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"Not Now, Not Ever" Reviews/Comments [ 46 ]
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 Reviewed By: monstercat_md  On: February 25, 2008 04:24 CST
you're right, i was full of shit and stupid, especially since i genuinely liked the story in the first place. i really can't say why i wrote that stupid review, i guess i simply wasn't thinking AT ALL, but i offer you my apologies and regret, though i know that can't be enough. i'm truly sorry.
 Reviewed By: darkephoenix [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2008 14:33 CST
For monstercat_md, if you are an empath, which I seriously doubt, I have one word for you SHIELD. Oh, and don't bother those of us who know what we're talking about with your mindless whining and attempts at being intelligent. It's annoying to those who actually are. Now, run along and play with your rainbow brite dolls, child.
 Reviewed By: drae  On: February 22, 2008 14:28 CST
For a two year old fic, not only does it stand up to the test of time but it STILL displays the rare courage to not placate the spoon fed fangirls, insulting their collective intelligence with a fluffy bunny ending so saccharin that it comes with a free dose of insulin. Angst is not for everyone, and it most definitely is not for those that only want to have their egos stroked... those looking only for their own personal fixes. Intolerance enough to blithely discount another authors work solely on the basis that she did not cater to the reviewers own personal, albeit shallow, fetish - rude, arrogant and ignorant. Even here... even on the two year old heels of a superbly crafted piece of work... bigotry abounds. Once again, kiddies, if you have nothing CONSTRUCTIVE to say, let the adults do the talking.
 Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 22, 2008 14:11 CST
zomg, did someone reading Weiss complain she doesn't like angst? WHAT are you doing in this fandom, then?
 Reviewed By: monstercat_md  On: February 22, 2008 13:03 CST
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 6 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 1 of 10
Overall Rating: 2 of 10
you know, these angsty stories are really starting to get on my nerves! yes, i'm a bitch. angst is so last tuesday! oh, and it doesn't mix well with lemon. on the upside, at least this sad(dening)(istic?) fic didn't seem to have any typos... oh well,i gave you 9 out of 10 pts in grammar. i gave you 6 out of 10 pts for creativity since you seem to do a fairly good job at taking the characters' disemboweled shells and filling them with sawdust and cotton... have you ever considered becoming a taxidermist? i didn't particularly enjoy it because angst is overrated, not my cup of tea, really... have you tried being an empath lately? take it from me, empaths and angst don't mix well, notice how cranky i am? it's all thanks to this angst thing. you should consider putting up a huge sign saying "angsty sappy story, do not read if u don't like" but in a really huge font, since some pple(myself included) don't exactly have 20/20 vision, to say the least. i'm sorry if i was bitchy, but i just think angst should be left out of fantasy, we get enough of it in the real world as it is.
 Reviewed By: Serena1985 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 26, 2006 08:58 CST
This was so fuckin' sad I almost couldn't review. The whole story broke my heart. The fic was beautifully written though and keep up the great work.
 Reviewed By: Amy the Evitable  On: April 13, 2006 19:53 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I wish the boys were yours! Then they might all be able to work through their angst and leave perpetual adolescence! Loved the stark and failable emotions. Aya is also damaged, and trying to do his best. And I understand why Yohji left -- he had to give Aya the truth, but was too damaged to risk seeing Aya's response personally. Yohji's trying to do his best for Aya, too. I always love a possessive and domineering Aya; that's exactly how I see him being. He's lost too much and too much beyond his control for him not to need to possess and control and own some. Particularly liked his wolf-like growling and throat-marking. I also think the most positive sign for Yohji's recovery was when he got all playful in bed with Ran. If you ever need a beta, or just want to chat, my e-mail is amytheevitable at gmail dot com.
 Reviewed By: KD Sarge [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 10, 2006 19:24 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Don't mind me, just stopped by for the smut...'cause it's like, you know, good, and stuff...
 Title: Hey baby hey baby hey, girls say , boys say, hey baby hey baby hey...hey baby baby
Reviewed By: Miss Macabre : p  On: December 26, 2005 10:32 CST
You made me cry. I need a hug now. It was so sad...but that last line...*sigh* *hands over poppy flower for you imagination* Just beautiful.
 Title: sorry bly...
Reviewed By: moimoi-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2005 19:35 CST
...but to be fair it was 4am! You are expecting a lot of coherency out of me at that hour if you are expecting a proper review. But I'm glad you complained or else I would never have gotten around to doing a proper one. ^Chapter 8^ I *knew* that you wouldn't have had Aya being such a complete bastard that he left Yohji there just hanging, and it's really strange the connection they have, it's a new idea that I haven't come across in other fanfics yet. The chapter flows well, and I enjoyed the lemon...but you knew that already though didn't you? I wasn't too pleased however about Aya not sure about their relationship or lack thereof. And after reading chapter nine you have to wonder if Aya's uncertainty played a part in Yohji's leaving. ^Chapter 9^ now you know I love happily ever afters, and you did warn me that it wasn't going to be one, and the only thing I can really say is that at least it was open-ended enough that I can harass you for a sequel, maybe a series of one shots b/c you still have yet to display what Kritiker thinks about Yohji disappearing far less his team-mates. I really like the song that you incorporated into the letter....Oh yeah Happy holidays to you too, my exams did suck and *glomp*
 Reviewed By: mm-chan  On: December 17, 2005 00:45 CST
*hmph* but not as bad as i expected after all your dire warnings of a not-so-happy ending...this one is open ended enough for me to not complain too much
 Reviewed By: red queen  On: December 15, 2005 03:58 CST
p.s. am i not encourage-y enough? *dons yohji's chibi cheerleader outfit* whoah, this is tight -- yohji must have smaller boobs than i do. anyway. *ahem* BLYTHE! BLYTHE! SHE'S OUR...GAL! IF SHE CAN'T DO IT...um...what rhymes with gal? pal? corral? lateral? dammit!! *throws down pom-poms* i was just never meant to be a cheerleader...anyway, you get what i mean, right? if not i have pie charts and diagrams...*begins muttering and drawing on chalkboard* love redqueen
 Reviewed By: red queen  On: December 15, 2005 03:44 CST
well, i was really enjoying this chapter up until aya came back in from looking for yohji. not because of the ending -- i don't mind non-disney endings -- but because it read like you just wanted to get it over with. i don't know...maybe that was your intention? i have a few suggestions, but i won't make 'em unless you want me to. overall, it was a very good story and i really like it that you are emphasizing the point that fabulous sex doesn't solve all problems. in fact, sometimes it creates more problems than it solves -- but NO, people don't wanna hear that! danged people... anyway, i would certainly enjoy reading a sequel, but if you decide not to go that route -- or to do it after a few other projects -- then i am looking forward to reading whatever you write next. love, redqueen
 Reviewed By: Rhosyn Du  On: December 14, 2005 15:01 CST
Nice ending. You've got some really great descriptive prose and fabulous character interactions going on here. Parts of the last chapter felt a little bit rushed, but overall, I really enjoyed this fic. I look forward to reading more from you. :)
 Reviewed By: potatofreak [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 14, 2005 12:58 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ahhh!!!!! u HAVE to write a sequel!!!!!!!!! its so sad!!! plz SEQUEL!!!! and im so relieved that yotan is not dead. I was so scared u would kill him when i read that note u wrote at the beginning. As much as i love angst and (if well written) suicidal tendencies, i don't wanna see yohji dead.... AND i want to kno yotan's story too!!!! ur story is so well written!! plz more!!! ~ycpss~
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