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"Eclipse" Reviews/Comments [ 17 ]
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 Reviewed By: peekaboo  On: March 18, 2006 18:03 CST
lala...sailor eclispe is cool! [and I'm sounding like a 9-year-old] really I wouldn't complain since 'bout usa-chan's power upgrade cuz she kicked mamo-baka [endy-baka]'s ass! maybe we should start a fan club or C2 for mamoru haters...I wanna apply for the scout thingy but yea...I'm rambling right now. I'll email u later with the forms filled out.
 Reviewed By: Jay65  On: March 18, 2006 18:01 CST
My my my... Siva sure is more open to more drastic measures for solving each of her problems. Pity the scouts didn't follow Mercury's plan of joining Serenity's soul wit Usagi's... that's the answer isn't it? Splitting the two up was what caused Siva's awakening, and now only joining them back can soothe Siva's thrist for revenge. I hope this time I got it right! ^_^
 Reviewed By: o.0  On: March 18, 2006 18:00 CST
Oh, I had long-thought that Setsuna should have a place in Sailormoon's version of Hell. Preferably, right beside Mamoru-baka! Looks like I may get my wish ;)) However.. what I'm going to be waiting for is Ami's reward. Sailormercury is supposed to be the SMART on, dammit :))
 Reviewed By: anon.  On: March 18, 2006 17:59 CST
I started reading this story when it first came out as anyone up for some pain. I do have to say that i definately like this version and i can't wait until you update it so that i can see what is going to happen. Since you seem to already know what you are going to cross this over with, I won't bother with that, but I do hope that you make the senshi realize what they did instead of making them the enemy. I have read a lot of betrayal fics, but if you wish for them to stay the bad guys I will definately continue to read it. Well anyway, I just want to wish you good luck and keep up with the good work.
 Reviewed By: Oracle of Stars  On: March 18, 2006 17:58 CST
This is becoming more and more interesting as I read... I don't know what happen, maybe it was part of the uploading but some of the spacing was missing between words. Other than that, there is nothing that jumps out at me. Oh I also really like how Siva/Usagi has changed. Seeing her as a darker character is definately different, and most likely the biggest reason why I keep reading. Keep up the good work. ^_^
 Reviewed By: hmmm  On: March 18, 2006 17:46 CST
For the love of all things sacred you've just gotta cross this story with the Nightmare Before Christmas because no one else has done except with Kingdom Hearts crossovers. So could you please make this story into a crossover with the Nightmare Before Christmas because it would actually be the first of its kind. Please consider my request to the highest extent because Sailor moon has been crossed with everything that you chose, including Pet Shop of Horrors, except for this element.
 Reviewed By: Jay65  On: March 18, 2006 17:45 CST
Oh yeah oh yeah, bye bye Mamo-baka! Haha, I bet Alucard would go mad about Usagi and ADORE little Hotaru... He has a taste for young dark females. ^_^ Jay girl: By the way, since there aren't any SailorMoon/Hellsing, I'm planning on issuing a challenge, what do you think? Alucard: Sure, sounds like fun. As long as you promise me I'll get to drink some blood in exchange... Those girls with the mini-skirts look very sweet *licks his fangs and lips and grins insanely as usual... (Man, does this vampire EVER get tired of looking like a blood-thirsty psyco?)* Seras Victoria a.k.a "Draculina",(scandalized): MASTER! Do you realize you're talking like that pervert Priest? I don't want to accidentally get any sisters! Sir Integra (cold and calculating): I warned you not to make a habit of creating fledglings, Alucard. Alucard (grinning insanely without the tiniest bit of remorse at both the thought of blood and jealous women): Hehe... oh well. *Neither Seras nor Integra seem pretty convinced that he'll truly leave that idea alone* Jay (whispers to Alucard): If you behave like a good lunatic Dracula and leave the chiks alone I'll get you a sweet, tasty and JUICY Endymion for a night-time snack... Alucard (stares at Endymion hungrily): Mhm, he looks more filled-out than those girls... Deal.
 Reviewed By: Leaf Child  On: March 18, 2006 17:44 CST
I wan't a PetShop of Horrors crossover, and have Usa...uh I mean Siva's soulmate be Count D. I heard a few things about it so I got curious, and looked it up and LIKED IT. Now I want a fic with PSOH in it. PPLLEEAASSE MAKE IT A PSOH CROSS FIC!! ^__^
 Reviewed By: Crystal Honey  On: March 18, 2006 17:43 CST
Interesting story so far... Quote comes from the Hobbit stated by one Bilbo Baggins to Smog the dragon. I love that book, and the movie was pretty decent too. ^_^
 Reviewed By: ^-~  On: March 18, 2006 17:40 CST
Being that Usagi is all dark now, it'd make sense t cross this with a horror anime, but Pet Shop of Horrors is too brief and simple. I'd say make this a crossover between Sailor Moon and Hellsing, and make Usagi's lver be the No-Life King himself, the greatest and most powerful vampire of all time, Alucard (by the way, Alucard is like 'Dracula' spelled backwards, but believe me when I say Alucard is a lt tougher, dark and more powerful) Alucard is the No-Life King, which means Vampire King or Lrd amongst the Undead. He was captured a century ago by the Hellsing english family who sealed him and now he's bound to serve the Head of that family fighting other vampires. Sir Integra Hellsing (female but tough) is his current master and the Head of the Hellsing family and the Hellsing Organization, a secret organization that persecutes and destroys vampires to protect the unaware and clueless english people from the threats that roam the night. Alucard can heal and regenerate limbs in a second cause human wepaons can't harm him; he can hear thoughts, invade people's dreams, fade through walls and in and out of plases like a ghost , levitate, morph into the most grotesque forms, from a shadow and a mass of reddish black mud a herd of bats...one of his favourites seems to be turning into a hellish huge black hound with dozens of red eyes and teeth that is REALLY scary; he can not only transform all of himself into the hound but can morph just ne of his arms into the hound, and make his own eyes open inside the hounds throat when the hound opens its mouth (eww), he can go from being shadown and dark mud to human as he pleases, and sometimes when he does he 'takes his whole human skin off like he had been wearing it only as disguise to hide what he TRULY is... he and grow eyes wherever you imagine (and I DO mean everywhere) and they're all a bright red. He can do all that and who knows what else. Believe me, once you search for what the anime 'Hellsing' and Alucard are, you'll see that Alucard is the perfect complement to Usagi in this fic.
