"Bakura and the Wolfgirl" Reviews/Comments [ 31 ] | Pages (3): [ « < 1 2 3 >  » ] | Title: This is Yamifanner Reviewed By: Diamond Princess [MediaMiner Member] On: November 22, 2005 21:15 CST Comment/Review: Hi, Riz!! I'm glad that you updated another chappie!! I forgot to tell you that my user name from now on is Diamond Princess because I got banned like about two months ago. I really enjoyed the one that you and Bakura did DDR Extreme. That sounds fun and poor Bakura lost. I can't wait for the next chapter of lemons!!! Update ASAP!!!
| Reviewed By: LilyIris [MediaMiner Member] On: November 22, 2005 18:21 CST Comment/Review: Hmph, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN GIRL?! lol, Ha, Bakura lost...*pats him on the head* He'll get over it XD Hope the next chappie is longer!
| Reviewed By: Sami-Otaku [MediaMiner Member] On: November 22, 2005 15:20 CST Comment/Review: Aww, there was almost no story, just song. ;~; Update soon.
| Reviewed By: KyosAngel286 [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2005 22:53 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: you know what... I won't duel Malik/ Malik: chicken!/ me: no.... not entirly.. I will beat you....................... UP! *gets out a gutair and starts swishing it around Malik, but not on him*/ Malik: NO!/ me: HA!/ Marik: oO; she loves toturing him doesn't she?/ Yami: for blank revenge../ Marik: blank revenge?/ Yami: a revenge that she can't think of quite yet, but when it's over she finally remembers/ Marik: oh../ me: *finally hits malik on the head* BOO YA!/ Malik: xX;/ me: anyways, great story rizzy! make more sooner! kk?/ Marik: *looks to me, and blushes* you were... kinda..... cute back there/ everyone: O___O/ me: thats a first.../ Malik: HAHAHAHA! HE'S GROWING SOFT!/ me: *hits Malik on the head with a guitar so hard, it breaks*/ Malik: XX/ me: *looks at the broken guitar, throws it over her shoulder* oh well, anyways, continue!! or face the wrath of the flying squirells of doom
| Reviewed By: Sami-Otaku [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2005 19:03 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 8 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 8 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: Nice chapter, though I don't like the monster names you chose. They weren't bad, they were just too cutsey for me, but that's me! ^^ Update! Oh, and go ahead and use Fenrir. Just give credit FF6 for him, okay?
| Reviewed By: LilyIris [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2005 14:03 CDT Comment/Review: lmfao, Ichikuro getting a nosebleed...and then fainting o.0 haha, arrogant arnold that got dumped also lost too :P girl power, lmfao. update!
| Reviewed By: Sami-Otaku [MediaMiner Member] On: September 07, 2005 20:40 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 6 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 8 of 10 Comment/Review: Wonderful! Now we're all skipping through the mall together!! XD Wheee!!! Ph34r our beauty, boys! :3 For my gown, it's red with a gold dragon on it, gold collar, and a gold clip in my hair. But I do wear black boots with it. ;~; Sorry about not reading sooner, my internet is going nuts, so I can't do much unless my mom fixes it. *is on sis's laptop*
| Title: Finally you updated! Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member] On: September 06, 2005 19:36 CDT Comment/Review: I knew that Ichikuro ran into Bakura. Loved the oufits that everyone wore including mine. Okay, my dress could be a red strapless dress that reaches to the mid thigh with silver glitter all over it. Yami is going to be drooling all over the place (LOL). Please, oh please update ASAP!!!!
| Reviewed By: Lilyiris (nli) On: September 06, 2005 16:13 CDT Comment/Review: Hiya! So glad you updated...anyways, um..You know those Chinese dresses? Sort of like the one Vivian Wong wears? Well, my dress could be like that, except it's red and has a big dragon on the front. There's a big slit on one side of the dress, up to my thigh. Well, this was a great chappie, and update soon!
| Title: Konnichiwa!!! Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member] On: August 10, 2005 21:43 CDT Comment/Review: I want to know who Ichikuro bumped into? Maybe it's Bakura because I can tell by the tone of his. Please add a lemon scene in the next chapter or so!! Update ASAP!!
| Reviewed By: Sami-Otaku [MediaMiner Member] On: August 10, 2005 10:52 CDT Comment/Review: NOOO, DON'T DO THAT TO ME, RIZZY!!! By the by, you bumped into Bakura. How do I know? I can read between lines, sis :3 Anyway, nice chapter! Though, in real life, I hate malls. They bore me. Also, don't take it too bad, but there are some tense mistakes in the chapter that confused me a little, so if you need help with that, ask me, okay? It was a good chapter, so please update soon!
| Reviewed By: LilyIris [MediaMiner Member] On: August 10, 2005 08:19 CDT Comment/Review: haha, you bumped into bakura right? the mall...bakura in a mall...the scene is priceless, lol. this fic is getting better and better, so update!
| Title: Love this!!!! Reviewed By: Yamifanner [MediaMiner Member] On: August 08, 2005 21:12 CDT Comment/Review: Sorry I'm late for reviewing! I was in Dallas for 3 days for my Family Reunion. I like this story and most of all, you should add a lemon scene for you and Bakura! It would be a nice touch to it. Anyways, UPDATE!!!!!!
| Reviewed By: This is Riz or Kitagawa On: August 08, 2005 19:41 CDT Comment/Review: And as the authoress of this fic! If you won't let it! I swear I'll make a chapter of you and Ryou in a lemon! I swear I'll do it!
| Reviewed By: Sami (wouldn't log me in) On: August 08, 2005 14:43 CDT Comment/Review: ^^ W00t! We're all friends. Xx; Riz, who's the lemon gonna be with?! You and Bakura!? Tsk tsk... As your sister, I do not approve. >3 *holds shotgun* (by the by, I'm just kidding!)
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