[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
By: Myst Runner This is a story about a charcter i have and his species that has a curse set upon them by the High Gods. Drakan has to distroy the Acurssed one so his people can be free of their curse. he'll get help from Gods, Sprites, Other clans, and Even from the humans they hate so much. Who know's if he will survive his journy and return home to the Jungles. Only time shall tell.
One i get all the chapters for part one compleated I will install them as Part One then work on the chapters in Part Two. Part One's title is Stumbles, Fumbles, and Esapades. Part Two is call Your Path Is Set. so enjoy Part One in all it's broken down glory.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction | Genre(s): / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other | Uploaded On: 02.10.2006 | Pages: 7 | Words: 8.2K | Visits: 458 | Status: Work in Progress