Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Troubling thoughts ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Maybe I should have mentioned I finished the lemon in one day after trying so hard for a week to finish it... >.> Anyway, I was really really stuck for this story (as for another one I'm trying to finish) but thanks to Ray, hooray I've got a plot and I'm pretty sure this is going to make it to 20 chapters! How exciting... -rubs hands in evil anticipation- I shan't tell you more.
However! I am... SO sorry!!!! I can't believe it's already been... more than 6 months!?!??!?! And only now, June 24th that I've been able to finish the first page of this! I'm so ashamed... but writer's block is so very evil!!! >.< I hope you won't notice the cut in my writing >.> So! Without further ado, I present to you: Chapter 16!
I hope you enjoy this!
Disclaimer: Plot production, errors, typos and OC's all belong to me! Though you still can't steal the goodness. =P
Chapter 16: Troubling thoughts
Warmth, coziness, snuggling. Ray's lips stretched into a small smile at the memory of her dream. She should probably wake up, otherwise she would be late for the field trip. But she didn't want to open her eyes and realize that everything had been a nightmare—until the last part that is.
How intense her school trip would have to be if dreams became reality, her parents surely would be worried if she were to spend a few days in the hospital. It didn't matter, it had been the longest, most vivid dream Ray ever experienced. Besides, only in a dream could she have healed that quickly from so many deadly incidents.
Sighing softly, the gray haired girl let her eyes flutter open slowly. How shocked was she to find a sleeping Shuichi next to her! 'This isn't my room...' she frowned slightly, trying to remember what happened. Everything flooded back at the same time. Snow, monster, ice.
Sitting up abruptly, Ray discovered she wasn't dressed. No, actually it looked like she wasn't wearing anything at all for that matter. Her cheeks reddened slightly at the very pleasant memory that had seemed to be a dream. 'I guess I... wasn't dreaming.' she concluded. As if to underline that fact, Shuichi stirred next to her.
What actually woke her up was the sound of approaching footsteps crunching on the snow. As Shuichi sat up slowly, she grabbed the blanket and pulled it up to her chest, trying not to utter out a squeaky shriek as the door was pushed open.
Kiyoshi huffed a couple of times before turning on the light and getting a good view of the room and its two inhabitants. Behind him were people muffled up in warm coats and carrying two stretchers through treacherous woods. Seeing both teenagers blinking was a relief. “I'm glad you survived...” panted Kiyoshi before sitting down in a chair.
Survived? Surely it hadn't been that long since he left them in here to go get help, had it? Kurama finally realized where he was and made sure the blanket was at least covering his bottom half. How embarrassing... to be caught naked in the middle of the woods... This was going to be the gossip at school for decades, if it got out that is.
~*Two months later*~
“Class dismissed. We'll have the test on Monday.” noted the teacher as ecstatic students made their way out of the classroom to rush to club activities, a part time job, or simply home. Ray sighed and packed her books and notebooks, making sure she had everything she needed to do her homework.
Two arms ensnared her shoulders from behind before a soft godlike voice echoed in her ears. “Why the sigh? Aren't you happy it's Friday?” muttered Shuichi, who purposely let his lips brush against Ray's earlobe.
She couldn't prevent a tiny shudder from spreading all over her body, which of course didn't go unnoticed by Kurama. “No... I am... I just don't feel really good, that's all.” she smiled at him, turning her head so that her nose bumped his.
The squeaking of a chair on the tile floor made both of them straighten up. When Ray glanced at the student who speedily walked out of the classroom, she recognized the hair of Kimori swishing out the door, following its owner. Shuichi's green eyes were also following the last of her hair, but once the classroom was empty and Ray was standing, he couldn't help but peck Ray's lips.
What could he say? Ever since that night... He was head over heels for her, even more so than before! He couldn't forget the wonderful pleasure her body had given him, and he could only hope she had been as satisfied as he had been. But then again, he didn't want to ask her, for he made sure she had very little memories of that field trip.
The only person who knew how badly he was wounded, was Kiyoshi, but he was still on Mount Fuji, and probably would be for the rest of his life, which he dedicated to finding the lost.
Once Ray was asleep, Kiyoshi raised his head from his chest and stared strangely at Kurama. “I could have sworn you were on the edge of death when I brought you into that cabin...” muttered the black haired rescuer.
