Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Reality check, oh crap ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I forgot to mention this before chapter two, but it made me really really really happy to see the number of reviews for the first chapter! I think I had about seven from five different websites. You have no idea how jittery that made me! And, hear this, because of that, I finished chapter nine! ... That's right, I'm all the way up to nine! It's because your reviews keep me going! But I generally don't update on a website if I don't get a review. Honestly, I forget, and the review is a reminder that says “Ding ding! Time to update!” So anyway, thank you and enjoy!
Warning: There will mention and gestures of rape, I'll put ~*~Warning~*~ before it starts.
Disclaimer: Same as always, weird ideas are mine and Ray is Raysha's OC.
Chapter 3: Reality check, oh crap
When Kurama opened his eyes, he saw gray. Since it was shining it actually looked silver, but he knew it was gray. It was hair. Quickly getting off Ray, he looked down at her and was glad she passed out. How the hell could he explain he created a portal at the last minute and fell through the street to land in Makai?
“What a mess.” he sighed softly, shivering slightly. Oh yeah, Makai does get cold too. Forgot about that. And hopefully, it wouldn't start snowing—or else it wouldn't stop. Something melting on his nose made him look up and sigh in annoyance. “Great.” he mumbled and picked up the unconscious girl, trying to find a hideout until the snow would stop.
Oh, just passed a cave. Rewind. Alright! It wasn't habited by a wolf, or a bear, or—simply put, a demon. Now that was lucky... Anyway, carefully putting down his neighbor, classmate, or arch enemy—whatever you wish to call her—Kurama then hurried to get some wood before it was too damp.
But it was already damp, so the fire took a long, long while to start. And he was getting cold. After all, his shirt was already wet from the snow Ray shoved in his shirt and then he had to dive onto the street... Sheesh what a day. He knew he had to hurry back to Ningenkai though, people had seen them on the street and if they didn't show up again... It'd be too weird.
Ah, now the fire had nice, warm flames so he took off his pink jacket, then his shirt and set them around the fire to dry. A soft whimper caught his attention and caused him to glance at Ray, who was shivering in her wet school uniform. Who wouldn't? With just a skirt and a long sleeve shirt in the middle of the snow...
Kurama smiled gently and scooted over to her, leaning against the wall as one hand grabbed her waist and pulled her against him, or more precisely against his naked chest. The unexpected source of warmth caused Ray to open her eyes and slowly blink the haze out. When she realized who was holding her and where her head was, a deep blush covered her face and she tried to pull away... to notice her head throbbed.
“Easy.” chuckled Shuichi, pulling her back against him. It was warming him up as well. “You hit your head, better take it slowly.” he said while brushing some hair out of her face to admire the blush.
“... Did I ever mention you why I hate you?” mumbled Ray, trying to calm her hectic heartbeat.
“I think you let it slip more than once.” nodded Shuichi, still smiling.
“Well... whatever. You still look like a girl. And you sure don't act like a man.” muttered Ray, closing her eyes to emphasize her final say in things.
“...” What could he answer to that? Hm, what if the answer wasn't verbal at all? Smirking, Kurama leaned forward as one hand pulled up her chin and he swiftly covered her lips with his for a brief moment before pulling away and acting like nothing happened.
Ray's eyes snapped open once again and this time she stared at him for a long time. “And just what are you trying to prove?” she demanded in a rather authoritative voice.
Kurama smiled innocently and looked at her—supposedly—in confusion, “I don't know what you're talking about.” Then pinched the nerve on her neck to send her back into the wonder land that is unconsciousness. Her head slumped down on her chest, her hair covering her face once again. He put on his semi dry shirt and jacket and created a portal again, trying to appear in the same spot.
“There! Under the debris! I see some red!” shouted a voice as the sound of something cutting metal nearly deafened Kurama. Damn sensitive hearing. So apparently, that spot was a good one. It would appear as if they were stuck there from the start. Thank goodness. At least, everyone bought his story and was grateful they weren't injured in any way.
“No, she just hit her head. I'm fine.” he said while pushing Ray's arm out the hole the firefighters had created to pull them out. After extricating her, he lifted both arms and was pulled out. What a day indeed.
Ray woke up in her room with one hell of a headache. She wouldn't have remembered the accident if it weren't for her parents hugging her until she nearly choked to death. “Mom—you're crushing me.” she muttered and tried to make her lessen her grip.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack! I'm so glad Shuichi was there, you could've died!” sobbed her mother, resuming another death hug.
'... So I guess—it wasn't... all a dream.' thought Ray, remembering the stray kiss... Arg! What was she supposed to do now!? Obviously she should avoid Shuichi, but dude... how was she supposed to go back to school?
Speaking of which, back to school was probably more like entering the new Hollywood center of fame. People Ray never spoke to stared at her everywhere she went, and the few friends she had obviously asked her tons of questions. Some guys even dared to talk to her, saying they would have saved her if they had been there.
Ray rolled her eyes after she dismissed most of the annoying fans, 'Liars. I know most of you to be cowards.' But even knowing that wouldn't make her change the way she thought of Shuichi. He had proven himself to be brave, and even manly in a way...
'Stop! What am I thinking? As if... I'd never be interested in him!' thought Ray, mentally slapping herself and pushed her feet to take her to her next class. Oh great... chemistry. What do you know?
Tilting his head to one side, Shuichi smiled as his lab partner sat down. “Hi there. Glad you're alright.”
