Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Winter's end ❯ Heaven on Earth ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

So how'd you like the plot twist? ... >.> No need to yell, it was probably the last cliffhanger ever! ... Well, for this story. =P On a more loving note, oh my gosh you guys I wuv you! (... It's probably the only time I use such language, when my eyes are giant and overflowing with crystal tears.) No really, your highly entertaining reviews make my day SO much brighter, you have no idea. xD Then I feel horrible about not writing and try to write, but I have to say, I'm still battling writer's block (the physical part anyway). I'll overcome it just for you guys! Patient, very patient and loving reviewers and readers.
Thanks to all those of you that added me as favorite on your story alerts! Also makes me happy, because then I expect to see your names when I post new stories. And ohhh boy, do I have one awesome story in mind for you guys. Details at the bottom, I'll stop the blabbering. On with it!
On another note (sorry I'm very talkative...), I'm leaving for Japan TOMORROW! o.o (crap I need to pack!) and I seriously finished writing this in... 4 to 5 hours? My back hurts!! But I needed to finish, I didn't want to break my promise! Though I am... somewhat. I'll work on the epilogue at the airport/on the plane, I promiiiiiiise! I'll try to write it as soon as possible, so I don't get distracted for 5 months... and I should probably go to bed now it's past 1a.m. And I still need to pack everything for Sunday... >.> Details-- right?
Note: The part where the text is italicized and in between ~* *~ marks means it's lyrics from “Heaven” by DJ Sammy, I don't own anything of it, I simply borrowed it.
Disclaimer: Although I'm finally done watching and reading Yu Yu Hakusho, it doesn't shove me any closer to owning it. OCs and wonderful plot are pulled straight from my crazy mind.
Chapter 20: Heaven on Earth
“Give that back!” yelled Ray once the phone had been stolen from her grip and thrown to the figure in the shadows. He turned his back on her and conversed with Shuichi, though what he had to say to him she couldn't fathom. She heard the distant snap as her phone was shut. Again, she struggled against the one holding her since she wasn't completely in the alley yet. Why was no one around doing anything? Should she yell louder?
“Let GO of me, you CREEP!” she nearly shrieked, fighting pointlessly against the vice-like grip of the giant. Although she'd been dragged at the entrance of the alley during the brief conversation, her screams started attracting unwanted attention, at last. The figure turned back around and gave the giant an abrupt nod. The giant's grip moved from simply holding both arms at her side to squishing her neck in between his muscly elbow, all the while covering her mouth with his left hand.
Muffled and powerless, Ray had no choice but to inch before the giant's thigh, which was shoving her forward with each step. Too soon, she found herself submerged in the alley's murkiness. The figure smirked in the shadows, Ray could only barely distinguish his features, and help up her phone. For a second, it appeared time had frozen the phone in place. The next second, the phone crashed on the ground, sending plastic pieces around before the figure deliberately took a slow step, then crushed the rest under his heel.
Ray's eyes widened in surprise before she glared at him. He was undoubtedly the mastermind behind this-- abduction, or whatever he wanted to call it, and she didn't have a clue as to who he was, or why she was involved. As if to answer her unspoken questions, the figure smiled. The giant removed his hand from the girl's mouth as his apparent boss stepped into the dim light. Ray gasped, eyes widening in shock.
“You--! H-how? ... I thought--”
“Whatever Kimori told you was a lie,” smoothly interrupted Yukio, though hardening his gaze at his old classmate. He paused, as if weighing his next words, then glared his hatred into his prey's gray eyes. “You ruined my life!” he hissed venomously.
It was as if Ray, too shocked to close her gaping mouth, had received a stunning slap in the face. “I-- what!?” she huffed, incredulous, “You-- you tried to--!”
But before she could finish uttering whatever she was going to say, Yukio spared a quick glance at the giant, who covered Ray's mouth again. “Let's take this... conversation somewhere else.” The gray haired girl couldn't object, or rather, even if she did, it would make no difference whatsoever as she wasn't free to control her movements. And so, Yukio led the way, hands in his pockets, zigzagging between trash and a few roaming people. Behind him was the giant, and a frightened Ray, and behind them still, was the quiet green haired man.
Too soon, they found themselves in an old, decrepit and abandoned building by the looks of it. Some sort of old factory, with a very wide and open floor space. Now starting to get scared—no one would know where they were!—Ray glanced around briefly. From the looks of it, this was Yukio's makeshift home. It was close to her school... Too close.
Before long, Ray was thrown on an old, smelly mattress riddled with holes. Her head slammed against the thick concrete wall behind her and she looked up, almost defiantly, at her captors. Facing her, and blocking her exit, was Yukio. His arrogant, overconfident smirk had left his face and was instead replaced with an unreadable stern expression. On her right stood the green haired man, seemingly passive and uninvolved. She wouldn't put it past him to snag her if she tried to run for it though. And on her left was the mute giant. No use trying to run around him.
Yukio quirked up an eyebrow and glanced at the giant. “Oh really? ... How interesting.” The sick grin formed on his lips again. “I have to hand it to you,” he nodded almost appreciatively, “not only do you stab my heart and ruin my life, but you do so with my nemesis!”
