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"Shades of Gray" Reviews/Comments [ 670 ]
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 Reviewed By: Oyuki [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2009 16:44 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
well, all these people have some nerve! their lives are all fucked up. i can't wait to see how you resolve this. because this is no easy task. i mean, there are a lot of problems running around here. and i would really like to know what went on behind closed doors w/ rin and sess. kagome needs to pick herself up. anyway, more soon!
 Reviewed By: Lunabell [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2009 13:25 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yeah...I didn't think kagomes dad was THAT bad...he's a freakin basterd! As for kikyo...she's an annoying bitch! She may be pretty on the ouside but she is just plain ugly on the inside. The little baby runs home to dady and mommy and tells on kagome. Good lord if I was inuyasha I would rather be dirt poor then to be with that three year old brat (that's how she acts). Not to mention she's pretty much a whore. How can he stand her?! Okay now that I got all of that out of my system....great chapter. I love this story a lot. I just hope Inuyasha and kagome get togather soon. Kikyo and both Inuyasha and kogome parents are driving me nuts! Even kagome makes me want to strangle her....and I want to punch inuyasha.Lol! Man...I want to beat ALL of the characters up in your story. Except rin.
 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2009 09:13 PDT
Very awesome, as usual. I'm so glad Sesshoumaru is starting to get it. I'm also glad Rin let him say his piece. And now he has a family that he actually loves. I don't see him letting his father take that from him. And Inuyasha is about to lose everything. At least his older brother seems to care about what happens to him. I doubt Jiro will let him sleep on the side of the road. Kagome's father is a real douche. I just wonder what she and her mother are going to do now. They were having money problems before and this is only going to make it worse. I wonder if she'll be able to finish college or if she'll have to move back home. I can't wait for the next chapter. It should be wonderful. Thanks for the update.
 Reviewed By: Sovereignty [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2009 02:49 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Fucking fantastic I was Ignoring people (and then sending them some of the best quotes) on MSN to read this it is so good... I had a VERY good birthday thank you!!!)very happy that mind slave (me) got appreciated) Wicked was Fantastic! BEST LINES ever...(my favourite is still "then you have never played rugby with a bottle of propane.") He had been told once that he could sell a painting to a blind man without a single doubt. Rin bit back in disgust. "Oh, give it a rest. If you want sympathy, it's in the dictionary between Shit and Syphilis, look it up because you won't find it here."(will not look this up in a dictionary, will not look this up in a dictionary, will not look this up in a dictionary) And here I am shitting kittens at the thought of having to talk to him.
 Reviewed By: Ikichira [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2009 22:13 PDT
(grins) Okay, so here I am, on the computer at, like, midnight. I check my email. I see the MediaMiner alert and I see that it's for Shades of Gray. My laptop (which does not have that name for nothing, might I add) nearly topples off my lap in my rush to get to the damn URL. I scroll to the bottom 'cause I like to read replies and who should I see but little ol' me! You dedicated this to me, how sweet! o^^o (You can't see it, but I'm blushing.) I am just so touched that it was ME who spurred you to write this awesomely magnificent chapter! Again, I blush! I loved how things kicked off with Rin and Sesshoumaru, and I especially love how resilient she was--up until Kenren's appearance, of course. That part was priceless. Then came Kagome's jerk-off father, who obviously has nothing better to do than piss on his daughter's life as it goes up in flames...with his...nitrogen urine. --; I mean, really, that was cold. But then Jakoutsu made a reappearance, so that's always fun. And of course, we get to Inuyasha, and things finally build up to (dun-dun-dun-DUH!) The Great Visit to Daddy Taisho's House! Starring the Dashing Taisho Brothers: Hot Inu, Sexy Sesshy, and introducing Gorgeous (yet deadly) Kagejiro! I had a commercial moment. ^^; Those tend to happen when you're reading fanfiction in bad light at one in the morning...but I digress. Lovely chapter, dearest, and you must continue!
 Reviewed By: Twix2010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2009 22:05 PDT
Damn...I think i was much too happy to see the email that said new chapter in my email. I ripped through the chapter too quickly and now i feel like i'n into drug withdrawal- damn it...should have stretched out the enjoyment some more. Great writing though as usual for this chapter. Another twist to the loop and more wonderful words to keep us hooked- You, my dear, have a quite a gift, truly a remarkable aptitude for spinning a tale. I truly look forward to seeing more from you- a next chapter and/or a next story- take your pick. Don't worry about the lenght between updates either. Like i said, your readers are hooked and if they are anything like me, as long as we get a bone at sometime, were good until the next one gets tossed. PS...i take it that it is quite FORTUNATE the story still has a way to go. I still have that much more to look forward to!
 Reviewed By: blackr0s3 (logged out)  On: April 13, 2009 21:43 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I hate Kikyo right now, I hate Inuyasha's daddy, I hate Kagome's daddy, and I just dislike all this negativity towards Kagome. She has faults, but her daddy is truly the definition of an asshole. I hope he goes bankrupt! GOSH! Ahaha, update as soon as you can!(X
 Title: Chapter 34
Reviewed By: Drake Clawfang [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2009 21:42 PDT
Yes, finally the kids confront the parents! I can't wait to see how the confrontation with Toga goes. And was that Naraku who helped Kagome there?