Kurama did his best to look surprised, “On the verge of death? I'd call that mild exaggeration...” His eyes, however, were piercing, and Kiyoshi noticed.
If you find it best not to tell her anything...” the black haired male motioned to the sleeping Ray in the bed next to Shuichi's.
Instantly, Kurama's eyes bore into Kiyoshi's. “No, she won't remember too many details... And, for both of our sakes, we'll just say Hana had a hand in this.” Kiyoshi stood up and shoved his hands in his pockets, nodding. “But thank you... for saving her.” Kurama nodded his head once.
Kiyoshi smiled lightly, “Of course. Though, you really had me running... you descended so low I thought I got myself lost.” he chuckled, “But of course, with all the blood, I have to admit it was an easy trail... You just got lucky I was heading home.”
Shuichi smiled and waved to their rescuer, whom he hoped he'd never have to see again, for obvious reasons.
And that was actually, the last time Kurama and Ray saw Kiyoshi... Thank goodness Kurama had tampered a bit, ok well, asked for some help from Koenma to help tamper with Ray's memories. Otherwise, it might have been a real mess! What if she asked about the demon that called <i>him</i> a demon? Though she didn't look like she actually had caught that...
But enough pondering about the past! Thankfully Ray's parents had been more than grateful to him for saving her life while endangering his! And after the hospital stay, without Yukio so much as interfering in their business, Ray and Kurama were allowed to leave. A good three days after the entire class went back, but... some things just shouldn't be argued, and that was one of them.
“I wonder where Yukio transferred to...” pondered Ray, slinging her backpack on her shoulders. Shuichi was snapped out of his thoughts and he had concentrate on her question.
He blinked, “Uh, transferred?”
“Yeah, Kimori told me when I came back to school...” replied Ray, now confused.
“Ray... Yukio got kicked out of school.” His green eyes bore into her gray ones.
Her mouth opened slightly, “Kicked... out?” Kurama nodded. “Oh... is that so?” nervously chuckled Ray, who tried her hardest to look relieved. “I wonder... what he's up to now then...”
Two hands grabbing both wrists made her turn fully around to face an exquisitely divine body. “Ray-- please don't waste your time and compassion for someone who doesn't deserve it. His name shouldn't even leave your lips. Not now, not ever.”
Oh my! Ray slightly blushed and pulled her hands out of Shuichi's grasp. “I-- I know.” she stuttered and walked out the door. She still wasn't used to his display of affection, it was so... foreign to her. Of course, she had drastically cut back on the sarcastic remarks, but whenever she could tease him, she didn't hesitate! After all, they were the gossip of the entire school...
Every since the field trip, they'd been “together” without actually being together! No one actually had proof that one asked the other out, and actually not one of them did, that was the strangest part. Ray didn't know if, logically, she should consider herself his girlfriend, or if he considered her his girlfriend, or if... it was... more? Ack! Confusing thoughts!
“I'll see you tomorrow then.” smiled Ray through her jumbled thoughts.
Kurama smiled back and nodded, and somehow managed to kiss her lips before he walked down the opposite side of the sidewalk. Ray felt her cheeks burn and, suddenly self conscious, she hurried home. Once safely in her room, the gray haired teenager dumped her bag next to her desk and plumped down on her bed, squishing her pillow in the process.
'He's so confusing... One day he loves me, the next he likes me, and the next he teases me! Can't he make up his mind already?!' thought Ray, though she was one to talk. She wasn't exactly the one being crystal clear about her emotions or their relationship.
'Should I... tell him, why I hated him?' Now that was a bigger question, and far more important... Maybe, if she cleared that up, their relationship could start over from the beginning and they could be going out like a normal couple! Well, minus being the smartest in school... That aside, they'd be a normal couple! They could go shopping together, go see movies and eat together, sit in the park for ages while holding hands...
Ideas swirled in Rays' mind and it wasn't until her stomach started swirling for real that she was kicked off her high cloud of happiness. Quickly covering her mouth with one hand, she frantically opened her door and dashed to the bathroom to almost dunk her head in the toilet.
Her stomach heaved bitter liquid and bile up the esophagus and out the mouth. Nasty!! Why had she been getting those random nauseas? It wasn't a virus, because it was too irregular, and it wasn't the food she ate because it didn't matter what it was or if there was any.