Ray turned her head in the opposite direction. “Yeah, whatever.” she gruffly answered, earning glares from all over the classroom. Surprisingly though, no teacher picked on her today for either daydreaming or chatting. Interesting...
At the end of chemistry, while packing up her stuff, Ray noticed a folded piece of paper. She lifted her head to see who left it there, but saw Shuichi walking out of the room. She read the note once, blinked, read it again and smirked. A date huh?
“What's with the note? Usually you're more forward than that.” said Ray, closing the door to the boys' locker room. Slightly frowning at the silent answer she received, the high school girl stepped forward and looked left. It was strange that only the center aisle lights were on.
Something moving on her right in the corner of her eyes made her turn her head just in time to see a hand shooting for her face, then felt it covering her mouth as four more hands roughly pushed her against the door she just closed, making her slam her head against it. I bet that was on purpose, just to remind her of the accident.
“I wish you'd stop ignoring me, Ray.” said a too sweet voice. Frowning, she stared at the form that seemed to be walking forward in the darkness. “Why won't you go out with me? I am the most popular guy in the entire school.”
The guy who was covering her mouth pulled his hand off and stepped aside, letting his “boss” stand in the spotlight... Well, just plain light. Anyway, it wasn't who she thought it'd be. But she could tell just by his voice.
“Ah, I should've known. Shuichi isn't usually this tricky, Yukio.” said Ray, trying to sound confident. She knew she was hopelessly outnumbered though.
The blond guy smirked, “Not as smart as you let on.” he noted and took one more step forward so that his face was two inches away from hers. “Now, back to business. I want you to go out with me.”
“No chance in hell.” spat Ray, now getting angry and having her fists clenching as a result. “You trick me here and expect me to do you favors? Dream on!”
“... I thought you'd say something like that. But you see, I am wanted by many other girls.”
“Then get another chick who's interested damnit, don't drag me into this! And reality check: Shuichi's the most adored guy in the entire school district. Check the polls again.”
“Tsk.” Yukio clenched his fist and slammed it right next to Ray's face. “Don't play smart with me.” he threatened, “I have the advantage in this field.” he grinned wickedly.
Huh? What did he mean? “What fie--” Ray stopped mid sentence when she felt a hand on her knee. Her mind froze. You had to be kidding. That asshole was planning to rape her at school!? Well just the idea of raping itself was disturbing and disgusting, but at school!?!
“That's right--” whispered Yukio, sliding his hand up her thigh slowly. Great, he had just gotten under her skirt.
“S-stop!” squirmed Ray, unable to break free from the two guys holding her arms. “Fine! I'll go out with you! Just—just stop!” implored Ray, trying to back away since breaking free wasn't an option.
Yukio's eyes smiled in a—very... strange way. “You heard that guys. She just consented.” he snickered and grabbed her throat, pulling her backwards as his two friends pulled her by the arms.
“N-no! I didn't—” she whispered, not believing this was happening to her.
“I just can't believe you. Otherwise, tomorrow you'll just avoid me again. This will be proof that you're mine.” and he caught her feet with his own, sweeping them from under her. Smack! There goes the head again.
And... another cliffie. Sorry... >.> But I was actually considering cutting this way—way before. So... be happy? ^^;; I know I'm asking for a lot... =/ Reviews appreciated though! (If it's not too much work...)
I just have to say, thank you!! To all those who reviewed, you seriously make my day! ^.^ And those on fanfiction.net can no longer hide! I know some added them to their favorites and/or alert list. :P That also makes me happy. =D
XshootingStarX: Haha, yeah... Pretty insulting. *cough* :P Glad you love it! It makes me happy! =D Thanks for reviewing!
Missy: *uneasy cough* Ahem, I'll just ignore the biach part ^^;; >.> Yes, I'm evil... ;-; But I can't help it! Otherwise it's boring... Blame J.K. Rowling for cliffhangers, she has the worst of all. Bwahaha! ... I mean—anyway... Still, it's good that you like it! And I limit the chapter to three pages so that there's interesting stuff in every chapter. =P But thanks for reviewing (first again)!
midnight fox: So sorry! >0< Cliffie. ^^;; Um, well... I'll just leave this chapter to answer you. Satisfied? *angelic smile* Well erm—maybe not. @.@ Anyway, thanks for reviewing! =D
Methos: Haha, yeah, haven't had one in years too... Partly because there is no snow in California so the last four years, that gives me little to work with... =( ^^ Glad you liked it! Hopefully, the rest of the story will go smoothly.
Nekomi_Meow: o.o You actually copied and pasted!! Haha, yeah that scene was... interesting. *angelic smile* I'm sure you'll like one part in chapter 10 then (and hopefully all the other chapters in the middle *sweatdrop*). Thanks for reviewing!!
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Haha, you're the second person to tell me that was your favorite scene!! I... didn't know it was so cute... ^^;; But then again, I know very little of what I write >.> I just write what I feel is right. *cough* Most of the time anyway. But I'm glad! You have no idea how happy reviews make me! ^-^ Thank youuu!
inuyuyu_15: I'm sure you can't wait. xP But it's not so suspenseful for you, cheaterrr. Hehe. Just kidding. ^.~ Well then, I guess I'll update! Since it's by popular demand...
Silver-arctos-star: Thank you! ^.^ I'm sure you'll enjoy the next chapter... and the one after that... and-- *bangs self on head* Alright alright, I'll just update and wait to see what you think. =D Thanks for reviewing!