Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Rating: ma 15 (High pg 13)

Warnings: Possible romantic hintings, death, cursing, sexual harrassment (How else am I to describe it?) and the sure and simple fact that i’m the author.

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. I don’t own Yukio Juu either, He is being used with permission of my friend Juu-Kun (http://www.mediaminer.org/user_info.php/102467)

I do own Kat, the storyline of this particular fiction and most of the characters in this fiction.


Notes: This is a SEQUAL, Please read "Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Journey to Maze Castle." Before reading this one.

this fic has very few of the yyh charras in it. This fiction was made to help allong the plots of future fictions. If you wish to skip this one and still read the series you can go strait into Yu Yu Hakusho Rewritten: The Dark Tournament. There are parts of this fic that almost all of the series draws from. whilst you don’t HAVE to read this one to get the jist of things, it’s still highly recamended.







Green orbs stared into the mist from behind stringy red hair. Their owner growled darkly as realisation hit her. She was lost. Not that she was surprised. Samosa sensei always made her work to find the dojo. Kat shook her head and plopped herself onto the grass. she didn’t care if her blu jeanes got stained by the dew heavy blades. She just wanted to rest after eight hours of hiking up a steep hill, half of it in the mist. She grumbled to herself about samosa being cruel. "This is the worst, he first builds his dojo in a hard to get to area. It’s two hours from the bus stop to the hill and from the hill to the top it’s eight and depending on how long it’s been since i was last here the door is in a different position so that i have to search for it... If I weren’t an insomniac i’d be insulted.." A laughing voice from behind answered her whining. "Aren’t you supposed to find the door, not whine about finding it? Though it is always amusing to listen to people whine about things when they’re insane." Kat got to her feet swiftly in order to defend if nessicery. A shadow in the mists met her eyes. "What the hell?" Kat said blinking. The figure was close enough she should have been able to seen detailes such as hair and eyes, but no, Just a shadow.

"Eh? Shadow demon?" She blinked rapidly. The same laugh replied. "Correct. So, you’re samosa-baka’s main apprentice?" Kat raised an eyebrow. "Right, like i’m strong enough. Either way, who are you and why are you here?" The shadow slowly formed color and facial features. "Why ask for what you already know?" Kat raised an eyebrow. The once shadow of a man had now formed into a male of kat’s age with long, slivery blue hair. He was in blood red mage robes with a black rose design embroidered into the robes over his left breast.* Kat blinked again as she looked at his stunning blood red eyes. "Eh? Yukio Juu, Chaos mage, shadow demon and not so reikai friendly? I stole your file from reikai a bit ago." She said wondering if fate was in the mood to be an ass. She only managed to gt information on some one a month or so prior to meeting them if she was going to go through hell with them or be pitted against them.

Juu smirked. "So that’s why reikai stopped messing with me, i thought they just got tired of looking. Anyways, I’ll show you to the gate. The idiot asked me to find you and show you the gate’s location." Kat smirked. "He must be in a hurry to train." Juu shrugged. "Don’t ask me. I just started training here. The geezer has some knowladge i want." Kat grinned. "The geezer looks twenty. I know how you feel, only in my case i surpassed all of my other trainers in less than a week. Samosa has been my trainer for two years now and is still teaching me compleatly new things." Juu raised an eyebrow. "Lets talk as we go back to the stupid dojo." Kat nodded in reply.


Kat and her companion walked from the mists of the outside and into the dojo. Kat blinked and looked up at the ‘sky’, a magically simulated sky. whilst it looked like it could go on forever it was only about thirty feel till anyone playing with flight magic ended up with a cocussion. Kat looked down at the magically grown turf and infront of her at the all too real sakura trees. "So, simulating the april season in the middle of march?? You always were ignorant of the world outside of your dojo, Samosa." Kat said as she felt a second magic aura behind her. "How did you know it was me?" A male voice said. Kat turned around to look at the owner. A all man with short dark grey hair stood there grinning at her. His lake blue eyes filled with amusement as she replied. "Don’t be stupid, you weren’t even trying to hide yourself. If you had been your mahouki would have been cloaked." Samosa practically beamed. "The first person to answer correctly since Yukio-san came. You’re already getting into your training. Good girl." Kat blinked. "That was a baisic test!" Samosa grinned. "Exactly."



Kat’s translations:

Over his left breast.: Pretty much means ‘Over his heart’ it doesn’t mean the person has breasts. Just letting any of you smartasses out there know that little fact.

Senpai : This is a correction on one of my other fics aswell as used in this one. Senpai means ‘upper classmen’, or at least is used most in that way. I suppose it can be used in other circumstances to say that one person is better than anouther person in a thing they are mutual in. but i’m not sure. (Prepare for a long exsplanation in the future after i’ve researched this further.) It is also mis-spelled on a regular baisis. It is often spelled ‘sempai’ , I have found this to be incorrect after reading the word in a translation. I almost contested it was ‘sempai’ but logic kicked in. Japanese doesn’t have ‘letters’ in the way we presive them. Their ‘letters’ are more like syllables, example: We have ‘L’ and "U" but they have "Ru/Lu" All consanents are paired with a vowel no matter what (Though vowels can be unpaired and often are). With only one esception, ‘N’. ‘N’ can be paired with a vowel or left alone. There fore ‘senpai’ being a word naitive to japan can not be spelled ‘sempai’ For those of you still scrathing your heads (I wouldn’t blame you, I’m bad at exsplaining things) "SE N PA I" for a better exsplanation go to ‘About.japanese.com’ or look up ‘Hiragana Charts’ on a search engine.

L and R in the japanese language: This one’s simple. L and R are the same thing in japanese. In japanese their L/R equivalent is like a blended sound of the two. For more information and a better exsplanation, go to ‘about.japanese.com’ -^_^-;


If any of the above information is incorrect (Please, if you’re 100% new to japanese, don’t bother.) then please inform me and i will make a change next update.