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"Blood & Tears" Reviews/Comments [ 184 ]
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 Title: OMG
Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 19, 2006 09:40 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have never been so moved by a fic before. I laughed, smile & cried(several times!). The characters were well developed along with the storyline. I could picture everything as a little movie in my head. I liked the way you handled the Songa/Miroku dynamic with respect to InuYasha. Well done! And the relationship between the 2 brothers was amazingly well done! I enjoyed jumping from 1 era to another and was never lost. You've got quite a little gem with this one!! Thank You ;)
 Reviewed By: omg  On: November 15, 2006 15:27 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow u got me horny as i dont kno wat i want to do the inu brothers im over here jackin off to ur fic
 Reviewed By: sessy_lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2006 09:25 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
loved it i have been reading some of our other fanfics so i read this one and i could not put it down you showed definitly get a award for this one well hope to read more from you in the "future" hopes its not in 500 years lol sends writing vibes
 Reviewed By: sessy_lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2006 09:25 PST
loved it i have been reading some of our other fanfics so i read this one and i could not put it down you showed definitly get a award for this one well hope to read more from you in the "future" hopes its not in 500 years lol sends writing vibes
 Reviewed By: amgoodpasture [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 20, 2006 22:11 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
An Absolutly beautiful fanfic. The character development in this piece was seamlessly done, with no detail left unwritten. I love how you took the characters past the point where Rumiko left off (for now). The fic was also very well written and quite enjoyable! Hope to see this on some award pages!
 Reviewed By: Shaid [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 08, 2006 00:11 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've been reading one of your other fics and thought I'd try this one. After the first chapter, I was a little wary of continuing. I'm not big on pairing Kagome with Sesshomaru for any reason... But I read on and was quite surprised by the complexity of the relationships and the detail you put into everything. I had to skip ahead in a few of the lemons, I just got a bit uncomfortable, but that has more to do with me than with your writing. I was impressed by the story and I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it. And I'm glad you ended it where you did, honestly. It was a great place to finish and it gives a sense of contentment and completion.
 Title: still readin, and still lovin
Reviewed By: wildthundakat [nsi]  On: September 02, 2006 22:17 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey, I just finished chappies 2-8, and wanted to comment before I forget all I want to say. I think this story is fantastic. I think it's interesting how you use this theme of Kagome having dreams in ur fics. I also like that you featured her friends, eveb if only for a short time, although I have a feeling that was the last of seeing Ayume (but I won't know till I finish reading). You gave a lot of detail in explaining their mating process. That to me would seem like one of the hardest scenes to do, and do well. I also like the way you show that Sesshoumaru actually interacts with his staff. You come up with really good ideas. The idea I love the best is the part where after they mated each other, their marks turned into the crescent moon symbol. That is one of the most original ideas I've seen. But, I keep feeling as though I've seen that idea before somewhere, but I could be wrong. I'm eager to finish reading your story, and it's almost like a good book, ya just can't put it down. ~~~niters~~~
 Title: wow
Reviewed By: wildthundakat [nsi]  On: August 26, 2006 00:38 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
first of all, woah. you killed off kouga's character quick. i've seen fics that portrayed him as a bad guy, but never one where he would go that far. so i'm curious, since u portrayed him that way, i wonder if u actually dislike his character. i've only read two or three other fics that rape involved, and i never know how to comment on that. i feel for kagome. but since ur story is complete and i know she'll be ok, it's, oh i don't know. but i really like the fact that u had sesshy taking care of his little brother. that makes me wonder if u hope for a good outcome for him in the manga. the topic of his caring for both his brother and kags was something out of the ordinary for him. but to put his hatred of humans aside to care for those two is really a great start on exploring his feelings. it's funny cause now i feel like i'm in class where i concentrating and analyzing more. (sorry, it's after 3am). but ur fic reminds me of how it's interesting that many people would rather read fics than regular literature. anyhow, i enjoyed this fic. i've only read one other fic where sessh and inu shared kags. so i can't wait to read the rest of ur fic, and look forward to seeing the character u have for sess. hopefully i can read more of it later. sorry for the very long review. ~~~niters~~~
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 21, 2006 19:47 PDT
Kichou's new pups are interesting. I'm glad she was able to coast through the birthing and that everything went well. Yayyyy. That was a very nice way to end, with Sesshomaru ready to tell Inuyasha about his father. For once I'm satisfied with the ending of a story. Usually I wish it would just go on and on (well, maybe not. I'd hate for a story to go on forever. But it is sad when things end). However, I am satisfied. I'm going to make a comparison to another story and make the following comments, which aren't about your story: Some stories have such bad endings I wish they would've stopped earlier instead of continuing on. I have one in particular in mind. I wish she'd go back and end it earlier, then just post the rest that she wrote as a continuation that I can choose to disregard. I've already decided that when I re-read that one I'm going to stop before the ending. I might even write my own ending just to pacify myself. That's probably terrible of me, but I just thought it was awful. Not because the writing was bad, I just didn't like what happened and thought it should've ended before that. It wasn't a satisfying ending and I didn't like the way it ended. The moral of the story is this: you know how to write a satisfying ending. You probably could go on, but I doubt that you would want to. It's a fine ending, that's the point of it being satisfying. I have added this story to my favorites. I like it. I'll re-read it someday and maybe then I'll be able to give you some better reviews... ^^" I hope this review is coherent and I didn't [once again] say something stupid or express myself wrongly. I did read over it, but I never know how people will take my reviews and I'm tired. ^^;; Anyway, it was a good! I definately have some favorite scenes. That's right, multiple ones. I love a lot of what you did with the story. And besides using the mating marks, this story is completely different from Live and Let Die and the other fanfictions I've read. I'm glad, though I really like Live and Let Die as well. I believe you wrote that after this one though.
