Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Six Continuation ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Outskirts of town, forest clearing by a waterfall-

The Uwibami man dropped Keiko directly into the bank of the river and then disappeared over the waterfall. The bare girl forced her way up out of the water and gasped for air. She glanced around to see if wherever she was was a place familiar to her, it wasn’t. She rubbed her shoulders and tried to warm them. The water was anything but welcoming and it froze her right to the bone. Her pale orange towel floated beside her and she quickly snatched it from the water. She proceeded to swim over to the shore of the river to step out of the icy liquid.

It was completely quiet; no other sounds were heard filling the night air except for the slight hushes of the waterfall. “Where am I? Nanashi? Nanashi!” Keiko looked in every direction but her cat or her attacker was nowhere in sight. She then wrung out her towel and wrapped it over her body, the only article of clothing she had right now. Suddenly, she felt lonesome all over again and huddled to the ground. "Okaasan... Otousan... What happened to them? I’m alone again. I don’t want to be here.” Keiko shook her head and swallowed her fear. “Iie! I’m not scared, I can’t be afraid.” Her mind filled with visions of Yuusuke. ‘If you can tough out anything, if you can never show fear, then so can I... I’ll prove to you that I can take it, I’m not weak, and I don’t need to be protected all the time... I’ll show you.”

The brunette pushed herself from off the ground but was soon welcomed by an onslaught of raging wind. “Eee!” she winced from the cold as the gust battled against her-stripping away her towel. She tugged on the end of it to keep it from rising into the air but the gale was just too fierce. She lost hold of her only means of apparel as it flew up to the head of the waterfall and got caught onto a branch of a... sakura tree? Not just a sakura tree, but a withered sakura tree that extended from the head of the waterfall!

It sprouted out from the cliff-side as the water gushed by it and expelled into the lake. Keiko felt the cool air scouring her body as she kneeled down. It bit at her skin while she tried to keep her shoulders warm with the friction of her hands. “What’s happening?”

“Too cold for you? I express my deepest apologies, wouldn’t want such an extravagant being like yourself catch her death.” A soothing, masculine voice echoed through the woods that surrounded Keiko.

The girl twisted her head about, “Who’s there?” The wind quieted.

The black blossoms on the tree began to twitter about like bird feathers as they departed from the branches and fluttered down to Keiko. The fourteen-year-old girl saw her towel move into the hands of a man that sat in the tree. His countenance was most handsome while fluffy pink bangs hid his eyes. His hair was drawn into a tight bun while a bulky, red ribbon held it together-a black sunflower was protruding from the side of the bun. His skin was a light milk chocolate color but hardly seen due to his conservative attire. A tight black turtleneck was hardly seen under his pearl white trench coat that was even less visible because of the fact that a crimson red parka-like robe was thrown over that. An assortment of jewels was embedded into the left side of the slicker but on the right were just designs of Sakura flowers. Big fuzzy, ivory boots went up to his knees while his chalky, velvet pants were seen from there on. He tilted his head upward to reveal his golden eyes.

“Who are you?” Keiko asked, the blood rushing to her cheeks, she felt a little bit more than embarrassed because she was exposed to him in her birthday suit. She tried to conceal as much as she could from his eyes.

“Now, now. No need to feel mortified. Such beauty shouldn’t be hidden, especially when I have already seen you this way countless times before.” The bough of cherry blossoms clearly seen around his neck began to flicker as the black petals that landed by Keiko began to flicker in synchronous with the necklace. The petals lifted themselves from off the ground and formed around Keiko like a sphere and locked her inside.

“What’s happening!” Keiko called as the energy prism floated up towards the peculiar, yet ravishing, man. It stopped directly in front of him while the top part of the sphere melted away, causing Keiko to present her self unprotected to the stranger.

He reached for her and Keiko was prepared to either slap him or edge back but she knew she might fall off the small platform of energy she was now standing on. Her body felt numb and she couldn’t move an inch, she was frozen!

“Musubi no Kami. Refer to me as Musubi, but a more appropriate name you can call me is Pin-Pin-chan.” He prattled composedly. His gloved fingertips extended from the robe he wore and laced around Keiko’s neck-his left hand still hiding under the robe.

“Pin-Pin... Iie! Ecchi!” Keiko grew worried as she tried to reach out and do something, anything.

A mischievous grimace tugged at the corners of Musubi’s mouth as he brought out his left hand now-her towel being gripped by his fingers. He brought it up to his nose as he inhaled heavenly before wrapping it around her. He rested both hands on her back and drew her closer.

If she could she would punch the living daylights out of him, if only she could move. She struggled from his grip and nudged her shoulders away from his own.

“No need to be hostile.” He strained her arms and pushed her closer to him.

“Gah! What do you want?” She gasped in pain.

“You.” Musubi retreated his right hand away from her backside and cupped her chin with it. “That’s what I wish I could say but it is that underworld detective we need, you are just the bait to lure him in and when he is annihilated then I can have you.”