He must have been anticipating Ray's confused look because he couldn't help smirking at her. “You're about, what, three months?” he asked in a casual tone, eyes sliding off Ray's face to stop on her stomach. He heard her gasp and saw with great pleasure her arms attempting to coil around her abdomen protectively.
Cornered, Ray could only pull her knees up to her chest as weak defense against the three of them while crushing her back against the cold wall. Yukio couldn't help but glance at her inching skirt, and he gave her an amused smile when he noticed the shorts. What could she say, ever since he tried to rape her she'd been wearing shorts under her uniform, if only to feel more comfortable.
“Nice,” he grinned and glanced at the giant. The giant nodded once and took a step forward. Ray inched back against the wall and sideways, towards the green haired guy, looking befuddled at the approaching giant. “Oh no, you're not crazy.” chuckled Yukio, now truly amused. “You see, my friend here,” he said, patting the giant's shoulder, “doesn't need to hear your voice to know what you're saying.”
Gray eyes darted from Yukio to the giant and back. Yukio grinned again. “Exactly, like reading minds, except he communicates this way. It's really a bit technical, so I'll spare you the details. Now why don't you stay still, and I promise it won't hurt too long.” Ray scooted further right as the giant took another step. There was a slight pause in the giant's movement as Yukio chuckled, shaking his head at something. “I suppose it couldn't hurt to share,” he admitted, as if answering Ray's silent question.
“I would have thought precious Shuichi spared no time in telling you the truth...” drawled Yukio, tone full of disdain at his enemy's name.
Ray stared at him, somewhat shocked that he knew this much. “How do you know-- about him?” she heard herself ask, frowning at her old classmate. To her surprise, he laughed, briefly at least.
“You are so... simple minded,” he nodded. “Might as well tell you the truth, since your boyfriend didn't.” he snorted. “Ever since that Mount Fuji-- incident, where your little prank did nothing but frighten me briefly, I've been drawn to particular people.”
Mentioning the field trip jolted Ray's—tampered—memory, though what happened in the cave surfaced quite rapidly, and as she recalled, he'd been more than 'briefly frightened.' Yukio continued, oblivious to Ray's hidden snort, “Then of course, I had to think of something to get my revenge after I learned that I was expelled...” He drawled on and on, apparently zealous of sharing his version of a horror story, for him. His getting evicted of his apartment was no real surprise, she'd seen his stuff littered here and there in this humongous place.
Although his tale was nothing out of ordinary in a huge city like Tokyo, the surprising part was soon mentioned, and got Ray thinking. “These certain people,” continued Yukio, “all came to me with various ambitions. Thankfully I met Oshin.” he grinned, glancing at the giant. “Once I realized his astonishing ability, I immediately thought of this joyous reunion. A little nudging on my part easily convinced him to work for me. I have things to offer he greatly desired...”
His victim, listening with only one ear, rolled her eyes. She must have done so loudly, because Yukio directed his glare on her. “You? Offer things to others? I find that hard to believe... You have nothing left.” she replied, not needing the ability to read minds to tell what he was thinking.
Yukio snorted, amused. “Keep your sassy remarks to yourself. It'll be best for you-- and the baby.” he added as an afterthought. His afterthought had the desired effect: Ray shut up and receded against the wall, if she even could. “I asked Oshin to find us a suitable third companion. Thus, Sohda joined our ranks.” The green haired guy looked away, as if bored.
'Ranks,.'mentally snorted Ray, 'more like a group of sore losers.'
There was a pause in Yukio's somewhat elegant speech before a frown creased his smooth features. “You little twerp--” he hissed in between gritted teeth, “Think you're tough, don't you?” Ray glared mightily back at him.
“Glaring at me isn't going to poke a hole through my skull,” he mocked, smirking arrogantly.
“No. But this will.” interrupted a voice. All eyes snapped to the intruder holding a glimmering blade. In a flash, he stood in front of Yukio, tip of his katana grazing the blond's forehead. Yukio frowned, his lips twitching. Two seconds passed before Oshin launched himself at the short guy, who promptly dodged the attack.
Before long, they were chasing each other in a deadly goose chase. Oshin was surprisingly nimble and fast for his size. The shorter man, clad in all black, was much swifter, though seemed contradicted for not being able to get rid of this bulky opponent quickly.
Meanwhile, a briefly victorious Yukio smirked at the success of his plan. Now all he had to do was carry out his revenge, and he'd be satisfied. Ray waited until Yukio was distracted, then sprung to her feet in an attempt to escape. Unfortunately, the blond seemed to know she'd try to run for it and caught her left wrist, yanking her back towards him. Mercilessly, he slammed her against the wall, twisting her arm on her back and eliciting a painful grunt. “You're not going anywhere.” he hissed in her ear.
Then in a swift movement, he unglued her from the wall, shaped his right hand around her neck and forced her down on her stomach. Ray struggled, trying to push him off, using her right arm as support to force herself to roll sideways, but Yukio dug his knee in between her shoulder blades, rendering any movement impossible. Breathing hard, Ray glanced up and saw a pair of legs advancing towards her and stopping at Yukio's level. “Do it.” she heard Yukio bark in his bossy voice.
Adrenaline surged through her veins. She couldn't let them! Whatever they had in mind, she couldn't let them do it! Ray started thrashing around, kicking her legs wildly all the while trying to free herself from Yukio's foul grip. Grimacing, Yukio yanked her left arm further on her back, stopping only when she let out a painful cry. “Stop struggling!”
