Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Snap shot (lemon) ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I'm baaaack! As you might have noticed since I updated... France was awesome, I really can't describe the feeling of going “home” since I moved but—it's weird... I saw my bestest best friend for only two days yet it felt like I never left... Aw darn it, now I want to make myself cry... Ahem! Sorry for the delay! Well then, this is the part you've all been waiting for: the lemon!
This might sound strange but... I rewrote the summary. Tell me what you think? I didn't get a sense the first one gave the story justice... ^^; Thanks!
Note: The part where the text is italicized and in between ~* *~ marks means it's lyrics from “U make me wanna” by Blue, I don't own any part of that but I thought the song fit.
Warning: Lemon in this chapter! I'll put warnings before and after but keep in mind this fic is rated R for a reason...
Disclaimer: As always, I own nothing but the originality (aka, plot), not even the OC, even less the song by Blue.
Chapter 15: Snap shot (Yeah well, read the first two words, that's what clicked...)
Picture perfect. Two sleeping faces, one slightly blue mind you, by a cozy fire... All that's left is the romantic dinner and talk and—there you have it. A perfect night on a school field trip gone awry.
With Shuichi this close to Ray, bits and pieces of the two battles flashed in front of her closed eyes, causing her to snap them open. Her gray eyes avoided the warm emerald gaze and darted from Shuichi's right shoulder down to his right arm, then followed the trail left by claws from his left shoulder down to his exposed abdomen.
'Wasn't he... severely injured?' Ray was certain his wounds were deeper and graver than these! Even though he was awake, his face was still pale... It looked—strangely better. Weird... But at least the bleeding had (somehow) stopped.
Unable to avoid his gently piercing gaze any longer, Ray sustained the warm stare and felt her lips shyly stretch. It felt like her skin was tearing, but she pushed it in the darkest part of her consciousness. She had just realized and registered that—his hand was on her lower back.
Glancing nervously around, Ray tried to think of something to say. It seemed her mind was still frozen. She couldn't think of anything.
“Ho-how are your... wounds?” she inquired, lifting her gaze up one more time.
Shuichi smiled radiantly, “They're just scratches. They feel fine.” he replied very softly, as if to incite Ray to lean in to hear him. It seemed like something else was dancing in his pupils—something she couldn't put a finger on. It was probably just a reflection of the flames right?
“A-ah... That's goo—”
Kurama was unable to resist her any longer. Her unexpected shyness, the feel of her skin under his hand, her proximity in such—suggestive clothes, or more like the lack of clothes. It was all too much for his common sense to resist her slightly parted lips. He just had to claim them once again.
For some strange reason, Ray's heartbeat pounded loudly against her chest. Blood rushed to her cheeks and tainted them red before she could actually think of what was happening.
~*~Warning: lemon~*~
She was no doubt surprised when cold lips suddenly pressed fervently against hers. Her gray eyes refocused on the face inches from hers only to close slowly to give in to temptation. Somehow, her brain switched off somewhere because she couldn't really remember what happened next.
Shuichi gently slid his hand on her neck as he successfully invaded Ray's mouth again—with permission of course. His wounds didn't seem to bother him the least when he gently pulled Ray by the waist until she was nearly stumbling, and had to swing a leg over him to stabilize herself. With his other hand on her waist, Shuichi slowly pushed her down until she was resting on him while they both got lost in the kiss.
It seemed the frost that had been covering both of them melted as soon as their tongues tangled with each other. Nothing else mattered. Ray had closed her eyes and tried not to drown in Shuichi's godly kiss. She barely acknowledged that her chest was on his although she did feel his hand caressing her hip again. She recognized the pleasurable shivers that were sent down her spine and arms.
Ray didn't know what triggered this new sensation in her, maybe the intense sucking on her lower lip or the fact that his fingers felt like a feather touch, but something in the pit of her stomach seemed to have disappeared. She didn't even know what she was doing, but her tongue was invading his mouth and battling his moist muscle.
Her hands rested on his firm shoulders, trying not to push down on them while she managed her weight with her legs. Shuichi's tongue moved skillfully around Ray's mouth, craving to touch everything as if trying to memorize her taste.
Surely it was against common sense to feel lost and awed in a kiss with a childhood nemesis, yet—it brought unexpected comfort and warmth in her heart to know someone actually cared. Somewhere along her derailed train of thought, Ray felt her own tongue touch and explore Shuichi's warm mouth.
His hands knew what they were doing—whatever they were doing, because Ray couldn't care less that one was tracing her spine, slowing down only when encountering an obstacle: her bra hook. It was good sign that she could actually feel her skin and the shivers that ran down her arms. It proved she was actually getting warmer.
