Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ You Said You Loved Me, Right? ❯ Case Ten: The Remedy of Rice ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Narrator: We find that the fire demon, Hiei, has returned to Ningenkai in order to accomplish his mission enforced onto him by the Council of Reikai-aid the Reikai Tantei in any way possible. But he is soon sidetracked when Kyoumi returns and suggests they join forces. From the discussion, Hiei finally gives in, but there may be more behind the reason as to why Hiei would want to join up with such an incompetent demon. Elsewhere, Yasha, the group’s only means of finding the Floating Bridge to Heaven, betrays Yuusuke and Kurama while Botan is taken away from them. Now they are at the mercy of a villainous, yet, arousing, angel and will discover what you face when you defy her…

Aishiterutte itta yo ne?

Case Ten---The Remedy of Rice

Day Four of Obon, Haven of the Dead 1:00 A.M.-

“T’is ‘bout time you came around; I like my prey nice and squirmy on the way down.” A voice as grainy as a bull’s moan spoke in the dark.

Kurama tried to focus the beast before him through his blurry perception. His reflexes unleashed and he was prepared to defend himself from any attack that may be discharged, but he soon figured that sturdy roping secured his arms and legs to a tree in the middle of a dead wood forest!

“But I gotta say, I’m totally starved now that I’ve eaten twice my weight in rice fields-so good to the taste. But I heard that ningen meat tastes just as good.”

“Well you sound like an absolute genius…” the redhead’s green eyes finally regained their vision as he looked over the barbarian, figuratively speaking of course, behind his capture from upside down. Nevertheless, even if he were hanging upside down he was still able to identify the creature. He had bright orange skin and beading black eyes. The hefty creature’s size was overwhelming, at least fifteen feet tall at best. A beaver fur tunic was what he beast wore to go with a beaver fur headband wrapped around his forehead to keep his long, black, disheveled hair out of his eyes. MOUNTAIN MAN

“GAHAHAHA! Aitsu erasou ni shiyagatte!” The man’s fangs protruded as he spoke out into the anything-but-mundane woods. “Do you know where you hang, boy?! I could swallow you in one gulp, I am the most feared animal in this labyrinth!” He pounded his fists on his chest madly.

“The intelligence of your persona amuses me.” Kurama said smugly.

“BWAHA! I like you, you entertain me, boy! Too bad I’m so starving or I would keep you around as a pet! Such a pretty thing you are, hope you taste as good as you look!” The Mountain Man was doubling over in laughter. “Smashing that delicate skull open to feast on the mush inside, gauging out your eyeballs just to suck the juices out of them. Delicious!”

“Rest assured, I am not tremulous about your dark humor… I won’t be killed today anyway, though I could grant you with a clean bill of health if you release me… I won’t have to end your life so suddenly.” Kurama admonished.

“PSH!” He snorted. “Don’t make me laugh anymore, boy!” The obnoxious being chuckled as his pectoral muscles bounced with his movements. “I’ve gotten my orders to devour you, you think I’ll go back on the exquisite Tenshi’s commands?! My Master Musubi instructed that your friend is delayed from reaching Kanzakura until the wedding is over. Once it is, he will be transported to the Floating Bridge where he will be slaughtered by Lord Shazmee. But you see, I am quite a hungry fellow, and with all my rice trees Musubi presented to me have been left barren by my craw, I might as well get used to the taste of ningen flesh as its flavor dances on my pallet.”

“You seem to underestimate me, vicious beast…” Kurama shut his eyes slowly.

“OH? And what is it that I underestimate, boy!” the monster bellowed his rapturous screams of sniggers.

“Even though I am of ningen born, I am still all youkai…” Kurama shot his eyes open. “More youkai than you could ever be!”

“Guess I’m going to have to teach you a lesson,” The Mountain Man cracked his knuckles and aimed a punch right at Kurama’s torso, “Don’t speak out of line!”

“Fuuka Enbujin!” A windstorm of rose petals came from behind Kurama’s head and formed around him, canceling out the Mountain Man’s punch.

“What trickery is this!” The man edged away from the blockade of petals.

“This is my defense against you while this…” All of a sudden a long whip of thorns bolted from behind Kurama’s head and split his bindings in half. The boy flipped over until he was right side up. “Is my offense against you… Kagon Retsuzan Shi.” The petals were taken away by the wind and rose into the air.

“Where did that come from?!” The Mountain Man gnarled under his breath.

“I usually wouldn’t bother explaining my strategy to the less fortunate before I kill them, but if you must know, it came from a simple rose. One I plucked into my hair before I became fully paralyzed. Tenshi failed to notice that when I floated over on my back I had hid the rose under my hair; resulting in your downfall.” The imperative fox held up his whip and gave a delightful smirk at his soon-to-be victim. The tables have turned.