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 21, 2006 18:27 PDT
Chapter 35 is called "Twin Marks" is it because Inuyasha and the boy have their marks in the same spot? Just wondering. It could have multiple meanings. "InuYasha would put a dab under each nostril before tackling the problem at hand. He ascertained that if it worked for those people on television that were looking at dead bodies, surely it would help with baby poop." xDDD Thoughtful Inuyasha, giving Mai a raise and thanking her :) Aww, and she appreciated it! You didn't forget about Kagome's second marking. Good! And it's about time I stop judging you by all the other fanfictions I have been reading. It's not that I don't expect you to be a good writer, it's obvious and I knew that already from Live and Let Die. But that doesn't stop me from noticing when you do something I think is smart and shows thought was put into it. Sesshomaru looked at the little girl. "When did you start calling me Papa?" "She's been calling you that for ages, just not to your face," Shippou answered for her. Yet another mystery solved :) I'm so happy he hugged her after they decided she could call him that! It's SO sweet! Whoops, forgot to post this. I'm hoping the break tags work, other wise there's going to be some extra HTML in this post. I guess I could add, poor Inuyasha having to get inspected now. xD I believe that was this chapter? Maybe it was the next. I forgot to post this before so I'm a little mixed up. ^^"
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 21, 2006 17:38 PDT
Well, appearantly it really does cut you off if you use to many characters. So here's the rest: ...I'm such a lazy reader! I'm supposed to be an "active reader" and THINK about things and try to figure them out, not accept them and move on. Inuyasha has a mortal form, in which is hair is black. So the boy's black hair doesn't just come from Kagome. I didn't realize that. Gah! Okay, that was a very sweet chapter. I can't believe how close I am to the end. Chapter 35! I Started reading it yesterday afternoon! Anyone know if spam filter ever has curse words? The letters are generated randomly aren't they? And the fact that used four letters makes it more likely. The one I have to type is so close I thought it was one when I glanced down at it!
