Title: FFRG Review for Ch. 1 Reviewed By: Wolf in the Night [MediaMiner Member] On: April 15, 2006 00:37 CDT Comment/Review: I was a fan of the series, and this just brought it all back to me. Michael's character grew from the beginning to the end and was, to me at least, dynamic. When reading poetry, I try reading with many tones and voices. I gave this one a voice of truth, that is, that this is how he genuinely felt, and one of denial, in that he was trying to convince himself that this was happiness; a haven, not a cell. I choose the latter for this one as the better of the ones I used. It matched more with my view on his character. This is something great for fans of the series, where they can interpret their feelings on the characters and try to see that through your poem. My only real complaints would be that some lines will have punctuation, and some won't. It's a little distracting, and doesn't fall exactly into the rest's pattern. Also, that you could use more comparison to Michael. Where you have "with one flick of my hand" you could put "with one push of a button" to reenforce how he was able to express his power. I like how you focused in on his intelligence. It's an important part about him. Thank you for submitting to FFRG and we hope to see you do so again!