"Games We Play" Reviews/Comments [ 4 ] | Reviewed By: darkephoenix nsi On: April 27, 2006 15:25 CDT Comment/Review: And soon the game will make its' way toward strip chess. It can be done, trust me. (Just don't ask how I know these things)
| Title: more!!!!! Reviewed By: KD nsi On: April 25, 2006 22:45 CDT Comment/Review: SOO cute! So Yohji & Aya! Well done!
| Reviewed By: Trio Wing [MediaMiner Member] On: April 25, 2006 14:56 CDT Comment/Review: *laughs* That was good!!! It got me confused, because I was thinking, "Ooooooooh, smexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx... wait, WHAT?" ^.^ Then I figured it out a few seconds later before getting to the end. MORE, MORE I SAY. O___o x3
| Reviewed By: Bly-nsi On: April 25, 2006 08:07 CDT Comment/Review: Hee! You made me laugh, smile, and shiver! No easy feat, let me tell you! Very cute! I'm not afraid to see more...much, much more!