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Can't Let You Go Even if I Had to [P] by: Kuronohime
Anime/Manga: Magic Knight Rayearth Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Fantasy / Romance / Shoujo | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: July 14, 2011 09:39 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 1384
Summary: Lantis tries to distance himself from Hikaru, but can't bear to witness a moment of tenderness between Eagle and the Fire knight. Lantis x Hikaru x Eagle
Can't Live Without 'Em [P] by: Sparkling Twilight
: Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: November 29, 2004 12:45 PST | Pages: 5 | Size: 32Kb | Visits: 1848
Summary: Have you ever wondered about the certain things you never see some characters without? This story tells about things such as Van's gloves, Allen's hair, and Dryden's glasses.
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Can't Live Without You [Y] by: TrainerRachel
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: November 11, 2001 23:50 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 7Kb | Visits: 590
Summary: Basically from a certain someones P.O.V.
It tells how that person deals with his bestfriend's death. You'll figure out eventually who it is.
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Can't Live Without You [T] by: Angelhart

Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: September 15, 2002 15:20 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 9Kb | Visits: 695
Summary: Vegeta wakes up and notices Bulma lying next to him. Trunks is crying in the other room. What happened to him that changed his character from a cold-hearted murderer into a lover and a father...?
Can't Live Without You [P] by: Pretty Kitty
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 13, 2003 15:26 PDT | Pages: 10 | Size: 25Kb | Visits: 1556
Summary: As we all know, Vegeta and Bulma argue ALOT. Well one day, one of their arguments go to far and Bulma has had enough. She kicks poor Veggie out and he has to bid farewell to his family. But will she ever let him come back? She has to!!! ....doesn't she???
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Can't Live Without You [T] by: Karenu-anime
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: July 02, 2003 20:07 PDT | Pages: 6 | Size: 12Kb | Visits: 2634
Summary: With Yugi's death, Yami finds it hard to live. Sequel to Yugi's Heartbreak.
Review(s): 9 Reviews
Can't live without your scowl. [T] by: Demonitachi
: Bleach Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Comedy / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: March 03, 2007 03:21 PST | Pages: 5 | Size: 26Kb | Visits: 1140
Summary: Can you guess what will be the outcome if a person that mastered the art of scowling and a unconventional girl that have weird obession over bunnies accidentally lived together on a single apartment? their classmates as well on the same School [IchigoXRuki read more
Review(s): 4 Reviews
Can't Make It On My Own [T] by: bankotsu_rox2000
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: November 10, 2005 15:32 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 2Kb | Visits: 1231
Summary: After Kagome witnesses Kikyo and Inuyasha's passionate kiss, she returns to her time. Little does she know, Inuyasha is following her and soon they will meet again.
Review(s): 6 Reviews
Can't make me cry. [Y] by: fallenenjimon
: Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Action / Drama | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: July 09, 2004 15:49 PDT | Pages: 24 | Size: 121Kb | Visits: 3383
Summary: (Strangest crossover/fusion ever! King of the hill/Digimon.)
The children of Arlen learn of a dark secret barried in their births, and it all begins with one Robert Hill.
Can't Make Me Love You [Y] by: bankotsu_rox2000
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai / Romance / Suspense | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: November 13, 2005 09:13 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 4Kb | Visits: 389
Summary: This is a sequal 2 my other story Itazurana kiss. Princess Kurama has 2 choose between a wealthy life with her love, Sesshomaru, or a poor life with her love, Bankotsu.
Can't Move On [P] by: Youko_Kei
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: June 27, 2002 19:19 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 3Kb | Visits: 441
Summary: Months after their breakup, Rashad still can't forget Quatre... (set to Lover After Me by Savage Garden)
Review(s): 5 Reviews
Can't Rape the Willing [Y] by: Loozer Artist Joker
: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: January 12, 2003 15:31 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 1329
Summary: Yeh...bleh, it's a lemon, and I liked it so...bleh! Xp
Can't Run Forever [Y] by: Kenshin_Gotenks
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Drama | Type: Other
Latest Revision: December 04, 2005 18:53 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 19Kb | Visits: 459
Summary: Sesshomaru is a social outcast, Inu acts the part of the older brother but withiout the weight of the inheritance on his back. While he is trying to find himself he meets... Koga. S/K pairing, other basic couples.
Can't Run From The Past Forever [X] by: Safrin108
: Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Drama / Adventure / Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 06, 2011 12:48 PDT | Pages: 46 | Size: 286Kb | Visits: 3681
Summary: Kaoru have been running from her past for four years. While traviling with Megumi all over Japan, the come across a small town. Will Kaoru have to face her past alone, or will her new friends help her all the way? KenshinXKaoru SanoXOC AoshiXMisao
Can't Say Goodbye [A] by: Kadama
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: August 30, 2001 16:57 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 8Kb | Visits: 635
Summary: A little fic I wrote appropriate for anyone who likes a gundam pilot. It stars you and your fave pilot, it can be any of them, because I've designed the fic to be about any of them. ^.~
Review(s): 2 Reviews
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