“L-like I’m gonna p-p-piss my loins because you have a-A STUPID FLOWER!” The Mountain Man yelled pigheadedly and hit the ground with his elbows in full force. A rupture in the earth broke out as a fissure headed towards where the pretty boy held his ground.

“Don’t insult the elegance that is a divine rose…” Kurama leaped into the area swiftly. “Besides, if you are not full of fear… than why does your voice tremble so… Let me show you the silent wrath of that that is a pure blossom!” He jerked the whip about close to twenty times in one second as the scene became mute. Kurama retouched the earth and kneeled down-his Meiou High uniform rustled against the wind.

All at once, both of the Mountain Man’s legs and one of his arms split off from the rest of his body in various portions. Blood spewed from his injuries as he toppled over-dead as a doorknob. “Eckhhhh, one more taste… just one… the sweet taste of rice…” he rasped but soon hushed.

Kurama stood and bowed his respect, he was considerate of the death even if it were his opponent. But as soon as he arched his position back up, he took off-his whip returning to its natural configuration. He would most likely have to get out of the Haven just to figure out where Tenshi had taken Yuusuke and Botan. It was literally a race against time if he were to save the world and the Reikai Tantei.

It wasn’t long until Kurama slowed his quickening pace to a slow jog as he had discovered Yuusuke dancing along side a strange demon?!

“Rose Thorny Whip Edge!” the whip from the rose extended outward and lashed the demon controlling Yuusuke’s movements. It was as if Yuusuke had been in a trance and as soon as the demon was stricken, he awakened and instantly fell to the floor. Kurama swooped down from one of the dead trees and perched Yuusuke up on his back. “Are you all right, Yuusuke?”

“Huh?” Yuusuke sat himself up. “Kurama? Whoa, my legs feel as if a truck ran over them, criminy. What happened? How did I get out of that… hypnotizing thingy?” Yuusuke rubbed his arches.

“The eye-contact was broken so the spell became ineffective. Can you remember anything at all?” Kurama asked.

Yuusuke held his head. “Naw… Ever since we went under… I saw a light and then… Blank… Man my legs hurt, what was I doing? Exercise for eight hours?!” Yuusuke massaged his thighs again. “I sure am feeling the burn that’s for sure!”

“Exercise? Ha! The Gale of the Kagura is the most skilled art passed down throughout my species, the Seal youkai clan. If you hadn’t disturbed us, you realist, than my pupil would be stuck in the dance of fools for the rest of his life-I only needed two more minutes and the sequence of over eight hours would have been complete! This life is a fanatical one that should be enjoyed! Get lost in the thrill of the dance!” the youkai Kurama had struck got up from the ground.

“Wait a minute! You mean I was dancing all FREAKY thanks to... Aitso?! This brat?!” Yuusuke shouted enraged.

“Brat?! The amazing dancer, Uzume, is seventy years old!”

“You look seven…” the fourteen-year-old mocked.

The girl did look somewhere between seven although she insisted she was seventy. Her outfit was most outrageous as little fins poked out on the ankles of her bare, pale orange legs. She wore a white and red dress that looked like a shirt-the bottom half was all frilly and the top had various bows of all sizes attached to the collar. The trims of the bows and on her frilly cuffs were red and everything else was white. To go with her pale orange skin was her teal hair, which looked quite boyish, and eyes filled with joy. “Shut up, old man!”

“OLD MAN?!” Yuusuke was now in even more rage than before.

Kurama chuckled at the scene.

“Enough, you baka! I will get both of you! My master will be so pleased!” Uzume brought her hands up and stretched her legs out-it looked as if she were in the pose of sumo wrestles before they engage in combat. A swirl of turquoise colored energy began to engulf the girl. “Now you children, watch as the Gale of the Kagura entwines you, lures you in, dance until you die-”


“Itai! Itai! Itai!” Uzume held the swollen lump on her head where Yuusuke had whacked her. “How could you? Hitting a girl is the worst, especially a little girl like me! How heartless!”

“Oh so now you are a little girl now, huh? Well the first thing you should know about fighting is that you duke it out first, yip-yap later. Becha becha!” Yuusuke cracked his knuckles.

“Where’s your dignity, old man?!” Uzume gnawed on her bottom lip, tears feeling her eyes.

“Quiet, brat!” Yuusuke yelled in her ear.

