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"My Happy Ending" Reviews/Comments [ 58 ]
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 Reviewed By: ANGELBOY613 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2008 17:13 CDT
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
>>she was glad Virgil had his own plans, but there were definitely days when she felt she had to have him at her side. After all, it took two to make a baby. They hadn't really had a 'relationship' in a manner of speaking. They had just come to terms in that if one had an itch, the other would come over to scratch it. Frieda
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 30, 2005 12:51 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
On one note, yay I'm done! On another what kind of ending was that? It was just as bad as the ending of Wolf's Rain, I'm wondering what's happening next. He took the pills what for? Will Richie be alright? And what about Daniel? Is he still stalking Richie,and if he is does he know about Richie's condition? I'm hooked and now I'm left craving for more, no fair.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 30, 2005 11:54 CST
Dangn' it I knew it. Stupid Ivan! Stupid Richie for not stoping Ivan! Stupid stupid boys! The only one I can stand is Shiv, that poor boy.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 30, 2005 11:24 CST
I kinda liked this chapter, it was like a follow up was happing. I do feel for Joe the poor boy, and did I tell you how grossed out I was with the whole eyeball thing? I'm a little mad at Ivan about not letting it go abd Richie is probably stupid enough to go with it. All I know is he better be careful because you never know about a curse especially if you're superstitious.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 29, 2005 17:14 CST
Oh I really liked this chapter it was somewhat sweet, well at least for this fic. I kinda like John I mean he's really helping and not being a prick, that's not something I would expect for being Francis's parol officer, you know the type. And I definatly liked Ivan's admittion, I knew he was hooked.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 29, 2005 16:12 CST
O_o! Why I so loved Danny before, but no he's just as crazy as Joe. And Richie yes I love him as a character but I can't help but feel bad for Francis. I mean he's trying he's best and you can really feel the love from him, or is it more of a neediness? Either way Francis is trying and Richie is only feeling for him when the guilt becomes to much, he sucks the jerk.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 29, 2005 16:12 CST
O_o! Why I so loved Danny before, but no he's just as crazy as Joe. And Richie yes I love him as a character but I can't help but feel bad for Francis. I mean he's trying he's best and you can really feel the love from him, or is it more of a neediness? Either way Francis is trying and Richie is only feeling for him when the guilt becomes to much, he sucks the jerk.
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 28, 2005 11:28 CST
I'm back at least for this chapter. I was just thinking the whole misery loves company thing and thought if I was going to be depressed I might as well make it count. Anyway like always I love it. I also barely noticed how much the F-word is thrown around. I didn't think anyone but my aunt could use that world like every few words in a sentence, it's amazing. And oh my that Joe, he's a little scary. One chapter down and a few to go, maybe tomorrow.
 Reviewed By: shampoo marea 2  On: December 13, 2005 10:31 CST
what this is the end???? you can`t finish it here!!!!!! i wanna know how it continues!!!!!! lovely story ..keep writing this way i loveeeeeeeeeeeee it too much, it`s my adicction
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: December 07, 2005 18:30 CST
First off let me tell you I'm very happy with all the updating, it's all christamsy. Second, even though I like the updates I didn't read any of them and I probably won't be reading this fic for awhile. It's not to long or anything I love this fic and the longer the better, butI need to stay away from anything dark right now. I'm going through a bout of sad, but as soon as I'm better I'll be reviewing like no tomorrow. So many reviews you'll be sick of me.
 Reviewed By: shampoo marea 2  On: December 07, 2005 16:44 CST
nooo francis hit him!!!! mooooreeee.and Ivan what a coward left runing.
 Reviewed By: shampoo marea 2  On: December 05, 2005 14:36 CST
daniel raped richie?
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: November 28, 2005 20:38 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I tired reading this chapter and I had to stop. Nope I'm not going to read it at least not yet. That's right I'm saving it for later, and after that later comes around I'll leave a proper review.
 Reviewed By: shampoo marea 2  On: November 28, 2005 10:47 CST
ow daniel is evil...is evan hooed with richie? =P
 Reviewed By: im_alive  On: November 24, 2005 11:38 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I had to read these chapters at least three times, it took me that long to get over shock and eww factors. I loved the brief lemon with Hs/Richie, but the whole next level with Ivan/Richie had me hysterical with tears. I was all why! no don't do that! You ass how dare you!Then I got over it and I'm now left feeling drained. All I know are three things 1. Ivan knows he's hooked. 2. I hate Ivan and Rudy. and 3. I'm becoming attached to Danny. Keep it going; the mental torure and the bouts of fangirl squeels. valu
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