Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Freezing beauty ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Title: I meant it as... um, like, when Ray's head was on Kurama's shoulder, she could faintly feel his heartbeat yet paid no attention to it... things like that?
Note: I think... I forgot to mention I was leaving for France on August 20... I'll be gone until September 8. Sorry guys!!! Maybe if I finish chapter 15 before that I'll... send it to myself and update from there or something... if not, I beg you to be patient. =( The update will be worth it... since it'll be the lemon. :P But, if you're too impatient, I guess you'll have to spam me with reviews and that'll make me write (even abroad)...
Disclaimer: I still don't own anything, except maybe things to take with me to college... Besides that, OC's and the plot. That is all.
Chapter 14: Freezing beauty
Something warm... Shudder. Weighted yet rushed footsteps, heavy breathing. Blood was pounding against Ray's skull as she opened her eyes. Abnormally pale hands, almost blue, were dangling right below her. Wanting to touch those hands, Ray made to move her fingers and noticed the fingers in front of her twitched.
'Those... are my hands?' Now that she thought about it... it seemed the ground was above her head... Or was it that she was facing the ground?
A small grunt made her realize there were legs moving, which she hadn't seen because she was so fascinated by those glacial hands. Everything made sense now. The warmth was caused by someone's shoulder and it had defrosted her insides first, which then spread throughout her body, although she still moved clumsily.
The person carrying her stopped and leaned his other shoulder against a tree when he felt Ray's stomach slightly contract. “You're awake?” he asked breathlessly. It seemed he had been overexerting himself.
“Hai...” answered Ray in a raspy voice.
“Good, I'll make you walk now if you don't mind... We're not too far from it though, you should survive...” said the familiar looking person. In the dark however, Ray's guess was as good as yours. If you know, don't say it! Sh!
Anyway, her “savior” let her on the ground and only then did she notice the unconscious Shuichi in the flashlight's small beam. “Oh...” curse words were lost in her mind, “my goodness...” she added after a short pause. “Is... is he alright?” she inquired even though she could guess the very obvious answer.
The lad had two deep wounds in addition to minor scraps, he had lost too much blood, had his feet frozen and used the remaining of his spirit energy to summon his rose whip and save her. But Ray could only see the obvious, she had no idea about his weapon or the mark it left on her.
“We need to hurry.” said the familiar voice and picked up Kurama's feet, carrying him bridal style yet again while clutching his flashlight in one hand. Somehow, seeing Shuichi this weak made Ray feel remorse and sadness. His face was slightly bloody, she hadn't noticed her clothes were too, and his head was tilted back, his red hair hanging freely.
Had she not known any better, Ray could have thought he was sleeping... Yet she knew he wasn't. Well, not technically. “Hurry to where?” It had finally registered. Ray hugged herself as she clumsily followed in the footsteps of the person carrying her friend, trying not to shiver to death.
She thought she could feel something pricking her eyes like invisible needles trying to make her cry. Was it the cold? Yes, it had to be... She didn't want to admit she felt guilty about causing her friend these terrible injuries.
But besides the fact she was still wet and frozen and walking in snow, life was peachy. Not like they were stuck in the middle of a forest after having being attacked by a “fairy tale monster” that really shouldn't exist. I mean demons don't exist, that's just a fact of life. Demons in people yes, but actual demons on their own... Um, no.
Kicking a creaky door open, the person gently laid Kurama on the ground before fiddling around in the dark. Then—a dim light turned on. Ray's tired, cold eyes slightly widened as she recognized their savior. “K-k-kiy...”
“Wait here,” huffed Kiyoshi, pulling out blankets from a closet, “start a fire, I'll go get help.” And as he said that, he shoved some matches into Ray's pale, frozen hands. Kiyoshi pulled his scarf all the way over his nose so that just his eyes would show. “And take off both your clothes, you'll freeze otherwise.”
The door slammed shut, and he was gone. “F-f-fire...” repeated Ray, her teeth chattering as she attempted to move towards the fire place. She could see the wood waiting to be lit, yet her strength suddenly seemed to disappear and the room tilted upside down as her face slammed on the wooden floor.
Her body was still frozen, hence she hadn't felt the impact of her fall. Her clothes clung to her side, wet, frozen and seemed to want to fuse with her rigid skin. Her teeth started chattering again as her eyes rested on Shuichi's perfectly still form. She had to at least take his clothes off—or else he would freeze to death.
Forcing her tired body on her knees, Ray crawled to Shuichi and started tugging his cold, bloody, sticky long sleeved shirt off. She wasn't halfway done though when a violent shudder rippled through her body. Her fingers were shaking so much she didn't even notice she had dropped the box of matches Kiyoshi had given her.
Failing in removing Shuichi's shirt, Ray slumped back down on the ground, her head right next to Shuichi's lifeless arm. She could feel her lungs tightening even more because of the cold, and she wondered warily how long she had until she'd black out.
Her eyes closed, but she didn't take notice; the room had been dark to her even though the small light gave it a cozy feel. It felt as if she was sleeping, yet her cold face could feel the hard wood beneath her cheek. However, she didn't notice when the arm moved away from her head.
Kurama sat up, shivering slightly and blinked the haze out of his eyes. He could still feel his wounds, but his powers had returned to him so they were already healing. Glancing around, his green eyes stopped and stared at the person laying perpendicular to him, nearly widening at the color of Ray's skin.
