"'Twas the Night Before Christmas..." Reviews/Comments [ 3 ] | Reviewed By: mysticneko [MediaMiner Member] On: December 02, 2006 03:42 CST Comment/Review: "Bottom draw, darlin'. Cowboy's always ready to ride…" XD That was the best part, I swear. I laughed so hard at that.
| Reviewed By: Ryar On: July 30, 2006 22:15 CDT Comment/Review: sexxxxxxxxy
| Reviewed By: LemonLady On: March 01, 2006 12:35 CST Comment/Review: Hmm...I've never really liked pairings involving Zell, but this was a pretty good story. I didn't notice any massively outstanding grammar mistakes. Oh, and because I'm annoying like this, I must point out that at the end, you said the two SeeD's, when actually, Irvine never had been a SeeD in the game. I think. I might be mistaken, so don't mind me! Now if this were FF7, I could tell you everything and anything about it off the top of my head. It is rather pathetic at times how much I know about it. But anyway, I digress. Good story, I liked it.