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Reviving Depression [P] by: Snaky
Anime/Manga: Bakugan Battle Brawlers Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monster GX Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Romance / Children's | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: June 18, 2009 13:35 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 25Kb | Visits: 1708
Summary: 2 people have lost the ones they love. Thinking their gone for good they've become depressed. Can 3 shadows and 1 magical creature you'll see be able to help them? Pairings inside.Best I could think of. No Flames! Slight Yugioh crossing too(Just one charac read more
Revoltionary Band [P] by: CynicalSpiritValea
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: June 18, 2004 15:54 PDT | Pages: 15 | Size: 83Kb | Visits: 1156
Summary: Kagome is into art and is a groupie, and can sing. They start out as a reggae band, but InuYasha sucks as their lead singer. What happens when they turn into a ska band and go from being the local band rejects to playing over the town, and still trying to read more
Revolution [P] by: CherryLace5

Genre(s): Sci-fi | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 01, 2002 14:02 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 249
Summary: Set in a tri-level city--the future--robots and humans live together, BLA BLA BLA. I hate summaries.
Revolution [T] by: Naomi_Kaiho_
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Action / Comedy | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: December 27, 2004 17:05 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 11Kb | Visits: 735
Summary: {the ends’ beginning}. Crystal Tokyo’s era has come to an end, Usagi is faced with a choice to either die or become that which she hates… an emotionless monster. Her ultimate choice, she makes a final wish
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Revolution [P] by: Gundamwinggirl
: Rurouni Kenshin Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Adventure / Martial Arts / Romance / / Angst | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: September 01, 2004 19:25 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 14Kb | Visits: 579
Summary: He was now alone in the world, except for his brother Kenji. He would take his father's sword and lead the next Revolution. SanosukexMegumi, MisaoxAoshi, YahikoxTsubame, KenjixChizuru, for now..
Revolution [Y] by: jak981125
: Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Drama / Action | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: August 21, 2006 10:03 PDT | Pages: 57 | Size: 304Kb | Visits: 1709
Summary: Enki's unpopular laws regarding humans have created severe divisions. When Kurama is framed for murder, will it push Makai into civil war?
Revolution [T] by: MikariStar
: X-men Evolution Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Drama / Romance / Supernatural | Type: Other
Latest Revision: February 07, 2013 19:51 PST | Pages: 32 | Size: 299Kb | Visits: 3589
Summary: An enemy arises that not even Xavier can trace. The X-Men must uncover the plan of destruction before it's too late... but they also have their own personal issues to deal with. KurtxKitty, RoguexRemy
Revolution of a Memory [T] by: p_120
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: June 10, 2003 00:42 PDT | Pages: 6 | Size: 61Kb | Visits: 1936
Summary: When a human and a youkai mate the result is a hanyou. What happens however when the human is a miko? [Complete]
Review(s): 7 Reviews
Revolution of Kalara [Y] by: Kalrad
: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Sci-fi / Post-apocalyptic / Action | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 05, 2004 14:42 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 18Kb | Visits: 528
Summary: Earth is a destroyed world. Humans have scarted to other worlds. One world, Kalara, gets owned by a group called the Terran Republic. They want to rule the universe, but a group of revolutionaries want to just own the star system. A war is on.

read more
Revolution of the Saiyans [T] by: Piccolo0714
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Action | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: September 24, 2002 02:53 PDT | Pages: 41 | Size: 152Kb | Visits: 10235
Summary: There is a new race of Saiyans slowly builing in the Universe...and they have a new King. But what happens when the new King realizes Vegeta is still alive? And what will Vegeta do when he is offered the chance to take his rightful place as their King? read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Revolutionary Gerudo Nabooru [T] by: Galaxy_Girl
: Fan Fiction / Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction
Genre(s): / Fantasy / Comedy | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: April 28, 2005 22:55 PDT | Pages: 165 | Size: 596Kb | Visits: 3798
Summary: What happens when a cracked-out video game and a cracked-out anime give unholy birth to a cracked-out crossover?

It probably looks a little something like this... It's UTENA! With ZELDA CHARACTERS! And NO RESPECT!! (Possibly the ONLY crossov read more
Review(s): 3 Reviews
Revolutionary Girl [A] by: faye_valentine28

Genre(s): | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 20, 2002 11:13 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 280
Summary: Just a poem that I had to write for my English class. We had to write a song of ourselves and here is mine. enjoy!
Revolutionary Love [P] by: atlantisangel
: Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: June 03, 2002 13:16 PDT | Pages: 2 | Size: 17Kb | Visits: 837
Summary: an AU fic: Two years after the great war Van involentarily became a Dragon Slayer and Hitomi is a regular Gaean girl and never was invovled in the Great War. Plz R+R!
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Revolutionary Soldier Silent Warrior [Y] by: Takato
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Drama | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: January 12, 2012 09:32 PST | Pages: 34 | Size: 210Kb | Visits: 1095
Summary: In part 1 of the final season, a mysetirous outbreak is causing the people of Valhalla to become energyless zombies. It'll take the entire Brother team to stop this epidemic and set things right, as well as awaken the true power of the Chosen One.
Revolutionary Soldier Silent Warrior (part 2) [Y] by: Takato
: Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Adventure / Action | Type: Self Insertion
Latest Revision: February 16, 2012 03:55 PST | Pages: 167 | Size: 915Kb | Visits: 4619
Summary: In part 2 of the final season, a new enemy appears that seems to be Brother Warriors also! To make matters worse, 3 new fighters have appeared as well! See how the story unfolds in the exciting conclusion of the Revolutionary Soldier: Silent Warrior!
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