Title: Hehe nice. Reviewed By: Dreadman [MediaMiner Member] On: October 10, 2006 15:05 CDT Comment/Review: Ah, this will be the end of my WoW evasion.. you see, im 3 months clean (bows), and i can understand Darkive's biased veiws, but ive played as human as well as tauren, both warroirs, the human 30, the tauren 46, (the human is better at 30 then the tauren was...my tauren dont even got a mount -.-') but ya, great fic, but i was thinking, maybe he runs to the Tauren, and lives wit them. Since they the only other race in the Horde other than the Forsaken who seem to accept their undead brethren, knowin that they didnt want undeath, instead it was shoved upon them.