As things stood, Ray had no other choice. She couldn't see what Sohda was doing, but she heard him pull out a switchblade. As he was busy doing something, Yukio made sure Ray couldn't move anywhere, then his eyes darted to the surrounding deserted factory, where echoes of clashes resounded back to them. “Oshin should keep him busy long enough,” he smirked in satisfaction, “Are you ready yet?”
Apparently, Sohda was. In a last attempt to free herself, Ray pushed herself sideways. Or she would have, had Yukio not been sitting on her back, keeping her torso on the ground. “Hold her.” he snapped to Sohda. His friend obliged, and placed a foot against Ray's left ankle in such a manner that her waist was perpendicular to the ground. If she struggled too much, she would risk breaking her ankle, and probably for nothing, as neither of them would let go.
What she felt next ripped a shrill scream from her throat. Spasms coursed through her abdominal muscles and something dripped down her stomach, below her uniform. While she was concentrating on the burning pain, Yukio—still restricting her movements—smirked, as if enjoying her pain. “Hurts like a bitch, doesn't it?” he chuckled.
The distant clashing sounds didn't seem to disturb him the least. As long as there was noise, he was safe, that was his assumption. Ray's pain didn't vanish. In fact, it only seemed to be digging deeper and deeper within her, and she tried looking at the source of her pain. Horror sank deep in her heart. Her neurons were right, the hole burning though her skin was in the last place she would want it: her abdomen.
A piercing cry ripped her throat again, this time full of distress. Yukio didn't falter and held her still. “Keep at it!” he barked at Sohda, who seemed to have been momentarily stunned by the expecting girl's cry.
“Stop!” pleaded Ray, struggling through the pain pointlessly. “Please-- stop!” she begged, her efforts slurring. Sohda did it again, and the burning spread deeper and faster. Another scream ripped her scorched throat to pieces. The physical pain was unbearable, certainly, but what she feared most was the well-being of the life inside her! Uncontrollable spasms spread throughout her body, and she broke out in a cold sweat, moaning in pain and sorrow.
Yukio seemed more than satisfied with the results, he just couldn't help smirking. Somebody's pain was somebody else's joy. “I was really surprised myself to find out about Sohda's-- intriguing qualities...” said Yukio in a conversational tone while the girl beneath him started crying. “You see, his blood—his miraculous blood—acts like acid once it's not in his bloodstream. Isn't that amazing?” he chuckled in good spirits.
Ray was, quite obviously, beside herself with pain and grief. Her baby-- what would happen to her baby!? “Stop--” she sniffled, “not my baby...”
“Ha-- haha, HAHAHA!” laughed Yukio, body shaking with delight. He managed to control himself, and grinned down at his victim, “Oh no no no, taking your baby away is precisely my plan.” He glanced at Sohda again and jerked his chin downwards.
Sohda hesitated, glancing at Ray's tear-stained face and begging eyes. “P-please--” she blubbered, too weak to struggle, “He's innocent--”
“Sohda!” snapped the blond, getting impatient. “Three more drops and it'll go all the way through. Do it!”
The green haired guy held his bleeding finger over Ray's lower abdomen again, about to squeeze his cut to bleed on her and effectively burn deeper through her insides. “Please--” she sobbed again, “He d-didn't do anything...” she kept pleading with a worn out voice. “Please--” she repeated.
“Sohda!” Yukio was about to lose what patience he had left.
Sohda opened his mouth to reply, but closed it when a sharp edge pressed against his throat forcibly. Yukio's blue eyes widened in surprise. He glanced behind him, and noticed the sounds of the battle were nonexistent. He'd been too engrossed in his glee for revenge to notice the established silence around them. And now he was paying the price.
Crimson eyes stared murderously at him. Yukio twitched, then smirked mightily. “If you make one move--”
“You'll what?” snapped the stranger, his blade now back where it had started: point blank at Yukio's forehead.
Blue eyes darted back and forth between Sohda and the intruder. “Get him!” hissed Yukio, eyes slightly widening meaningfully. Much to his disappointment, Sohda let his arm return to his side with a shake of his head. The blond mastermind seemed to be at a loss, his giant defeated, his ally deserting... What on earth was he left with!? A sharp blade ready to slice him up, that's what.
Wavering between conscious and semiconscious, Ray focused her blurred gaze on her savior. All she could make out from where she was standing was that he was wearing all black, and had something white in his hair. “Get up.” ordered the stranger. Yukio obliged, albeit slowly. He could have succeeded anyhow, the two drops of acidic blood would have surely gone through the placenta surrounding the baby and eaten away most of it. There was no chance any baby would survive.
Once released, gravity took a hold of Ray's body and pulled it down, stomach flat against the mattress. The guy with the sword stepped forward, pushing Yukio back into a corner. Sohda took two steps towards Ray when Hiei turned a glare towards him. “What do you think you're doing?”
“Helping her... The acid is still active.” replied the usually quiet Sohda.
