Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho: Divine Entervention ❯ the three eyes of heie ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Yu, Yu, Hakusho

Divine intervention

L. K. Synthesis

Chapter one: The three eyes of Hiei (inside joke)

Sanoike was staring down an old abandoned building; it was well worn and looked as if it would burst into flames at any second. The fact that the hanyu youki had chosen such a dank darkened place as a short time dwelling had no effect on her. In fact she had to complement him on making the whole place look haunted, the mist and chill in the air was brilliant. He was good at setting up the old haunted house retune, but Sanoike had seen it before, she after all was a gargoyle. Without further a due she entered the old abandoned warehouse in search of Hiei.

Else where Kokouo was talking with the `noble knight' whom had to be a gentleman, "ok." She said "That still doesn't explain why I found you asleep on my lap."

Kurama blushed, "well I guess I was more tired thin I thought." Kurama evaded his eyes so Kokouo didn't see how bad he was blushing; however it wasn't working for his mother started to giggle. Kokouo even started to giggle like a schoolgirl `she looks cute like that.' Thought Kurama. `And her eyes are very pretty… ARG, why now she's an elf I'm a kitsune, does that even count, ow I give up.' Kurama shock his head and out of nowhere gave Kokouo a peck on the cheek.

It was Kokouo's turn to blush as Kurama snickered turnabout was fair play, and there was nothing Kokouo could do about it. `Wow he's drop dead gorgeous! Err, um why… Na I really didn't want to save him, so why did I? Because we are connected some how and I wanted to find out what it was.' She knew she was right her curiosity had saved Kurama from cretin death, and she knew there was going to be consciences she would face soon. Her mind drifted to Sanoike so she could help her friend in more ways thin one… she could see through her eyes and add to her sprit energy, it was part of her powers.

*Sanoike * the strange voice was all to familiar to the dragonoid

*Kokouo, is that you? Well I thought you were talking to Kurama. * There was joy in Sanoike's eyes, Kokouo wasn't in the lest bit depressed, or flimsy for that matter.

*I was… well I think I like him. *

*You what? *

*I think I like the kitsune; he's horribly handsome and charming to boot. *

*I will never get you Kokouo. *

*No, you will it is just that I'm kind of looking at his butt right now. * At that Sanoike fell over into a pile of creates reveling her location, without hesitation she fled into the shadows as Hiei landed on the top crate.

`Crap!' thought Sanoike as she stared at Hiei. `Shit, his power is greater thin I thought.' Sanoike fell in steep behind Hiei, And grinned as he turned to meet her.

Hiei snorted, there was a human with pointed ears before him. Her hair was so long it touched the floor, (I'm thinking yue) it was still a metallic silver only it was highlighted in a blue hew, and shadowed by darkness. (You know evil like) she was grinning; well sure he didn't know she was there until she fell on the crates.

"Well." Hiei said with a devilish look on his face. "Isn't it past your bead time?"

"Why no." she said and with that she charged Hiei and slammed her fist right into his mouth.

Hiei coughed up some blood; in one hit she had cracked his lip. He ad under estimated her, her speed and strength wasn't human, which meant he would have to be more couscous. Hiei's grip on the shadow sword tightened; as he raised the sword he realized that she had dropped some of the human like appearance. Her mussel's budged out a little more and her hair was vanishing into a shorter cut (the mirouku one in previous chapter.)He also noticed what she was wearing; it was a semi long loincloth with a wrap around top, and being the guy that he is noticed her chest was abnormally large. (That must look good on his résumé) without any warning he charged her the shadow sword slicing the air.

Sanoike was impressed she barley had time to act, the sword made about 50 slices and only about 3 made any sort of cut. Not wanting to be kabobs she lashed out with her foot colliding with his stomach, witch had the desired effect of knocking him into the wall. It was thin that Sanoike realized where the three cuts had landed, two on either side of her hips, the last in between her boobs. Her loincloth and wrap top lie forgotten on the floor, Sanoike didn't seemed fazed by the fact that she was standing in front of her opponent in her birthday suite.

"Like what you see?" she taunted.

Hiei was struck dumb, she meant for that to happen. With a flash of red light he was in his true form. The small ninja star she had nestled in between her toes has shred his cloak witch also lie forgotten on the floor. Now in his true form he let the jigan (someone please correct my spelling if that is wrong,) open and imprisoned Sanoike in unbreakable binds. He was smiling to hear her gasp in surprise the movement was too fast for her to react. "And now. " he said, "I'm gonging to give you a choice. Become my slave, and let me willing enjoy that body of yours, or… I can just kill you."

"Bite me you baka yarrow!" she stammered.

"Fine ill decide." Hiei trusted the sword at her fore head only to come into contact with a cretin red head. Sanoike gasped for a second time as she saw Kurama standing in front of her, he had taken the blow, and she also saw Kokouo with this shocked expression on her face.

This would be the seen where Kurama slices his hand and splashes his blood in Hiei's jigan bla, bla, bla. Sanoike saw her opportunity and Released her true form Her skin darkened to almost a dull black and her eyes a wolfish gray like her skin in daylight. The small gothic cross-hung on her neck with a black ribbon. She pulled out a pepper boom and slammed it into Hiei's face where Kurama's blood was staged in Hiei's eye making it worse.

"NOW!" Sanoike yelled " for harming the one Kokouo seems to take fondly to, and my self… Lets just say… Welcome to my circle of death!"