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"Shades of Gray" Reviews/Comments [ 670 ]
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 Reviewed By: Kinky-Hoe [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2009 05:33 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
... I didn't expect that at all! Are those pictures fake ones sent by Naraku or... are they real? It couldn't be! And here I thought Inuyasha and Kagome would be reunited. I guess more yelling is coming around first. Well, oddly, I can't wait for some Inu/Kag spat. So far, Jiro and Miroku have been great. :D Hope you'll update soon. P.S. -- What's really creepy is that at some point, I'd wanted Miroku to end up with Kikyo, since he hated her so much. I don't know if I already told you that. It's just been on my mind a lot while reading this story. Ah.
 Reviewed By: Langus [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2009 23:18 PST
Oh no you didn't! I didn't see that coming at all. When you introduced the bit about Naraku and Kikyou I'd wondered where you were going to take it but this is SO MUCH juicier than anything my mind cooked up. I really enjoyed the read. Thanks for posting and take all the time you need to for the next chapter. It's always worth the wait!
 Title: Ouch, My Bad
Reviewed By: Sutlesarcasm, Not Sign In  On: November 28, 2009 23:03 PST
Sorry, I put in the wrong name, I meant Mistakes, not Sacriface. I am so glad to see your voice again. I am no author, but I know that RL has a tendency to f*&k with people worse than Murphy. I am VERY glad you were able to post again. I look forward to the next update, whenever Life lets you do so.
 Title: Chapter 36
Reviewed By: Drake Clawfang [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 28, 2009 21:38 PST
Now we all *know* someone is pulling something here, the question is how and why. Kikyo seems a bit too obvious, but.....hm. Also, the segment in the cafeteria has some whacked-out formatting problems.
 Reviewed By: Arelia [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 02, 2009 18:22 PST
I love this story so much! I just spent the past weekend reading through it all. I've been reading Inu-fanfics for so many years, I'm shocked when I come across a gem like this. You had such a cool and interesting approach to the characters and I can't wait to see how the problems are finally resolved. Please, please, PLEASE update soon. It'd kill me if I had to wait months on end for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: frenchdiamond_1 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 03, 2009 22:48 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I absolutely love your story, more than COTD. Really like the dom/sub relationship between IY/Kag, so hot!!! I can really see it. I also like Jiro. Such a cool character, although the Irish accent kind of messes with my mind. I love your Miroku(s), they always are either hilarious or really insightful. And those One-liners... so good!! I almost explode in laughter... LOL can't describe it accurately. Oh, when Bank came to see Kag at her dorm, I was scared shitless, I could hardly breathe... O.O That usually happens if I'm reading a really suspenseful novel or something. I understand where Kag is coming from but when she started that whole conspiracy nonsense, I just wanted to hit her with a 2x4. I know you like happy endings so I can't wait for it. Oh, by the way your french sentences aren't correct. I know french quite well being that it is my first language and I had some difficulty understanding it. If you want I could correct them for you. Just send me an email with the sentences. It will be my pleasure. ^^ Before I forget, you said at the beginning of the story that there was going to be a lot of smut and what not and that it was going to be worse than COTD. But I find that this story is much more tamed in the amount of smut. Mind you, I enjoyed the limes and lemons tremendously (dressing-room, oh yeah), but I wouldn't have minded having a little more (although that might be just because I'm some kind of pervert...) Please update soon! I get kind of scared seeing how much time passed between updates... Not very encouraging. Anyway, please continue this story, I read this instead of working or sleeping and I think you're a great writer. I hope you update soon and until then have fun!
 Title: Shades of Grey
Reviewed By: sutlesarcasm, Not Signed In  On: August 17, 2009 11:56 PDT
I've been following your stories since you posted "Sacrafice", and I do love your writing style. Angst seems to be the theme, and supreme swimming in the sh*t before climbing out of the cesspool, showering off, and attaining happyness. That Kagejiro, oh boy, I'd like to borrow him on a regular basis for the rest of my life. That accent along with amber eyes, and silver hair.....I don't care if it is assumed, makes me drool. The only drawback is that he doesn't have Inu ears. I could live with that, I could marry him off to one of my girls, and have Inu eared grandbabies to spoil. Hopefully the next update will be soon. I can't WAIT to see how you are going to put them through the wringer next......you WILL come up with something....creative.....to deal with Kagome's father, right? Kikyo needs to be slapped awake, maybe you can arrange that too? Until then, I'll be waiting and watching.
