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"Lucid" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
 Title: Absolutely Beautiful
Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2006 18:28 CDT
I'm so glad I've gotten the chance to read your story. It was utterly beautiful, and just as touching, from beginning to end. Please, keep on writting like you do. Don't ever let it change.
 Title: Wow
Reviewed By: Lorelie  On: September 05, 2006 17:17 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love the story. Its sexy and sensual. I love the twist so far regarding Gohan's attraction to Vegeta. I love Vegeta/Gohan so I am a bit excited. I love the plot like that involves the mystery of who killed the enemy. In addition, Goku protecting Gohan like that is very realistic.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 23, 2006 11:03 CDT
I don't know why, but I felt awfully ... sad during this chapter. I was on the verge of tears by the last word. If I had read anymore, I certainly would have cried. I think it might be because of how much I feel for Vegeta, even though he can be a major jackass sometimes ... I don't know. I'm really looking forawrd to how Gohan is going to deal with/ manage his time without completing the bond, and I'm holding my breath for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2006 13:13 CDT
I think it's kind of strange how attached Gohan is beginning to feel towards Naruki, and I agree with everything that Goku was saying to Gohan after his fight with Trunks. I wasn't expecting Gohan to suddenly when he did (wonder what Trunks will think when he wakes up), and I was so happy to see that Vegeta came in that I was almost singing. I wonder what'll happen next? I'm looking forward to the next chapter (as always)
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: July 18, 2006 15:03 CDT
Hey, it's been a while huh? I'm mostly fine, I just got back from a (in my opinion) well-deserved vacation, I felt like I might go crazy at work. Seems like I got quite a bit to review, where to start? I definitely think it's sweet that Gohan is so concerned about Naruki that he would even take him shopping, but it's also a bit unsettling how overprotective he is. I'm no psych expert, but it may be that Gohan is attempting to make up for what happened to Goten, and Naruki fits the mold of a youngster that needs protecting so perfectly that Gohan may be doing it subconsciously. Of course, there are those moments when he is confronted with the harsh reality that he can't have Goten back, which I must tell you are scenes so perfectly rendered they are heartbreaking to read. Then there's Trunks, and while I understand that he has a duty as the pack leader to protect the members, and as his lover to protect Gohan, I also think he is exaggerating a bit, it's not like any of those guys could've actually hurt Gohan, so I also understand that Gohan may feel a bit smothered having him there constantly fighting on his behalf when it's not really all that necessary. Also, although Trunks and Goku were right, them pointing out Gohan's flaws so bluntly seemed a bit harsh (sorry, can't help but sympathize with Gohan since the story is told from his perspective), though I have to admit that was some nice make-up sex afterward. But I really didn't expect Gohan to just leave out of the blue, I know he's as ready as he'll ever be, but it was a rather sudden departure. And, the biggest shocker of all was of course seeing Vegeta (yay!) there, that made me unusually glad, I'd been wondering what happened to him, but I didn't dare ask. What crazy twist do you have planned? You don't need to tell me, I'll just keep reading until I find out. So, great chapters! I'll be waiting for the next update.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 19, 2006 17:40 CDT
Very nicely done. I love what you've done with Naruki. ^.^ Trunks and Gohan's relationship is so damn ... complicated. It excites me. I laughed so hard when I read that comment about Saiyan body hair, and how Trunks would look with hair in other places. Ha! Anyways, I just ... love this story. I'm looking forawrd to another update soon.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 22, 2006 13:42 CDT
I loved the last two chpters. I've been gone for so long ... the first thing I did when I came home was to log on to see if you had posted any new chapters. I wasn't dissapointed at all. I love how you made Gohan so confused. I wonder how long this will go on for, though, and what happens when Gohan is finally out of heat. I'm dying here ^^
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: May 21, 2006 20:41 CDT
Smart move on Trunk's part to leave while Gohan is in heat, Gohan might just end up killing him. Gohan might end up killing him anyway during one of his training sessions... is he going to learn how to control that, by the way? It seems like he is making some progress, at first he couldn't even remember what happened and now he does, though it doesn't really do any good if he doesn't care... he's very reminiscent of Vegeta from his early days. Now I'm wondering if the strange oil he scented from Naruki is what caused him to power down, or if it was just a coincidence. If the former is the case, then Naruki may come in handy if Gohan wants to learn how to control all the forms. Also, does being in heat make a difference when he trains? And was that a hint of jealousy coming from Naruki when Trunks was around? Hmm, so many things to ponder. Well, update soon, this is as intriguing as ever!
