Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Chapter Four - A Talent of a Shadow ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Mya XP


Chapter four- A Talent of a Shadow.

Kat felt her stomach churn one last time before it’s contents evacuated. Panic was all Kat felt now. There were bodies below her, human bodies. Not the bodies of demons who she so easily cut down, but the bodies of her own species. Any other time she’d have said something about humans being lowly creatures that deserved death. Even when she was reminded she was a human she would keep that opinion. She’d have claimed that dead bodies were just shells and that the more of them that were human, the better.

At the current moment though, she had no such thoughts streaming through her head. She was honestly scared, shaken, and disturbed. She scrame. At the top of her lungs she scrame, hoping that someone, anyone; even the killer of theses poor humans, would find her. She was desperate for someone to come and break her out of that all-consuming fear.

Kat then stopped. She sat there with her hands covering her mouth -she’d somehow gotten into a seated position without realizing it- and her heart beating hard enough she felt she’d pass out from it’s speed alone.

Looking back on it Kat wondered how she hadn’t passed out. Perhaps it was her magic keeping her conscious, or even because she was so scared that if she passed out she wouldn’t wake up. No matter what it was, she stayed awake till help came.

Samosa had come upon reports of hearing a scream from the buildings. He had tracked Kat by the magic he’d used to heal her hand. The moment Kat saw who came to her rescue she propelled herself at him and clung until she was passed off to another mage who had been with him. She didn’t remember anything between that and scrubbing her skin raw in a bath the moment she’d been allowed to. She remembered feeling so unclean, so dirty for having fallen upon them and sullying their corpses. She would take care of the physical feeling now and then the emotional upon the cremation of the bodies.


Several days passed before Kat could get out anything other than nonsense and broken sentences. Two more days had passed before Kat found out that Juu had gone missing and that most people suspected him to be the killer.

She would have too were it not for his body language. He was a killer, but he didn’t kill people who wouldn’t or couldn’t fight back unless they’d done something to cause him great pain. Kat couldn’t believe he’d do something like that. Would he?

Those thoughts ran through her mind as she walked to Samosa’s room. His voice called out to her as she entered the room. "You were a mess." Kat looked down, less than proud. "I was a disgrace to this dojo." She said in a low tone. "At least you didn’t go insane." Samosa replied softly. He saw the look in Kat’s eyes. She still had signs of terror in those green orbs. "It’s a little late for that." Kat’s weak attempt at a joke.

"I can see that." He replied. "Since your previous partner-" "My partner is he? He was never called that till now." Kat interrupted. "Your partner has gone missing, I’ve called someone else in to help you." Kat looked up at that remark. Who would Samosa bring in now? Would it be some stuffy ‘master’ he’d taught everything he knew? Someone that would follow his orders and not let Kat get into a dangerous situation, weigh her down? As she pondered this someone came into the room. "Kat. Meet your new partner."

Kat turned around slowly. She blinked several times before opening her mouth. "You!"


Juu awoke to a searing pain in his back and his head. The air around him was stale and barely passable as oxygen. Luckily for him he had very little need to breathe, he was a shadow after all. The why does a shadow feel the need to hurt? His mind asked. "What is it that’s causing the pain." He replied. He often talked to himself, so this was nothing new.

Juu struggled to open his eyes and then waited for them to focus. It was dark, not as dark as he would have liked but it was dark none the less. He had fallen between some of the buildings, actually breaking through the Screen of one. He was in-between four buildings. In a small, room like enclosure that was full of leaves and twigs.

He stood up an pulled a bit of wood from the broken screen out of his gut. He thanked his lucky stars something like that was so easy for his body to heal. He looked up, noting how high the roof was from his current position and that it was after noon. No way was he getting out that way. He decided that the best way would to go through the hole he’d made.

As he walked in he noticed the deep dust on the rich, wooden floors. This place had been abandoned for a while. As he stepped in he made his body non-corporeal, a shadow. He darted among the walls, Searching for a way out. Or rather, not searching as much as heading towards a way out. He knew his way because as a shadow, he was everywhere. He only needed to get his consciousness to a specific area. Therefore, he did.

He found himself outside, between two buildings that were near the training grounds. He watched as the advanced classes trained. He hadn’t known about other instructors ‘till now. He saw two people who were giving directions. The older of the two women caught his attention. Juu observed that she was tall, around 5’10, well muscled and built for speed. She was a kitsune judging by the tall, triangular ears and her two poofy tails; both the color of grain. Juu shivered as she realized this one was a blonde. Not just by her hair -which went a few inches past the small of her back- but her stance that pretty much scrame ‘I’m better than you.’ Juu hated people like that. Especially when they, like this amber eyed woman, weren’t very pretty. The girl’s nose was a sharp one that had a deep slope and her face shape was made worse than it already was by the wavy style of her hair, making her high forehead look even higher.

Juu gazed over at the other girl. This one was a young girl, she was around twelve and was younger than those she trained. She had a sharp but yet button-like nose, a heart shaped face and deep-set almond eyes, all of which were complemented by short, boyish black hair that reminded Juu of feathers with the way each strand moved in the light breeze. He smirked. This one looked harmless at first, at her height of 5’4 and her lack of muscles she seemed to be hardly anything as far as threats went. She was an ice youkai. He had observed that from her aura. Anyone she didn’t allow to get close to her would freeze upon touching her skin.

He snapped out of his observations as they hand signaled between each other. the Kitsune looked at her class. "Okay you, showers now." Juu watched as the Ice Demon did the same for her group. They both walked over to the building he was ‘attached’ too. They looked pleased with themselves. "That was a good session, wasn’t it Mashiki?" the ice youkai asked. "Yes. Though unfortunately, I wasn’t able to concentrate." The fox, apparently named Mashiki, leaned against the building, her comrade following suit. "Why?" "Ayaka, have you already forgot about all those bodies that were found? It’s rumored that new guy, Jukyo or something like that, killed them all and now he’s gone missing." The ice demon smiled. "He was called Yukio. That was almost a week ago. He probably left, since he was caught. I doubt even that girl he was with would believe him to be innocent." Mashiki shook her head. "That’s the thing, he wasn’t caught and the gate keepers would have noticed him slip out. He’s still here and on the loose, the murdering bastard. I really feel sorry for that red head. ‘Cause of him she’s probably going to die." "Just because she was emotionally scarred for life doesn’t mean she’ll die of it." Ayaka pointed out.

By that time Juu had started to flit along the walls. He had to find Kat. He had to make sure she was all right.


Shooooort. -Pinches her own cheeks- I’m bad,,, I need to be working harder