As if on cue, Ray shuddered and attempted to curl up into a ball, groaning in pain all the while. Yukio was too shocked at Sohda's betrayal to comment, but Hiei gauged the green haired guy's capacity to help and decided it was more than needed. A swift nod allowed Sohda to kneel next to Ray before gently pushing her on her back. Hiei then realized the cut on Sohda's finger was gone.
Ray kept moaning, half delirious from the pain, “My baby-- Shuichi... help my baby--!” Sohda leaned forward and pulled the burned uniform above the wound he created. The usually smooth skin was badly burned and looked almost wrinkled. And of course, there was the actual problem: the hole digging into her innards, burning her slowly from the inside out.
Yukio seethed with anger, his perfect revenge had almost been accomplished and almost all thwarts in his perfect plan had been accounted for. All except for this guy's random appearance, and certainly not Sohda's betrayal. Hiei readjusted his katana's blade against Yukio's throat, and then effectively blocked his view by knocking him to his knees.
Meanwhile, Sohda approached his face from the bleeding wound. Ray was still thrashing around, her hair a mess, clearly in agony. Still mumbling, begging for Shuichi to save her baby, she felt an odd sensation. It was strange enough to bring her back to reality briefly to force her heavy head off the mattress. What she saw made little to no sense, but she could feel the pain slowly ebb away.
Ray let out a sigh of relief and her head slumped back down, exhaustion taking over. Hiei turned around, sheathing his katana, and stared at the scene displayed before him: Kurama's girlfriend was sinking into lethargy as another guy kissed her abdomen. At least, that's what it looked like. A few minutes later, Sohda sat up. Hiei noticed the wound had closed, and the only evidence that it was ever there remained in the light scar, and the trickle of blood running down Sohda's lip, which he promptly wiped away.
The green haired guy said nothing and raised his gaze to meet Hiei's. The old factory was strangely quiet now that there was no fighting and no screaming. “So you counteract your own poison.” noted Hiei. It was not a question.
Sohda nodded once, slowly. “Yes... although my blood is deadly, my saliva seems to have the opposite effect.”
Sohda peered behind Hiei, noticing Yukio's limp body. Again, he looked up at Hiei, as if asking a question. “He's not dead. Yet.” answered the fire demon, turning his crimson glare at the blond. “I'm sure death eagerly awaits that son of a bitch.”
Without waiting for an answer or comment, Hiei stomped forward and unexpectedly picked up Ray. The sudden movement and stretching of her stomach was enough to jolt her out of her comatose state and extract a painful gasp from her lips. Sohda stood up abruptly and held both hands in front of him, as if dealing with an escaped tiger. “She shouldn't be moved yet-- I can't be sure the acid is completely gone. If some of it is still active, it could be quite dangerous for her to move at all.”
Hiei paused, then gently put her down on the rugged mattress. “I think this 'Shuichi' she keeps calling is very dear to her... Do you know where he is?”
“Far. It'll take us at least two hours to get back here once I find him. But finding him could take more than two hours.” replied the fire demon.
“I'll keep her safe... I know a place.”
Hiei glared at this new ally, debating whether he was truly trustworthy or not. “If Yukio wakes up, she'll be in greater danger... He attracts all kinds of people and demons.”
“You know of demons?”
Sohda nodded again, “My ability isn't exactly a natural occurrence... Let's just say I had my share of the supernatural when I was a kid, and I don't think she needs to go through that.” He turned to look at Ray, sadness in his gaze and expression.
“Where will I find you?”
Sohda took out a crumbled piece of paper, scribbled something quickly and gave it to Hiei. “I'll care for her until you return.” Hiei glanced at the paper then at Sohda, and vanished. He had quite a way to go if he was to get to Kurama in about two hours before dragging him back here.
Ever since Yukio had hung up on him, every minute seemed like a painful stab to Kurama. Not one breath was full or easy, and every hair on his body was so sensitive he thought his long sleeves were out to cut off his arms. His thoughts were as sharp as his rose whip's thorns and certainly coiling in all possible directions.
What happened to Ray? What hired help? Why?
Of course, revenge was the first and most evident response, and there was nothing he could do about it.
At about five to ten minute intervals, Kurama would dash to the door and swing it open meaningfully, only to stop dead in his tracks while he reasoned it was very improbable to find one girl in a city like Kobe.
Not without any help anyway. His eyes widened in surprise. He should cut his heart out for not realizing the obvious! Who among his friends had a keen sense of ki, smell and was good at finding people?
“HIEI!” he yelled loudly out his open window, cold wind rushing inside swiftly. Maybe if he increased his spirit energy, his friend would appear less than five minutes later.
Fifteen minutes passed.
Kurama clenched his teeth tightly, bitterness overwhelming every other sentiment as he slammed the window shut. The one time he needed his friend's help, he wasn't there!
Being angry wasn't going to help him, or Ray! He needed to be calm and collected, like he usually was. Ray's phone went dead around 16:11 (1), and it sounded as if she was near a street. Maybe-- maybe someone saw her being kidnapped and helped her out and took her safely to the police station... But then-- why hadn't she called? Kurama glanced at his watch again impatiently, it read 16:46.
Grunting in exasperation, he yanked open his laptop and typed furiously, determined to find Ray's new address via the internet.
