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"One Piece Legacy Part 1" Reviews/Comments [ 16 ]
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 Title: What I meant
Reviewed By: A_bigfoot37 [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2006 19:34 CDT
When I mentioned silence I meant that Smith could forcibly silence anyone he chooses, or make it so that he wouldn't hear that or those particular person or people for as long as his stamina lasts. He could basically shut up anyone he considers annoying in the crew without touching them. They would move their mouths but no words or sounds would come out.
 Reviewed By: lopersweet [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 25, 2006 21:54 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
hey i really loved this chapter AntoniQue is very in character. last time when i wrote her description i forgot somethings so forgive me if i overwhelmed u. but there's more yes i no. any who she can turn her entirebody in to a blue flame when she get's very angry and that has only happen twice in her life. she doesn't like to kill but she will if it's neccesary and also she does do a bit of hand to hand combat she use wepeans for larger groups or worth adversary. well thank alot and nice jokes on buggy but i'd have got him more worked up.he did get mad pretty fast in the series lol other than that i would change a thing that was perfect short but perfect! ja ne
 Title: Other Facts
Reviewed By: A_bigfoot37 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 20, 2006 00:19 CST
This is just a bit more information about Smith. Also another correction is that in the English version of One Piece the name of the Devil fruit was the Gum Gum. Though I'd prefer the original Gomu Gomu(Rubber) myself. Smith's fighting style focuses on hearing. Since eating the Devil's fruit he's specialized in gathering information. Because he can manipulate sound he can make it so he can hear a conversation from long range as well as make it so only he or anyone he chooses can hear it. And also because he contols sound he can make the waves vibrate allowing him to destroy walls or ships without having to touch them. Hence the 'Bone Shattering Snap'. And on a more comical note he can also make it so who ever he chooses can't make a sound at all, be it speaking or bodily sounds, and control the range of silence, though there is a limit to how long he can keep the silence running until he exhausts himself. I'll let you think of the possibilities of silence.
 Title: very intersting first chapter
Reviewed By: lopersbaby  On: March 14, 2006 15:46 CST
i love wht you've done with the fic! plz try to9 put AntoniQue (yes it's spelled like) that in soon if you have anymore questions or need help with this particular character feel free to email me at lopersbaby@hotmail.com k sorry Daina but you kindof are a rock lol
 Reviewed By: lopersbaby  On: March 14, 2006 15:31 CST
oh yeah i forgot something!!!! she has red hair that's reachesmid back when worn out but is mostly worn in a pony tail and aqua green eyes with long eyelashes
 Reviewed By: lopersbaby  On: March 14, 2006 15:28 CST
~Registration~ Name: AntoniQue Traveriz Age:15 Gender:F Personalities:charming,loud, intellegent,unpredictable,kind but doesn't like to show it, a bit mysterious tempermental at times can sometimes get boy crazy when no one else is looking Clothes/weapons: long black trench coat, high black boots white tank top, and blue pants Skills/Powers:has power from the acursed fruit, she's also know as the blue flame and can totarate tempertures up to 600f, studies medicine, knows alot about wepons(blacksmith's Daughter) mostly uses flamed guns to fight ( a gun that shot's fire) but also uses 2 swords. Other facts: although she studied medicine she doesn't treated people who she feels are evil and undeserving of her treatment (people who she tells to stay one place while hurt but prance around instead)
 Title: Nice start
Reviewed By: Hazzardous [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 13, 2006 06:26 CST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Is looking good Diana....and good call on switching from script to normal writing. Script is fine, but this ain't a play and all ^_^ Good luck getting up the next chapters...
 Title: Lulu is content
Reviewed By: Toonami Faithful [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2006 20:45 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Haha nice start! Can't wait 'till the next epic chapter.^^ And Janine: Lighten up, babe!
 Title: Sweet
Reviewed By: Easley [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 08, 2006 07:45 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Title: Correction
Reviewed By: A_bigfoot37 [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 08, 2006 02:13 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You should probably figure out that the D in Monkey D. Luffy is his family name. Monkey is basically his middle name. In say Diana's name is Diana D. Luffy, you're saying her name is Luffy. You could probably enter this one in later chapters. Name: Smith Williams Age: 19 Gender: Male Pesonality: Easygoing most of the time, but very anal about getting necessary work done. Clothing/weapons: He where's mostly a science coat, with black pants and black music note tattoo on his chest. Skills/powers: Smith can fist fight pretty well and he ate the Oto Oto (Sound-Sound) fruit allowing him to see and manipulate sound waves, meaning he can control the desity, power and speed the sound is travelling. (Seeing as rubber absorbs all shockwaves including sound, this gives him a disadvantage against Diana and Luffy) He mostly snaps his fingers when in close range doing his initial 'Bone Shattering Snap' Other facts: Is nearsighted so is always wearing a pair of glasses, Long dark blue hair pulled back in a ponytail, barely has any tan at all from being inside researching. Memories: Always studied sound out of pure fascination. Motto: Beware, Sound is everywhere
 Title: Ooo! Can't pass this up!