Uzume hopped away from the Reikai Tantei and began to power up. “I’ll show you brat! NECROMANCY’S DAN-”


Uzume was plowed into the ground once again by… the Mountain Man?! He was still able to move by dragging his carcass with his one arm left intact by Kurama’s attack. A disgusting smear of blood led all the way from his previous location to this one. “Itai, itai…” She whined, another lump on her head.

“The Mountain Man…” Kurama was baffled to see the creature still alive.

“The Muffin Man?” Yuusuke said dumbfounded.

“Why’d ya’ do that, Jii-san?!” Uzume screamed at her apparent grandfather!

“Jii-san?” Kurama and Yuusuke said in unison. The Mountain Man looked pretty young to even be considered a grandfather!

“Bozu! Don’t play stupid, girl! First you eat all my rice that the master gave to me and now you try and take my prey!” The Mountain Man glared down at the girl.

“Haha, looks like your prey is owning you! You’re my size now! Haha!” Uzume ridiculed.

“Shut up! It’ll grow back in a few weeks anyway!” the two kept bickering.

Kurama and Yuusuke blinked.

“Great, another demon, at least this one looks as if he can’t put up much of a fight. But come on, I love a good fight now and then but don’t we have a mission to finish?” Yuusuke groaned.

“First we need to drop off this extra baggage if we ever want to accomplish our journey before the last day.” An idea popped into Kurama’s head.

Kome is the remedy for any problem…

Kurama nodded from what he remembered. He pointed off into the opposite direction. “Do you see that?”

“Nani?” Yuusuke looked where he was pointing. “See what?”

“Oh wow, it looks like a tree of rice weed! That’s very rare! Must be the last one!” Kurama acted wonderfully.

“What are you talking about, I don’t-” Kurama clamped his palm over Yuusuke’s mouth.

“NANI!” the relatives said at the same time.

“It’s mine!” Uzume shrieked.

“You got the last one, you gluttonous girl!” her grandfather knocked her down. “Delicious hull here I come-”

“Necromancy’s Dancing Ghoul!” Uzume did her own attack on the Mountain Man. Two zombies from below the ground popped up and grabbed him by the arms and started dancing with him.

“Cheater!” The Mountain Man broke the skeletons in half and ran after her. “Get back here!”

Soon, the area was quiet as the two family members had let their stomach lead them to rice they would never eventually find in that dead wood forest. The only ones left were Yuusuke, Kurama, and the two skeletons having a jolly good time dancing around.

“I say we vacate before they catch on.” Kurama suggested.

“I say we vamoose before those zombies pick us as their next dance partners.” Yuusuke proved to make a good point too. “How did you know that would get them to leave?”

Kurama thought it over. He finally told Yuusuke, “Someone once told me a valuable piece of information about how rice is a good peacemaker. Nothing too special… Besides, we first need to get out of this forest maze.” The kitsune tried to put the conversation back on track.

“You’re right. That traitor Yasha took off and Botan’s gone too. That Confinement vacuum thing is out of our grasp as well. Damn! We’re at a strong disadvantage, how are we freakin’ getting out of here?!” the Reikai Tantei ran his hands through his hair over and over.

“I can help… If you want…”

Kurama and Yuusuke turned to see who was speaking to them.

Fortress atop Kaminari Sama, 4:00 A.M.-

“You monster! Release me!” Botan clamored and kicked her feet. It was no use; being tied up in shackles to the wall was the least of her worries however. What had happened to Yuusuke and the others once she was taken away from them? Better yet, who brought her here?

She flashed her rosy eyes across the dungeon. It was a devoid of light; the only trace of fire came from the winding staircase located at the other end of the room. It was a monstrous torture chamber-fresh blood on a guillotine, whips and maces cast aside with limbs attached, but the worst of all were the skeletons chained up to the wall adjoining her, obviously having been done away by starvation.

Her pupils shrunk and her mouth hung open. “AH! What do you want with me, whoever you are! If you do anything to me I swear Master KoEnma will get you! Well… his father will-but still! He’s big and king of Reikai, he’ll kick your-”

“Ask me no more questions, I’ll tell you everything you need to know in due time…” A shadowy figure came from down the winding stairs.

“Who is… Huh?” Botan felt the bondings that were constraining her beginning to give way. They broke off from her arms and she could feel something slithery massaging up and down her leg. Whatever it was sent shivers down her spine mainly because she couldn’t see what it was. “EE! What is that?!” She stomped her feet up and down, trying to get whatever it was to quit rolfing her.

“Didn’t I say to stop asking questions… I despise it when someone transgress me fore I am a being that should never be transgressed-don’t you think you should obey a person’s request especially-ESPECIALLY when they control your life up to this point! ESPECIALLY when it is the EXALTED Shazmee you are conversing with!” He cleared his throat and restored his dignified demeanor, “You’ve just lost any leniency I was going to allow you...” he would’ve kept on ranting on if Botan hadn’t interrupted.

