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"Just for the Night" Reviews/Comments [ 8 ]
 Reviewed By: Listen, you JACKASS  On: March 23, 2008 14:45 CDT
Style of Writing: 1 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 1 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 1 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 1 of 10
Overall Rating: 1 of 10
The only reason you even got '1' for a rating is because a number lower is not offered. You are the shittiest piece of vermin that it has ever been my utmost misfortune to have come across. Your spelling is atrocious. It's disgusting. I can tell that I am talking to an utter pervert. You filthy little shit. Gohan is a demi 'SAIYAN' not a 'sayain' or whatever that is, you crap-head. You filthy brit! You make me sick. you are to delete this 'story' (as you, and only YOU, would call it, pig-shit!)and all your other offending fics or there will be DIRE consequences. Do you understand, you mangey PILLOCK!!? I know that's a word you stupid brits use. DROP DEAD!!!!!
 Reviewed By: FUCK YOU LEWIS!!  On: March 11, 2008 17:35 CDT
It is not often that I am repulsed to the point of outright fury but you seem to have a certain aptitude, which is currently unrivalled, when it comes to bringing forth those feelings in me. You are stupid. I say that as a statement. You would have to be to take time out of your sorry life to write utter SHIT like this. Any MORON on the planet could have told you that to 'explore' these G/OC pairings would be inexpedient. You are probably MASTURBATING as you read this because I'm sure nobody has given your filthy, hairy ass the time of day before, let alone written you such a well-composed message. What, fool? Are you dreaming up little scenarios where you can finally satisfy YEARS of pent-up sexual frustration, you unloved, pathetic DOG!! Wondering whether I'm male or female? Not that it would matter to you, you filthy BASTARD! You probably get a dog to lick your noxious, lice-infested dick, you beast! It's the only way YOU would ever achieve orgasm. Oh wait…that's right, you HOUND. You are probably on the verge right now because you are so deprived and you love all this attention I'm so KIND enough to shower you with. God knows you need to be showered with SOMETHING!! I wouldn't be surprised if you were the product of incest. You are probably incestuous yourself, paedophile. So desperate, you sneak over to the side of the floor where your sister sleeps so you can attempt to satisfy your perverted fetishes, even if satisfaction is only achieved through voyeurism, you dirty BASTARD!! People who are getting so worked up about the evident problem of 'GLOBAL WARMING', can start assisting their cause by exterminating the likes of you, you pointless, pussy-licking SHIT! One less peon to emit Co2 into the atmosphere!! I'll TRY and make this little post shorter than normal because you probably need to run off and tend to your prostitute-of-a-mother's 'CLIENTS' pretty soon as she's probably popping out another 'clients' bastard-product of a defective condom as you read this!! This I KNOW because how else would the hoe have ended up with YOU slithering out of her orgy-loving PUSSY!?! (It's the only way you and your impoverished family will eat tonight, I'm sure).You needn't bother, DICK-head. When they see your misshapen, FUGLY face they'll probably run as fast as they can in the opposite direction! Your old lady wouldn't want that now, would she? How long must it have taken her to hustle up some desperate, sex-crazy and, most importantly, BLIND customers? She might just get your father to rape you again, dearie (NO DOUBT YOU WOULD ENJOY THAT AS WELL, MOTHER FUCKER!) Your hairy, putrid ASS must be so accursedly LARGE that it probably has its OWN gravitational pull, FUCKER!!! How else could it get your stupid, ugly, fat, swollen head so far up there!?! Oh, and I'm NOT referring to THAT particular swollen head (YOU PERVERTED CUNT !"), SHIT-FACE!! I'll elaborate further because you're far too stupid to comprehend my innuendo. I'm referring to that PROTRUSILE in your 'lower' regions where you're probably feeling a non-too- unfamiliar 'tightening' sensation, ASS-HOLE! Yuck!! You probably paused to run and fetch your dildo, you're getting so turned on by the fact that someone is writing to you! Or giving you even the vaguest amount of attention, for that matter. I'm sure THAT has never happened before! (Your God-forsaken, butt-ugly, demon-bearing, perverted, ape of a mother doesn't count, WITCH!YOU ARE SO PATHETIC!!) YOU PERVERTED RAPIST!! What a filthy letch you are!!! You will NOT continue with this story because I swear to the Heaven's above that I will make you pay! Make no mistake, JACKASS!! You are going to discontinue this story and not EVER write another G/OC again. There have been other who have been forced to pay and I assure you that you will be NO different. Make no mistake. If you continue with this…YOU.WILL.PAY!! I am very experienced at computer science and I could hunt down your perverted ass any day!
 Reviewed By: Tainted_Truffle [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2007 22:25 CST
: ) this was good, i liked the bit with the tail
 Reviewed By: g/vlover  On: December 10, 2006 21:02 CST
 Title: great
Reviewed By: jetset6 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 17, 2006 15:53 CDT
do more if you can
 Reviewed By: Kail Blade [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2006 09:32 CDT
I would love more chapters
 Reviewed By: Saiyan God  On: March 02, 2006 13:56 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was a great story please continue. I would like to see the VIDEL/GOHAN/ERAESA threesome. GOHAN and VIDEL are my favorite couple as well, just love them to death. VIDEL is HOT and GOHAN is cool, not so much in the saiyaman saga, but really cool in Mystic form. Maybe you could do a story involving his mystic form and videl of course.
 Title: hey
Reviewed By: darksaiyan15  On: February 25, 2006 02:21 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
hey i think you should do the g/v/e part i would like it and nices job you did

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