“Yuusuke? Iie! You can’t!” Keiko tried to get her head away from him but his grasp was too strong. Tears that burned her began to well up in her eyes.

“Urameshi... Weren’t you pondering the fact that he may not be right for you? Relying on an adoration that wasn’t mutual?” Keiko’s eyes widened at what Musubi quoted. “It’s what you said, well thought. You’re right, you’re letting your heart deceive you. He doesn’t care you know, why else would he move onto much bigger and better things? He cons you. He goes after older women because they have more to offer, that’s how ningen men are. They don’t acknowledge a genuine lady’s existence and go off with whatever whore they can get their filthy hands on.”

“You’re wrong, that’s not Yuusuke at all.” Keiko whimpered.

“Oh it isn’t? This isn’t Yuusuke?” Musubi brought his right hand out as the shimmering light from Keiko’s bathroom appeared in Musubi’s hand. It formed into an assortment of photographs all containing Yuusuke.

“It’s not true, those are fakes!” Keiko stared at the pictures in shock. One of which was Yuusuke and Yosei (but in the form of Ms. Nanashi) huddled together in Keiko’s bathroom-Yosei with her hands on Yuusuke’s sides. Another almost identical to the last yet her hands moved up a bit. The next quite the same but her hands now moved down a bit. Musubi flipped through the pages of pictures and to Keiko’s "amusement", the pictures moved like those flipbooks. The entire image was just unbearable.

“They are quite real, koibito.” Musubi closed his palm and the pictures disappeared.

“Don’t call me that!” Keiko defended herself. “It’s a lie!”

“Ah, koibito, it’s very truthful. My cameras are very unnoticeable; no one can detect them, yet they can catch every aspect of a situation. Which is how I was able to keep an eye on you; every... single... last... moment.” Musubi leaned his head closer to Keiko.

“Iie... Yuusuke...” Keiko cried and shut her eyes.

“He could never treat you the way I can. Come away with me back to Kanzakura, I promise a great deal of love in the future. I horned after your steps ever since Yuusuke, that detective, was brought back to life. We’ve planned to accomplish our goal and now we will be able to do so because of Yuusuke being the perfect candidate. Once he’s dead, again, why would it matter to you? He doesn’t love you yet you claim to love him. If you tell him he won’t accept you. He won’t love you. You are confused. Take up my proposal or this won’t go over too easy, what do you say to that?”

Instead of Keiko voicing her opinion, Yuusuke did it for her. “Get your dirty hands off her!” he screamed, entering the scene from below. Yosei and Botan exited the forest as well and took a fighting stance besides Yuusuke--Botan having the Confinement Jar ready to take down any Uwibami men that may appear.

“Yuusuke, help, I-” Keiko began but one of Musubi’s petals from his tree slapped onto Keiko’s cheek and shocked her. “AIIE!”

“Keiko!” Yuusuke took off for the cliff-side.

The young girl fainted into Musubi’s chest as he drew her closer. “That’s far enough, detective.” He placed one hand under Keiko’s legs and left the other on her back. He then hoisted her up so she was nestled comfortably in his arms. “Any closer and it’s the cat’s head.” On cue with Musubi’s words, a massive creature emerged from the waterfall, gripping the now transformed Gemmi by the neck in his teeth. It looked like a grand bird, almost like a phoenix, yet its feathers were dingy and as dark as the midnight sky. RAICHO

“Gemmi!” Botan screamed.

“That’s a thunder-bird! That’s my creation, you copied it...?” Yosei’s eyebrows furrowed as she became uneasy.

“Indeed. It’s quite easy to do when you have taken some of Gemmi’s DNA. Now, ferrywoman, drop the vacuum, and detective, step back.” Musubi smirked.

Botan began to release the straps from off her back but Yuusuke refused to do as he was told.

“Now is not the time to be stubborn, that’s my son!” Yosei fumed as she faced Yuusuke.

“And that’s also someone I care about...” Yuusuke brought up his left hand and pointed it at Musubi’s head. “You can always make more of those freakin’ creatures, but Keiko is one in a million. I rather forsake that monster than Keiko, as long as I’m able to kill that bastard.”

“Wait a minute... ah!” Botan caught on, Yuusuke had already used up his energy previously, there was no way he had enough energy left!

“Stand down at once, I implore you.” His eyes began to gleam. “You waste a shot on me? Do you actually think you can nick me with your energy. I’ve watched you battle before, you ride on chance. Chance won’t help you this time. Yet, how far would you go to prove to her that you love her? Do you even love her? Or do you just toy with her heart knowing you are able to influence her so much? The thought of controlling her intrigues you doesn’t it?” Musubi picked up her head and moved it about as he tried to mimick her voice. “Do you love me? Simple yes, simple no.”

Yuusuke lowered his arm as his eyes grew intent.

Musubi’s eyes shimmered even more as he gazed at what was forming behind the trio below him. “Hm. I thought so. You could never prove it. You could never say it. The three simple words that makes a man weak, delicious. You can’t grasp commitment and the fact of the matter eats you up inside. You can never satisfy her. But I would be generous enough to cordially invite all of you to our wedding.”