“I don’t need your mercy! You deranged, nonsensical lunatic! I am considered to be Master KoEnma’s-” Botan began to defend herself.

“-Ah… you’ve gone and hurt my feelings…” The man snapped his fingers while Botan kept rambling.

“And another thing-Eh?!” a rush of whatever had been stroking her legs went over her waist and brought her forward. It slammed her down on what felt like a wooden table and retreated back into the silence. This time she felt padlocks clamp over her feet, arms, forehead, and abdomen. Her hair was matted in her face and strayed to the side as she tried struggling against her restraints once again. She was confined to a torture bed! “What do you want!”

The fire from the torch on the stairway went out.

“There goes those questions again…” Her aggressor spoke, it sounded as if he were right beside her. “But no matter, you won’t be with us long, be that as it may… Have you ever wondered how it felt to be exiled from society because you perform alchemy on those blasted ningens? How you would do anything to get back in, anything to-” His frigid fingertips rubbed circles onto the skin of Botan’s bare knees projecting from the lower fold of her pink kimono. “-avenge your newfound locality in solitude, anything to put someone else in your place, anything to taste, or even smell, that sweet, tangy aroma of rice...?”

‘Why me… Why does he want me?’ Botan clenched her eyes shut while the unwanted, sensual pleasure kneaded up her thigh.

“But… I couldn’t expect you to understand.” The stranger removed his hand from of the ferrygirl. Part of her was relieved to no longer be subjected to such harassment, but the other part of her… Abruptly, she experienced the puissant force of one of her assailant’s hands latch onto the area between her bust as he sprung up onto the table, her body now nestled between his legs. “Someone who has everything handed to her, someone who snatches any tom, dick, and harry from the ones who can never get one, someone with a mendacious heart. You think you are pure but you aren’t, you’re filthy! Imperfect!”

“Gomen, for whatever happened to you, but why do you have to blame it on me!” Botan pleaded, striving from his grasp and the weight plying over her stomach.

“Why? Because you are a woman… Your kind is liars, connivers, and says one thing but mean another. Your kind is fragile, whiners, and only use is to be slaves to our dominant kind and further the species even though it is already overpopulated. You let your emotions run you, which get in the way of some of the greatest joys, causing them to end-intimate confrontation for one. You said before how your savior will protect you, aid you... Dattara, I’m touching you…” He squeezed her even more, causing her to wince from the pressure. “... Where’s your Enma now? Tell me you don’t want my touch! Tell me and mean it!” His left hand traced over the young female’s brow.

“Gah! I’ve done nothing to hurt you! I’m innocent.” Botan closed her eyes to try and fight back tears; she did whatever she could to assert her independence.

“It’s soon to be over anyway… My seclusion on this mountain will be coming to an end in less than four days from now. All the underworld detectives will pay the price once that delectable boy’s blood taints the core of the bridge.Heaven will be darkened by the wicked and the unholy beings I will be able to create from the power it enriches onto me will lash out at the world, destroying every Reikai Tantei. The barriers of the levels of Makai will be abolished so that my brothers and sisters can wreak havoc once again. I will not let my mentor, Tsuyu’s, drudgery be a futile effort.”

“You’re mad, that is insane!” Botan tried to shake him from off of her but the limitations the harnesses created made it a difficult task. Yet, she didn’t have to do such a thing…

The deranged youkai lifted himself from off the helpless girl and stood at the side of the table once again. “You’ve hurt my feelings again…”

“So what! Kill me all you want! And besides you can't anyway, I'm pretty much already dead!” Botan screamed, finally standing up for herself. "I’m not afraid of you!"

“You shouldn’t be…” She could see his silhouette now bathed in the doorway as the light from the staircase came back on. He snapped his fingers twice and the torches in the torture room flickered on to reveal well over a hundred Uwibami men surrounding the table Botan was on. Those creatures have been there the whole time?! “… afraid of me that is, you should fear them. Besides, I don’t want to kill you…”

Botan’s eyes widened in terror as she finally got a good look of the being behind the destruction soon to come to all worlds.

“… I need you that is, you pitiable onna. As an inducement for that child of a ruler, once someone he cares about is in danger, especially an onna with your pure spirit, what makes you think he won’t do anything to get you back… Women make men weak, look at your partner, fighting for a woman… Once Reikai is swarming with youkai and filled with an overpopulation of souls from the dead, he will be ready and willing to give up his position to me. I’ll have my fill on the souls at my disposal and grow stronger until I am able to do away with Enma, becoming the new ruler of all worlds!”