Meanwhile, Sohda was on the phone. He'd barely finished saying the address of his location when his knees buckled beneath him and he found himself pummeled to the ground. A punch knocked his cell phone in the middle of the floor, far from his reach. Sitting on him, quite beside himself, was a very angry blond bastard. “How dare you betray me!?” roared Yukio, punching his former ally once more.
Sohda didn't really have time to reply, mostly because the insane blond had reached into Sohda's pocket and grabbed the switchblade used earlier to cut his finger. Without another moment's hesitation, Yukio stabbed downwards, aiming for the heart. Grunting, Sohda blocked his assailant's wrist with both hands, the blade inches from his chest. The blond attacker snarled and flexed his muscles, driving the blade further down.
In a desperate attempt to protect himself, Sohda grabbed the blade with one hand, wincing as it cut into his palm. Yukio's snarl had by then become a muffled yell, but when he saw Sohda's blood, he had a split moment's hesitation. Sohda noticed, and took advantage of it: he kicked the blond off him, tossing the switchblade away from them both.
However, Yukio was determined not to be defeated that easily, and he threw himself on Sohda again, tackling him from behind and against his lower back. Although the next few minutes of struggling were a blur, a lucky turn of events made the difference. While Sohda was pushing himself sideways, attempting not to get strangled by the fanatic guy on top of him, his bleeding hand swung by the blond's face.
A strangled yelp echoed throughout the empty factory. Sweating and panting, Sohda took a quick breath while staring at Yukio, his eyes wide in shock. Without meaning to, a few drops of blood had flown onto Yukio's face, burning his skin like unstoppable acid. Apparently, this only enraged Yukio even more and he dove forward, both hands at Sohda's throat, squeezing the life out of him.
Perhaps a reflex or maybe a defense mechanism, but Sohda would never remember if his next movement was intentional or not. Before he knew it, he had sent his bleeding hand flying into Yukio's face, or more precisely, Yukio's raging eyes. The result was frighteningly effective. Screaming at the top of his lungs, Yukio let go of Sohda, who wisely scooted away, while the blond covered his eyes with his palms.
“My eyes--!” he shouted, an octave above his normal voice, “MY EYES!!!!” Yukio was probably heard yelling across the country, his strangled screams a siren to all surrounding demons. “It burns-- it BURNS!” he cried in pain, stumbling on his feet, walking blindly.
By then, Sohda had the wits to pick himself up and quietly make his way to Yukio's sweet revenge gone awry. Ray was awake, though barely so, as if the burning pain from the acid was still affecting her. She saw through slightly fuzzy vision green hair getting closer, then felt something wrap around her shoulders before her left arm was pulled upward.
The rest of her body followed easily enough, and had it not been for this confusing green messy hair, she would have thought Shuichi had come to get her at last. A weak smile spread on her lips, and in all her confusion, mumbled “Thank you... Shuichi.” before letting her head fall on Sohda's shoulder.
Sohda spared Ray a gentle glance all the while speed-walking towards the exit. Once he stepped outside, he saw a white Toyota waiting for him. The driver stepped out, and he smiled at her. “Punctual as always.”
“You said you needed help. I nearly flew here.” replied his black haired friend who opened the back passenger door for them. “Get in.” she motioned to the car with a nod.
He didn't have to be told twice, especially since he felt that a few demons were making their way over. “Let's get out of here.” said Sohda once he'd slammed the door behind him and Ray.
Unsuccessful and stressed beyond belief, Kurama forced himself to don his normal demeanor in front of his mother for dinner. He glanced at his watch again as he closed his door, 19:02.
After setting the table, trying not to break anything, he took the dishes on the table when a familiar energy appeared nearby. “Sorry mother, be right back.” he muttered, making his way as slowly as possible towards his room.
Once behind his closed door, Kurama appeared by his window. Barely had he opened it that Hiei stood in his room, seemingly a bit out of breath. The fire demon glanced up at the fox demon meaningfully, “Come with me.” he said shortly.
“Give me two seconds, I'll meet you outside.” replied Kurama, now entirely focused. He locked the window behind his friend and made his way downstairs, “Sorry mother, I won't be back until tomorrow. Emergency.” Shiori nodded slowly, watching him put on his shoes blindingly fast.
“Be careful!” she called after him as he slammed the door shut.
“Let's go.”
Hiei didn't have to be told twice, he set off at top speed. Kurama kept asking questions on the way, even though he was starting to run faster than his shorter friend.
“You can put her on my bed.”
Sohda did just that, then he checked Ray's temperature and slightly frowned. “She's starting to sweat...” He turned his brown eyes towards his friend, “Ryoko...”
The slightly older friend met his anxious gaze with a calming air. “Calm down, being agitated won't help her.” Green hair nodded along with the head. “How long until her friends get here?” Sohda glanced at his watch and had a disappointed look on his face. “An hour?”
“I wish. Depending how fast they are, at least three...” His worried gaze returned to the now feverish girl.
“I'll get her a cool towel. Get her some water, if she needs to sweat it out, let her.” said Ryoko while leaving the room.
A few minutes later, they were back in the room, and Ray was now sweating profusely, mumbling bits of sentences asking for Shuichi to help her baby. Ryoko sat on her desk chair and stared at her friend. “What kind of mess are you in this time, hm?”