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 21, 2006 17:36 PDT
Since I've been reminded again. Inuyasha's reason for not telling Kagome how he felt, so long ago, was inventive as well--reason being that Sesshomaru could have killed her, and he was afraid she would. But that is in addition to the other insecurities he was feeling, which most people use as an adequate reason. I know everything I've been telling you about the story doesn't seem favorable. But I applaud all the thought that went into this story, you are a good writer. I like what you did with the story, the creative decisions you made. Inuyasha was almost full youkai when he mated with Kagome so his kids are close to hanyous and look just like him. That's cool. I don't really like the idea of them having kids that are further diluted without the CUUUUUUUTE ears. And we all know how you love the ears, I suspect that had something to do with the choice ;) Something I've been noticing is that you use proper names a lot, rather than saying "she/he," "her/him," etc. It's particualarly awkward when you say "Mama" where a simple "she/her" would do. It doesn't bother me, but it's distracting enough for me to notice. Like here it says: "At first mama was alarmed" with "Mama" said twice three short sentences before that part. Just a little awkward. But I thought you might do it so that we always know exactly who you mean. It's MUCH better than if you never used proper names OR writing 'she' (if you can believe it, I know someone who does this. I've spoken to her about it, but she's not really inclined to improve... She almost writes like she's writing notes, leaving out words--particulary at the beginning of sentences. -_-) By the way, I know Rumiko probably hasn't given Mama a name. So it's fine that you call her that, I was just talking about using names most of the time when more general terms would be less distracting. It's awkward when Rin and Sesshomaru do it too. Personally, in my writings, I have issues with putting "she said/replied/answered/whatever" after nearly every bit of diologue. It's not finding things to say other than "say" it's always putting something there. It's redundant because of that, even if I use a different term every time. @_@ And my sentences are too similar at times or will start off the same way too often. It's hard not to be redundant. ;) I have to admit, I started reeeallly laughing when I got to the part about the baby boy's marking on his butt, after Inuyasha tried to put off Sesshomaru's finding out and then when he finally did. Kagome was all like: "Oh, for heaven's sake!" and all of that, combined with her exasperation was funny. xD A-ha, appearantly the characters found it funny as well. The image of Ah-Uhn sitting on Shippou got a laugh from me as well. Quote: "Sesshomaru finally stopped and said, "I do not understand. Our father was not powerful enough to mark you, but you are strong enough to mark your pups? It does not make sense." I always love a good writer who things about everything they're doing, especially in a fanfiction, to make sure everything makes sense and is in line with other things. I didn't think about that, though if I were in your position I'm sure I would have. When she first said 'he does have the mark' I wasn't sure she meant it, since Inuyasha was like 'what?' But I like your explaination of it only being there sometimes. It makes sense. My reaction to Kagome was the same is Kichou. I guess I'll also comment about the "Kiss the Moon" clothes. That's funny. Inuyasha's reaction to that is what dug him so deep in the hole he's in. He deserves to get picked on that for years to come. I don't know if he'd ever live it down. Everyone can get a good laugh from the whole story ;) Aw, that's sad/sweet about his mother. :( What I'm wondering is if the babies will have any miko abilities. Is it a possibility? I guess I'll find out. This story is complete, so that has already been decided. Oh. GOD! I'm such a lazy reader! I'm supposed to be an "active reader" and THINK about things
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 21, 2006 04:03 PDT
You brought up another issue, and I'm glad you did. She probably would have already had a difficult birth , having twins is going to be really hard on her. I hope everything goes okay! I think it's interesting that Inuyasha makes a good security guard. It makes sense. I always enjoy seeing what people come up with for these characters in Kagome's time. In "The Lucky Ones" he built her a house in the past, trying to set up some modern conviniences for her, etc. In this one you used another of his traits, instead of giving him a job that you pretty much randomly decided suited him. I wouldn't expect you to do that, but that is what it seems like most people do. *sighs at them* Someone had Sesshomaru become a shrink so he could use his ability to sense people's emotions. I thought that was interesting. My only concern is that they were back in the past again and now past-Sesshomaru has more future knowledge. He knows Kagome is pregnant, though possibly not with twins? *shrugs*
 Reviewed By: crc31789  On: August 20, 2006 20:35 PDT
"Sesshomaru looked at the pair and said, "Well, hell. You two are going to be the death of me."" I'm not usually one for crude remarks, but I found that one sort of amusing... This is going to be a pathetic review but I don't have as much to say about this story since I am skipping over most of the lemon parts. And it's getting late-ish. But I do have to say this: Twins! Hopefully that expresses my entire sentiment. ^^"
 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 18, 2006 10:33 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Really, Really cool. True to the anime (I've never truly trusted Kouga, and would never have him protect anything of value in an Inuyasha fanfic), I am deeply impressed by the subtlety, and later the growth, in Sesshomaru's character. Kagome's and Inuyasha's growth is also true to form, and deeply captures the true essence of the manga's characterizations. While the anime is good, I only trust it through to the conclusion of Mount Hakurei (though I did enjoy the ninja-ish stufff later on with the bipolar weapon - REALLY unique). Anyway, I like this fic in particular because it shows, for the first time, real depth to Inuyasha's Youkai side. Up until now, Inuyasha has just been shown as a mindless killing machine in every fic involving him in his youkai form. And while true, he still recognizes relationships, and ALWAYS Kagome, even for a reason he'd never admit. In addition, finding a good beginning is tough, but a good end point is harder too. Afterall, all writers want to keep writing, its finding a good point to conclude a tale that is hardest of all. Well, thats all, I want to see this one get recommended for Featured Fanfiction for MediaMiner. Again, I enjoyed reading this story, and as always, your stories are excellent. And as always, be seeing you.
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