Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Yu Yu Hakusho Re-Written: Back to Basics ❯ Chapter Three - Sneaking Off. ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: A note on the last chapter name, It was more suspicions than suspects seeing as how not everyone is there yet.

Note to fanfiction(dot)net (Even though all of you are getting it anyways) : This is the first chapter that was written after I came back to FF . net, all AN before this are all for mediaminer.

Read, Enjoy and review. -Bows-


Chapter Three: Sneaking off.

It was noon, or so Samosa’s fake sky proclaimed as the sun hung right above their heads. Kat sighed and ate some Sushi she’d gotten for lunch. She was glad the dojo had several fish tanks with the most common types of fish used for sushi. She turned around at the sound of Juu laughing. "No offense, but you eating sushi is a bit cliché. That’s the only thing the Japanese are ever depicted eating in America." Kat swallowed some of her salmon sushi. "I’m half American. It’s not that cliché. Besides, I like fish and felt like going raw today." Juu smiled and sat next to Kat on the soft Grass. He didn’t even get to open his mouth before Masahito walked up to them. "May I join you?" He asked in a gentlemen’s tone. Kat blinked and nodded a little. Juu had almost yelled no and looked at Kat with a surprised look on his face when she nodded. Masahito smiled and sat next to Kat, making her feel uncomfortable.

"I didn’t have time to talk to you yesterday." Masahito said directly to Kat, completely ignoring Juu. "You seem a little old for the beginner’s class." Kat laughed a bit, deciding to fib. "Late bloomer I guess." Masahito smiled. "Though your beauty has bloomed early." Kat blinked heavily, having even stopped with a part of her sushi going un-chewed. "Huh?" Masahito ignored a death glare from Juu and continued. "You’re quite the lovely girl. Long hair as girls should have, beautiful features and a fit body. You obviously take care of yourself." ‘If only you knew.’ Kat thought. She didn’t really take care of herself well, it only looked like it because she didn’t sit in front of the TV all day. In reality the only thing she did as far as taking care of herself was taking a bath. She was amused by his comments and embarrassed to the point she was blushing. "I’m flattered, really, but I’m nothing special." Masahito only smiled at her and ate the taco he’d gotten for lunch.

Juu broke his chopsticks from clenching them too tight. He didn’t like this guy flirting with Kat. Juu growled as he realized he’d have a hard time eating his noodles. Kat looked at him and laughed. She summoned up a pair of chopsticks and gave them to Juu with a laugh. "Try not to break them." Juu smiled a little. "Thanks." Kat grinned in reply as the three of them talked and ate.


"Kya!" Kat yelled as she was pushed back by her younger opponent. Kat hated holding back as much as she was. She couldn’t attack her opponent without killing them at this point. Her magic was too strong to make a middle-of-the-road attack as far as power went. Strong or weak were her options.

As she tried to come up with a plan her foe came at her, attacking her with fire that was repelled by Kat’s Magical resistance.

Then it hit her. Manipulation was a basic skill that she could have picked up from a book with ease, she could win and not blow her act. Kat ran forward, jumping over the other girl. She used her magic to re-enforce her bones and to allow her to hit the girl harder than she should have been able to at her regular physical strength. The girl fell forward after Kat attacked from the back. The girl started crying and complaining about ‘cheating’ and Kat not being chivalrous.

Kat shook her head. "Chivalry is an unrealistic ideal. It says that you must be fair and just at all times. Even when your opponent is fighting dirty. By the laws of chivalry men can not harm women. If a man cannot fight a woman and the woman poses a threat to his life then he has no option but to die or calm her down. In this day and age where many women fight side by side with men there is no room for chivalry."

Kat held back a meep as she noticed everyone looking at her. "I used to go to a school with allot of bullies." A few of the kids raised an eyebrow whilst others talked among themselves. No one believed her and she couldn’t blame them.

Kat looked at them, noticing Juu was gone. Sure, he’d already fought, but that didn’t mean lessons were done with. Masahito looked at his watch and looked to the students. "Team up and practice rounds." He said before walking off. Kat looked at him, suspicious.

Kat needed a distraction. Sadly for one of the kids they’d be that distraction. Kat summoned a small rock and used her magic to propel it strait into one of the students’ head. The kid fell over unconscious. I love knowing how to knock people out. Kat thought as she snuck away, following Masahito carefully.

It didn’t take long for her to lose Masahito. He was a slippery one. Kat wondered why he was walking off so abruptly.

Kat’s skin prickled as she neared one of the more maze like area’s of the dojo; The older buildings used as classes for high level mages. They were said to be haunted because their maze-like structure had taken quite a few lives. Some of the buildings had huge gaps between them and others had gaps so small a piece of paper had a hard time fitting between them. There were also cases where the buildings were build so close together that they formed room like enclosures between the walls. She’d found that out a year back when she helped search for a missing student and took to the roofs with a few others.

Kat’s thoughts were interrupted as her skin started to feel like it was burning. She’d walked into an area someone wanted to protect. Kat ignored the growing pain and walked in further. One could only use one of these spells in a specific area for a certain number of feet. The caster had to get in too and they couldn’t by past their own spell without leaving a trace of who they were. Then it happened. Kat’s head scrame at her to run away as her stomach churned. This was not a simple guard spell as she had first thought, this was something directed at her and her alone.

Kat stumbled on, her head pounding with as much force as her heart, her stomach practically doing loops and her sight flickering on and off. She found herself having tripped over something. Something cold with the fragrance of rotting meat. Kat’s heart practically stopped as she felt her lunch attempting to make it’s acquaintance with her mouth once again. She knew what she’d landed on and was panicking.


Forty-five Minutes Prior

Juu ran across the roofs. Several girls from their class had gone missing between the beginning of the lesson and the end of the lunch break. They were the quietest of the group and were actually powerful for their age. Something told Juu those two goody-goods weren’t off goofing around so he went in search of them. He’d searched all of the outer buildings and had decided to search from the rooftop before going into the oldest buildings.

As he jumped from one roof to another, looking down to the allies, he started to feel an odd aura to his left. A seer block? What could be so important that a person would put a seer block on an area that was not likely to be found anyways? Why did he feel like he already knew the answer.

He steered towards the aura, his mind slowly slipping away from his normal consciousness. There was another spell going on here.




Shadowwolf56- ^_^ Thank you ^_^ I’m not overly worried about reviews (I do love them, they give me incentive to upload faster, but I’ll eventually upload anyways even if I don’t get reviews) and I’m glad to know you think it’ll get more reviews soon. I’m also very glad to know you like it so far. I’m always glad to know some one likes my fics.



Ahahahaha! I’m pure evil. I know this was short,,, I don’t care. It’s necessary for me to keep interested.

I bow to you all, because its fun.

P.s: As for the chapter name,,, I was bored