“NO! You psychopath, your actions are ludicrous! Kill my spirit now… I beg of you…” Botan cried.

“I find it more pleasurable to see you suffer to the point where you wish your spirit were dead… Enjoy your stay here, it’ll be the last place you’ll ever see… Oh and my Uwibami… be as rough as you want, break her down to nothing…” He snapped his fingers one last time as the Uwibami men ascended onto the poor girl.

“Iie!” Many of which pinned her shoulders and knees down while she felt numerous hands exploring her flesh. Piece by piece, a part of her attire was ripped away-first a sleeve, part of the bottom fold, part of the upper fold was split in half, and her hair tie was torn out. Tatters and shreds of her kimono laid in the floor as the groping and fondling of the Uwibami men got even more vehement with even more hands!

“Fear me for I am Shazmee, a full bred Maiya youkai once, but that side is dead… This youki alchemist reborn after that fire will have vengeance on Reikai for slaughtering my master… and daughter… Torment her for my suffering, Uwibami! This poster-child for Reikai… don’t just use your hands, tongues work just as good...” He turned toward the stairs as the Uwibami men did as they were told. The depraved Shazmee looked back at the violated girl one last time and whispered, “Enjoy this pleasure, fore every torture beyond this point will be anything but erotic…”

“Please! YAMETE!” Botan’s screams of pain echoed throughout the mountaintop of Kaminari Sama, but fell on deaf ears.

Japanese / English: Aitsu erasou ni shiyagatte / He’s a cocky SOB isn’t he?!, yamete (yamero) / stop, Fuuka Enbujin / Blast Petals Waltz Posture, Kagon Retsuzan Shi / Splendid Slicing Branch, aitso / "that thing over there", becha becha / chatterbox, bozu / kid or "Hey Squirt", (o)jii-san / grandfather, itai / ouch, dattara / "If that is so..."

New name meanings: -Uzume is the Japanese Shinto goddess of joy and happiness. When the sun goddess, Amaterasu, hid away in a cave, Uzume brought her back out by performing her curlew and provoking dances. Such dances are the Kagura, the one to wake the dead, and one symbolizing the planting of seeds. Uzume, in the saga, is of the Seal youkai tribe found in the water city, Aglangis, of Makai’s south region. Her grandfather is the Mountain Man.

-Shazmee’s past can now be unlocked. He was once a Maiya demon but died in a brutal accident that involved him setting fire to a field. His sensei of the Eden’s Time-Shift Ghost Arts Style was Tsuyu. He has the power of various enchantments he has be-stolen onto Musubi and his brother-he created them from different means of sacred objects. His powers include creating monsters from simple objects and conjuring up a means of energy by using people.His daughter was supposedly killed by a Reikai Tantei but it seems that Musubi knows more than he lets on and is attempting to present her to him so he could probably have authority of ruling over Ningenkai when Shazmee takes over the worlds-too bad Yama won’t stop wasting time and do his job. If you haven’t guessed by now, Shazmee is rather maniacal, it’s mainly because he has a tumor lodged in his brain which somehow is able to influence what he does…

-Author’s Note: I do not hate Botan! She’s one of my favorite female characters in the show even! Yet I put her through so much… uh… harassment…. you always hurt the ones you love!! Oh an I also have to warn some of you ppl, the next few chapters are going to get a little “mature”, if they haven’t already (I mean come on, incest, gropage, and sexual preferences in a pg-13?!?!?!) ! But, unfortunately, I can’t show them on anymore, but hey, I have a Mediaminer site and will put up the link to it there… but what some of you have been expecting will happen (Musubi’s taking the relationship to an EXTREME level, if you get my drift…) ! W00t w00t! Rape, Sex, and Drunken Love shall live on!!! MWUHAHA… uh yeh.. I think I’ll have toamp up the rating soon on this if I leave a few more “inappropriate” scenes in… heh

Disclaimers: Nothing new to read about as of yet In no way, like I said before, by far does any characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to me. If you were thinking that I did own Yuusuke, Kuwabaru, Hiei, Kurama, Botan, Keiko, Rando, Koenma, Maya, Shiori, The Holy Beasts, Toguro, Sensui, Raizen, Mukuro, Yomi, Genkai, or any other character for that matter, you’re dead wrong! Of course I would enjoy owning them! The characters that do belong to me are my fictional, yet original, side characters and main character Kyoumi, and possibly some demons you won’t find on the show. Also, the “Mire Sutra of Bodhisattva Purgatory” was my creation. The characters of Yuu Yuu Hakusho belong to the original creator, Yoshihiro Togashi, and I don’t feel my name is listed anywhere near the original creator

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