"Reincarnation" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ] | Reviewed By: Dark Angel Lytha [MediaMiner Member] On: October 24, 2005 23:20 CDT Comment/Review: I'm reviewing again, just like I said I would. I hope you take some time to write soon and write MORE 'cause you're driving me crazy with all the shortness! I love it and I just want a LITTLE more! By the way, I would have reviewed sooner, but I was doing a family thing for my grandmother that included going out of state for the weekend and was miserably ill the whole time (and still am for that matter)! I have to say that seeing that e-mail that said you'd updated made me feel a little better and that reading the fic made me laugh. I also must say that the reviewer before me made me laugh. And I must say as a side note to them: Not only was I the first reviewer, I'm the third!! NYAAA! My review is WAAAAY longer too! *snickers* Moving on, Here is where I praise you as the author of this lovely fic. You do have a really good thing going here and I still can't wait to see what happens next! SO, write more, avoid my wrath, and make me happy. When I'm happy I give nice long reviews that are slightly funny! Unless you don't want long reviews of course, then you need to tell me to cut it down. Well, seeing as I'm running out of characters to write this with I'll close with, IREALLYREALLYLIKEDTHISANDYOUBETTERWRITEMORESOONORFACEMYWRATHANDIKNOWYOUWONT LIKETHAT! *chuckles* Later.
| Title: Mrr. Reviewed By: Jisatsu [MediaMiner Member] On: October 21, 2005 23:26 CDT Comment/Review: So! Please do write more; I'm enjoying your work and hope you contnue. XD Nyaaa, second post!
| Reviewed By: Dark Angel Lytha [MediaMiner Member] On: October 11, 2005 14:51 CDT Comment/Review: I'll reveiw if you write more! Er...better make that I'll reveiw again if you write more! *smiles* I like being the first person to reveiw, there's just something fun about having all that POWER! *snickers* I've had a little too much candy, ignore what doesn't make sence/ is too hyper to understand. I think the story is interesting so far, but I really want to see what you do with it. Wow, she died and ended up a Kaiba....How does that happen? What about her friends? What abilities is Seto talking about? I can't wait to find out when you write more of the story! SO please write more soon, or I will start to threaten you and then, well, you don't want to know. *cackles* MWAHAHAHA-*cough cough* Ah well, you won't like it, I'll leave it at that. Later.