Reviewed By: Hazzardous  On: March 07, 2006 09:52 CST
I'll gladly be part of ya crew (As One Piece is up on my favorites next to Naruto)...plus, I can imagine the hijinks your fanfic will spew forth =P So....shall we? But you better grab a can of Pepsi first... ~Registration~ Name: Jonathan 'Hazzardous' (Nickname: Hazzardous; Haz for short. Why is he nicknamed Hazzardous? ...................sorry...I don't know ^^;;; Age: 23 Gender: Male Personalities: Shy (Not as shy as Chopper), Quiet, Common Sensed, Friendly, Understanding, Non-Drinker, Reads Books (gasp!) and will only fight to eiether protect or defend himself and others in need. Clothes/weapons: A long-sleeved green shirt, blue pants, white gloves with black trim near hand entrance, white sneakers with a blue buckle with black trim near foot entrance, and a gun holster strapped to his leg (complete with pocket pouches for holding darts) For weaponary, Hazzardous uses Shorin-Ryu Karate for close-combat and also carries a handgun converted to dart gun to fire knock out darts instead of bullets Skills/Powers: Haz has eaten a strange Cursed Fruit called the Heal-Heal Fruit which has given him the powers of healing. With this ability, Haz can heal wounds or cuts, enhancing body performance (ex. Boost Stamina), and cure sickness (He's sort of like Chopper, but with spells and not medicine) Other facts: A native of Drum Island, Haz is not actually a human, but an anthromorphical arctic fox with light blue fur and blue eyes with a white furry muzzle. Haz also doesn't have a tail like most foxes as he lost it during an accident some years back (Just think of the Sega's Tails but with light blue fur, blue eyes). His height is taller than that of Chopper (Even with his hat on), but he's basically about Sega Sonic's size. Memories: Had assist Chopper breifly when he was looking for a mushroom to cure a quack of a doctor Motto: One can easily speak emotions with words...but can one easily speak words with action? Well, that's all I can do....truly sorry if this was an eye-full, I tend to get carried away with descriptions ^_^;;; Well, I can only hope I can be selected to be in your crew, as I won't beg and plea for a slot...hope to hear from ya! V-_^
 Title: Ooo! Can't pass this up!
Reviewed By: Hazzardous  On: March 07, 2006 09:51 CST
I'll gladly be part of ya crew (As One Piece is up on my favorites next to Naruto)...plus, I can imagine the hijinks your fanfic will spew forth =P So....shall we? But you better grab a can of Pepsi first... ~Registration~ Name: Jonathan 'Hazzardous' (Nickname: Hazzardous; Haz for short. Why is he nicknamed Hazzardous? ...................sorry...I don't know ^^;;; Age: 23 Gender: Male Personalities: Shy (Not as shy as Chopper), Quiet, Common Sensed, Friendly, Understanding, Non-Drinker, Reads Books (gasp!) and will only fight to eiether protect or defend himself and others in need. Clothes/weapons: A long-sleeved green shirt, blue pants, white gloves with black trim near hand entrance, white sneakers with a blue buckle with black trim near foot entrance, and a gun holster strapped to his leg (complete with pocket pouches for holding darts) For weaponary, Hazzardous uses Shorin-Ryu Karate for close-combat and also carries a handgun converted to dart gun to fire knock out darts instead of bullets Skills/Powers: Haz has eaten a strange Cursed Fruit called the Heal-Heal Fruit which has given him the powers of healing. With this ability, Haz can heal wounds or cuts, enhancing body performance (ex. Boost Stamina), and cure sickness (He's sort of like Chopper, but with spells and not medicine) Other facts: A native of Drum Island, Haz is not actually a human, but an anthromorphical arctic fox with light blue fur and blue eyes with a white furry muzzle. Haz also doesn't have a tail like most foxes as he lost it during an accident some years back (Just think of the Sega's Tails but with light blue fur, blue eyes). His height is taller than that of Chopper (Even with his hat on), but he's basically about Sega Sonic's size. Memories: Had assist Chopper breifly when he was looking for a mushroom to cure a quack of a doctor Motto: One can easily speak emotions with words...but can one easily speak words with action? Well, that's all I can do....truly sorry if this was an eye-full, I tend to get carried away with descriptions ^_^;;; Well, I can only hope I can be selected to be in your crew, as I won't beg and plea for a slot...hope to hear from ya! V-_^
 Title: Yeah
Reviewed By: Easley [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 06, 2006 09:39 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Name:Harama (nickname:Harry) age:16 Gender:male Personality:very serious but can be funny; Clothes:orange shirt and fire colored jeans; Weapons:entire body(learned from Sanji with own skills added) Skills:navigator Other facts: very muscular body and gold eyes Memories:Sanji's nephew(sanji's b-day was march 2) favorite quote:I am here to chew bubble gum and kick butt and i am out of bubble gum! hope i can be a part of your crew date made: March 06, 2006 p.s. my b-day is march 22
 Title: Alrighty!
Reviewed By: Toonami Faithful [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2006 15:57 CST
Ok, here it is!! Name: Lorelai (Nickname, Lulu) Age: 14 Gender: Female Personalities: EXTREMELY sarcastic, but is fun to be around and loves goofing off, tries to be the peacemaker, and puts others before herself. Clothes/weapons: (Sorry if it's boringly descriptive) A long black camisole with a white one built in underneath so it's peeking out a bit, dark blue jeans that are rolled up to the middle of her shin, Pumas shoes and a black beanie. (She has triple piercing on her left ear, and double on her right, a belly-button ring and a stud on her nose along with rings on her fingers.) Skills/Powers: She has shuriken (ninja throwing stars) and is pretty much a ninja, sleeps a lot and is good at being lazy, is able to laugh in almost any situation, likes to run non-stop in her spare time and gives good advice. Other facts: Nicely tan skin, layered black hair with blonde bangs in the front (they go half-way down her cheek) that cover one eye and blood red eyes that look mean, but are harmless. Memories: Never remembered a family, a wanderer Motto: "I don't have an attitude; I just have a personality you can't handle." And there you have it!! Sorry again if it's really descriptive, it's just how I am ^^
 Title: I'm back... sorry
Reviewed By: Toonami Faithful [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 04, 2006 13:23 CST
Ok, so I filled in the registration thingy and I'm sorry for bugging you twice in one day. Should I just copy and paste it here, or... what?
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