 Reviewed By: angel-up-above-heaven [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 16, 2009 02:39 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
omg im completely in love with this story! though it did made me cringe thinking about Inuyasha and Kikyo.. *shivers* but OMG i LOVE Jiro!! gosh can i claim him as mine?! LOL ill be happily sitting here waiting for the next update =) p.s. can i shoot Bankotsu?? *grrs* and geez you got me with Souta being Kagome's aswell XD
 Title: Congratulations!!!!!!
Reviewed By: FataLFelineOfTheNight [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2009 17:14 PDT
Congratulations! You've been rec'd! The Reader's Have Chosen is a new fanfiction recommendation community dedicated to finding the best of the best in fandoms across the boards, and sharing them with other authors and avid readers. Your story, "Shades of Gray", has been rec'd and is now being voted on in the Monthly Poll Inuyasha. Fellow fandom-aficionados will vote for their favorites of all the recommendations, and the stories with the most votes will be posted on the front page. You can find our website at (without spaces): http : // thereadershavechosen . eternflame . com You can find the Inuyasha Weekly Poll at (without spaces): http:// thereadershavechosen. eternflame. com/ forum/ index. php? topic= 1123.0
 Reviewed By: Twix2010 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 06, 2009 13:58 PDT
Gosh! Despite the wait, i must say, it was quite worth it. This was quite an installment and i must say, the more i read, the more impressed i am at your writing prowess. ahh..the way you write ...its quite awing. Ah. i can;t wait for Kagome's dad to get what's coming to him..as well as Bankotsu. I really hope they get it.....and can i just say i love 'Jiro....he's my hero lol and even though i'm a girl, i wish i could be him when i grow up. Power to Inuyasha for standing up to his dad, and Sesshoumaru too but like with Kagome, I feel this is only the beginning for them- wonder why i'm anxiously awaiting the next update? I can't wait to see then where this is all leading.
 Reviewed By: Goshibuh [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 31, 2009 14:36 PDT
Wow, I really want to hate you right now. And I really want to hit Kagome. If it dosn't get better next chapter, I might just have to stop reading..
 Reviewed By: Goshibuh [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2009 09:15 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm really surprised I was right. Souta, Kagome's son? Wow. That was weird for me to have no indication at all and to just have a feeling, ahaha. This chapter, much like the other ones, was fantastic. I can't believe I'm already starting on chapter twenty-seven. I love this Fanfiction so far :] It's one of the best I've ever read. And I've read..A LOT. I hope this story just gets better.
 Reviewed By: Goshibuh [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2009 16:31 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, ahha, great chapter. I'm glad Inuyasha's finally figuring some of it out...Or getting there, anyway :D I'm just confused about something. Aren't there scars on Kagome's back? And, if so, wouldn't Inuyasha have seen them? Or has he just not seen her bare back?
 Reviewed By: inulover [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 24, 2009 11:09 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is quite seriously one of the best fics I've ever read. I've been reading it for the past three days and I LOVE it. I can't wait until the next update. Keep up the good work.
 Reviewed By: luvininu28  On: July 24, 2009 09:37 PDT
So I have just read your entire story in the past three days! I've laughed, sobbed, gotten extremely angry, and in the end I absolutely love it!!! It is amazing and the only reason I haven't read it until now is that I'm such a slow reader and when I originally found it, it was already so long. I'm so happy I read it. It's amazing!! Truly!!! I can't wait to see what happens. Life can be like your story though. It can have awful fathers and cheating cousins and covered-up pregnancies!! Thank you for writing something so raw. It's a risk to write something so powerfully painful, because most people love the fairytale. I'm happy that you're letting us, as the readers, go through this horrible journey with your characters. This way when they find true happiness, we'll realize how much it was worth it. Thanks again for an awesome story!!!
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