Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Chapter One - "Not Again!" ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN~ ^_^ YAAAY. I dunno why I said that, I just did.




Chapter one:

"Not again!"

"Stupid girl!" Samosa exclaimed as he looked at Kat’s bandaged hand. "You know better than to overlook someone just because their magic is a lower level than yours. They could have death requirements, spells on their blood and-" "Shatter spells. I know." Kat said, interrupting. "I kinda learned first hand. No pun intended. I know I was stupid." Samosa grunted lightly and pulled Kat’s index finger out of it’s crooked position and into a position it could heal properly in. The pain from the procedure made Kat scream.

"That fucking hurt!" Samosa hit the back of her head with a jarring force that made Kat feel like she was shaking. "You can use that language directed at anyone other than me. I’m your Sensei and will not allow you to address me in such a rude manner." Samosa said before fixing another one of Kat’s fingers into place. Kat’s head swam from the throbbing pain in her index finger, the dull pain in her head and the sharp pain in her most recently aligned finger. If fixing serious injuries hurt this much more than getting them she’d have to make sure the only injuries she got didn’t include broken bones.

Kat Watched as Samosa put her fingers back into alignment and moved on to her more serious part of her injury. Her actual hand had shattered due to the blood induced shatter spell Artamisu had placed on himself. "When a mage places a spell on themselves it’s usually a blood spell or a shatter spell. Blood spells are used for curses in most cases, curses that whoever sheds the so said mages blood will be cursed for however long the spell lasted. The second spell type, the shatter spell, is activated when the casting mage dies or some other pre-specified event is carried out. When the specified event is carried out then whatever was used in the specified event ends up shattering. If a blade was used in the process of fulfilling the requirements then the blade would shatter, the same goes if a person’s mind, magic, body parts or anything else. This effects all mages. Even the deities. When Blood and shatter spells are combined it gets a unique reaction." Kat recited, blowing her bangs out of her eyes as Samosa used his magic to mend specific bones.

"In your case it shattered bones and made your hand resistant to healing, Huh?" Juu said from the doorway. Kat looked up at him and nodded. "I wonder if its a timed curse or permanent." Juu shrugged. "Hey, How’d you know it was healing resistant?" Kat asked with a curious glance. The red eyed male grinned. "Look at your hand as it’s being healed, look in to it rather than the surface. You’ll see that Samosa is using a highly concentrated form of his magic, not to mention he’s only fixing the breaks enough that they should heal in decent shape." Kat smiled. "You’re smart." Juu leaned on the wall reminiscent of the ones in ancient Japanese castles. Samosa glared at him. "Break that door and I’ll break your leg." Juu shook his head and stopped using the walls as a prop-up. Kat grinned at the ‘oops’ look that adorned Juu’s face.

After a few minutes Samosa sighed and wiped sweat from his brow. "I’m going to bandage your hand back up for now. Tomorrow I’ll try to heal more. I’m using too much magic at once." Kat blinked at him. Seeing lines in his face that she’d never seen before. ‘Magic keeps you young. If you use too much of it in a day then you start to look older till your magic has regenerated,’ the red head reminded herself. She frowned, then realizing the strain she had put on Samosa. "Sorry ‘bout that." She said in English. He smirked lightly. "Your R still sounds like a messed up L*." He commented as he finished the bandaging of her hand. "You still have your old room. I’d recommend resting there for most of the day. The healing will catch up to you in a couple of hours and you’ll become groggy." With that he got up.

Kat dreaded what she knew was to come. She had a slight resistance to healing since she was young, anyways. Therefore she had an odd reaction to it. She decided that she’d best prepare herself before she got sick later in the day.


The next day Kat was woken up by Juu’s voice telling her Samosa wanted to see her. Kat was out of bed in a short period of time, throwing on her off-white mage robes and tying them with a silver cord. As soon as she had tied her hair back in a loose pony tail she headed out of her room, not bothering to clean the mess up that she’d made the previous night. No one would look in there before she got back, at least that’s what she hoped.

Kat met Juu half way down the hall where he was waiting for her. She smiled inwardly, people normally just went without her. Their walk started out as a quiet one till Kat remembered something from the previous day. "Hey, Juu. Just how old are you? I mean, you know enough about magic to see it through a person’s skin and your aura, while it’s un- trained, is obviously that of some one older than thirteen." Juu grinned. "No idea. I suppose that in order to remember my age I’d have to remember my past, and really, why the hell would I want to do that?" Kat blinked at the smiling boy. He said something so serious whilst still laughing, she could never do that.

Kat looked up, making sure she was still conscious of that going on around her. "I guess you’re right. I hope I’ll be able to do that some day, forget that is. I’m pretty sure that if I forget how old I am I’d eventually forget my past." She sighed and looked to the ground. "Or I’d have a blinding reminder right in front of me." She shrugged. "It don’t matter." Juu laughed at her use of English. "Not that I know much English, having lived in the Makai most of my life, but that sentence sounds off somehow." Kat blinked. "Really?" It took then ten minutes to get to Samosa’s ‘office’. When they reached his office they noticed a grim look on Samosa’s face. Kat looked to Juu as he sighed. "Another one?" Samosa nodded. "Same way as the last one." "Same way as the last what?" Kat asked. The two looked at her, one with a ‘you don’t know?’ look and the other with a ‘oh yeah...’ look. Samosa sat up strait in his chair, a lecturer’s look on his face. "The last three weeks we’ve had a few female students come up dead. The total is five now. They had their hearts stopped and pencil thick pieces of wood jammed through their skulls. The mage who did it can hide his specific magic signature." Kat blinked and nodded slowly. "Only a few mages can do that, right?" Samosa nodded. "You and Juu being two of them. mind you, I don’t suspect you Kat, you don’t like to get your hands dirty. Juu, I don’t know about you, but you’d find out everything I’ve said in any case, with you around the walls have ears. Also, you found the first body, so you have a right to know." Kat blinked. "Now tell me. Why did you bring me here to tell me that?" "I Didn’t. I brought you here to tell you you’re going through basic training again," Said Samosa with a grin. "I just decided to tell you because you’re the best at keeping an eye out for things like that." Kat shook her head. "You are by no means a methodical man, by no means at all."

Samosa grinned. "And you are by no means going to get out of basic training again." Juu watched as Kat twitched lightly. "I hate you so much." Samosa’s reply was a grin and a card thrown to her. "No one here knows you, at least those who care, all of those who do are either dead, at another dojo or have been told not to act like they know you." Kat sighed. "I’m being punished by fate, I just know it." Juu shook his head. "I know how it feels." Samosa grinned. "You’re right you do." He threw him a card as well. "You got here three weeks ago. No one will notice."


*L - L and R are pretty much the same thing in Japanese. They’re more like a blend of the two letters and their sounds than anything else. For more info go to About.japanese.com

AN/ XD SHORT. It’s more of an introduction to the plot, but meh.


Replies to reviews- ^_^ Thank you for reviewing, kaja1234(nli). I will be updating this story and "The dark tournament" As soon as I can ^_^ This is uploaded the second I’m able to. ^_^