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: May 12, 2006 00:47 CDT
Damn, where do I start? First, sorry I didn't review last chapter, I know you don't really write just to get reviews, but I still feel bad because I like showing my appreciation for good writing. But now I got my broadband back (dial-up is the devil!) so I'll be able to check for updates a lot more often. Now back to the matter at hand, just have to mention that ch. 8 was an amazing chapter! For one, the fight scene was great, with me being a fan of violence it doesn't take much to satisfy me, and this one I enjoyed greatly. I especially enjoyed Gohan going semi-crazy in the middle of a spar against Goku, hope he does that against Datano too, hehehe. But it makes me wonder if he'll snap on Trunks again while in that state, could be problematic. And that lemon, very pleasing, and satisfying. Nice and detailed ;) without running on and on. I found the morning after a bit curious, Trunks seems to be really hooked on Gohan, it even makes him seemingly insecure and vulnerable, and Gohan only somewhat half-reassures him. Seems he's a bit indecisive about his feelings for Trunks, and compared to how quickly he dealt with being attracted to men, it makes me think he follows his physical needs more than his emotional ones, like any typical guy. Though it's a bit ironic that Gohan wants sex less after he goes into heat. That whole battle of wills thing should be interesting, can't wait to see how it plays out. And I have to mention, Seventeen slapping Gohan in the head was such a random and quirky addition, it was perfect. Details like these, while small, still contribute to the story and make it so fun to read. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to finding out more about this Elf, I can't even start to imagine what the story behind that is. Keep up the great work!!!
 Reviewed By: Toki Mirage()  On: May 04, 2006 13:33 CDT
aaah, DAMNIT! *pouts* now you got me all curious *sniffles* UPDATE SOON ONEGAI!!
 Title: reader
Reviewed By: Tdragon  On: April 23, 2006 11:23 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I haven't reveiwed any of the other chapters because the next one was already out. It is an absolutely brillant story. I had a question why were almost all of Datano's targets associated with Trunks, and why was he late to get back to Gohan's timeline.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2006 16:32 CDT
Another good chapter, friend, and a beyond awesome lemon. It took a while for me to recognize that I stopped breathing there ^.^ It was kind of surprising for me when Gohan noted that Trunks was bigger than him. Somehow, I expected it to be the other way around. It seems to be like that in other fanfics that I've read. Way to stand out! Anyways, I'll be here sitting in front of my computer waiting for the next update. I'm just dying to know how they'll approach each other in front of Goku now that they've slept together.
 Reviewed By: kate...................  On: April 11, 2006 18:57 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
you are one of the best writers
 Reviewed By: Keichou  On: April 05, 2006 18:02 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Beautiful writing! While AF is down, I'm glad I can read this here. Everything is down to perfection when it comes to this story.
 Reviewed By: It's Camaro  On: March 30, 2006 17:51 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I want to go through an thoroughly review all of the chapters I missed on aff when it's back up and running (since I hate HATE HATE mediaminer) but since it's always nice to get feedback no matter where it comes from, I gotta let you know that THAT lemon was probably the first in a LONG time that I didn't skim. That was FUCKING AWESOME Chayron. I was actually turned on and that like... NEVER happens to me. I could definitely relate to Gohan's feelings of uncertainty and even sometimes isolation from his own race regarding violence... it was all just so good. But I'll go into better detail when aff is back up and running. Great chapter! Camaro
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 28, 2006 09:09 CST
Again, you amazed me with another aweseome chapter. This one was filled with even more surprises. I was so shocked when I read that Gohan was the one who killed Datano. I was like ... "OMG" I actually had to take a breather and come back o finish the chapter. Please don't laugh at me ... I get worked up while reading this story. By the way, you were right when you said that my dad most likely doesn't know I'm reading this. Ha! I'm a comedian -_-'
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: February 26, 2006 15:15 CST
Once again, an amazing chapter. That little revelation about Gohan being the one that killed Datano really shocked me. I had the feeling that him not remembering the fight would be significant somehow, I just never thought it would be something that big. So the plot thickens, bwuahahaha.... sorry, I've always wanted to say that. Anyway, it seems that Gohan is pretty flexible, considering that it hasn't been that long since he realized about his attraction to other men he now seems pretty comfortable with Trunks, though they have yet to go all the way. Which, by the way, must be pretty frustrating for Trunks, that was twice that he got heated up with no payoff. But I guess when, or if, they finally do hook up, it will be all the more special and rewarding. I also found it surprising that Gohan would go as far as to hit Goku, but when I think about it it makes sense that Goku's overprotectiveness would eventually go too far and piss Gohan off, and we all know what angry Saiyans are like. And what is up with Goku, he seems so fragile, very interesting that you would write his character like that. Well, I'm looking forward to the next chapter, hope you update soon.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2006 21:42 CST
They're all bisexual? I was expecting at least one of them to be gay ... but bisexual, that's a little unexpected. Especially Goku. GreAt chapter as always ^^ I was hanging on word for word. It's getting pretty late here, and my dad's shouting at me, but I just had to finish reading and writting a review. I just loved it. Update soon!