The thing that unsettled Ray the most, was that she hadn't gotten her period once ever since she came back from the field trip, two months ago...
YAY!!!!!!!!! I'm done! I finished in one day, ONE DAY!!!! ... Wow I'm hyper... I'll start working on chapter 17 on the double! No worries, now that I actually wrote, it should flow easier... This story and Double Identity have been keeping me plenty busy (writing wise). Otherwise, it's summer time, I have to get my wisdom teeth out and Anime Expo is in 8 DAYS!!!!!! So happy... =D Anyway! Hope you enjoyed this, and as always, leave me your thoughts and comments! Much appreciated. ^.^
And WOW. I got a full page of reviews O_O You guys rock!!!!!! I hope you won't kill me for the late update though? =/
Ray: ^^ Of course you did! Hopefully this chapter was um, adequate? >.>
Methos: Haha, dreams *are* fun! What would be the point of them otherwise? -.o Especially in school >.> To get away from all the work... Hence the reason I didn't update sooner. ;-; Sadness...
a_MikoS_heartache: No no! No worries, I would've said it was the last chapter... Which it isn't, and neither is this one... I'm just slow at updating ever since college started. @.@
gothicgeek: ^^ Thank you! As for college... >> Um, I already had a midterm, and there's so much reading... and writing involved... It's quite crazy! :P But fun.
Sly Vixen 706: Haha, welcome back from the land of the—missing I suppose. :P Glad you liked it! ^-^ As for the wait >.> blame it all on the homework stealing my creativity and precious time!
Kurama_s_Girl_911: Thank you!!! I'm still stuck on chapter 16... which sucks, but by the time you read this hopefully I'll have it finished... College is fun, it's a lot of work though and this quarter I don't even have time to write. @_@ But I like it. =3 Thanks for reviewing!
White Alchemist Taya: Hahaha, uh oh! Don't pass out on me!!! Sorry for the wait! >.< Here's an update!
Conflicting Lies: Haha, yes! Twilight is-- so... so awesome... @.@ Cannot wait for the 4th book to come out, and then it's the MOVIE!!!!! Gaah... Anywho, thanks for reviewing! ^.^
Bitter Winter Rose: Different? o.O In a good way? A bad way? An okay way? ^^; Hehe, and because you didn't log in, I'll just send this as an email since I couldn't find your account on ff.net... So there =3 Thanks for reviewing!
BBVixenXoXo: Haha, yay mushiness? ^^; Glad you liked it though! And thank you for reviewing... Hopefully you won't have forgotten this story after-- almost a year? >.> I'm at fault... ^^;
Silver-arctos-star: ^^ Glad you liked it! o.o Computers dying is a very bad idea... >.> And it sucks, I would die without my internet! ;-; Glad to have you back though!! And thanks for reviewing, as always. =3
misssy: Glad you think so! ^^; Thanks for reviewing!
missy: =D Coolio then! Thanks for reviewing, as always xD
Meep_4ever: O.O Your sticks got burned!? Aaaah!!!!! Not cool!! *orders 429864956 more* >.> I hope they will do, especially since they're metal... ;) Thank goodness most people seemed to like the lemon ^^; Hehe... now... um, about the "update soon" part... >.> Please don't kill me!!! ;-;
Trappersgirl: Phew, that's good to know! I didn't want to be too... vulgar, so that's good. =D Thanks for reviewing! ^^
duskfate: Thanks for reviewing! Though sorry about the "update soon" part... ;-; Life got in the way!!
Nekomi_Meow: ^-^ You seem happy enough, hehe! Oh no probs! (I actually don't remember e-mailing you... >.> Maybe I'll look through emails to see if I should e-mail you about this update, since it's been a while...) Hahaha, great answer, and I wanna know the reactions to that! ... Anywho! Thanks for reviewing! ^^
Jade_Fox: Danke! Yes, I also dislike the "typical" stories where the girl can't do anything... it's ollldddd... *cough* Glad you like it! And thanks for reviewing!
Sly Vixen706: Haha, welcome back and thank you! ^-^ Glad you liked it!! Don't go MIA again >.> I might wonder if you got eaten... o.o
animerules_animespiral: Really glad you like it, with all of the above criteria (from your review). ^_^ Thanks for reviewing! Isn't it sad that animespiral is closing? >.> Thank goodness for other sites...