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"Kindred" Reviews/Comments [ 9 ]
 Title: Tell-me-more
Reviewed By: Inuyasha 303 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2008 13:45 CST
This is a good beginning... but its only a beginning. Why must every one post fics. and then stop writing them?!?!? Continue please!
 Reviewed By: blondebrat2006 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 22, 2007 20:21 CST
i think this story is really kool. its really original 2. update soon plz.
 Reviewed By: InuyashaNaruto [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 28, 2006 18:49 CST
Cool I like it good work cant wait for the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Arenja-too-lazy-to-log-in  On: June 25, 2006 01:24 CDT
Conginue! Continue!
 Reviewed By: randomHime  On: March 13, 2006 18:55 CST
Hahah...Naru-chan's daddy is a perv!!! LoL, please continue with this story, its funny and good and origanl and was yaoi-y goodness
 Reviewed By: DragonKeeperMihiru [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 20, 2006 20:44 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Cool story! Must find out what happens next *eye starts twitching*. Must... know... *random person slaps her back to normal* owww *holds cheek* ...sorry bout that. But still please update soon or I might go insane! *Eye starts twitching again*
 Title: The All-Fearing Peppy
Reviewed By: Pepp  On: February 12, 2006 20:34 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*squeals happily* Boy, oh boy!! I can't wait to read a new chapter! You've got my, hook, line, and sinker! Natsu-chan is very interesting!! And i like all the little changes you have! I can't wait to see the next chapter... I hope you DO make a next chapter! I think its very good! I can't wait to find out what happens! I always love reading abot Naruto BEFORE he becomes a Genin.... They're always very interesting! I hope the next chapter appears soon! And Itachi, though i haven't seen him yet in the show, or in the Naruto manga I have (I only have a few), I like his discription so far! Cold and a HOTTIE all in one (sighes) ^^... lol!
 Reviewed By: Ceer Uchiwa [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2006 04:20 CST
Very good. It introduces the main character well, giving me an idea of her real pesonality. This story also gives me an idea of wut is to come. I ould love nothing more then to read the following chapters to this.
 Reviewed By: Anime_Lver101 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 09, 2006 19:42 CST
You You Youuuuuu must write more not that action packed but no really write more of it a wanna know what happens!!!!!!!!!!!

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