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: January 13, 2006 19:08 CST
Yay, an update! I was missing this fic. I tried reading other things, but it's just not the same :( So, reading this chapter made me unbelievably glad, especially since the last one was a bit of a cliffhanger. And now that Gohan got his tail back, things should start getting a lot more fascinating... not saying that they weren't already. Interesting how vehement Trunks was about Gohan keeping his tail. And yay for Seventeen, I think he is a really intriguing but underrated character, so it's nice to see him being included. And now I can't wait to see what Goku has to say about his being bisexual. So yeah, great chapter *thumbs up* really looking forward to the next one.
 Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 02, 2006 12:23 CST
This chapter was so ... different (but then, all you chapters are like that), and don't worry, it's a good thing. I started laughing my ass off when Goku made that comment in the hotel, while Trunks was 'enjoying himself'. Poor guy. Gohan almost getting raped was a real 'standstill' in this chapter. I bet he'll never drink again ... ever. Anyways, I'm once again looking forward to another chapter ^^
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: December 23, 2005 22:12 CST
Heh, good point about Trunk telling Gohan about the pregnancy in the most tactful way possible, I just felt it was otherwise at first simply because Gohan actually fainted afterward, but maybe the fainting was just an unavoidable reaction to that kind of news regardless of how it was delivered. Is it that obvious that I really really like your stories? I enjoy them so much because the characters are very developed and act realistically and they're likeable and make us care for them; the storylines are original and imaginative and keep the reader interested; and even though they are serious works, hints of humor could always be found, and I'm a firm believer that humor is hardly ever inappropriate. For example Goku fainting and Goku throwing his shoe at Trunks were great little moments, even if they weren't especially important or meaningful they're still memorable. And then on the other hand there's the serious elements, e.g. the attempted rape at the end, which are a great twist to the story, and altogether work to make your stories wonderful... and I think I'm ranting. Anyway, the point is, great story, I'll keep reading and reviewing as long as you keep writing like this, and as always I'm looking forward to the next update.
 Title: Awesome ^^
Reviewed By: MaraiTrunks [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 12, 2005 22:56 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is just too good. I'm begging for more. It's just too good to stop reading. Please post some more soon. I swear I'll explode if you don't.
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: December 11, 2005 20:03 CST
Dedicated to me? Awww ,so sweet *feels extremely special now* Okay, those two new guys are a bit freaky, but interesting, to say the least. Heh, Trunks thought Gohan was pregnant, and he wasn't too tactful about it either, which was quite humorous. At least Gohan is being a bit more tolerant and understanding with Trunks, it was nice to see him actually trying to comfort Trunks this time. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next update.
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: November 28, 2005 22:05 CST
Heh, Chichi is scary in this one. And the pure hate in Goku's eyes as he looked at Trunks was also creepy.... What was up with that? Is he just lashing out with pent-up agression like Gohan or is there another reason? I like how your characters always keep me guessing. Taking over Capsule Corp should get interesting, I'm looking forward to that. Hope you update soon.
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: November 01, 2005 17:55 CST
Cool, an update! Poor Goku seems really traumatized, but at least he's not catatonic anymore. That was a nice father and son moment he had with Gohan. I am also getting the impression that Trunks is withholding some crucial information from Gohan about the battle, and I wonder when or if Gohan will remember anything else about it. Anyway, I'll be looking forward to the next update.
 Reviewed By: fw  On: September 19, 2005 21:45 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow, is Gohan going to go more crazy or what? Can't wait until you update!
 Reviewed By: NewFan  On: August 31, 2005 19:28 CDT
Cool, another story! The first chapter seems very promising, I can't wait to read more. Poor Gohan, though, he's in a pretty hopeless situation and I am just wondering if there is any chance at all of it getting better for him. Hmm, I guess that's what Trunks is there for, huh? Even though it does seem like Gohan can't stand him at the moment. Poor Trunks, too, he just wanted to help but everything is turning out so messed up. Well, please update soon.

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