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"Once in a Year" Reviews/Comments [ 3 ]
 Reviewed By: anubis_nli  On: March 01, 2008 00:39 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwwwwwww! That was an adorable ending! The fic was well done overall as well! Good job!
 Reviewed By: BakaYasha [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2005 22:48 CST
Pretty good but it was a little confusing... Nether the less amusing!
 Reviewed By: Velvetina [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2005 06:59 CDT
Wow I though that was truely fantastic! However I did feel like I'd been left hanging at the end. I mean yeah Kaiba guesse it was Jou, but how does he go about telling Jou. How does Jou take it when he realises that Kaiba figured it out. For me this is just crying out for a sequal *puppy eyes* Anyway other than that slight niggle I thought that it was fantastic. Your use of language was great and really kept me involved in the story. Also I really felt for Jou when he was telling Kaiba that Seto would hate him if he knew who he really was. I mean how heart wrenching to think that the boy you are in love with wouldn't care about you if he knew it was you yet when he doesn't know its you he adores you too. Does that make any sense? lol I liked the interaction between Seto and Mokie aswell because I though it showed a great contrast between how little love Jou seems to think Seto has to offer and how much love Seto really DOES have to offer. Anyway I'd love to hear what you think about my thoughs, my email should be on my author page but just incase its Kittenbelle@hotmail.com

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