Reviewed By: Moonshadow14 [MediaMiner Member] On: November 23, 2005 22:53 CST Comment/Review: HI!^^ About what you asked with the pairings, I don't really mind, as long as there aren't any lemons... but I tend to be a fan of Inu/Kag, but a little change never hurt anybody... usually... But, anyway, if I may offer some constructive criticism (and it's only constructive, I swear!^^), three things i noticed: punctuation, consistant tenses, and pronouns. They are your friends. And the good friends, not the friends that borrow money they never return and then ignore you, either.(...Oh dear god, I'm turning into my language arts teacher!!!... well, we are both half insane, so it's not that much of a change...) I think if you add those and some more humor, you'll go from being a good writer to a great writer. And I love the mix of plots, especially since those happen to be my two favorite animes!^^ Well, anyway, please update soon, because I really like yuor story!