Reviewed By: Ducks On: January 21, 2006 06:01 CST Comment/Review: Nice, good development so far. Your story so far has caught me. I hope you continue it, you really have a gift there. The only things that got to me were some of the grammatical errors and the spelling errors. If you don't have Microsoft word or something with spell check, or grammar check try openoffice or something for a bit of the spelling and such (I'm not sure if they have grammar check. I think they do). If not try finding a beta. There is a site with people that help with this but I'm sorry I can't remember right now what it is. I know you acknowledge that your grammar is poor but still, the effort could always be taken to improve it so you don't have to claim that anymore. Anyways, I think it's pretty good despite its errors. Keep up the good work. Make improvements as you move forward. Please don't take this the wrong way. I notice many individuals take a little constructive criticism way too seriously and call it some fort of flame. Especially in the inu-fandom. And I would sign in if this site would let me for once. Augh.