By: GoRgEoUs_GaL 
(In original until Beyblade comes into fanfic!)
Note: Working on 3rd chapter right now. Have written out 21 chapter summaries in a notebook, so am all prepared!
Katie: A young blonde, who goes to a ball and meets the guy of her dreams! But there's a catch to it though, she doesn't know his name!
Ray: A handsome man, goes to a ball and finds the love of his life.
When Ray moves in next door to Katie, he lies about his name to see if she's the girl he met at the ball.
Katie finds out though and things go UpSiDe DoWn!
Includes characters, Katie, Ray, Lena, Tyson, Max, Hilary, Beth, Kai, Kenny, Dizzy and heaps more.
Oh yes, batteries not included.
Anime/Manga: Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Drama /
Romance /
Suspense /
Thriller |
Type: Continuation |
Uploaded On: 02.26.2003 |
Pages: 4 |
Words: 1.9K |
Visits: 376 |
Status: Completed