 Reviewed By: Starcatcher676  On: March 18, 2006 17:39 CST
EA: (Points and laughs at the scouts) Starcatcher676: (Sighs and shakes head) Really...they should have known better. EA: (Rolls eyes) Obviously. What were they thinking? Now instead of one somewhat whiney yet kind and caring Princess, they've got an insane shrieking girl on their hands, and a rather pissed off Serena who will be more likely to slice them to peices than help them. ( Pause...) EA: (Evil grin) This should be good... Starcatcher676: (Smiles) Thanks for updating. Please post more soon
 Reviewed By: Bunny Aino  On: March 18, 2006 17:37 CST
Thank you for answering my questions! I try not to be too mean with my criticism and I have flamed, but only a few times. Once when someone plagiarized something from a friend's story. The other flames were to really REALLY badly written betrayal fics. And thank you for not turning Usagi into a Mary-Sue! He he. Yeah, I don't care much for Mamoru either. I'm okay with his manga version(because except for this one incident where he was brainwashed by Black Lady, he payed attention to Usagi, there was no breakup, and he didn't ignore Usagi too much for the pink gaki(I hate her in any form.), and when he did, he realized his mistake.), and I'm so-so with his sub version, but I don't like his dub version. As for the senshi, I think that more than likely the inners would try and apologize to Usagi and the outers might, but Haruka would be outraged at Usagi's actions and would attack her if Usagi ticke her off. Which crossover to use? I think you should either stick to Harry Potter(luv it!) or use Yu-Gi-Oh. Thank you for not getting upset by my review. I don't like making other people mad. C ya later! LOL! God luvs ya! -Bunny Aino
 Reviewed By: Lovin' It  On: March 18, 2006 17:36 CST
Interesting story. I also read that SM/DBZ crossover were they called Usagi "sukunian", a fic were she ends with Vegeta. I guess it's a word development from "tsuki" (moon in japanese) so I think it should be "tsukunian", with a "t" letter in the beginning, so that everyone can relate. What do you think? As for the plot, if I'm not mistaken, the scouts wanted to bring back Serenity, and it blew up in their faces, right? Just to make it more interesting, you could have some scouts sidding with Usa and others be a bit distrustful, though not really against her, like it always happens (okay, Uranus and perhaps Neptune would surely be *very* distrustful, but a conversation with the ghost of Queen Selenity could solve that, I think... though they would side with Usagi almost unwillingly). Of course, Saturn would side with Usagi inmediately, since she's also dark and distrusted, and they could relate. Then again, Pluto is so mysterious and weird that I guess she could too, and the four inners would be completely astonished and try to cope, not knowing how to approach this "Siva" they never even knew existed. As for the crossover, Harry Potter is too much over-used... I read only one fic ever where SM was crossed over with Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, an old anime... perhaps you'd like to do the same, I mean use an old or completely unexpected anime... like "Demon Prince Zenki" (look for it on the net, I think it's worth it), or perhaps "Angel Sanctuary" (just the manga and a few OVAs, but again worthy to look for on the net). I think your Siva character would make a great couple with Inugami, the Prince of the Dead, from "Zenki". ^_-
 Reviewed By: Bunny Aino  On: March 18, 2006 17:33 CST
I'm going to be as nice about this as I can. This is a little constructive criticism, NOT a flame. I don't send those unless you've REALLY ticked me off. 1. How did Usagi become so...dark? She would NEVER wear black leather or anything too revealing because she is pure. Please explain. I'm very confused. You also made her a tad too strong and completely got rid of the ditzy, loveable, stereotype dumb-blonde girl we all know. 2. Where is Mamoru, and why hasn't he tried to turn Usagi good again? 3. Why did the senshi all of a sudden decide to kill Usagi? They should try to convince her to become good. Please answer my questions and make it to where the old Usagi comes back. I have seen WAY too many of these 'Usagi becomes evil' fics, and they're getting old. I suggest the following: Usagi was brainwashed by Voldemort into becoming one of his death eaters, killing the sailor senshi, and killing Harry. She goes to Hogwartz, undercover as a student, on a mission to kill Harry. She ends up befriending him and Malfoy and develops a soft spot for them. When Harry finds out who she truly is, he tries to find some way to heal her.
 Reviewed By: SOMEONE STUPID  On: March 18, 2006 17:32 CST
Ok, I have one point about this chapter, is the fact that Venus had NO moons!!
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