“Yuusuke...” Yosei began to whisper. “Don’t falter to his words... be a man. Shikkari shite.” Yuusuke glanced over to her. Suddenly, her words from before broke into his mind.

A real man would confess to everything his heart desires. That’s the only way for him to see it. His powers will drain when both confess their love for each other. He finds on a woman’s love but when she no longer lets him have it, when she loves another, he will die. Act like a man.”

That was it! He finally realized what he had to do, but he wished there weren’t any spectators around to witness this...

“Stay out of this.” Musubi warned her.

“Confess, mend her broken heart, and possibly yours too.” Yosei continued.

“Insolence!” Musubi screamed ready to give the signal to Raicho so the thunderbird would crush its powerful jaws down on Gemmi.

“Keiko! Wake up! Aishiteru!” Yuusuke shouted at the top of his lungs.

“Nani?” Musubi glared down at the ReiKai Tantei.

“I LOVE YOU KEIKO!” Yuusuke blared out into the night air, his words echoing throughout the woods.

“Yuu-suke...” Keiko murmured beginning to stir from her own consciousness. “I... lov-”

“Baka!” Musubi’s eyes flickered red. “Deploy now, Uwibami!”

All of a sudden, our three heroes realized they had walked right into an ambush as numerous Uwibami men emerged from out of the woods. Botan quickly strapped the confinement jar back on her back and Yosei began to build up her energy. Yuusuke on the other hand looked back to see that the tree on the waterfall had ripped its roots away and fused with Raicho. The bird began to ascend in air.

“Kuso! You coward! You don’t got the balls to face me huh?! Get back here! Temee!” Yuusuke began to sprint after the bird. He ran right to the wall of the cliff and began to climb up.

“Save your energy, detective.” Musubi began as he made his getaway. “Keiko will be in good hands, I’m sure of it, she’ll have a real good time, and you will be nothing more than a memory to her. She’ll be too lost in the heat of passion to even remember your name. Now isn’t that hospitality?” he began to laugh maniacally.

“If you even dare attempt to do ANYTHING like THAT I will-” Yuusuke began to climb even faster, his pride being hurt.

“You are in no position to threaten me, I’d worry about your friends, they really do need your help. But if you want to see Keiko one last time before we are wed, then come to the Floating Bridge to Heaven at Raiden prefecture on Kaminari Sama Mountain. I would say we would fight to the death for Keiko’s heart but I clearly already won that! See you real soon, detective!” and with that, the Raicho flapped even higher into the air and disappeared into a storm of Sakura petals.

“Keiko!” Yuusuke fell to the ground, facing defeat.

“Iie! GEMMI!” Yosei tried to pursue them but too many Uwibami were overpowering her.

“Yuusuke, we need your help!” Botan shrieked, trying to get the confinement jar to aim straight but a Gel man kept moving it away as more toppled over her.

Yuusuke stood from off the ground, his head lowered. So much anger coursed through his veins, but he knew one thing, if Musubi harmed her in anyway, emotionally or physically, he would surely regret it. Yuusuke wiped the tears from his eyes and then glared up at the sky. “I’m coming for you Keiko... And I meant every word... I’ll get you back, I’m tired of you being the victim, I hurt you too much... That bastard will die if he touches you, I swear it...” Yuusuke turned towards his teammates and rushed for them, all riled up now and ready for a fight. “Hey! ready for your ass-kicking!”

Japanese / English: Uso / you’re kidding, Pin-Pin-chan / an affectionate name in Japanese meaning "Mr.Boing Boing" in reference to a young man's penis that is always on the verge of erection, shikkari shite / "be confident"

New name meanings: -Raicho: The Japanese Thunderbird. It looks like a rook, but can make a terrible noise, and it lives in a pine tree. Musubi is now able to create these destructive creatures as long as he has a sample of Gemmi’s blood, which is why Musubi was only bluffing about killing Gemmi since he needs him so much. They are a means of destruction or transportation in the fic.

-Kanzakura is the sacred Sakura tree in which Musubi no Kami lives. In the fic, Kazakura is Musubi’s Sakura tree castle atop Raiden prefect.

-The Floating Bridge to Heaven is well, the bridge to Heaven. It will be the final confrontation with Shazmee and Musubi. They are prepared to taint the gateway with blood from the one chosen for a sacrifice, in doing so, it will corrupt Heaven and purge it into darkness. This causing its forces to smite and lash out at the world, destroying every ReiKai Tantei and weakening the barriers of the stronger levels of Makai so that ReiKai will be destroyed.

-Raiden is the Japanese God of thunder and lightning (Kaminari Sama). This is where Kanzakura and the Floating Bridge to Heaven are located.

-Author’s Note: This was done pretty fast so it may seem a little uneven compared to most of my other chapters. Notice how Botan didn’t do her job and take Gemmi back to Jorge already! Oops. Well, please guys, comment and critique please. How can someone get better without help? And if you like the story please say so and say why you like it. Getting comments will inspire me to write more efficiently.

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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