
Happy Birthday Yugi!
[T] by: Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Yami Aro
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: October 06, 2003 18:44 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 6.5K | Visits: 1.2K
Summary: It's Yugi's birthday and Yugi feels like no one remembered his birthday, except Anzu... (I h8 her!), well Yugi finds out Yami remembers. Y/YY fluff! First Yaoi Fic! First YGO fic! Corrected by Starflower Sakura and she makes a special appearance.
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Review(s): 2 Reviews

Two In a Million
[P] by: Takari-jenruki4evagirl aka Yami Aro
: Digimon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: October 06, 2003 18:41 PDT | Chapters: 1 | Words: 1.8K | Visits: 647
Summary: My first Songfic, don't flame. Kouzumi, no flaming. Izumi doesn't know what to do, she luvs someone, but doesn't have the guts to tell him, find out what happens. I suck at summaries, but story is good. R&R. Arigato.
Couplings: Kouzumi, Takuya+OC (L read more