Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Within the Enigma ❯ Insight ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]



#Remember, this is an Alternate Universe Fanfiction

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By Beautiful Dreamer

"Mother," Kurama said as he walked into the house. "Did you know people are moving into the Shinto temple?"

"Yes dear." Shiori replied as she stirred the sauce on the stove.

"Do you know them?"

"No, I haven't met them. We'll be meeting them once the food is ready. Now, go upstairs, Shuuichi and change into something that you don't mind getting dirty. In an hour, we are going to help them move in." Shiori turned to smile at her son.

"Alright, Mother." Kurama smiled back and then left the kitchen. As he ascended the staircase, the smile faded and a stern expression took its place. "Whoever these people are, they won't be staying long." A voice floated through Kurama's head and his eyes briefly flickered a golden color.

Some time later, Kurama finished changing his clothes and was ready to head downstairs until he heard a loud voice calling him from outside the window.

"Yo, Kurama." The source of the voice was coming from an orange haired teen.

"Kuwabara, I told you to call me Shuuichi when you are at my house or when other people are around." Kurama controlled the level of his voice so it was loud enough for Kuwabara to hear but not too loud for his mother to hear.

"Sorry, man. I forgot, how upset it makes the people to hear that name." Kuwabara said in a mellow voice.

"It's alright. Just remember the next time. So, what brings you all the way up here?" Kurama asked.

"Oh, yeah, I came to ask for a bunch of your flowers, so I can give them to the sweet angel at the Shinto Temple." Kuwabara said with joyous emotion.

"Of course, Kuwabara, pick any flowers you want from the back of the house." Kurama pointed his arm out the window to indicate the flowers he was referring to.

"Thanks a lot." Kuwabara shouted. "I'll be down in a minute." Kurama called out to him and then softly closed his window.


Minutes, elsewhere, Hiei walked from the Temple and wandered deeper into the forbidden forest, following the crocked pathway to a clearing; where a large Camphor tree grew in the middle. It was the perfect tree, which he was in search of, his sanctuary from the world. In a swift motion, Hiei climbed the gigantic tree and on one of the tree's branches; he made himself comfortable and fell asleep.

$ Flashback $

Genkai gently shook her head. "I know you think walking like a zombie is appropriate for a child, but it isn't suitable for them. They are very emotional children. Especially, Hiei, even though he tries very hard to hide it."

"I do know what's suitable and not suitable for my children!" The man exploded.

"I am not emotional." Hiei scoffed at her statement from behind a secret passageway, watching his father and Genkai's heated discussion. What a homecoming, he thought dejectedly. After a few short hours since his return, the day followed with his mother's funeral to the reading of her last will and testament.

His dark brows knitted together. "Is there a point to this, Genkai?" His voice was as steely as his eyes.

"I feel they deserve a fresh start..." Genkai paused, allowing the words take their affect. "...with me for as long as they want." A silence fell in the room.

"He didn't shed one tear." A middle aged man spoke in an angry manner, while he collapsed into a chair and rolled up to his desk.

"Hiei's just grieving in his own way." Fifty-five-year-old Genkai grievously said as she stood in an office library floor.

"Him and Hina were very close. When he arrived back home, I imagined how he would feel. One of the key pillars in his meaningless life has been taken away. And what's worst, several days before his birthday… I thought he would shed one tear gem."

"I knew it all along, you're after their tear gems. It doesn't matter to you how they feel. What kind of father are you to make profit on his children suffering? I bet you planned for Hina to be killed- - your own wife." Genkai's voice roared throughout the room.

"Your words hurt me greatly, Genkai. My wife was worth more to me alive. Also, I don't find anything wrong with using my children's talents for my own purposes. Yukina has made me another small fortune with her tear gems, so I am content for now. When they are older, they'll receive their full powers. On that day, I'll have no further use for you. Then, my children's well being, will be none of your concern." The man looked up from the desk as if sitting behind it gave him power.

She stopped and fiercely crossed her arms under her breasts. "Their well-being will always be my concern. Yukina already cried enough. Yukina is a lovely, charismatic; Hiei is a passionate, vigorous young man. It isn't healthy for a young child to suppress his emotions. It would be a shame if his strong spirit should die along with her mother's body. They need a chance." Genkai declared.

$ End Flashback $

Hiei awoke with a sudden jolt. He could sense someone watching him, near the out skirts of the woods. Hiei wasn't in the mood for confrontation, so he departed from the clearing. Hidden behind the trees, a pair golden eyes looked at the intruder's fleeing form. The figure pushed back his silver hair and decided to follow Hiei.

AN: You're not suppose to know the father's name yet. That's all for now.