Somewhat embarrassed, Sohda told her of Yukio's appealing 'job' and the reasoning behind it. “So he basically lied to you about everything.” summed up Ryoko, looking unimpressed. Sohda gave a weak nod. “I'm just shocked you'd sell your ability at all, but for so little? I'll have to train you better.” she sighed, running a hand through her chin-length hair.
Sohda gave her a shy smile. “I just needed the money, you know how my brother is.”
“I do. Maybe I should train him too!” Sohda actually laughed, shaking his head. They both knew that was wishful thinking.
An hour passed.
Ray's fever worsened, along with her hallucinations.
Another hour ticked by.
Sohda was now pacing around the room, glancing at Ray every few seconds.
Finally, after a total of three hours and forty minutes since Hiei left, a pressing knock was heard. Sohda glanced at Ryoko with relief and dashed for the front door. The first thing he saw was bright red, then a rushing fist. He realized he'd been punched when his butt hit the ground. “That's for harming her,” said a very cold voice. A warm hand grabbed his elbow and heaved him up, “But that's for helping her.” Sohda could hear deep gratitude in the now hearty voice.
The next thing he saw was emerald eyes shining with overwhelming concern and anxiousness. “C-come on in, she's this way.” Sohda led the way, and he could have sworn he almost felt this guy breathing down his neck in worry.
Hiei followed quietly behind Kurama. 'Can't believe he got here so fast... The way back was shorter than the way there, even with all the talking... I knew she was important to him, but I didn't know it was this much.'
Sohda stopped on the threshold of Ryoko's room, letting Kurama walk past him quickly. Hiei stopped next to their new ally and saw the bruise on Sohda's cheek turn blueish. As if sensing Hiei's gaze, Sohda rubbed his cheek carefully, “I deserved that...” he mumbled with a small smile.
“Hn.” replied Hiei, though not without a smirk.
Kurama sat on the edge of the bed, eyes roaming down Ray's body, looking for injuries. Besides the fever plaguing her and the somewhat burned skin on her abdomen, she looked-- healthy. In her delirium and head tossing, Ray kept mumbling, asking Shuichi to help her and her baby.
“I'm here Ray, I'm here.” whispered Kurama, gently grabbing his girlfriend's hand. “I'm sorry it took me so long...”
Ryoko stood up from her chair, smiling slightly. “She'll be fine, although the fever won't let down.”
Startled, Kurama turned around. He'd been so preoccupied with Ray that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings at all. Foolish of him. “Yes-- she'll get better soon.” he agreed softly. And had it not been for a painful cry, they all would have believed that to be true.
As soon as he heard her and saw her pained expression, Kurama stood up, body tense and anxious again. “Ray? What's wrong? Can you hear me?” he called to her, tapping her cheek lightly.
Gray eyes fluttered open, the ceiling and the familiar red head seemed to dance around her. 'A dream... I'm floating in a dream...' Pain cut that happy thought quite short. Dreams usually aren't painful, and this hurt too much to be a figment of her imagination. “Shuichi--” muttered Ray, tears of pain starting to blur even more her feverish vision.
“Where's the nearest hospital?” abruptly asked Kurama, staring at Ryoko.
While she was convincing him she'd drive them there, Sohda rushed Ray's side and moved her uniform enough to see where he'd previously injured her. He saw nothing, and that was only more aggravating. His heart sank in his stomach. He was responsible. It was his fault, and there was no way to help her now that the wound was closed!
He was pushed back to reality, quite literally, when Kurama shouldered past him, carefully picked up Ray and followed Ryoko out to her car. Hiei stayed behind, eyes fixed on his friend's back before turning them to Sohda's figure retreating in the shadows of the living room.
Once at the hospital, Kurama yelled for help until a nurse rushed to shut him up. He mustered all the charm he could muster under this terrible weight in his arms and begged the nurse to help Ray. After five minutes of a very one sided conversation, the nurse told him to put the girl down on a bed while she rushed to get a doctor on duty. Kurama glanced at his watch again, 20:57.
An hour and multiple tests later, a doctor finally came out to speak with Kurama. “Are you a relative--?”
“I'm her boyfriend.” replied a determined Kurama, heart twice as heavy as usual.
The doctor then proceeded to explain the damages they'd discovered around Ray's lower stomach area. “The placenta was heavily damaged, but the baby is miraculously fine, I've never seen anything like it.” Kurama's heart leaped upward in his chest, pounding happily. His baby was safe!
“However, there was irreparable damage done to the mother's left ovary. We're not sure she'll ever be able to have a child again...”
Kurama's blood ran cold and scarce. The doctor noticed and urged him to a chair so that his face would regain some color, “It's a miracle she herself survived the interior damage, but she seems to be healing just fine. She'll need a lot of rest for the rest of her pregnancy.” Kurama nodded absentmindedly until the doctor left him alone. His head sank forward, face buried in his hands.
How would Ray react to those news? She was sleeping, and he didn't want to be the one telling her... yet on the other hand, he didn't want the staff telling her without any feelings. His mind and heart were in such turmoil, he pulled and played with his bangs until a nurse asked him if he could leave as the visitor hours were over a while ago. He managed to bargain and succeeded in spending the night in Ray's room, her light breathing the one sound stopping him from going truly insane.