“R-ray...” he whispered, noticing his shirt was half tugged off one arm. Quickly discarding the cold, useless shirt, Shuichi stood up as swiftly as his healing wounds would allow. Swift glances around the room told him lighting a fire would be the best idea for a start. So he gathered piece of crumbled newspaper and found the matches on the floor.
He was about to light the first match when Ray's shallow breathing stopped. Her (still) blue lips tightly sealed together by the remaining frost, her face (still) red from frost bite. Kurama's eyes widened as he stopped making the fire. “Don't you die on me.” he whispered and found himself instantly at her side, flipping her on her back so that he could place both of his hands on her chest to apply CPR.
After giving her mouth to mouth a couple of times, Ray coughed and tried to open her tired eyes and barely succeeded. She did, however, manage to take short breaths that burned her throat and lungs. Kurama sighed loudly in relief, “Thank goodness.” he muttered and looked down at her worriedly, his face about the same shade as hers.
Trying to part her frozen blue lips apart, Ray managed to mutter “C-cold... so... c-c-cold.” as her teeth chattered.
“I know, I'm working on that.” replied Kurama, hurriedly crawling to the fire place to light a match. He then very carefully placed the tiny flame under a newspaper and sighed in relief when he saw the fire starting up like it should.
Ray shivered, trying to move her frozen arms to rub herself but found it extremely difficult. Who wouldn't? Try to warm yourself with numb muscles. It looked like she had used all her remaining energy walking in the snow to get inside the cabin and then attempt to warm Shuichi first without caring for herself. Well, it showed.
Kurama yanked a closet door open and felt relief gush through him at the sight of two wonderfully warm blankets. Before he took another step though, he needed to rip his saggy pants off. They wanted to glue themselves permanently to his sensitive skin. That's a no.
Relatively quickly, Kurama slid out of his pants (and shoes) and went to Ray's side, not even stopping to ask her to take off her clothes. It was a matter of minutes, and the quicker her clothes were off, the quicker she would be warmer and away from death's door.
Ray barely paid attention to what he was doing, but her eyes seemed to notice and stare keenly at his bare chest. Somehow the fact that his wound wasn't bleeding or looked a couple days old didn't register at all. What can I say? ... Nothing really, hot guy says it all.
Slightly hurrying now that he felt even colder without his clothes on, Shuichi unbuttoned Ray's pants and pulled them off her freezing body. Her skin was frighteningly pale but his was rigid. Hell-o, freezing to death doesn't feel pleasant now does it? Nope. Didn't think so.
Alright, now that he had semi unfrozen himself, Shuichi grabbed a blanket and placed it on the ground in front of the warm crackling fire. Slightly smiling at Ray, he gently grabbed her under the arms and pulled her towards the fire place. The exhausted female teenager gave a tired smile and closed her eyes, shivering in her underwear.
Kurama couldn't blame her, he was still freezing himself! Now imagine yourself in a cabin, freezing with another human being... and a fire. What's the best source of heat and comfort? ... If anyone says fire I'll personally smack them with a stick... Ok good. Human being! Correct!!
Grabbing the second blanket, Kurama settled right next to Ray and spread the blanket over both of them, one of his arm finding its way over her cold hip.
I know I know... Shorter. >.> You all want to know what happens next. What happens next? The lemon! Which is why I cut it where I cut it. Otherwise, you would have killed me for interrupting the—lemony goodness. Anyhoo, stay tuned for some smexy action, I hope you'll enjoy it and... well that's that. Tell me what you think. =)
duskfate: Thank you! Hope you like the update! :D
BBVixenXoXo: I know ;-; I'm sowwy! =D Forgive and forget eh? ;) Hope you like the update. ^^
Winter Moon Rose: Die!? >.> Well that certainly is(n't) an option! :P o.o Cool! You know gymnastics! ^-^ I love to watch it, but I would suck at it... *cough* Thanks! I'll fix it eventually, at least on my computer, it might not show on the web for quite a while. ^^;;
missssy: *bows* Thanks! I hope I am creative, otherwise this might just turn out to be "one of those" stories >.> *cough* ^-^ Anticipation is participation! ... o.O That sure was random... Enjoy =D
midnight fox: Haha, true enough... >.> Evil? *grin* Naaah. x_x Itai!!! Stop abusing me or the brain cells will die, and so will this story! ;-;
Nekomi_Meow: @.@ Glomps are fun... You should see that youtube video called "Kakashi glomping project" hahaha. *cough* ^^ Glad you very much liked it =D It makes me happyyyy, oh so happyyyyy, and fluffy and fuzzy and waaaaaaarm and I pity-- *cough* Ok. ^^;; o.o Foooood! *grabs* Yum! Hope you liked the update! ^^
Meep_4ever: Nice moves o.o *claps* Haha, that's okay, as long as you read it and enjoyed it. xD I know, short again >> Here's the update to keep the fans off! But you'll have to survive about three weeks... better hire help. >_>
Methos: Haha, meaaan? << >> I suppose that's one way to put it. ._. It's only so it get better in the next chapter! ^^;; How lame is that for an excuse? *cough* That Hiei idea could be quite—interesting... but... well, you'll see... :P
inuyuyu_15: Haha, patience is a virtue... that I don't possess, so if you have it, share! xP Haha, just kidding...
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Indeed! Triumphant in some way... >.> As for dying... welllllll, let's see what I have in store. *opens closet* Oh wait, I can't tell you just yet! *yanks closet closed* o.o