Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Life matters ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Random note: the title has two meanings, but I don't expect anyone to—totally get it. I myself don't even know why I wrote that... >.> But if someone can tell me the two meanings, I'll get them a Kurama plushie! If not, ignore this! ^^;;
Here is the next chapter, at last... Um... Yeah, I'm mad at myself because I didn't write the words for the perfect ending, but no worries, I still have a couple more chapters to go. :P As for the lemon, it'll happen very soon!
Disclaimer: As always, I own the OC's, descriptions, obscure thingies, and... the plot!
Chapter 12: Life matters
Snarling with joy, the demon fixed his creepy dark face on Ray and slowly stalked forward. Suddenly uncertain, Ray stepped back at each forward step that monster took.
Left in the tainted snow, Kurama caught his breath back and attempted to stand. Succeeding for about ten seconds, the fox's legs swayed beneath him before he crashed back into the welcoming snow. 'Losing... too much blood.'
Taking off his torn sweater, Kurama quickly ripped pieces of it to bandage the deepest wounds, mainly where he was bitten: his arm and shoulder.
Meanwhile, Ray had unavoidably backed into a tree and was now trapped. The ugly, crooked person like thing cackled and licked his lips clean of his previous victim's blood. “Delicious...” he let out in a breath, already imagining how soft the girl's skin would feel against his palate.
'Oh... shit!' Ray started to shake. 'Damnit! Stupid fear!' But even cursing at it won't make it go away... As the demon jumped, mouth wide open, Ray's legs decided to go numb for a second at the same time her hand let go of the rock. Yelping shortly, Ray snapped her eyes closed, awaiting the pain.
Somehow, the pain imagined wasn't quite the same as the pain received. Cracking her eyes open after being knocked in the forehead, Ray saw two dangling feet right before her eyes. Without so much as giving it a second thought, Ray hurriedly scooted sideways until she was far from the tree onto which the thing was—sucked onto?
Had the situation not been so serious, Ray just might have burst out laughing. The demon in his anxious jump hadn't expected his prey to duck at the last minute and hence ended up a tree hugger! ... By that I simply mean his obnoxiously long fangs got stuck in the bark. Hippies nowadays...
Anyway, while the demon tried to extricate his mouth away, Ray half ran to where Shuichi was. “Oh my—Can you walk?” she hurriedly asked, wanting to get the hell away from here.
Breathing heavily, Kurama accepted her hand to stand up. “I'll be fine...” he breathed out. “Why didn't you run away?” he glanced at her.
Ray grumbled incoherently, slinging his arm over her neck. “Who the hell would?” she finally mumbled, glancing at him as if pouting. “You saved my life... ne?” She gave him a small smile.
“Yes, but not so you could lose it.” he nearly scolded, but he was too tired to chew her out completely. “You should've run away.” he sighed before wincing as Ray pulled him up again.
“Oh hush. I'm fine, aren't I? Besides, I have a right to make decisions. It is my life after all, is it not?” replied a currently hot headed Ray, trying to hide her shaky legs.
About to reply, Kurama had to shut up when an infuriated howl whipped them both back to the real problem here: a stinking demon, ex-hippie.
“Okay. Now I'll take your word for it!” yelled Ray and started running away, half dragging Shuichi along down a snowy slope. The sun had now almost completely disappeared and left only but a remnant of its yellow light on the far away mountains, as if giving half the Earth a protective halo.
Large drops of blood made sure that the teenagers' escape route wasn't secret, but rather very obvious. Hence, the demon followed.
While fleeing, Ray tried to keep her mouth shut, but somehow just couldn't. “What is that thing anyway?” she asked, already out of breath.
“You wouldn't—believe me if I told you.” replied Kurama, trying not to wince as they slipped off a rock, nearly sending them back on the ground.
“Just spill it!” breathed out Ray, glancing over her shoulder to see the furry “human” still pursuing them, rather angrily too.
Momentarily biting his bottom lip as he tripped yet again, Kurama also glanced behind them. “A demon.” he let out softly.
Wide gray eyes stared at him. “Watch out!” But it was too late, they had both missed a root slightly sticking out from under the snow and were now half rolling half sliding down the rest of the slippery, snowy slope.
For the second time that day, Kurama felt an elbow dig into his ribs and knock all the air out of his lungs. “Ow ow ow...” whispered Ray, holding her head as she sat up, not realizing she had once again landed on him.
A hysterical laugh brought their dizzy attention back to their pursuer: the same demon bastard. Who else? “Ready to be eaten yet?”
Ray gulped but tried to act tough, “As ready as I am to fail my entrance exams. Not!”
Kurama blinked dizzily, the blood loss was starting to seriously affect him. He tried again to produce a rose, and failed. He tried one more time, but it was another failure. 'Why won't it—'
“Don't bother. I've sealed your powers away.” nagged the demon in excitement. He hadn't had a wild goose chase in a very, very long time. And for our sake, let's just call him Taro, demon tends to get repetitive, even though he is one.
Barely frowning, Kurama didn't even ask how it was possible, he could probably conjecture something and be right. Right now though, he had other priorities. Like, getting out of here alive and preferably in one piece.
“I don't want to be a pest Shuichi but... Why are we here?!” she asked in a loud whisper, hugging her arms.
Avoiding her gaze, Kurama stared at the demon closing in on them. “I thought... You'd be safer outside the town... away from Yukio.” he added the last part as an afterthought.
