosts of goblins, or maybe spirits of those who committed suicide. (1)
Ray rolled her eyes, “Such nonsense. You'd only see spirits if you truly believed in them, not so that you can just say 'I saw a spirit!' and boast about it.” she sighed, walking past a jittery, blabbering group of girls.
They all snorted at Ray's comment and chattered among themselves, most of them fed up with her “arrogant” attitude. Yukio stepped in their circle, “I seem to have overheard some kind of plan...” he smiled like a play boy, making all the girls go insane and nearly drool over themselves. Of course Shuichi was number one, but they could never, in a million years, refuse anything Yukio asked.
And so, an evil plan was plotted... More like, concocted by Yukio's genius in duping people. After arriving at the hotel they were staying at, students were told they had 30 minutes to get ready before they went hiking. Of course, there was still snow; it was—after all—still winter, and you're visiting a mountain. That spells out s-n-o-w and cold.
“Oh wow... it's absolutely gorgeous.” breathed out Ray, wiping her forehead while staring down at the top of Aokigahara forest. The sun reflected on the pines and the little snow the trees supported made for a magnificent shot. Too bad she didn't bring a camera. Speaking of snow, it had been bugging her for the last half an hour. It kept bonding to her hair and melted slowly, but she liked the fact it made the ground shimmer.
“Yes, I've always heard of Mount Fuji's beauty. But hearing and seeing are two entirely different things.” chimed in Shuichi, smiling at the forest before glancing at Ray.
Containing a mocking snort, Ray smirked “Well, of course... I'm sure you say the same thing every morning in front of the mirror.”
Twitch. “Ray—” started Kurama, his smile frozen on his lips.
“Uh oh.” muttered Ray, quickly glancing around her. Um, could anyone help? He was about to go insane and mess up her hair with snow again. “Uuh—no! I mean—I don't want snow in my hair! Not again!” she pleaded, clasping her hands together as if praying.
To let her off the hook or not, that certainly was the question! (2) A small smirk danced on Shuichi's graceful features, “Hmm...” he pondered slowly, taking a small step towards her. Taking his gazing daze off the mountain back to her, he grinned widely, “No.”
Squealing loudly, Ray made a run for it and quickly dashed away from him, putting a good distance between them. Better sliding in the snow than being tortured by that—girly guy. Speaking of snow, there goes her balance... “Ack!”
Hearing some light snickering, Ray looked up and saw a group of girls staring at her. A few were laughing silently but recomposed themselves and looked at Ray as if expecting something. Blinking slowly as she stood up, she looked at the group. “Why are you staring?”
Awkward. “Well—it's just... We know you're more athletic than any of us... And—Kimori just lost her backpack down there.” frowned the brunette, looking at her hands nervously.
“... So?” Ray lifted her eyebrows. If they needed help, why not spell and spit it out.
“Well—” started Kimori, “it has everything in it... My money, my camera, even my makeup and some clothes.” she made a sad face, avoiding Ray's face as if she was inferior to her.
Sighing loudly while rolling her eyes, Ray brushed off the snow her jacket had collected. “Fine, whatever. You'll owe me one.” she took her own backpack off and set it against a funny looking rock.
“W-wait! I mean...” coughed the brunette, “You wouldn't want your jacket to be torn to shreds right?” she smiled amiably. Ray stared at her and blinked. “We'll keep it for you. We know you won't be long. You're skilled.” she smiled widely.
Sighing once again, Ray unbuttoned her ski jacket and handed it to them. Why, she had no clue but they were right: it was very valuable to her. Besides, if a pocket ripped, her wallet would be lost to the wolves. A lot of good that would do.
“You better not steal anything.” mumbled Ray, looking down before she started descending the slippery rock. The group of girls smirked but appeared to look worried as Ray kept climbing down the mountain. “Are you sure it's down there? I don't see anything...” 'Why the hell am I helping them? Sheesh, I swear the world's spinning backwards...' she thought while continuing her downward trek.
“Yeah, it fell right through the trees.” shouted Kimori, gesturing to her friend behind her to take the snow off her backpack. So much for a 'funny looking rock.'
“... Ok... I'll go a little farther then.” replied Ray a bit louder, keeping her eyes glued to the rocky surface her gloveless hands clung onto. Yes, gloveless. Could you imagine rock-climbing with gloves? Heck no. (3) It seemed her memory was bad at remembering to bring and wear gloves.
Kimori's brunette friend snickered quietly in her glove and gestured to the group to grab the rocks they had prepared. All buried under snow of course, less conspicuous. “One... two...” she whispered, swinging her arm loosely, “three!” and they all threw the rocks down the side Ray was desperately trying to stay glued to...
(1) I'm not making it up, I looked it up online at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mt._Fujibut of course, it's Wikipedia, so don't expect 100% accuracy. But since I'm too lazy/busy to do “real” research, I'll stick with it.
(2) Aaahh I've got to stop with the Hamlet references... But it's such a fun play to make fun of!!! ... Anyway...
(3) Sarcasm sarcasm *cough cough*
>.> I actually had to write part of this! That means, the next chapter is all work... not simply editing to see what fits in a chapter... @.@ Um, well... I hope it's still as good as you expected it to be... Might get a little confusing... Tell me if it did... Reviews still appreciated! =3
Meep_4ever: ^^ Yay! Another fan! o.o Hope you liked it! Thanks for reviewing!
Nekomi_Meow: Haha, unexpectedness is good? W00t for love! *feels loved* =^.^= Makes me happyyyy to know you like this fic! I never thought people would like it this much! o.o Thanks for reviewing!
missy: Not the first but not the last, still, you reviewed and that's what matters! =D I think you'll keep hating me for cliffies, but I have to cut it at the good parts so that you like the next chapter! =0 Thanks for reviewing though! ^^
midnight fox: *gulps* Um-- *tries tip toeing away* As long as the chat doesn't involve instant death I guess we could... ^^;; Thanks for reviewing! ^o^
tollypop13: New blood! o.o Haha, jk. I shall continue, and hopefully it'll still be interesting. ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
Leh Star: B-b-b-but if I cut at the good parts that means there's more good parts to read when I update! If I posted all the good stuff, that means the next chapter would be boring (I can only come up with good stuff... um, every so often *cough*). I'll update! Control your army! Eek!
Methos: ^^;; Yay for getting you to review every chapter! o.o Man, you must be addicted or something >.> *cough* Just like me. Hehe. But you know, I get reviews, so I update! (Well at least, until I run out of completed chapters). So, thank you for bothering to take the time and effort to review! ^o^ Makes me happy!
inuyuyu_15: Yeah that's right! Addiction... *shakes head and sighs* Don't spoil anything! xP But at least it refreshes your memory! Hehehehe... more to come. ;)
Sly Vixen706: o.o Oh noes! You <b>need</b> my fic!? Now I'm more than honored, that's a lot of responsibility! Your lives!? Eek! Are you sure I'm up to par? I wouldn't want you dying on me ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
Silver-arctos-star: Now now, I can't give it away... :P I'll update again, since you seem so desperate to know what will happen. (You and many others >.>) I might get killed! *runs away* Wait, I can't run away. I have to update first! @.@ So many things to remember... *cough* Anyway, I'll update today so-- don't fret!
Sonya-White-Angel: Hm, didn't you review another story of mine? o.O Bah, doesn't matter! I'm sorry for the cliffies, but-- really, if I put too much in one chapter, the next will be boring. ^^;; This way it um, >.> keeps you on your toes. *cough* Or so I'd like to think. Yay for being different! ^-^ I can gloat now... >.> not. :P Thanks for reviewing!