Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Wishes of a Young Boy ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Mina: this is a fic I wrote a looooooooooong time ago…so please don't hate me if it has a really bad plot or the spelling and grammar suck…just read and enjoy!!

Hiei: I'm in another one of your fanfics? Why not pick on Kurama?

Mina: but he's like my older brother so I can't do that!! I don't own YYH!

Hiei sat on the highest branch and watched Yukina pick wild flowers. He yawned and closed his eyes. "Hiei-chan!" yelled Yukina looking up at the tree. He opened one of his eyes and looked down at her. "What?" he asked, "Please come down I need you to do something!" said Yukina holding a necklace of wild flowers behind her back. He jumped out of the tree. "What is it?" he asked yawning. Yukina held up the necklace. "NO WAY! There is no way I am going to wear a flower necklace!" said Hiei shaking his head. Yukina frowned, "Why?" she asked, "No one will see you if you go behind the tree!" she said pointing to the tree. He continued to shake his head, "It doesn't matter if I go behind the tree to put it on, because once I do you'll make me come out from behind the tree" he said with a look of intelligence. Yukina shook her head, "No I won't!" Hiei sighed and took the necklace from her. Yukina smiled happily as she watched Hiei put the necklace around his neck. *I'm only doing this to make you happy! * He thought to himself, *Please let no one see me!*

"WOW! Is that Hiei?" asked a young girl with light turquoise hair. Hiei groaned and Yukina giggled. "Yep! That's Hiei!" said Botan smiling. Yukina noticed that the person next to Botan looked an awful lot like Botan. "Uh…Botan are you going to introduce us to your new friend?" she asked Botan. "Friend indeed, I'm Ana," she said bowing politely "Nice to meet you!" Yukina returned the bow. "Nice to meet you too. My name is Yukina and this is Hiei!" Yukina pointed to the boy behind her. Botan smiled happily as she made new friends. "Come along, time to go meet Koenma for lunch!" said Botan pulling on the sleeve of Ana's light purple kimono type shirt. "Right Mister Koenma!" said Ana turning to follow Botan, but turned and gave one last glance at the Hiei. "ANA!" yelled Botan. Ana snapped out of her daydream. "Uh…COMING!" yelled Ana running after Botan, who started to fly away on her oar. "Please don't leave me behind!" yelled Ana who finally caught up with Botan.

Hiei watched as if he was in a trance. *I've never seen someone so beautiful before, except for Yukina!* Yukina waved a hand in his face. "Hello! Earth to Hiei!" she said. Hiei snapped out of his trance. "Hn" Yukina sighed, "Wait…weren't we suppose to meet Koenma today too?" said Hiei looking at Yukina. Yukina's eyes widened, "NANI?!" she yelled "Why didn't you tell me?" Yukina looked dumbfounded. "I thought you already knew!" said Hiei after he face faulted. Yukina turned around, "WAIT FOR US!" she yelled chasing after Botan and Ana.

She turned around, "Botan wait, Yukina and Hiei are following us!" she said grabbing Botan's shoulder. Botan turned, smiled and waved. "HI AGAIN!" she yelled happily. Yukina stopped to catch her breath. "Puff…Wheeze…Gasp!" Hiei didn't even break a sweat. "*Giggle* Botan who else am I going to meet?" asked Ana who was trying to hold back a giggle fit. "Hm…let me see…Keiko, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Kurama!" said Botan with an expression of deep thought. "Oh!" said Ana "Hey! Does Kuwabara look cute?" she asked "Yeah if you like bullfrogs!" said Botan trying not to laugh. Yukina shook her head. "That wasn't very nice, but it is funny!" she laughed. Ana sighed and looked at the two. "What is so funny to them?" Hiei shrugged, "Who knows!" Ana pulled on Botan's baby pink kimono sleeve. "I don't think Mister Koenma would be happy if we were to be late!" said Ana tapping her foot impatiently. Hiei picked Yukina up in his arms, following behind Ana and Botan.

"Your late!" said Koenma hopping out of his oversized chair. "Sorry your highness" said Ana bowing. "We had something to take care of first!" said Botan "Oh! Well then…Ana are you ready to meet the rest of the team?" Koenma asked as he walked over to a door. "Yes sir!" Ana said following Koenma to the door. He opened the door, said something to one of his Onis, then smiled as he stepped to the side opening the door wider and let the rest of the gang into the room. "Ana meet Yusuke…Kurama…and Kuwabara!" said Koenma naming each as they walked in the room. Yusuke and Kurama waved as they walked in. Kuwabara tried not to drool. "Um…Kuwabara are you ok?" asked Botan waving a hand in front of his face. "Uh…Yukina I didn't see you there!" said Kuwabara trying to hide the fact that he was staring at Ana.

Kurama walked over to Ana and smiled. "Is this your first case?" he asked as he glanced over to Koenma who was yelling at Yusuke for calling him a toddler. He quickly looked back to Ana. "Yes! This is my very first case," she said "I'm very excited about it too!" she smiled happily. Kurama smiled back, "If you will excuse me, I have to go and talk to Hiei." he said putting his hand on her shoulder before walking away. Botan walked over, "So…" Botan started but was interrupted by Ana. "He looks just like a bullfrog!" she said bursting into laughter.

The two girls were laughing so hard it looked as if they would fall down. Ana calmed her self, "Whew! That was fun!" Botan said wiping the tears from her eyes. Ana nodded, "I haven't laughed like that in a long time!" she said sounding as if the air was knocked out of her.

Mina: that was chapter one I hope you enjoyed it!