Blink. “Oh... so that's it. You're—jealous?” she frowned, not seeing why the hell he should be jealous of a bastard.
A surprised look caught her off guard, but surprise was soon replaced by astonishment. “Jealous? Why would I be jealous of a no good jerk!? He has a twisted mentality that leads him to break the law—”
“Ok ok! I get it!” cut in Ray, raising her hands in front of his face. If he wasn't jealous... could he just be—concerned? “Thank... you.” she muttered, looking down at her hands that were now on her bent knees.
A tiny smile almost made its way across Kurama's face, but Taro interrupted yet again. How rude! “I don't mean to—well actually, I do mean to interrupt your cozy little chatter; but could you just stay still and let me eat you?”
Kurama turned a glare towards that arrogant, loud mouthed, smelly demon. “Oh but of course, as long as you drop dead within your next step.” sarcastically shot back Kurama. That demon was seriously pissing him off; but without any help from his demonic powers, slim were his chances of defeating his opponent.
“Oohh, misguided anger. Tsk tsk.” smirked Taro, waving a clawed finger in front of them, “Now your friend... He knew what to do with it.” Taro's white eyes flashed red. “Directed solely toward you.” He tilted his head until it was forty five degrees to the left, his wide eyes locked onto the red head.
“Beautiful, burning hatred. If I ever find that kid, I'll thank him before eating him.” snickered Taro, licking his hairy face with his long pointy tongue.
Ray started mumbling to herself, counting down on her fingers when Taro hissed and yelled in apparent agony. Kurama stared at the—strange reaction. What caused this? The answer seemed ridiculously simple. Too simple in his mind. 'A puddle?' he frowned.
Taro hissed loudly and backed away, cradling his left foot as if it had been cut off. Ray interrupted her counting and looked up, puzzled at the strange behavior of the ugly humanoid beast.
Quick witted Kurama figured every demon had a weak point, well, most lower classes anyway. Was... snow—? No that was ridiculous, that demon was living in snow all year long. But at this altitude... The snow tended to melt faster, and they had gone quite a way downwards.
Tilt. A light bulb just exploded in his brain, he had so many ideas to get rid of the demon... But how many would work? Pushing himself up, Kurama grabbed Ray by the wrist, “Come on... We have to go.” he said breathlessly.
Nodding, Ray stood up on shaky legs. She couldn't believe she had been almost so terrified that she felt like peeing her pants. Could you blame her? Something inhuman wanted to eat her! ... For dessert nonetheless... Regardless, she felt a little safer by Shuichi's side, yet her brain completely omitted the moment earlier when she heard—not registered, just heard—that Shuichi was also a demon.
Kurama relied on his nose and hearing now, if he could find a source of water big enough to drown that demon... or maybe just deep enough so that he could keep his head in... They might stand a chance.
“Are you any good in sports?” inquired Shuichi softly, trying to conserve his energy and breath, yet he needed to know in order to come up with a conceivable plan.
“I always got first place in gymnastics...”
Fair enough. “That works...” The darkness and blood loss nearly caused Kurama to run into a tree. Fortunately, Ray saved his beautiful face at the last moment.
“Watch where you're going. Sheesh.” she reprimanded without really meaning it. She couldn't really scold him, he was injured... That's right! He was still bleeding! How did she not notice before that he was still standing with such injuries?
Well... at least I finished it! I had major writer's block on this one. >.< Wish me luck for the next chapter... @.@
midnight fox: Damn you're fast at reading/reviewing!!!!! o.o B-b-b-but... but... making the chapters longer will mean you have to wait longer... >.> Um... ._. Huh. << >> ^^;;
missssy: xP A random inspiration at a random spur of the moment. ^^;;
Meep_4ever: Bwah! I didn't meant to! Gomen goment! ;-; And um, please hold the fangirls off! *gives two more sticks and dashes off*
Nekomi_Meow: ^-^ Yay for action! Only when it's well written, and honestly... I can't describe a fight scene to save my life. Hence... I'm quite dead. x_x o.o Oops! Pocky!? *updates* =^.^=
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Haha, yeah, poor Kurama is kinda hurt. ^^; Beware! Of the killing... ish. ^^;;;;
Leh Star: ... I like lasagna the best too! And pizza and pie are good... >.> Just not when it's dripping off my face and on the keyboard... That would slightly prevent me from writing anything. :P
Shy_Chan: ._. Cliffies are evil, they have conquered my soul! ;-; Um... >.> Let's see what happens to Kurama... ^^;;
Sly Vixen706: *gasp* You're back!? Wait... you were never dead... Never mind. ^^; And um, do be careful on the seat edge, you never know when an earthquake might make you fall off. o.o
duckichan87: Lol at the baseball skills... Except-- Oh wait you actually have to read the chapter... maybe I should answer reviews after I post the chapter... ._. *is confused* Bah, tell me what you think of the next update. ;)
kuramagurl: ^^;; Sorry about the curse words... Although I do think, if something that creepy happened to me, I'd be cursing a whole lot. >.> That "thing" is... your next door neighbor! ... Just teasing. ^^;; It's an evil thing creeping from the dark sides of my soul... o.o Heeeeelp!
Coriyana: Welcome to the addict club! I mean... welcome aboard! ^^; Thank you very very much and I hope you like the coming update. So thanks for reviewing! =D
Silver-arctos-star: I've been busy too, I can get how life is insane. @.@ Especially during summer time. ^^;; =) Tell me what you think of the update though. *evil grin*