Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Chapter five - Trigger ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter Five- Trigger

Kat lunged forward and enveloped the person before her in a hug. "Paturiku-kun!" The black haired polar bear youkai cringed at how loudly she yelled. "Kat-Chan, please, that hurts." He said in his mellow voice that seemed as if it could crack a joke at any minute. Kat let go of him and backed up, looking him over.

Paturiku was tall, or at least much taller than her. He was roughly 5’11 and dwarfed her 5’5. She didn’t care. This thin, blue eyed, short haired youkai was her best friend and practically her brother.

"How’d Samosa get you here?" She asked suddenly. "I was due for some training." He replied laughing. "I was in America for a year or two, remember?" Kat nodded in reply. She noticed that Paturiku was wearing normal street clothes. ‘Of course, he’s in his human form.’ She thought. He never wore his robes in his human form. "So you’re my partner?" She asked in a manner that proclaimed her prior knowledge to the answer.

Paturiku smiled in reply and put his left arm around her shoulders. "It’s time for the icy and fiery terrors to get back onto the attack." He said in referral to the troubles they liked to cause. They were pranksters and jokers when combined onto one team.

Samosa grumbled. What had he done to his dojo by teaming these two back up?


Juu had made it back to Kat’s room. He was still in his shadow form and was searching the room for detection crystals and other objects. He had honestly expected to find some but found his search to be in vain. Kat wasn’t much for defending her property from what he could tell.

He heard the screen to her room slide open and he hid in the best place he could find. Under her bed roll.

He peaked from under her bed roll to see it was Kat who had entered. A small rectangular box in hand. It was silvery and very distracting. Kat’s moving the box around like it was a rubics cube didn’t help this at all. "Who do you think it’s from?" An unfamiliar male voice said from behind her. It’s owner, a blue eyed and black haired boy who would have made Juu feel short, stepped in right after her. "I only know two people here, but there are youngsters who are getting into that ‘crush’ phase where they see a girl and like her. So honestly, there’s no telling."

The black haired boy only laughed. "You’re calling someone a youngster? You’re only thirteen yourself and were supposed to go through that phase only a year ago." Kat’s reply was a snort and a look of indignancy. "Baka Onii-chan." Kat started. "I’m not the type to look into romance. That’s your department and I think you have both of us covered quite well in that department, Paturiku."

Juu would have blinked rapidly. Kat had an older brother? "Imouto-chan." Paturiku started in a teasing manner. "You’ll see the joys of love soon enough. you’re just a late bloomer." He said as he sat on one of Kat’s wooden chairs that would look more at home in a dining room than in there. "Please spare me oh Tall One Who Makes Everyone Else Midgets."

Juu snorted indignantly, only going undiscovered by the luck that Kat sneezed. "It’s perfumed." Kat said after smelling the box. Kat stared at it for a few moments until Paturiku spoke up. "Are you going to open it or keep scanning it with your non-existent x-ray vision?" Kat gave him a mild glare and untied the thin white ribbon that held the silver box closed.

When she opened it he blinked. It was a silver charm bracelet with a tiny bell on it. ‘This looks so familiar...’ Kat thought in her head. ‘Where from?’ Before she could continue to think Paturiku was making his usual comments. "Look Kat, it’s shiiiiney." He teased. She hit him lightly and tried to put the bracelet on, attempting to prove to him that she wasn’t dazzled by the ‘shininess’ of the object. She growled as she realized she’d need help to get it on.

"Yo, Yukikuma." Kat said. He looked at her. "Need some help?" He asked, standing up to go help her. Kat nodded and handed him the bracelet which he then secured onto her right wrist.

Kat plopped down onto her elevated bedroll. Squishing Juu a little. Despite being a shadow he could still feel the pressure.

"Hey, what happened to your bed?" Paturiku asked. He knew that Kat had previously owned a normal bed and mattress. She now had a bed roll that was elevated up on a two foot tall wooden box that was as long and wide as the bed roll. "Took up too much space without giving storage." ,came Kat’s stuttered answer.

She was lying.

"Kat.." Paturiku started. "Shush you." Kat interrupted. "We have half an hour till Samosa calls a meeting. You just got here and need a shower from hiking so much. Go." Paturiku sighed and walked out. He wasn’t going to get anything out of her.


Samosa sighed as he searched the maze that was the dojo. He’d been searching for Juu every night since he disappeared. Juu may or may not have been the murderer, but either way he needed to be found. Samosa jumped as he heard footsteps behind him. He swirled around in time to see something go through one of the walls in the building.

Samosa frowned and ran towards the nearest exit from the maze. He had to call the meeting now. His suspicions were being realized.


Kat’s ears perked up as the large bell in the center of the training field rang. "One, two, Three, pause, Rinsey, lathery, and viola Repeat." She said with the rings of the bell. "That’s an emergency gathering pattern. Not a general gathering." She said after a moment.

Juu would have shaken his head had he been in his corporeal form. Kat talked to herself more than he did. Her talking to herself also sounded much creepier.

Kat ran over to a small chest which apparently held both clothes and shoes. Kat stripped down the her under clothes which were a pair of brown pants and a simple white shirt. Juu was actually surprised Kat didn’t over heat. Due to just how hot the robes would get, he had a hard time wearing his under clothes as well his robes at the same time. His robes had less layers than Kat’s. He didn’t even want to begin to think how hot she got in them as well as the thick fabric of her under clothes. Kat had grabbed a pair of boots that hugged her ankles protectively and a thin brown jacket.