 Reviewed By: Twix2010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 13, 2009 07:25 PDT
I'm probably so late to read this but damn...i'm hooked and i really want to get to the end. You're writing, the way you've spun this tale- i'm beginning to feel a bit like Kagome described to Sango about needing Inuyasha- I need the next chapters. Could you please end my torture and update if you can then..? Pretty please XD
 Reviewed By: Ikusa No Kuari [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 08, 2009 17:42 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
oh my god i hate you!!! x] i'm just kidding haha, I've been reading this fanfic on my phone and it ROCKS. And since I'm on a comp now I can review it hehe ^^ Well... here's my review x] I love it lots!!
 Title: Wow.
Reviewed By: Ikichira [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 28, 2009 17:02 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I shouldn't have even wasted the time it took to rate this story, because by the time I'm done with this review, you're going to know in full detail exactly how phenomenal this story is. I came across this story a mere three or so days ago, and I liked it from the very beginning. I have been taken on a roller coaster of emotions, so much so that I feel as though I have actually BEEN in this story. This is no exaggeration; I mean that completely literally. It has taken me quite some time to get to this point, where I spill my soul to you in the form of this inadequate review, but here we are--me the writer and you the reader, ironically enough. I feel that since you have more than successfully enraptured me with this story, literally dragged me from my world and placed me in the world of Shades of Gray, I as your humble reader and reviewer can do nothing but lavish these dazed compliments upon you. Before I read this story, I rarely felt such tremulous fear, anger, awe, and a slew of other emotions I can never hope to describe, but when I got into it...my characters blended into my mind. I thought of this story so often, I could barely wait to return home from school and hop on the Internet. I forewent my academic duties just to, for lack of a more suitable phrase, "get my fix" of Shades of Gray, and that's saying quite a lot. I realize that other reviewers have left reviews similar to this, and I understand if you think I'm being repetitive to the point of annoyance, but please, understand my viewpoint as a reader. I read a review reply in, I think, chapter 32, which said that you had just gotten done with the Twilight series. I am being completely and utterly honest when I say that I too have read the series, and it was like a Dr. Seuss book compared to this masterpiece. But I digress. I'd like to get into more specific reasons...I hope you don't mind the extremely long review, but if I don't say these things, they might, quote, "burst out of me like an alien". Bankoutsu/Oberon: The most wonderfully executed example of dual personality and domination I have ever read. Kagome: An awe-inspiring girl, whose past experiences in life fully justify her present actions, though not so much her occasional empty-headedness. ^_^ Inuyasha/Sha: Romantic, yet...his sense of honor leaves much to be desired. Stringing along two women at once whilst your heart is only devoted to one? Shame, shame, Inu-chan. Kikyou: One of the most sympathy-inducing and totally understandable versions of Kikyou I have ever read. Most usually write her off as just a bitch, with no further explanation than that, but this fic has so much more detail. Rin/Catherine: Usually, I don't like Sesshoumaru/Rin pairings, being more partial to Kagura/Sesshoumaru. But I made an exception for this story, and I'm glad I did; their relationship makes so much more sense here. Sango: I really do believe she only has Kagome's best interests in mind, but she can be such a busybody sometimes. (I almost hate to agree with Inuyasha on that point.) Miroku: As always, I love the lecher. What more can I say? Kagejiro: His temperament is both humorous and chilling at the same time...bravo on his creation. Hmm. It seems I'm close to exceeding the 4000-character limit...I blush. I've never written such a long review! But this story truly deserved it, as well as the IYFanguild nominations. Congrats on that! Here is where I end my review. I humbly await your next update, and pray that it shall come soon.
 Title: OMFG!
Reviewed By: inuyashacutie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 26, 2009 21:17 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMFG THAT WAS INTENSE!!!! I was shocked! that was really good! why dose Kagome have to be hardheaded that isnt good! lol Update soon! :)
 Reviewed By: silveraliora [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 25, 2009 09:22 PST
This last chapter was amazing! I can understand why Kagome acted the way she did but I wish she didnt though. And I love the scene between Rin and Inuyasha and her son. Cant wait to read more.
 Title: Conspiracy Theories
Reviewed By: madjax36  On: January 26, 2009 14:26 PST
Wow, you commented! Awesome! And you posted this on my birthday. BEAUTIFUL! Best birthday present by far. Eh, whatever. My birthday general sucks. It's what happens when your a January baby, and your birthday is just three weeks after Christmas and the rest. And I'm really glad to see the steps you're taking with the character transitions in this chapter. Nice job. Damn it was EMO! And very convincing. I liked how you described Kagome's thought process as she starts to become delusional regarding her personal involvement between Inuyasha and Bankotsu. Especially when you have "wonder woman", aka Sango, say the right thing at the wrong time. Obviously, she might be from a demon slaying family, but personal psychology isn't her strong suit. ;p However, great plot device and wonderful, pivotal transition point to lead into the great blowout btw Kagome and Inuyasha. Fucking amazing. Really. Because you nailed it. Shit. It was like I was back at the County Mental Hospital getting my eval. and meeting kids with the same background as those portrayed in this lovely story. The only difference, they're broke - mentally. Might as well have been partially labotemized, or just heavily medicated, whereas the shining light in this story is that Kagome's conscious keeps pounding away at her. Well, except this chapter. Hehe. Nice cliffy. Okay, I think I've rambled enough here. Peace. Madjax36
 Reviewed By: vvkimbo07 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2009 07:33 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Man I'm sooo happy today! All my long neglated and yet favorite fics have all been updated in the last week! This is better than Christmas! :D
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