The next morning, Ray woke up feeling fine. Her fever conquered and the pain gone left her smiling at the sight of a sleeping Shuichi. Slowly, she let her hand run smoothly down his hair. He'd come back for her, and she couldn't help but feel complete. The phone in his right hand started vibrating, so Ray grabbed it quickly so as not to wake him up.
She didn't want to pick it up, however, because she wouldn't know what to say to his mother. After a couple of times, the vibrating stopped and a message informed him he had a new voicemail. Ray smiled to herself and opened his phone, looking through his things: contacts, messages, ringtones and-- music? Intrigued, she opened his folder and saw a song beside her name titled 'Heaven' by DJ Sammy.
Unable not to smile, Ray did so as widely as she could, especially while listening to the lyrics:
~*Baby you're all that I want.
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven.
Ray giggled quietly to herself and leaned forward to hug Shuichi's head, not noticing him twitching awake. He was her knight in shining armor, her lover and haven. All in all, he pretty much gave her heaven.
~*Oh, thinking about all our younger years,
There was only you and me,
We were young and wild and free.
Now nothing can take you away from me.
We've been down that road before,
But that's over now.
You keep me coming back for more.
Wild and free? Not-- quite, though they had quite interesting times bickering and fighting all the time. That was mostly her fault, focusing her hatred on someone else. Who knew it'd grow to be so much more? Kurama smiled and slowly sat up, inching forward to peck Ray's lips, not letting her escape.
~*Baby you're all that I want.
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven.
“Good morning, my angel.” whispered Shuichi in her ear.
~*And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven.
Ray found herself in between Shuichi's strong and warm arms. She had found love with him, after all these years thinking she'd never be capable of love, he'd shown her she could, and in more ways than one.

~*Now, nothing could change what you mean to me.
There's a lot that I could say
But just hold me now,
Cause our love will light the way.
Ray regretted her harsh words and deceit before her move, but he'd forgiven her, or why would he be here? She slowly wrapped her arms around him as well, putting her head on his shoulder.

~*Baby you're all that I want.
When you're lying here in my arms
I'm finding it hard to believe
We're in heaven.
It was hard to believe they were so happy, especially considering what had just happened to her...

~*And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven.
Now that they were back together, she never wanted to part from him! Even if no one else accepted their relationship, she'd find a way to make it work! They hadn't been through so much for nothing!

~*Now our dreams are coming true.
Through the good times and the bad
I'll be standing there by you.

(We're in heaven.)
They smiled at each other for a while, listening to the song and the more than fitting lyrics. As long as they both agreed to support and care for each other, why couldn't everything work out?

~*And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart.
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven.
Shuichi gently pulled Ray into his lap and clasped his arms around her stomach gently, letting his cheek brush against her ear. “How are you feeling?” he whispered lovingly.
She nodded slowly, “Fine...” An echo of pain ran through her abdomen and she jerked from Shuichi's grasp, gasping. “My baby--!”
“He's fine-- don't worry, he survived.” he smiled reassuringly.
Ray slumped back down against his chest, relieved. “Thank goodness...”
A few minutes of silence later, Kurama took a deciding breath. “However... you've sustained... injuries...” he said softly, continuing the previous conversation.
Frowning slightly, Ray turned her head against his shoulder, “... What do you mean? I feel fine.”
“... The doctor said... your left ovary was damaged beyond repair, although you're healing just fine--” he paused, not wanting to scare her. Ray didn't like where this was going, she turned slowly so as to face Shuichi. “But...”
“But what?” she frowned, confused and now a bit scared.
“... You might not be able to have other children in the future...” replied Shuichi in a whisper, his eyes hidden behind his convenient bangs.
The way home was uncomfortably silent, neither of them wanting to say anything concerning the devastating news. Holding somewhat loosely onto Ray's hand, Kurama rang the doorbell to their new home. The apartment seemed slightly bigger than the one they left behind, the one across the hall from his.
Both parents opened the door, looking disheveled. At once, Ray's mother looked relieved and ecstatic, though her dad was another story.
He waited until they were inside and the door was safely shut to yell at them both. “What's this? You disappear without a word from school yesterday, unreachable! You come back injured and-- and-- pregnant!” he roared disapprovingly.
Ray's mother had indeed attempted to talk to her husband about Ray's pregnancy being a blessing, but... “Not even out of high school! Even less married! Do you know what you'll look like? What we'll look like!? Unforgivable-- Simply outrageous!”
Kurama tightened his grip on Ray's hand, somewhat expecting this kind of reaction. “You're right, it's my fault and I apologize.” cordially responded Shuichi, bowing his head to Ray's dad. “I wasn't where I was needed in time to protect her, but I assure you it will never happen again.” He sounded so confident that even her dad didn't think of something to interject.
“And... I'm sorry it came so late, but I came here with a very important question in mind.” Without waiting any further, Shuichi looked into Ray's father's eyes. “I came here to ask for your daughter's hand.”
Ray and her mother seemed as shocked, but they quickly overcame the news with unstoppable joy. Her father, on the other hand, was gaping, trying to put his thoughts together. His wife happened to catch his eyes and he saw her meaningful and approving nod.
“... Well... if she wants to, I'll... be happy to give you both my blessing.”