Along the way, it seemed Shuichi's lips had departed from her own and were trailing somewhere along the lines of her jaw... Oh yes, that was it: her jaw. Or was it? No wait, now he was on her neck. Hopefully he wasn't a vampire...
For some strange reason, Kurama thought of a song as soon as one of his hand was playing with Ray's hair, his taste buds intoxicated with her sweet taste. Had he been a vampire, her blood would have been more than attractive given all that natural sugar... (1)
Ray's head seemed to move on its own, tilting to the side and by doing so, granting Shuichi full access to lick and suck at her neck. Everything was forgotten. Both of them didn't seem to care they had been on the brink of death and were still stranded in Aokigahara during a field trip.
Since the two of them were so—enthralled by the new experience, they didn't notice the small flicker in a shadowy corner, a small smile apparent on the figure's transparent face. A slightly shiny hand extended inches away from a dusty radio sitting on a table, the face turning to glance at the couple intertwined in the blankets.
A soft drum beat hummed throughout the room before the volume increased and background voices filled the corners of the room.
~*You know you make me wanna.
You know you make me wanna.*~
Kurama interrupted his sucking and perked his ears up, did he just hear the radio go on? Somehow, he could feel this was a good song...
~*To start it off I know you know me
To come to think of it, it was only last week.
That I had a dream about us, oh.*~
So true, yet the last time he had a dream about Ray had been the last time he had slept peacefully and in a real bed without worrying about her health and safety. He licked the hickey he had just made and then planted butterfly kisses down her throat, both hands now massaging her back gently.

~*That's why I am here, I'm writing this song.
To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,
Someway let me know, you want me girl.
Ray's reply seemed to be a small, maybe involuntary, arching of the back. Maybe his hands caused it, or maybe she wanted to get warmer faster. No matter, something had clicked between them and it didn't seem like anything was about to stop or interrupt them.
~*Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
Baby that's why:
Kurama couldn't agree more. Ray was his queen and it didn't matter if he was poor, as long as he got to see her and be close to her. Speaking of the queen, it looked like her legs got tired of holding her above him. Not that he complained, he was all the more happy to feel her stomach fully rest on him now, but he just hoped he wouldn't—get too horny too soon...
~*You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
Why this song was playing at this exact time was irrelevant, it just deepened Kurama's feelings and the meaning behind his actions. He hoped Ray could sense it and hopefully she would let her feelings pour into her actions as well.

~*I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
The shivers slowed until they disappeared completely. Maybe rubbing a body against another was the best and quickest way to recover from freezing to death. Kurama's lips suddenly seemed dry, but as he gazed—slightly lost—in Ray's eyes, her lips founds his timidly and he was quick enough to comply in the kiss.
~*Well I know that these feelings won't end no, no.
They'll just get stronger if I see you again.
Baby I'm tired of being friends.
I wanna know if you feel the same
And could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Don't leave me in doubt.
Their kiss paused and the staring resumed. Was she feeling the same thing as him? Did it click that these words were only too true? At least they were for him, he still needed her to clear his doubts.
Before he knew he had uttered them, the words had flowed out of his mouth in a tender whisper. “Do you—?” His eyes shone, he couldn't complete the sentence.
~*Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
And baby that's why:
Ray's breathing seemed to have almost disappeared, shrinking back in volume but the word she spoke didn't reflect that at all. “Hai...” She trailed off, maybe unsure she was actually feeling what she thought she was feeling at the moment. Or maybe it was being saved from another near-death experience that had affected her brain and tomorrow she wouldn't remember a thing.
*~You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
Ray noticed Shuichi's hands pressed on her back a bit more promptly than before, as if wanting to seal her body to his. She had grown used to his soft fingers trailing her spine for the last moments, it felt they had been kissing and exploring each other for at least an hour but she knew that couldn't be true.
The fire cracked loudly but the song continued.
~*I'll take you home real quick
And sit you down on the couch
Pour some dom perignon and hit the lights out.
The nearly transparent form took that as a cue and actually turned off the light, leaving the remaining—and only—light in the room flickering across the walls, dancing with the shadows it created.

~*Baby we can make sweet love.
Then we'll take it nice and slow.
I'm gonna touch you like you've never know before
We're gonna make love oh' woo' oh.
It was as if their breaths hitched in their throat. Maybe they instinctively knew what they were doing, but having words put in their minds seemed to put things in perspective. Kurama's hands crept up Ray's spine and slowly, as his mouth covered hers again, unhooked the bra strap that stood between their flesh.
~*You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.*~
If this kept up, he was going to hold her until the morning light, as for his soul... It had been hers for a long time, she just never noticed it. The fox demon was, however, glad that Ray's shyness seemed to have vanished. It had been conquered by growing emotions and need. In one shrug of her shoulders, her bra fell off her chest and easily slid off her arms.