As Kat ran out Juu took the form of her shadow so that he wouldn’t have to dart from wall to wall.

That plan seemed so easy at first. Then Kat ran into a crowd of other student’s traveling to answer the emergency call. Kat’s shadow mixed with the shadows of others till Juu found himself the shadow of a young child who had been spotted at a very young age. Juu mentally cursed. This was bad. He soon found himself wading through a large mass of humanity. Who’d have thought there were so many students in the dojo.

He also found himself bored.

This lead to the most unbelievable thing he’d ever done. He started to sing.

Whilst it was in his mind, he had never sung whilst bored, or really any other time that he wasn’t alone. Nor had he ever sang something so twisted, so strange, so stupid.

Row row row your boat, through a sea of midgets, short people short people short people short people, Life is but a- Oh! a person over the height of three feet!

He had finally gotten to the front, where the older students were, these were the students that taught the younger ones and in turn were taught by Samosa himself. Most of them were taught in small groups of ten. But a few got private lessons. Juu realized they were separated by their positions.

Near the front Juu found Kat and four other people. He was actually surprised by just who was there. Paturiku, Masahito and the two girls he’d seen earlier in the day, Ayaka and Mashiki.

"Oh, dear, You’re not supposed to be up here." Juu heard Mashiki say in a kind voice. "Wrong." Was Kat’s reply. Juu watched her pull her real card out and show it to her. "Katherine Umi Yoh, second year, B class.. A Dark summoner?" Mashiki read aloud. "I thought you were a girl!" Kat growled and snatched her ID back. "I am you moron." Mashiki growled back and stuck her nose up at Kat. "Oh well. There’s always an exception to everything. Dark summoners that are females are supposed to be powerful, but you’re hardly a blip." Kat would have proven she wasn’t weak were it not for Samosa’s voice ringing out through the crowd, it’s range amplified by magic.

"We have a dire emergency. All students below B class will be required to be grouped into teams of four. These teams are required to stay near each other at all times. We’re facing a powerful demon. A demon that can assume a non corporeal form as well as a corporeal form whenever it wishes. Seeing as how many attempts to scry for the murderer have failed, it is safe to assume that this demon is our murderer. On another note, all students lower than B class are prohibited from exploring the maze till this demon is found. It is recommended that all student’s stay as far away from the maze as possible. Most of those that have died have been found there." As soon as Samosa finished the entire field erupted in a mass of confused and worried cries. Only the B class mages were calm. They knew that their opponent was a fellow b class or lower. Had it not been they would have been imposed upon with all the same rules. Kat smirked, this was going to be fun.

Juu was not as confident as Kat. He’d have to stay in his shadow form unless he found a good hiding place or just decided to kill anyone that he felt threatened him. He wouldn’t do the latter unless necessary. ‘I’ll just have to be careful.’ He thought. ‘I can keep an eye on Kat this way, so there’s at least one plus.’




Onii-chan - Older Brother; Kat isn’t actually related to Paturiku but they are closer to each other than they are to their family.

Imouto-chan - Younger Sister; Kat isn’t actually related to Paturiku but they are closer to each other than they are to their family

Yukikuma - pretty much means ‘snow bear’ It’s a nickname Kat uses for Paturiku. She likes to tease him with it too.

Dark summoners- A small explanation; In my stories, Female dark summoners are very rare. Female dark summoners are always much more powerful than their male counterparts. The only problem is that the magic involved in dark summoning means you have to edit reality. Unlike the way a normal mage can call up items from their hammer space, dark summoners actually edit reality in order to move items from one place to another. Due to the fact that they have to edit reality for their magic to work, the more powerful the magic is in the users system, the more likely to go mad they are. Since female dark summoners are always more powerful than their male counter parts they go mad more often. They usually kill their friends and family, then themselves, or they go into a permanent catatonia. Therefore they are much harder to find in a stable state of mind.

A quick note; The main difference between dark summoners and light summoners it the way they summon. As mentioned, dark summoners edit reality to summon, but light summoners actually summon things. Meaning that instead of editing reality they teleport what they want to them, however they can not summon things without a free will. If that thing decides they don’t want to come then the summoner uses the magic, but doesn’t get who they summoned. In the case of light summoners the males are more rare because of a genetic defect in the majority of most males born with light summoning magic. (Yes people, I think this stuff out more than the actual story. Yes, that is sad.)


AN: Honestly. I need to choose better chapter names. I’m thinking I should let my beta-readers help (Even if they dun get the fics for a while >.>) Also, I’ve got a few more chapters written i’m just wanting to finish the fic so if I take a long time to update it’s cause I forgot to.


ff. net

Kitsuneyoukai001- I think the problem is you read the original series. The original series is comprised of "Yu Yu Hakusho Re-written", "Dark tournament" and "Kitsune Charenji." I don’t have the heart to take them down and all. The series that This is a part of is a complete revision of the original it comprises of "Yu Yu Hakusho Re-written: Journey to Maze Castle.", "Yu Yu Hakusho rewritten: Back to basics." And "Yu Yu Hakusho Re-written: The Dark Tournament." There are more coming up, but they wont get a start till I finish DT or this fic. So yeah. I’d recommend reading the first in this series, then you won’t be as lost. Sorry for the confusion. Also, thank you for the reviews.