Kurama turned to Ray, the sweetest and happiest smile she'd ever seen on him. As if from a romance movie, he pulled a small, black velvet box from his pocket. Now in what seemed like slow motion, he kneeled in front of her, eyes shining with a thousand emotions as he opened the box to reveal a shiny ring. “Ray-- will you marry me?” Somewhere after her name, his courage deserted him quickly and he ended up whispering the crucial part.
For a moment, Ray was still and silent. A second later, a wide smile broke her porcelain face and she threw her arms around Shuichi's neck. “Of course-- of course I will!”
Their disagreement seemed to be forgotten and forgiven. When it came down to it, they both cared about the same thing: each other.
That night's dinner was delicious beyond the norm, although it was everyday food. Ray's mom didn't stop serving seconds to everyone, unable to stop smiling and hugging her daughter. When it became late and Shuichi insisted he needed to go home, Ray's mom gave him a reproachful glare.
“Nonsense! I'll call your mother, you stay here for the night.” And after all that bowing and thanking, Ray and Shuichi were left alone in her room. Even her dad couldn't say no to her mom sometimes, and this just happened to be one of those times.
Ray sat on her bed, staring at the beautiful ring on her finger. Shuichi crept on the bed and snaked his arms around his fiancee's stomach. “It looks perfect on you...” he whispered lovingly in her ear.
Smiling, Ray couldn't help but feel her heart melt thanks to Shuichi's radiant love. “I think... spring is finally here.” she giggled, trying not to let happy tears cloud her vision.
The red hair tilted his head to the side, confused. “What are you saying? Have you been sleeping? Spring has been here for months, it's almost the end of the school year, remember?”
Ray smiled lovingly, turned around and wrapped her arms around her fiancee, whispering her answer in his ear: “You're wrong. Winter just ended... in my heart.”
(1) Sorry, using Japanese/European time! That's 4:11pm for you guys with little math abilities (I'm with you! Except this time is second nature to me...)
How'd you like that? ... ;) Thought so!
NOTE! You know what would make me extremely happy? If I could get up to 100 reviews by the end of this story! As in, when I upload the next and last chapter (the epilogue!) and you guys all comment on it (in addition to this one of course)... That would be great! I know it's not impossible since some people just added me to their favorites or whatnot, so, as a thank you for finishing this story, can I ask for one review? Thank you! I'll keep the theatrics in check until the epilogue's actually over. =D
On that note, there's only that epilogue left you guys! Are you anxious or what? I tried my best to keep you on your toes/out of your seats. Judging by your reviews and enthusiasm, I'd say it worked? ;) I want to thank you all for-- well, making this story enjoyable! Not only to write, but to look forward to your guys's reactions!
So that upcoming/in-progress story, if you're interested read ahead, if not, skip ahead (or back). It's still in construction mode, but it's basically plotted out. The best part is, I sent it to a friend (who's really not a Yu Yu Hakusho fan) to give me feedback since he's-- well, I can't give too much details right now. But anyway, he finished the story (and gave me loads of tips) and I kid you not, he not only complimented it, he's looking forward to reading more! Now that's an author's dream come true, isn't it? I was hoping my writing (or the idea in general) would entice him, but I certainly didn't expect his reaction! Which is awesome... So whenever I fix it and continue with it, I'll start posting. (I have to admit I'm on page... 19 at the moment, and it's not exactly halfway through...)
White Alchemist Taya: A good idea, though not one I planned to use... Hope you'll be satisfied regardless? >.>; Thanks for reviewing and-- one more to go!
Trappersgirl: Hahaha, right you are! ... Kind of. Tell me what you think. xD Thanks for reviewing!
Kaori Minamino: Haha, I love reading your reviews, makes me feel-- hmm, accomplished? as an author. Kind of. Haha, or just plain evil (because you're right: I am!). Hope this chapter answers your... ponderings. ;) Thanks for reviewing!
A Last Kiss For Succubus: Haha, you're too funny!! You're very welcome o.o I enjoy writing it! About as much as reading reactions (like yours!) that make my day. xD As for your PS question... I'm afraid that'll have to wait until the epilogue. ^^;; Thanks for reviewing!
jo: I'm updating! Hope you enjoy, do let me know what you think/thought! ^^ Thanks for reviewing!
Darkside5454: I'm sorry for the wait--- and the cliffhanger... haha ^^;; I'm glad you think it flows well together, that's one of the hardest things to achieve (among others of course), but YAY! Thanks for reviewing, let me know if the ending was satisfactory this time. ;)
rosewhip889: I'm updating--! Let me know what you think, I'm eager to hear! ^^ Thanks for reviewing!
White Rose Fox: Thank you! I hope you enjoy the um... ending. One more to go! Thanks for reviewing ;)
tricey7: W00t w00t! Glad you like it! You'll also have to wait regarding the baby question... It's in the epilogue, I promise! Thanks for reviewing, hopefully-- you enjoy the update! ;)
Twilightfairy: o.o Thank you!! You read it all in one sitting eh? I think... that's a good way to do it, haha. No waiting for updates and such. ;) You'll just have to wait for the epilogue I'm afraid... but let me know what you think! ^^ Thanks for reviewing!
Avery_Fox: Haha, I'm so glad you lik-- love it! Hope “your” rescue was (more than) satisfactory! Thanks for reviewing! ^^