~*I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
Kurama's hands were now free to roam and explore every inch and curve of this newly exposed flesh. And he wasn't going to deprive himself of the privilege. Besides, it would warm her up even quicker since her underwear was, after all, still freezing. All he had to do next was taking off her underwear as well as his.
Being a fox (and a male), Shuichi felt the need to tower and dominate the situation, hence why he flattened Ray on his chest before rolling on his side. There, now he was in control. Ray kept her eyes closed, afraid that if she opened them, the pleasure might vanish like a dream.
Something warm and moist on her breast caused her to arch her back in pleasure, a moan stuck in her throat somewhere. Kurama could almost purr in pleasure, his hormones and instincts getting the better of him. So much for control... He was about to go wild.
Fingers clumsily kneaded Ray's breasts, unsure it would do anything satisfying. How good did it feel to hear the soft, sensual moans they elicited. Shuichi groaned softly: blood was rushing to his lower extremity and there was nothing he could do.
Well... There was one thing... Green eyes roamed over the naked body below him, noticing how appealing her two legs pressed together in a last attempt at modesty. Enticing. His delicate and tender hands abandoned the erect nipples to caress their way down to Ray's hips.
It felt like breathing became a burden. Ray opened her tired eyes to stare at the boy—man towering over her. There was no doubt in her mind: she loved him. She always had, but her subconscious interpreted the emotion as hate. There always had been that thin boundary between the two.
Unknowingly, Ray gave a tiny nod with her chin and Kurama admitted to himself he wouldn't be able to stop after that. His hands, that had been frozen on her hips until she had consented, now moved with frightening speed to rid Ray of her last garment: her frozen underwear.
Ignoring the two fires on her cheeks, Ray stared at Shuichi's face, wondering what his reaction would be. As soon as he made sure the underwear was well out of reach, his emerald eyes almost immediately stared at what he had uncovered. Yet he forced himself to start from her face, trying to keep a cool mask.
Hair, mouth, breasts, belly button, hips... bingo. His lips stretched into a smile, trying not to mutter anything that could seem too—male to say, or embarrassing for his first time... Ray seemed to find his smile convincing enough and she half sat up, her cheeks still on fire, to put her hands on the hem of Shuichi's boxers.
Although he was nearly growling for her to hurry up, Kurama's eyes never left Ray's exposed flesh. Shyly—yet quickly—Ray disposed of Shuichi's boxers and tried not to blush a deeper shade of crimson. This was embarrassing, but at the same time it was not.
They were exploring each other, eyes roaming over the body like curious animals. Slowly, Ray inched forward until her lips were on his chest. Shuichi was tall when sitting up on his knees, and since she was sitting up, it was the perfect height for her to share some of her love.
Imitating him, Ray closed her lips around Shuichi's nipple and sucked lightly on it until she could hear his breath hitch on its way out of his lungs. Kurama answered by massaging both breasts with his hands, attempting to control his erection. And failing miserably.
That was it. He couldn't sustain it anymore! With renewed fierceness, Kurama nearly slammed his lips on Ray's after quickly pulling himself away from her godly kisses. Pushing her down with his own muscular body, Kurama couldn't suppress the male instincts any longer.
Ray could feel Shuichi's hot shaft pressing against her lower stomach, sending butterflies up her stomach all the way to her head. Dizziness ensued. It didn't matter, she was laying flat on her back soon enough. Shuichi's tongue was more demanding now, ravaging Ray's mouth once again.
Kurama pressed himself onto Ray, the blanket having slid off him as he sat up earlier. Ray heard a small whimper and realized it was hers. She was begging him with her body to take her. She couldn't do with more teasing. Intense sucking on her lower lip signaled that he, too, was about ready to get it on.
Ending the kiss slowly, Kurama slightly lifted himself off Ray. One glance in her gray eyes gave him all he needed. Slowly and carefully, he inserted himself into her. Oh, the—wonderful feeling... and joy it gave him! Ray's quiet painful grunt brought him back to earth, he had heard the first time wasn't as enjoyable for virgins...
Ray shifted—almost squirming—under him, to adjust to a new feeling he ventured a guess. But this—desire, this feeling... It couldn't be repressed any longer! He had to let go, but he didn't want to hurt her... Kurama was almost already out of breath, stupid mind battles.
Slowly then, he pulled himself out, trying to remember—as his crotch was out—what Ray's warmth felt like around him. He only remembered when he pushed deep into her again, eliciting a very sensual moan. His green eyes shot up to Ray's face in time to see her close her eyes and tilt her head as she was biting her lower lip in pleasure.
