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"Honor-Bound" Reviews/Comments [ 90 ]
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 Reviewed By: orangeflips [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 29, 2006 11:12 CDT
Yay, two more chappies! How did Wufei get through the door anyways? Hmm, I'll just have to wait and see, haha. And what's Relena's role in this? Even Heero didn't know! Aaaah, so many questions! Update! (:
 Reviewed By: greenislovely  On: April 26, 2006 03:12 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
:) fast updates are always my favorite! once again an awesome chapter- i like the emotions portrayed in this fic. and relena being relena... i actually like her in this fic! :) and wufei's thoughts were funny. definently like to see how howard is like. keep up the brilliant work and hope to see more asap!
 Reviewed By: leila-chan* nsi  On: April 25, 2006 01:51 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
lovely story. so well written. very 'in' character with everyone. i haven't finished reading all of the chaps posted, but i will try to review again when i'm caught up. i'm on ch.13 right now. thanks for sharing this fic. hope to see more posts from you, assuming that it's not over yet. i'd like it if it had an ending... i already like this fic so much, i would be sad if it wasn't finished. i like how wufei gets embarassed over heero. so cute. duo is of course, too funny. keep it up! will rev. later. thanks!
 Reviewed By: imalive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 24, 2006 18:09 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh yeah Heero got some words to Relena, though I doubt she really heard. I loved the Hilde and Wufei part she's like the logical side to Wufei's stubbornness. I can't wait until Hilde finally gets put up with Relena, a girl can only stand so much. It's weird I thought that Heero might have been jealous of Hilde because of her connection with Wufei, but he handles her well, it's Treize he worries about. Also loved the line, Heero dure did put his foot down.
 Reviewed By: orangeflips [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2006 21:58 CDT
I missed two chapters? *shock* Oh well, I'm all caught up now! Eeh, Relena has something to do with the plot too? Gaaahh!! Poor Wufei! Poor Heero! Especially poor Heero, since he's so in love with Wufei, while I get the impression Wufei's still rather confused. And Trowa... sensible Trowa. *tearful* More! Must know more about the plot! Haha, you cannot believe how giddy I was when I saw you updated. xD So, another lovely chapter! (:
 Reviewed By: Oriya-Chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 23, 2006 16:38 CDT
This is absolutely not a fic for Relena lovers. She is either going to have a major impact on Wufei's life or she is going to get them all killed. I am hoping on the ladder, just so I can see some 01x05 to prove Trowa wrong. Quatre too. I can't remember if there was anything that I saw that I totaly disagreed with in your fic. It took me a multitude of days to finish it. It's soo long and good. (I stayed up untill midnight or later a couple of nights reading your story.) I am horribly discusted at Triez though. It's weird to think of him as someone who seems like he would molest Wufei. -grabs Triez voodoo doll and cackles madly- Yeah well, I am heavily into this story now, even though Relena is a crack headed pacifist. Hopefully, though, you will have her grow out of it like she does in the anime. I hate it when people write revelations for all of the other characters, except the Relena because they 'assume' that leaving her an airhead is a good thing. Well, I hope that you continue with this story...-Bribes you with pictures of 01x05- Well, I guess I'll leave you alone now so that you can get to writing again. Ja!
 Reviewed By: RaceUlfsonNSI  On: April 23, 2006 12:46 CDT
Too much to hope that Relena is along to be ritually fed to starving hyenas, hmmm? It's evil how to dole out slivers of what's going on; but don't take that wrong, it was meant as compliment. You keep me guessing and wanting more. Poor Duo, duped by Hilde. Nothing good ever comes from making the Gboys het...
 Reviewed By: thisisgreat!  On: April 22, 2006 19:42 CDT
i'd almost given up on checking back here to see if u'd updated... but i did, and i'm so happy!! thank you thank you thank you. *Squeeeze* i'm looking forward to more. :)
 Title: honor bound
Reviewed By: mamallywally  On: April 22, 2006 15:27 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I realy like it, and i lurve the way you recreate the characters. wu being my alround fave. so...ummmmm... when's your next update gona be...sort'a any time soon? well i hope so anyway. if you can tell me it would be great. mamallywally@hotmail.com thanks!
 Reviewed By: imalive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 21, 2006 13:22 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh I'm loving that one. Yeah I'm still annoyed with Relena but hopefully Heero will put her in her place soon, and yea for Hilde, she's lovely. As for Quatre and Trowa there sure is something going on it's more obvious than Wufei and Heero. I'm a little annoyed with Trowa for yelling at Wufei like that,they all know that boy saved them like no tomorrow. Heero is slipping with that whole it's not about that comment, some things are really coming into light with those two. I love the double update two within two days that's great.
 Reviewed By: greenislovely  On: April 21, 2006 03:38 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ur plot gets better and better each chapter! i can't wait to see what happens next!
 Reviewed By: chantygal {nsi}  On: April 20, 2006 20:35 CDT
Yea!!! I'm glad your in a writing mood. I love this story I'm very intrigued by the way it's progressing. I hope more info on what's going on unfolds soon.Totally excited. Keep writing. Keep updating.
 Reviewed By: RaceUlfsonNSI  On: April 19, 2006 14:38 CDT
I think you have captured perfectly the most irritating thing about Relena: her utter faith that she is right, despite any facts to the contrary. I don't read death fics but in her case, I could make a happy exception. I'm thinking the persons shooting might have something to do with Zechs. Treize has the same disease as Heero and the others; knows what's going on but won't tell. Mean thing.
 Reviewed By: imalive [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2006 10:25 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Friggin' that was a long time, but not time I minded waiting. Everytime I'm eager to read an update only to be left with wanting more. I thinks it's all the suspense and action, I'm the same way with those type of movies. The fic is great, but Trieze is going to get me mad sometime in the future I can already tell. Usually Relena doesn't bother me that much but in this fic I really want to do her harm. That girl is killing me, I really can't wait until they get rid of her. But I hope they keep Hilde I'm liking that girl, plus I think Wufei is going to need that support. I can't wait for some Wufei and Hilde interaction. I'm also wondering how the whole Heero and Wufei thing is going to play out now that they are being watched by everyone. Please update soon.
 Reviewed By: chantygal [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 18, 2006 22:50 CDT
Yes!! a chapter!! How I have missed this story and you had ended on such a juicy note. I was heart broken. I thought you had given up.But i'm glad you're breaking through your writers block. Oh I wish relena would get a grip I so wish I could reach into the story and slap her silly. Love the unfolding of the heero/wufei situation. Keep writing. Keep updating.I want to know who's firing at them and just generally where this story is going. Love it!!
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