A small smirk tugged at his lips, that he could deal with. As Shuichi pushed deeper, Ray felt her hips buck against him, sending new waves of pleasure chilling her to the core, all memories of him dying forgotten. This new sensation, deep within her... My, why it almost felt like Heaven on Earth!
Well alright, maybe not quite... But each time he thrust into her it made her want to arch her back until her stomach was touching the ceiling. Moaning softly, Ray had to lick her dry lips before nibbling on them. Waves of pleasure never amounted to the same thing.
Kurama felt his groin harden even more, which he thought was impossible. And each time he thrust, he tried to change the angle ever so slightly to see which position made Ray cry out the loudest. A sharp gasp answered his last thought and he instantly began thrusting into her deeper and harder.
He wanted to hear her moan, hear her scream his name in ecstasy. His name. Blood pounded inside his shaft, he could feel he was bound to explode any second... Yet he wanted Ray to climax first, to feel her freshly spilled juice coating his member before he could release.
Ray's pleasure heightened immeasurably, her hand—driven by nothing but pure instinct—almost instantly went to find her clitoris. As soon as her finger grazed it, pleasure that she could never have imagined exploded within her. She felt her walls clench around Shuichi's hot groin as she cried out his name; her vision was momentarily blinded, although she had kept her eyes closed.
The feeling of hot walls closing in around him was too much for Kurama to endure. After hearing his name in the most enticing way only lovers could manage, he climaxed. Shuichi went still as he felt his own seed mixing with Ray's. His body suddenly felt washed out, drained of energy but hot.
Nearly collapsing on poor Ray who was on her way back to Earth, Kurama managed to lie next to her after having pulled himself out. At least now, there was no reason to worry about freezing to death...
~*~Warning: end of lemon~*~
(1) I should spare you the Edward comparisons to all those who read Twilight... Those who don't, should! It's an awesome book!
Mushy right? >.> I tried not to... but really the lyrics... sort of... twisted it that way. ^^; Sorry it was so long! Hopefully it wasn't too boring! I thought I'd be forgiven as long as the lemon's good and finished before I ended the chapter, otherwise my head just might have flown off for some bizarre reason... Ahem. Which is why it's so long, so don't be surprised if I don't update any time soon. That and I'm moving in my dorm room. College time! o.o
Tell me what you think, reviews are still more than extremely appreciated. =D
P.S: To all those who wished me to have a good trip, I did!! I would be trying really really extremely hard not to have a good time... and it's nearly impossible when I see my childhood/middle school friends. ^^; That was random...
XshootingStarX: Haha, spamming was effective... I couldn't believe the number of reviews I got!!!!! @.@ Hopefully, the lemon will be worth the long wait. ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
BBVixenXoXo: Thanks! ^-^ Not having fun in France would be quite impossible for me... @.@ So I do hope it's the same when you read the update! ... Well... in a way. ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
Winter Moon Rose: :P Yes, underwear is... clothing... >.> But for modesty's sake... they kept it on. ^^;; *cough* Hopefully you'll enjoy the update! Thanks so much for reviewing! ^^
duckichan87: Haha, explanation in a later chapter... The update is rather long >.> I hope you'll enjoy it. xD Thanks for reviewing!!
Shy_Chan: T-T I sorry!! I had tooooo! Or else I would've been dead for cutting in the middle of the lemon! >.> I'm sorry you had to wait a month though ._. I agree with your P.S! Smexyness rules! <3 ;)
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Hahaha, yes it does sound... funny! ^^ France was a blast... of course. =D Hehe. Thanks for reviewing, again!
Leh Star: o.o Coyboroptic man eating weasles!?! YIKES! Thankfully I finished the lemon in one chapter... @@ ^^;; I hope you liked it!
White Alchemist Taya: Her reaction eh? >.> Well... read the update to find out! Although I'm not 100% sure I totally answer that... ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
Meep_4ever: o.o D-did you survive!? I'm back!! And it was more than three weeks... *hides* Did the update make up for it? *sweatdrops*
missssy: Haha ;) Of course! Now the crucial part is... was it any good? << >>
midnight fox: My brain-- my poor brain! I won't be able to sell it on ebay now! *glares* ;-; Ahem... Short to compensate for long... >.>
Nekomi_Meow: ^^ And a lemon it was... Was the wait worth it? << >> Oh! I need to email you... hehe ^^;; Or else... :P
missy: ^^;; It's okay, I don't keep track of who reviews or don't... but it's a good idea! I'll implement torture methods to-- *blink* Oh... ^^;; Juuust kidding!
whitewolf120: I-- take that as a good sign. o_o *stares*
rayray: Lol, you're getting creative with the names. :P o.o You have to tell me what you thought!!!!!